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Posts posted by ryker

  1. Hello survivors,

    i installed P4L many times successfully without any problems.

    Now i updated to the latest version and all seems ok, but after death iam not able to remove any previous built items or the plotpole itself.
    My Char-ID was saved to the database, but it seems that i am not the owner.

    Has anyone a clue what file can cause this or where i have to take a look at?

    Thanks, Ryker



    Edit: Another wired issue, that on a fresh server - without any other scripts installed - P4L gives me a a warning about "server_monitor.sqf in line 105". I stuck at black auth-screen, hearing sound, but it doesent continue.


  2. Hey there.

    the zed-horde-thing is a liitle bit offtopic, hope thats ok.


    Imo running zeds on their normal speed and strength are unintersting,

    (unfortunately they can only run or walk, i didnt figure out how to set speed between running and walking)

    we changed them to badass zeds who are walking, headshot only, stronger and more infectious.



    They need to be allways as a group? May be dismantling the group when players are spoted? Then rejoining as a group?


    I like the idea of a slowly moving group of zeds who are trying to encircle player/s...



    What could be a acceptable number for this group, keeping the server-performnace in mind?

  3. ryker, you saw my post about the _CUF option in infiStar? The post is right above yours. May be you also had this problem.


    About Explosive zombies:


    Can be done, but i believe only a percentage of the zombies should explode.


    i mean only a horde of zeds who are travelling from one town to another by default, engaging and acting a player as "group" when they see one.

    had nothing to do with your current script -so no explosions, just a nice atmospheric addon to the "not running && headshort only" zeds.



  4. Feedback:


    Bombas are running towards the player and explode approx. 10 meters in front of you.

    Nice, but wether the bombas nor the others are shooting at me. Also the vehicle gunners are zzz-sleeping...


    Edit: Maybe they are not shooting because i put it after the is dedicated-section?

    Edit II:


    If you want to be able to enter in a vehicle if the specific crew of this vehicle is dead (and not all the convoy units) make the change bellow


    This should be default, because it makes more sense...

  5. Great update Donnovan. Will try it asap and give feedback.


    FYI: In the previous version theres was an incompatible backpack-classname and an offroader with lowres-textures (didnt rememeber the correct classnames).



    Where's the best place to put execVM "andre_convoy\andre_convoy.sqf"; - i mean before, inside, after the is dedicated-part

    and has the folder "andre_convoy" to be in the root, where mission.sqm, init.sqf etc. is stored?

  6. Feedback/Suggestion:


    • When all AI are bomberman, and i shoot one of them as they stand close together, they nearly all die immediately.
      I suggest when shooting at the convoy and they get out, they share out more, meaning each one runs in another direction, at least for N meters.
    • i didnt experience a thing i was reading about earlier this morning: Bomberman who will run in zig/zag towards you (but maybe i was only dreaming of this ;-) )
    • dunno if its already implemented, but will they only explode by a "body/chest-hit" and not by headshot?
    • another thing is that when using an atv in the vehicle-array and there are two AI on it and you shoot one of them he explodes while the other is still sitting (uninjured) at the back.
    • on napf some "yellow dots" are shown in the lower left of the map when using the default chernarus-spawns.
    • I read about why the vehicles are undestructable, but for me its a problem, because once you've killed all the AI in one convoy you could tow and sell them. One possibility is to make them not sellable, another is that If all AI are out of the vehicle, is destructable again.



    code bright, later


  7. Sorry to interrupt, but try not thinking of an actual convoy with independent soldiers. Try thinking of a group moving together.

    If you put each driver of those vehicles in a Group you can assign the driver of the first vehicle as leader, then simply set formation for other units and they will follow the leader even if they're in different vehicles.


    all that magic stuff is above my level. i have to wait till schwede wakes up ;-)

    till then, everyone whos intersted in convoys should take a look at donnovan's convoyscript:

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