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Posts posted by Leigham

  1. What do you guys think Video Below, there are random locations to each spawn, and it will pick one out of the array at random also classes, you can either pick one in the menu or if you select random it will pick one at random. 



    Updated Video 

  2. This is what i have for the addaction the problem is sometimes it shows up sometimes it isnt 

    waituntil {!alive player ; !isnull (finddisplay 46)};
    //Deploy Bike
    _actionmenu = player addaction [("<t color=""#0074E8"">" + ("Action Menu") +"</t>"),"Scripts\actionmenu\AMExec.sqf","",5,false,true,"",""];
  3. Server File

    if(isServer) then {
    "UDVIC" addPublicVariableEventHandler {
    _veh = _this select 0;
    _pos = _this select 1; _pos set[2, 0];
    _fuel = if(count _this > 2)then[{_this select 2},{0.15 max (random .35)}];
    _damage = if(count _this > 3)then[{_this select 3},{0.35 max (random .75)}];
    _direction = if(count _this > 4)then[{_this select 4},{random 360}];
    _veh = createVehicle[_veh, _Pos, [], 0, "NO_COLLIDE"];
    _veh allowDamage false;
    _veh setDir _direction;
    _veh setVectorUp (surfaceNormal (getPos _veh));
    _veh call EPOCH_server_setVToken;
    _veh call EPOCH_server_vehicleInit;
    _veh setVariable ["UD_vehicle", true];
    _veh disableTIEquipment true;
    _veh lock 2;
    _veh setFuel _fuel;
    _veh setDamage _damage;
    _veh allowDamage true;

    and Client 

    UDVIC = [
    cutText [format["Checking if you have Salvage Metal for the Ebike"], "PLAIN DOWN"];
    sleep 3;
        if ("ItemCorrugated" in magazines player) then{
    player playActionNow "Medic";
    sleep 3;
    _spawn = "ebike_epoch";
        _posplr = [((getPos player) select 0) + 2, ((getPos player) select 1) + 2, 0];
        _dirplr = getDir player;
        _spawnveh =	[_spawn,_posplr,1,0,_dirplr] execvm"\ud\fn_deployvic.sqf";
        _spwnveh setVariable ["Sarge",1,true];
    sleep 3;
    cutText [format["You've used your Corrugated to build a Ebike."], "PLAIN DOWN"];
    } else {
    SystemChat "You need one Corrugated to build an Ebike"; 
    publicVariableserver "UDVIC";

    Something like that ?

  4. im trying to make an addon pbo, not giving out any hints what for yet, but i have created a function in a config.cpp

    class CfgFunctions {
    	class UD {
    		class main {
    			file = "UD";
    			class Init {
    				//preInit = 1;
    				postInit = 1;
    		class UD_scripts
    			file = "UD\scripts";
    			class function {};

    my fn_init

    	Update 16.02.2015
    	By Leigham
    //Server side addon init.sqf
    //Options For Admins 
    UD_Debug = True;
    //Compiling the Function to use in mission.pbo 
    if (isServer) then {
    UD_fnc_function = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\q\addons\UD\scripts\fn_DeployVic.sqf";
    diag_log "UD INIT: Text Here";
    //More to Come 

    not going to show the file, would give to much away, but is file is fn_function.sqf and its directory is @epochhive\addons\UD\scripts (UD being the pbo)

    and im trying to call it from the mission.pbo, i thought as a function i could call it from the mission pbo, if not how could i do this ?


    anyhelp would be greatly appreciated and worth a beer, thanks : D

  5. This morning i was finishing up my friends arma 2 server as he wanted ESS and i was thinking about trying to make the same for arma 3 but im running in to a problem at the first hurdle, trying to addaction on the player respawn, i can only get it to show up all the time at the moment how would i go about adding it for one selection and only on respawn,


    ive got the options sorted they can choose a spawn, choose a loadout, or choose random for both 


  6. im working on creating a new function for SEM missions, that on missions where selected will hint to the player that a backup group is on the way to the mission location and im trying to get the leader to track the player that killed the "main" mission leader, how would i get that to happen i mean how would i link the player to be the player that "killed" the leader 

  7. Im working on updating my menu to be a dialog, with extra options, including messaging players.87EDB6F07F89D7462876E0B28763DB21403BF0D8

    There is a preview below, let me get some feedback, the overall look of it isnt finished, and I may add/change it, but the basic functions are in. 


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