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Posts posted by Splin

  1. Would be so good in boats..

    And helicopters. Land a heli just to exchange an ammo to a person sitting next to you is not really great, especially on hardcore server as it's already not an easy task. I hope it is intended to be, just asking about its status.

  2. I am asking about working inventory when i am IN the car, as a driver, or a passenger. In arma 2 it was very handy to manage your inventory while driving, the question is - is it possible in Arma 3 Epoch, or devs just don't want us to give such abilities.

  3. I'm sorry, but when you got a Hunter surprise attack flying at you at top speed out of nowhere and you have no cover since they can drive over or through just about anything other than buildings, I don't think you have much of a chance.

    If you have a weapon - you have a decent chance to blow out a tire and run away for your life. If you don't have any weapon... well, any other vehicle will be the same deadly for you, what makes  hunter special then to nerf it? Hunter with its speed is not that hard target once you have auto weapon, especially if you are not alone.

  4. You can make a tipi. 4 scrap pelts and a couple lumber packs and you can have a tipi. Although it can be hard to find a hatchet to get the wood.

    I need teepee for my bunghole!!!


    Teepee nowdays are quite small, we'd need to build a village to have enough storage space for all group)

  5. the metal is there ! we found a lot, more metal than cinder..... and to store thinks, use the tipi, its smaller since 0.2v, but it works good too store buildingstaff

    So that is where all the metal we searched for! Sell us your mighty magnet and i'll teach you a spell of cinder spawn)

  6. They are rare as fook now that AI dont drop them anymore, but yes, this is a good change.

    Personally, i agree with removing them from the AI, however, not all 3, make just one of the 3 guys drop one, thats a decent trade off for killing them.

    Don't think it's rare, i found 3 of them in 15 minutes just looting buildings, so as for our experience - it's quite common now.

  7. But there ARE already unaware players on these unofficial servers - they will not dissapear, deal with it. And with only couple official servers exactly what you describe happens - less appropriate feedback, becase official servers will be less and less visible in the whole list of all others. And what's the point then to make OPEN alpha, if there are already all-time fulled servers? 

  8. While we're at it, how about a Kanine Disintegration Bubble Field.


    I don't know, if the radar only picks up movement, chances are they could spot you by eye anyways I'd imagine.  It would be one thing if the helis had rockets or machine guns.. none of the ones in have these do they?  If they do, then yeah that's pretty unfair.  If unarmed, I don't really see it being unfair.  If you're on the ground, you usually know a heli is nearby before the heli can have eyes on you, especially if they're moving a decent click.

    The point is the radar now shows not only movement but even empty cars hidden in garage, in a range of  2-4km. which makes sensless to try to keep and hide a transport, as long as it will be found in 20 minutes by heli. It's easier now to sell it before you leave than try to keep it.

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