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Posts posted by Link

  1. It's in "Server Manager" now. Check your email, they sent out a note explaining all this.

    Thank you, I didn't see the email :)


    One last issue, when I view my server inside of the A2 server browser its password protected and has a red circle beside it. I have checked all of the configuration settings and there is no password tied to it. Any suggestions on what could be wrong? I have followed the following steps from a different thread;


    Edit: It's now showing up inside of the server browser and is green but the server status is stuck on "Creating". Inside of the startup settings I have;




    I have tried with a semicolon ; after the file, however this gives me the same problem. My server says "Registration failed, could not resolve host name" when I join each time. Is there a simple fix/solution for this?



    • Install Epoch & Overwatch 0.25
    • Upload the overwatch.bikey into the keys folder (https://www.dropbox....overwatch.bikey)
    • Add @DayzOverwatch; (FIRST!!) to the server startup parameters
    • Add http://pastebin.com/3b0AcD1f to the mission.sqm (chernarus).
    • Download / copy the dayz_code.pbo & bikey (dayz_code.pbo.dayz_epoch1051.bisign) from @DayZ_Epoch / Addons.
    • Delete the dayz_code.pbo & bikey in the @DayzOverwatch / Addons folder and add the files from the step above in the folder.
  2. So I have just signed up to Vilayer because I would like to create an Overpoch server, I have been following the instructions from peoples threads on how to install it. The step I haven't been able to complete thus far however is to edit my Vilayers server parameters adding in "@DayzOverwatch;". Many people instructions specify that Vilayer have a "Startup Settings" option inside of the ACP, however I have checked numerous times now and I can not find this option anywhere. Could someone with experience of installing Overpoch with a Vilayer please guide me through how to modify the servers batch /startup parameters?


    The other issue I have is that my server is running however in Day Z Commanderr it appears as "Offline" and is red. If someone could provide a solution that would be great.

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