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    Grobby reacted to maddingamer in [GER] Tastenbelegung ArmA 3 Epoch   
    STRG + # sollte das sein (standard) wäre super wenn du das mal testen kannst dann übernehm ich das oben :)
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    Grobby reacted to maddingamer in [GER] Tastenbelegung ArmA 3 Epoch   
    This is a short german overview of the key settings. If you don't understand german, you can find the original post in english here:  
    Hier eine kurze Übersicht aller Tastenbelegungen/ Tastenkombinationen:

    Letzte Änderungen:  v. / 31.10.14
    I (seit 0.2)
    Objekte (Mülleimer, Kisten, Müllhaufen etc.) platt treten und Tiere looten 
    I (<- das ist ein i)
    looten der AI /Antagonisten, Interaktion mit Händlern, Spielern und Fahrzeugen sowie Zugriff auf das Inventar (ArmA 3 Standardtastaturbelegung)
    Holstern/ wieder in die Hand nehmen der Waffe 
    Doppelklick (Linke Maustaste)
    Auswählen eines Items im Inventar (z.B. für Trinken oder Essen)
    ^ (links neben der 1)
    Debug Menü öffnen (um Spielerstatus anzeigen zu lassen)
    STRG+ # (ArmA 3 Standardtastaturbelegung)
    Achtung: Die Energie muss für das Bauen ausreichen. Diese kann aufgeladen werden, indem man
    in einem Fahrzeug mit laufendem Motor sitzt, 75m an einem Solartower oder einem Windrad ist, oder Small Battery Packs konsumiert!
    STRG + I (<- ja, das ist ein i ) Objekte upgraden (zum Beispiel Metall an Holzwand schrauben)   1 unfreier Modus an/aus (Baumodus, bei dem die Wände etc. sich orthogonal an die jeweils anderen anpassen)   2 Freier Modus an/aus (Baumodus, ohne die automatischen Anpassungen aus Modus 1)   Leertaste Item aufheben (wenn Item platziert mit Leertaste anwählen um es dann erneut platzieren zu können)   3 Richtung bei unfreiem Modus ändern (z.B. die Richtung einer Treppe auf Holzboden ändern, Stufen 1,2,3 und Normal)   4 Item platzieren (gerade nicht sicher, ob es das überhaupt noch gibt)   ESC Bauen abbrechen (erklärt sich von selbst)   Q / E Rotation 0 - 360 (drehen des Objektes)   Einfg + Entf Links/Rechts bewegen des Items (gradliniges Bewegen des Items nach links/rechts)   Pos1 + Ende Vor/Zurück bewegen des Items (gradliniges Bewegen des Items nach vorn/hinten)   Bild auf+ Bild ab Hoch/Runter bewegen des Items (Empfehlung: Jedes Item nach Anwählen mit Bild auf über den Kopf und mit Pos1 nach vorn verschieben, um nicht verletzt zu werden)           Bei Fragen/Anregungen/Kritik einfach melden :) (über ein Dankeschön/ Like würde ich mich natürlich sehr freuen:) )
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    Grobby reacted to Shadow Moses in Now that we are in Open Alpha can we rent servers?   
    Thats fine with me. I just want to be able to pay someone money to stand up a server near me. That way we get more servers out in the wild. I dont have to play on crappy ping servers in Texas or in Europe. We need more servers. :D
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    Grobby reacted to vbawol in Epoch 0.2 Patch Changelog   
    [Changed] "T" key action moved to Inventory Button. Use your inventory key (Default "I") once to smash trash piles and again to open gear. [New] Two halloween masks Pumpkin head and Warewolf. [New] Fireplace model. [New] Custom Anti Hack Framework by Skaronator. [New] Replacement First Aid Kit double click on the item and use. Heals other players or your self. [New] Wooden Ramp/Roof base object can be crafted with 6 lumber packs. [New] Three new food items: Snooters and Meeps Candy and Walk N' Sons Soda. [New] Electric Motorcycle has been added. [New] Car Jack added and has a chance to be found in freshly spawned vehicles. [New] New lootable furniture "Shoebox" added. [New] Military variant of the bed now spawns in specific military buildings. [New] Unisex vest called "side pack". All fresh spawns start with this item. [New] Group request menu, Group requests can now be accessed via the "Requests" button in the inventory. [New] Player trading now started with the inventory key (Default "I") and accepted with the "T" key. [New] Use paint cans to paint corrugated walls and use paint thinner to remove paint. [New] Wood stairs upgradable for additional landing area. [New] Circuit Parts found in the world to be used for crafting. [New] Lockable Cinder And Wood Doors upgrade with Circuit Parts. Ownership is controlled by frequency jammer group owner. [New] 9 more radios have been added and can be crafted using gems. [New] Many Inventory items now have proper icons instead of placeholder. [New] Give player energy if within 75m of a solar tower or wind tower. [New] Temp Lockable vehicles each time you lock a vehicle it will remain locked to you or your group for 30 minutes. [New] Base building objects get deleted after 7 days. Moving the object or Painting walls extends this for 7 more days. [New] Player Character are cleaned up after 30 days inactivity. [Fixed] Mineral veins now spawn at epicenters. [Fixed] Geometry changed on cinder wall to prevent phasing though it [Fixed] Lockbox can no longer be destroyed while open. [Fixed] Dump items on the ground if packed with items in lockbox. [Fixed] Overflow items to the ground if player does not have space when trading with another player. [Fixed] Added prices for Chainsaw so it is now possible to sell/buy to traders. [Fixed] It wasn't possible to snap the foundation to other foundations. [Fixed] Group Leader can no longer enter the commander vision. [Fixed] false PublicVariable Restriction on server start. [Fixed] Night Vision wasn't disabled when the player run out of energy. [Fixed] Added prices for Karts so it is now possible to sell/buy to traders. [Fixed] Shelf and Tipi storage devices are no longer indestructible and have limited storage space. [Fixed] Trader purchased vehicles should now look for a safer place to spawn vehicle within 120m. [Fixed] Text output from certain actions now show proper display names instead of classnames. [Fixed] Vehicles now persist exact position, angle, and direction so it should result in less damage at spawn. [Fixed] Some false BE kicks for base building. [Changed] Increased storage of all vests by 50% and reduced armor by half. [Changed] Building base objects from inventory kits now instantly forces build mode and consumes item. [Changed] P2p trading now more reliable, however now places traded items at your feet. [Changed] Reduced Dog and snake spawn chances. [Changed] Respawn button disabled. [Changed] Increased Building material spawns on trash piles. [Changed] Increased chances for Tools to spawn on Tool Rack. [Changed] Hunger and Thirst loss rates increased. [Changed] Increased purchase price of Ammo by a total of 100%. [Changed] Reduced Hunter armor levels by 50%. [Changed] Trader "Steal" option removed for now. [Changed] Traders now only wear uniforms that spawn in the world. [Removed] Hellcat Helicopter and and Nightstalker scope till balance issues are sorted. [Removed] Uniform storage space and selling of uniforms to traders removed due to dupe issues. [info] new bikey for 0.2 added remove any previous ones. [info] Improved backend DLL by Fank [Known Issues] Weapon attachments get wiped when player to player trading. (workaround for now take the items off the weapon first). [Known Issues] Moving a painted corrugated wall causes it to loose its color.
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