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    crazycarl reacted to DangerRuss in [RELEASE] Vehicle Godmode in Plotpoles & Safezones & Everywhere Locked 2.0   
    This did resolve the issue for me. Getting in the driver seat and relocking the vehicle, the vehicle is still indestructibile.
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    crazycarl reacted to itsatrap in Tracking player name changes...   
    First Create the DB
    CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `player_alias` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `uid` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `PlayerNames` text, PRIMARY KEY (`id`), UNIQUE KEY `uid` (`uid`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 AUTO_INCREMENT=4 ; Then add this trigger
    DELIMITER ; DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS `updateName`; DELIMITER // CREATE TRIGGER `updateName` AFTER UPDATE ON player_data FOR EACH ROW BEGIN #IF (NEW.PlayerName IS NULL OR NEW.PlayerName = '' OR NEW.PlayerName = OLD.PlayerName) THEN IF (SELECT EXISTS(SELECT uid FROM player_alias WHERE `uid` = NEW.PlayerUID)) THEN UPDATE player_alias SET PlayerNames = CONCAT_WS(',',PlayerNames,NEW.PlayerName) WHERE uid = NEW.PlayerUID; ELSE INSERT INTO player_alias (uid, PlayerNames) VALUES (NEW.PlayerUID,NEW.PlayerName); END IF; END// DELIMITER ;
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