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Posts posted by Link

  1. So I have been browsing the forums looking for this script edit and can't seem to find it anywhere. What im after is the script that uses infistars slap function on players when they press their voice key over side-chat. It was originally posted here but has since been deleted for some reason. Does anybody still use this or know anywhere else where I may be able to find it? Thank you.

  2. When my players log into my server the following error always appears;

    "You cannot play/edit this mission; it is dependent on downloadable content that has been deleted.

    The error doesn't stop people from playing however it's kind of annoying, is there anyway of fixing this? I have searched through this forum for a fix and answers suggest that it's a skin that isnt signed by the server. I have chcked my traders and none of them have a SBH_ skin, so im not sure why it's appearing if the none of the sbh type skins are in the game. Has anyone got a fix for this error? Thanks.



  3. So I have had an issue for a whioel now with a particular piece of script that basically cleans up my servers safezones by teleporting vehicles away from it on restart, The script itself works and isnt the porblem, however it seems to be producing hundreds of lines of the same particular error below in my RPT log;

    diag_log format["%2: Clean>
    3:12:37 Error Missing ]
    3:12:37 File z\addons\dayz_server\compile\Server_DeleteObjInsafezone.sqf, line 61
    3:12:37 Error in expression <6355.9497,0],	100,	"Boat Dealer East"]
    diag_log format["%2: Clean>
    3:12:37 Error position: <};

    This is my actual Server_DeleteObjInsafezone.sqf script, can somebody please help me out by pointing out where the error is and how I can go about fixing it? Thanks.


    	Script by HALV
    _obj = _this select 0;
    if (!isServer) exitWith {diag_log "Server_DeleteObjInsafezone.sqf - ERROR: NOT SERVER?"};
    //\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Setup Area ////////////////////\\
    //vehicle types to Check for
    _delVeh = ["Air","Landvehicle","Ship","Tank"];
    //Action to take when vehicle is detected in a [VEHICLE CLEANUP ZONE]
    //0 Delete vehicles ingame but keep in database. NOTE: This will stack vehicles in database if not cleaned propper
    //1 Tp vehicles outside [VEHICLE CLEANUP ZONE] ("radius" + 50 meter to 4x "radius" from VEHICLE CLEANUP ZONE pos eg: if radius is 100 vehicles are moved 150-400 meter away)
    //2 Tp vehicles to a position within 125m of _safespot (remember to set a position below)
    //3 will delete vehicles completly from database
    _Action = 1;
    //if _Action = 2 then enter the position you desire here (default is by grozovoy pass around 022010)
    _safespot = [2283.19,14255,0];
    //how large radius to spread them in this area in meters (default 125m)
    _radius = 125;
    //damaged above this amoun, vehicle is deleted (set to 1 to only delete completely destroyed vehicles)
    _dam = 0.90;
    //if true will delete vehicles matching array below by default
    _delbikmot = true;
    //if above is true will delete these by default
    _defdelar = ["Bicycle","Motorcycle","CSJ_GyroC","CSJ_GyroCover","CSJ_GyroP"];//,"ATV_Base_EP1"
    //set to true, to unlock vehicles by default when TP'ed
    _unlock = true;
    //log text, this is what you want to look for in the logs, if you need to know something about a moved vehicle
    _txt = "[VEHICLE CLEANUP ZONE]";
    //Update vehicles to the hive, and make sure they are not moved each restart?
    _updateHIVE = true;
    //VEHICLE CLEANUP ZONE's/areas switch choosing the map name for cleanup location purposes
    	diag_log format["%1: selecting world to cleanup ...",_txt];
    	_WorldName = toLower format ["%1", worldName];
    	switch (_WorldName)do {
    		case "chernarus":{
    //			diag_log format["%2: Cleanup zones for chernarus selected! (check: %1)",_WorldName,_txt]; //logging if right worldname was selected, if uncommented
    			//position					radius		cityname/text
    			[[6325.6772,7807.7412,0],	125,		"Trader City Stary"],
    			[[4063.4226,11664.19,0],	125,		"Trader City Bash"],
    			[[11447.472,11364.504,0],	125,		"Trader City Klen"],
    			[[1606.6443,7803.5156,0],	125,		"Bandit Camp"],
    			[[12944.227,12766.889,0],	125,		"Hero Camp"],
    			[[4510.7773,10774.518,0],	100,		"Aircraft Dealer"],
    			[[7989.3354,2900.9946,0],	100,		"Boat Dealer South"],
    			[[13532.614,6355.9497,0],	100,		"Boat Dealer East"]
    			diag_log format["%2: Cleanup zones for %1 not availible ...",_WorldName,_txt]; //logging if right worldname was selected, if uncommented
    			//position	//radius	//cityname/text
    			[[0,0,0],	1,			"DEBUG"]
    //\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  End Setup Area ////////////////////\\
    /////////////// dont touch anything below this line unless you know what you are doing \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
    _possiblematch = false;
    {if(_obj isKindOf _x)then{_possiblematch=true;};}count _delVeh;
    	_Spos = _x select 0;
    	_Rad = _x select 1;
    	_name = _x select 2;
    	_radats = _Rad+50;
    	_radx4 = _Rad+_Rad+_Rad+_Rad;
    		if(_obj distance _Spos < _Rad)then{
    			_defdel		= false;
    			_typeOf		= typeOf _obj;
    			_pos		= getpos _obj;
    			_mags		= getmagazinecargo _obj;
    			_weaps		= getweaponcargo _obj;
    			_packs		= getbackpackcargo _obj;
    			_objID		= _obj getVariable["ObjectID","0"];
    			_objUID		= _obj getVariable["ObjectUID","0"];
    			_objname	= (gettext (configFile >> 'CfgVehicles' >> _typeOf >> 'displayName'));
    			diag_log format["%1: %2 (%3) by %4 @%5 %6 [ID:%7,UID:%8] Cargo: [%9,%10,%11]",_txt,_typeOf,_objname,_name,mapgridposition _pos,_pos,_objID,_objUID,_weaps,_mags,_packs];
    			if(_delbikmot)then{{if(_obj isKindOf _x)then{_defdel = true};}count _defdelar;};
    			if(_defdel)then{_Action=3;diag_log format["%2: %1 is Model to delete by default!",_typeOf,_txt];};
    			if(getDammage _obj > _dam)then{_Action=3;diag_log format["%2: %1 too damaged",_typeOf,_txt];};
    			if(_unlock and !_defdel and (locked _obj))then{_obj setVehicleLock "UNLOCKED";_obj setVariable ["R3F_LOG_disabled",false,true];diag_log format["%2: %1 Un-Locked",_typeOf,_txt];};
    				case 0:{deleteVehicle _obj;diag_log format["%2: %1 Deleted, but remains in DB (Dont forget to clean this up)",_typeOf,_txt];};
    				case 1:{
    					_newPos = [_Spos, _radats, _radx4, 10, 0, 2000, 0] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos;
    					_obj setpos _newPos;
    					//update to HIVE?
    						_position = getPosATL _obj;
    						_worldspace = [
    							round(direction _obj),
    						_fuel = fuel _obj;
    						_key = format["CHILD:305:%1:%2:%3:",_objID,_worldspace,_fuel];
    						diag_log ("HIVE: WRITE: "+ str(_key));
    						_key call server_hiveWrite;
    					diag_log format["%6: %5 TP from %1 %2 to %3 %4",_pos,mapgridposition _pos,_newPos,mapgridposition _newPos,_typeOf,_txt];
    				case 2:{
    					_newPos = [_safespot, 0, _radius, 10, 0, 2000, 0] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos;
    					_obj setpos _newPos;
    					//update to HIVE?
    						_position = getPosATL _obj;
    						_worldspace = [
    							round(direction _obj),
    						_fuel = fuel _obj;
    						_key = format["CHILD:305:%1:%2:%3:",_objID,_worldspace,_fuel];
    						diag_log ("HIVE: WRITE: "+ str(_key));
    						_key call server_hiveWrite;
    					diag_log format["%6: %5 TP from %1 %2 to %3 %4",_pos,mapgridposition _pos,_newPos,mapgridposition _newPos,_typeOf,_txt];
    				default{_msg = format["%2: %1",_typeOf,_txt];deleteVehicle _obj;[_objID,_objUID,_msg] call server_deleteObj;};


    Edit: Nevermind, resolved this by myself...

  4. Hi, i run an overpochins server, it's modded quite good, but everything is done correctly.

    We've been having some issues with vehicles blowing up when trying to repair them, doesn't matter if you try it manually or use the repair stations i've put up, sometimes the vehicles just blow up when you get in them (something i suspect is related to AH). Players can start to repair a vehicle, but when they take off a wheel or anything, it'll blow up, is this a bug or is it normal in epoch? (i know i've mashed 3 mods but).

    Any help on this would be appreciated.


    Btw: Tried with both a vanilla install with NO mods, apart from those that come with the Epoch Origins files. Still same issue.

    The latest version of Infistars AH is bugged if you downloaded and used yesterdays ( or the day befores) version. It causes players vehicles to blow up if they collide with an object. This even includes tress and bushes. If you do have the latest version this is very much likely the cause of the problem, I would revert back to a previous version.

  5. So my server has been subject to hackers attacking it recently I believe, and for some reason players on my server are dying as soon they collide with an object, this includes bushes, trees, buildings, anything. This is the problem I am currently having,




    Above is a video of a player in my server demonstrating what happens when they collide with something. Any idea why this might be happening? I have had to lock my server because people simply can't play on it without dying. I have updated my infistar AH recently, although im not sure on wherever this is related or not.


    Edit: Figured it's a bug with Infistars latest update, I have reverted back to a previous Ah to resolve the problem.

  6. yes, its the new rustler menu, i allready tried to block it, but these faggots ban my account.

    Well this is my RPT logs whilst it was happening (happened at 14:42)

    14:41:55 "infiSTAR.de PlayerConnected: _uid: 76561198077861834   _name: John Kimbo"
    14:42:00 Error in expression <e = NEWBSARRAY select _i;
    			if (time - _time < 300) then
    				_uid = NEWBSA>
    14:42:00   Error position: <_time < 300) then
    				_uid = NEWBSA>
    14:42:00   Error Undefined variable in expression: _time
    14:42:00 "infiSTAR.de Log: SERVER ALERT! (Remote Execution found - Ending Mission! #3) | "
    14:42:00 "get: STRING (76561197985507927), sent: STRING (76561197985507927)"
    14:42:00 "LOGOUT IN VEHICLE: Meecrob at location [4681.45,3351.51,1.03094]"
    14:42:00 "DISCONNECT: Meecrob (76561197985507927) Object: B 1-1-K:1 (Meecrob) REMOTE, _characterID: 1433 at loc [4681.45,3351.51,1.03094]"
    14:42:00 "get: STRING (76561197981996298), sent: STRING (76561197981996298)"
    14:42:00 "DISCONNECT: OGB (76561197981996298) Object: B 1-1-B:1 (OGB) REMOTE, _characterID: 1423 at loc [3959.48,9749.3,0.19455]"
    14:42:00 "get: STRING (76561198078660616), sent: STRING (76561198078660616)"
    14:42:00 "DISCONNECT: Link (76561198078660616) Object: B 1-1-E:1 (Link) REMOTE, _characterID: 1434 at loc [10412.3,1665.09,0.00183797]"
    14:42:00 "get: STRING (76561198140162979), sent: STRING (76561198140162979)"
    14:42:00 "LOGOUT IN VEHICLE: Jens at location [5269.75,3411.75,58.6715]"
    14:42:00 "DISCONNECT: Jens (76561198140162979) Object: B 1-1-C:1 (Jens) REMOTE, _characterID: 660 at loc [5269.75,3411.75,58.6715]"
    14:42:00 "get: STRING (76561198105651315), sent: STRING (76561198105651315)"
    14:42:00 "LOGOUT IN VEHICLE: Isaak at location [4794.44,2402.17,2.50369]"
    14:42:00 "DISCONNECT: Isaak (76561198105651315) Object: B 1-2-A:1 (Isaak) REMOTE, _characterID: 1340 at loc [4794.44,2402.17,2.50369]"
    14:42:00 Client: Remote object 12:142 not found
    14:42:00 Client: Remote object 3:3 not found
    14:42:00 Client: Remote object 3:2 not found
    14:42:00 Client: Remote object 6:186 not found
    14:42:00 Client: Remote object 6:185 not found
    14:42:00 Client: Remote object 4:0 not found
    14:42:00 Client: Remote object 4:5 not found
    14:42:00 Client: Remote object 9:0 not found
    14:42:00 Client: Remote object 9:87 not found
    14:42:01 "get: STRING (76561198047728213), sent: STRING (76561198047728213)"
    14:42:01 "DISCONNECT: Leo (76561198047728213) Object: B 1-1-L:1 (Leo) REMOTE, _characterID: 1400 at loc [4614.46,10603.8,0.00143433]"
    14:42:01 "get: STRING (76561198105653158), sent: STRING (76561198105653158)"
    14:42:01 "LOGOUT IN VEHICLE: Rory at location [4794.44,2402.17,2.50368]"
    14:42:01 "DISCONNECT: Rory (76561198105653158) Object: B 1-1-M:1 (Rory) REMOTE, _characterID: 1426 at loc [4794.44,2402.17,2.50368]"
    14:42:01 Server: Update of object 14:217 arrived from nonowner
    14:42:01 "get: STRING (76561198067636375), sent: STRING (76561198067636375)"
    14:42:01 "DISCONNECT: MrBLADE4You (76561198067636375) Object: B 1-1-D:1 (MrBLADE4You) REMOTE, _characterID: 1431 at loc [5482.76,3144.97,0.000617981]"
    14:42:01 "nil player object attempting PV, :["76561198060356092","TheKolaGaming"]"
    14:42:01 "get: STRING (), sent: STRING (76561198060356092)"
    14:42:01 "DISCONNECT: TheKolaGaming (76561198060356092) Object: B 1-1-G:1 REMOTE, _characterID: 1427 at loc [4706.57,2962.37,0.00266266]"
    14:42:01 Client: Remote object 17:0 not found
    14:42:01 Client: Remote object 17:5 not found
    14:42:01 Client: Remote object 14:0 not found
    14:42:01 Client: Remote object 14:5 not found
    14:42:01 Client: Remote object 5:160 not found
    14:42:01 Client: Remote object 10:0 not found
    14:42:01 Client: Remote object 10:3 not found
    14:42:01 Client: Remote object 10:2 not found
    14:42:01 "get: STRING (), sent: STRING ()"
    14:42:01 "DISCONNECT: __SERVER__ () Object: B 1-1-A:1 REMOTE, _characterID: 0 at loc [-7245.61,19536,1.07535]"
    14:42:01 "ERROR: Cannot Sync Character Miguel Self as no characterID"
    14:42:01 "get: STRING (76561198056474480), sent: STRING (76561198056474480)"
    14:42:01 "DISCONNECT: HarryG (76561198056474480) Object: B 1-1-I:1 (HarryG) REMOTE, _characterID: 1350 at loc [6395.17,7751.1,2.94458]"
    14:42:01 "nil player object attempting PV, :["76561198077861834","John Kimbo"]"
    14:42:01 "z\addons\dayz_server\compile\server_onPlayerDisconnect.sqf: nil player object, _this:["76561198077861834","John Kimbo"]"
    14:42:02 Error in expression <y call server_hiveReadWrite;
    _outcome = _result select 0;
    if(_outcome == "PASS")>
    14:42:02   Error position: <_result select 0;
    if(_outcome == "PASS")>
    14:42:02   Error Undefined variable in expression: _result
    14:42:02 File z\addons\dayz_server\compile\server_spawnEvent.sqf, line 39
    14:42:03 "Loop complete, valid position [7261.68,14230.8] in 9 attempts."
    14:42:03 "WAI: [Bandit] armed_vehicle started at [7261.68,14230.8]"
    14:42:03 "WAI: Spawned a group of 2 AI (Bandit) at [7261.68,14230.8,0]"
    14:42:03 "WAI: Spawned a group of 2 AI (Bandit) at [7261.68,14230.8,0]"
    14:42:03 "WAI: Spawned a group of 2 AI (Bandit) at [7261.68,14230.8,0]"
    14:42:03 "WAI: Spawned a group of 2 AI (Bandit) at [7261.68,14230.8,0]"
    14:42:03 "WAI: Spawned in 1 DSHKM_Ins"
    14:42:03 "WAI: Spawned "GAZ_Vodnik_DZE" at [7261.68,14230.8] with 0.143015 fuel and 0.2 damage."
    14:42:06 Error in expression <ey call server_hiveReadWrite;
    if (count _primary > 0) then {
    if ((_primary selec>
    14:42:06   Error position: <_primary > 0) then {
    if ((_primary selec>
    14:42:06   Error Undefined variable in expression: _primary
    14:42:06 File z\addons\dayz_server\compile\server_playerLogin.sqf, line 41
    14:42:06 Error in expression <ey call server_hiveReadWrite;
    if (count _primary > 0) then {
    if ((_primary selec>
    14:42:06   Error position: <_primary > 0) then {
    if ((_primary selec>
    14:42:06   Error Undefined variable in expression: _primary
    14:42:06 File z\addons\dayz_server\compile\server_playerLogin.sqf, line 41
    14:42:06 Error in expression <ey call server_hiveReadWrite;
    if (count _primary > 0) then {
    if ((_primary selec>
    14:42:06   Error position: <_primary > 0) then {
    if ((_primary selec>
    14:42:06   Error Undefined variable in expression: _primary
    14:42:06 File z\addons\dayz_server\compile\server_playerLogin.sqf, line 41
    14:42:06 Error in expression <ey call server_hiveReadWrite;
    if (count _primary > 0) then {
    if ((_primary selec>
    14:42:06   Error position: <_primary > 0) then {
    if ((_primary selec>
    14:42:06   Error Undefined variable in expression: _primary
    14:42:06 File z\addons\dayz_server\compile\server_playerLogin.sqf, line 41
    14:42:06 Error in expression <ey call server_hiveReadWrite;
    if (count _primary > 0) then {
    if ((_primary selec>
    14:42:06   Error position: <_primary > 0) then {
    if ((_primary selec>
    14:42:06   Error Undefined variable in expression: _primary
    14:42:06 File z\addons\dayz_server\compile\server_playerLogin.sqf, line 41
    14:42:08 "CLEANUP: Deleted 56 Loot Piles out of 480"
    14:42:12 Error in expression <y call server_hiveReadWrite;
    _outcome = _result select 0;
    if(_outcome == "PASS")>
    14:42:12   Error position: <_result select 0;
    if(_outcome == "PASS")>
    14:42:12   Error Undefined variable in expression: _result
    14:42:12 File z\addons\dayz_server\compile\server_spawnEvent.sqf, line 39
    14:42:20 Error in expression <ey call server_hiveReadWrite;
    if (count _primary > 0) then {
    if ((_primary selec>
    14:42:20   Error position: <_primary > 0) then {
    if ((_primary selec>
    14:42:20   Error Undefined variable in expression: _primary
    14:42:20 File z\addons\dayz_server\compile\server_playerLogin.sqf, line 41
    14:42:20 Error in expression <ey call server_hiveReadWrite;
    if (count _primary > 0) then {
    if ((_primary selec>
    14:42:20   Error position: <_primary > 0) then {
    if ((_primary selec>
    14:42:20   Error Undefined variable in expression: _primary

    This is what is kicking everyone out, is this because a hacker is trying to execute a script?

    14:42:00 "infiSTAR.de Log: SERVER ALERT! (Remote Execution found - Ending Mission! #3) | "
  7. Code:
    WHERE Object_DATA.LastUpdated < NOW() - INTERVAL 7 DAY
    AND Hitpoints LIKE '%wheel_2_1_steering",1%'
    AND Hitpoints LIKE '%wheel_2_2_steering",1%'
    OR Hitpoints LIKE '%motor",1%'
    OR Hitpoints LIKE '%karoserie",1%'
    OR Hitpoints LIKE '%Pravy zadni tlumic",1%'
    OR Hitpoints LIKE '%engine",1%';

    Is your host GTX? SEEMS THE EVENTS DATABASE, doesn't work with gtx they are working on a solution. harkness a staff member posted this on their forums


    Im with Vilayer

  8. Sometimes on my server all of the players in-game (including myself) will get kicked for no apparent reason back to the player lobby screen. There are no errors that come up, it just kicks everyone at random times and everybody has to re-connect. This has only been happening recently and I am unsure of what the cause for this is. I haven't installed/changed anything that I believe could cause this, so i'm not sure what the problem is. The server doesn't go down either, it just kicks people.


    I think it may be due to the latest AH by Infistar for the reason being recently alot of my players have been getting kicked with the error in my console "user Antihack functions not running". this has only been occuring since updating to the latest version so this very well may be related to this problem occurring.


     Any ideas what the problem might be? 

  9. Okay so this is what I have setup inside of my dayz_overpoch database, i'm not sure if what I have setup in these routines/events are correct so if somebody could check them over for me that would be a huge help;


    DeleteNonKeyVehicles (Routine)

    		`Object_DATA`.`CharacterID` <> 0
    		AND `Object_DATA`.`CharacterID` <= 12500
    		AND `Object_DATA`.`Classname` NOT LIKE 'Tent%'
    		AND `Object_DATA`.`Classname` NOT LIKE '%Locked'
    		AND `Object_DATA`.`Classname` NOT LIKE 'Land%'
    		AND `Object_DATA`.`Classname` NOT LIKE 'Cinder%'
    		AND `Object_DATA`.`Classname` NOT LIKE 'Wood%'
    		AND `Object_DATA`.`Classname` NOT LIKE 'Metal%'
    		AND `Object_DATA`.`Classname` NOT LIKE '%Storage%'
    		AND `Object_DATA`.`Classname` NOT IN ('OutHouse_DZ', 'GunRack_DZ', 'WorkBench_DZ', 'Sandbag1_DZ', 'FireBarrel_DZ', 'DesertCamoNet_DZ', 'StickFence_DZ', 'LightPole_DZ', 'DeerStand_DZ', 'ForestLargeCamoNet_DZ', 'Plastic_Pole_EP1_DZ', 'Hedgehog_DZ', 'FuelPump_DZ', 'Fort_RazorWire', 'SandNest_DZ', 'ForestCamoNet_DZ', 'Fence_corrugated_DZ', 'CanvasHut_DZ', 'Generator_DZ')
    		AND FindVehicleKeysCount(Object_DATA.CharacterID) = 0;RETURN ROW_COUNT();END

    FindVehicleKeysCount (Routine)

        DECLARE totalKeys INT DEFAULT 0;
        DECLARE keyName VARCHAR(32) DEFAULT "";
        DECLARE keysInChar INT DEFAULT 0;
        DECLARE keysInObj INT DEFAULT 0;
        SET keyName = (CASE
            WHEN `keyId` < 2501 THEN CONCAT('ItemKeyGreen', `keyId`)
            WHEN `keyId` < 5001 THEN CONCAT('ItemKeyRed', `keyId` - 2500)
            WHEN `keyId` < 7501 THEN CONCAT('ItemKeyBlue', `keyId` - 5000)
            WHEN `keyId` < 10001 THEN CONCAT('ItemKeyYellow', `keyId` - 7500)
            WHEN `keyId` < 12501 THEN CONCAT('ItemKeyBlack', `keyId` - 10000)
            ELSE 'ERROR'
        SET keysInChar = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `Character_DATA` WHERE `Alive` = '1' AND (`Inventory` LIKE CONCAT('%', keyName, '%') OR `Backpack` LIKE CONCAT('%', keyName, '%')));
        SET keysInObj = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `Object_DATA` WHERE `Inventory` LIKE CONCAT('%', keyName, '%'));
        RETURN (keysInChar + keysInObj);

    removeDamagedVehicles (Event - Every 2 hours)

    DELETE FROM `Object_DATA` WHERE Damage = 1

    removeObjectEmpty (Event - Every 1 day)

    DELETE FROM `Object_DATA` WHERE `LastUpdated` < DATE_SUB(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, INTERVAL 14 DAY) AND `Datestamp` < DATE_SUB(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, INTERVAL 24 DAY) AND ( (`Inventory` IS NULL) OR (`Inventory` = '[]') OR (`Inventory` = '[[[],[]],[[],[]],[[],[]]]') )

    removeObjectOld (Event - Every 1 day)


    setDamageOnAge (Event - Every 1 day)

    UPDATE `Object_DATA` SET `Damage`=0.1 WHERE `ObjectUID` <> 0 AND `CharacterID` <> 0 AND `Datestamp` < DATE_SUB(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, INTERVAL 3 DAY) AND ( (`Inventory` IS NULL) OR (`Inventory` = '[]') )

    UnlockNonKeyVehicles (Event - Every 1 day)

    DROP EVENT IF EXISTS `UnlockNonKeyVehicles`;

    updateStockDaily (Event - every 2 hours)

    UPDATE `Traders_DATA` SET qty=500 WHERE qty=0 AND afile<>'trade_any_vehicle' AND afile<>'trade_any_boat'

    Basically I don't want the server to suffer from fps drop because of high amounts of vehicles left on the map, but at the same time I only want locked vehicles to be removed if they havent been accessed/used for 7 days. I have also lowered my vehicle limit from 500 to 150. Does this SQL for these events/routines look right?

  10. So i take a look at my map and see way too many unlocked vehicles on the map, i'm pretty sure this is causing huge FPS drop in my server and clearly I need to implement an event in place to clear some of these after a certain amount of days. Does anybody have any recommended database events that I could use to reduce server FPS for dealing with vehicles and objects? Thanks

  11. Certain players who have been joining my server have been getting the following error inside of the screenshot when running around for a certain amount of time. It only happens with two of my players, they always get this error at some point when they join and play and usually they either get kicked or killed.
    The only way I am able to temporarily able resolve this problem so they are able to start playing on the server again is by deleting their character data inside of the database, its really strange. The error states that their Antihack is not running, I assume this is related to infistar seeing that they have reinstalled and setup their games numerous times so there shouldn't be a problem on their end. I'm just not sure why it only happens with certain players, do you know of a fix or is this a current bug with the Antihack itself?
    Here are the errors that show in game when they get kicked/killed.


    More and more people seem to be getting this error and getting kicked of the server recently. The AH is up-to-date. Is there a fix for this issue? A red error message comes up stating "Antihack functions not running for player "". Thank you.
  12. I think the blacklist only blocks dynamic spawns and doesn't prevent AI from wandering in.


    You could try something like this. I haven't used it before though, not sure if it's up-to-date and working in

    There is a setting in the AI safezone script created my infistar which I have now enabled, perhaps that may fix the safezone issue. As for static AI they are turned off, dynamic Ai still seem to venture in there despite blacklisting the coords. And i'm still not aware of how I can delete the AI if they get within 100 metres of a safezone, ive searched the forums but can't seem to find any threads related to the matter anywhere.

  13. Alright I got it working however I have an issue where as vehicle patrols are attacking people at their bases and also roaming into safe zones. How can I stop vehicle patrols/Ai from roaming within 100 meters of a plot pole, I would also like to remove/delete Ai that get within 100 metres of a safezone area. I have blacklisted safezone coordinates in the config however they still drive/run in. Thanks.

  14. The problem is my DZAI Config file, the trouble is I can't see where the error or what tje problem is with it since my Arma 2 OA RPG log isn't generating at the moment server side for me, although that is a separate issue that I have asked my host to fix. The default config file works fine for me, this is what i had (and would like) for my custom dzai_config.sqf file that isn't working.


    	DZAI Configuration File
    	Description: Contains all configurable settings of DZAI. Contains settings for debugging, customization of AI units, spawning, and loot.
    	Last updated: 6:25 AM 6/17/2014
    diag_log "[DZAI] Reading DZAI configuration file.";
    /*	DZAI Settings
    //Enable or disable event logging to arma2oaserver.rpt. Debug level setting. 0: No debug output, 1: Basic Debug output, 2: Extended Debug output. (Default: 0)
    //Debug output may help finding additional information about DZAI's background behavior. This output is helpful when asking for help regarding bugs or unexpected behaviors.
    DZAI_debugLevel = 0;
    //Frequency of server monitor update to RPT log in seconds. The monitor periodically reports number of max/current AI units and dynamically spawned triggers into RPT log. (Default: 300, 0 = Disable reporting)										
    DZAI_monitorRate = 300;
    //Enable or disable verification of classname tables used by DZAI. If invalid entries are found, they are removed and logged into the RPT log.
    //If disabled, any invalid classnames will not be removed and clients may crash if AI bodies with invalid items are looted. Disable ONLY if a previous scan shows no invalid classnames (Default: true).										
    DZAI_verifyTables = true;
    //Enable to have server spawn in objects/buildings normally spawned clientside by DayZ's CfgTownGenerator. Prevents AI from walking/shooting through clutter and other objects. (Default: true)	
    //If running DayZ Mod ("vanilla DayZ") or DayZ Overwatch, it is highly recommended to enable this option, as many added buildings are handled by the CfgTownGenerator. Not used with Epoch.							
    DZAI_objPatch = true;
    //Minimum seconds to pass until each dead AI body or destroyed vehicle can be cleaned up by DZAI's task scheduler. DZAI will not clean up a body/vehicle if there is a player close by (Default: 900).	
    //Note: Other cleanup scripts might interfere by cleaning up dead AI bodies/vehicles!									
    DZAI_cleanupDelay = 900;								
    	DZAI_modName value	|	Enables additional settings for...	|	Automatically detected by DZAI? (If Yes, editing DZAI_modName is not needed)
    	""						Automatically detect mod 						N/A
    	"default"				Force default settings							N/A
    	"2017"					DayZ 2017/Namalsk 2017						No - Must set DZAI_modName = "2017" to enable additional settings.
    	"epoch"					DayZ Epoch 									Yes - Adds bar currency to AI loot tables, AI skins, Epoch foods, replaces toolbelt items with Epoch versions.
    	"overwatch"				DayZ Overwatch 								Yes - Adds Overwatch skins for AI.
    	"huntinggrounds"		DayZ Hunting Grounds 						Yes - Enables additional static AI spawns for expanded Lingor map, AI skins, and backpacks.
    	"unleashed"				DayZ Unleashed								Yes - Enables Unleashed static AI spawns and AI skins.
    //(Optional) In most cases this setting should be left unchanged. This setting should only be changed if DZAI is detecting the wrong DayZ mod automatically. (Default: "")
    DZAI_modName = "";
    /*	AI Unit Settings
    //Enhanced AI health system setting. 
    //If enabled, AI units will use DayZ's 12,000 blood system, can be knocked unconscious and Tasered, and can self-bloodbag/morphine. If disabled, AI units will use default Arma 2 damage handling. (Default: true)
    DZAI_useHealthSystem = true;
    //Minimum and maximum AI blood level to spawn each unit with. Each individual unit will have a randomized blood level within this range. Upper limit: 12000 blood (Default: [10000,12000])
    //Note: No effect if DZAI_useHealthSystem is false
    DZAI_unitBloodLevel = [10000,12000];
    //Amount of blood restored from a full self-heal. One-third of the total amount is restored 3 times every 3 seconds. Note: Applies to infantry-type AI units. (Default: 6000)
    //Note: No effect if DZAI_useHealthSystem is false
    DZAI_unitHealAmount = 6000;
    //Below this blood level, AI may decide to heal themselves for amount specified by DZAI_unitHealAmount. Healing requires 9 seconds to fully complete and can be interrupted by knocking the unit unconscious. (Default: 5000)
    //Note: No effect if DZAI_useHealthSystem is false
    DZAI_lowBloodLevel = 5000;
    //Enable or disable zombie attraction to AI weapon sounds. No effect if DZAI_zombieEnemy is set to false. Enabling this option may impact server performance as a script is run for each AI bullet fired.
    //Note: AI cannot be attacked or damaged by zombies.(Default: false)		
    DZAI_weaponNoise = false;
    //If enabled, AI group will attempt to track down player responsible for killing a group member. Players with radios will be given text warnings if they are being pursued (Default: true)
    DZAI_findKiller = true;	
    //If normal probability check for spawning NVGs fails, then give AI temporary NVGs only if they are spawned with weapongrade 1 or higher (applies only during nighttime hours). Temporary NVGs are unlootable and will be removed at death (Default: false).									
    DZAI_tempNVGs = false;	
    //Amount of humanity to reward player for killing an AI unit (Default: 0)									
    DZAI_humanityGain = 0;										
    //If enabled, players with radios will be given text warnings if they are being pursued by AI groups. (Default: true)
    DZAI_radioMsgs = true;
    //If enabled, last surviving unit of a group will be granted slightly boosted skills. No effect if unit is spawned alone (Default: false)
    DZAI_lastManStanding = false;
    /*DZAI client-side addon settings. 
    **NOTE**: These settings require the DZAI client-side addon to be installed to your mission pbo file in order to work.
    //Enable to use client-side radio addon for radio messages instead of remote execution method. (Default: false)
    DZAI_clientRadio = true;
    //Enable or disable AI hostility to zombies. If enabled, AI units spawned by DZAI will attack nearby zombies. (Default: false)
    DZAI_zombieEnemy = false;	
    //Maximum distance (in meters) for AI group leader to detect zombies. Increasing range beyond default may negatively impact server performance. (Default: 150)							
    DZAI_zDetectRange = 150;								
    /*	Static AI Spawning Settings
    //Enable or disable static AI spawns. If enabled, AI spawn points will be generated in cities, towns, and other predefined areas. Does not affect custom-defined spawns (Default: true).
    DZAI_staticAI = true;
    //Set minimum and maximum wait time in seconds to respawn an AI group after all units have been killed. Applies to both static AI and custom spawned AI (Default: Min 300, Max 600).									
    DZAI_respawnTimeMin = 300;
    DZAI_respawnTimeMax = 600;
    //Time to allow spawned AI units to exist in seconds before being despawned when no players are present in a trigger area. Applies to both static AI and custom spawned AI (Default: 120)										
    DZAI_despawnWait = 120;										
    //Respawn limits. Set to -1 for unlimited respawns. (Default: -1 for each).
    DZAI_respawnLimit0 = -1; //Respawn limit for low level AI found in low-value areas (Default: -1)
    DZAI_respawnLimit1 = -1; //Respawn limit for mid level AI found in cities and other mid-value areas (Default: -1)
    DZAI_respawnLimit2 = -1; //Respawn limit for high level AI found in places with military loot (Default: -1)
    DZAI_respawnLimit3 = -1; //Respawn limit for very high level AI in places with high-grade military loot (Default: -1)
    /*	Dynamic AI Spawning Settings
    //Enable or disable dynamic AI spawns. If enabled, AI spawn locations will be generated for randomly selected players at randomized intervals (Default: true)									
    DZAI_dynAISpawns = true;
    //Time (seconds) required to reach maximum spawn probability per player, after which the probability is reset to 0%. Lower number = More frequent spawns, Higher Number = Less frequent. (Recommended range: 1200-2700, Default: 1800)
    DZAI_maxSpawnTime = 1800;
    //Time (seconds) to allow each player to retain maximum spawn probability. (Default: 1800).
    DZAI_keepMaxSpawnTime = 1800;
    //Probability for dynamic AI to actively hunt a targeted player. If probability check fails, dynamic AI will patrol the area instead of hunting (Default: 0.50)
    DZAI_huntingChance = 0.50;
    //Probability to send first available AI helicopter to reinforce dynamic AI group. No effect if DZAI_maxHeliPatrols is set to zero. (Default: 0.50)
    DZAI_heliReinforceChance = 0.50;
    //Array of area blacklist markers. Players within marker areas will not be targeted for dynamic AI spawns (Example: ["BlacklistArea1","BlacklistArea2","BlacklistArea3"])
    //Epoch: DZAI will automatically set up 200m-radius blacklist areas around each trader area.
    DZAI_dynAreaBlacklist = [];
    //Time to wait before despawning all AI units in dynamic trigger area when no players are present. (Default: 120)
    DZAI_dynDespawnWait = 120;
    //Enable or disable dynamic spawn-free zones of 600m radius around player spawn areas. (Default: false)
    DZAI_freshSpawnSafeArea = true;
    /*	AI Air vehicle patrol settings. These AI vehicles will randomly travel between different cities and towns.
    //Global maximum number of active AI air vehicle patrols. Set at 0 to disable (Default: 0).							
    DZAI_maxHeliPatrols = 4;
    //Set minimum and maximum wait time in seconds to respawn an AI vehicle patrol after vehicle is destroyed or disabled. (Default: Min 600, Max 900).
    DZAI_respawnTMinA = 600;
    DZAI_respawnTMaxA = 900;
    //Classnames of air vehicle types to use, with the maximum amount of each type to spawn. Default: [["UH1H_DZ",1]]
    DZAI_heliList = [["UH1H_DZ",1],["CH_47F_EP1_DZE",1],["Mi17_DZE",1],["UH1H_DZE",1],["UH1Y_DZE",1],["UH60M_EP1_DZE",1]];
    //Difficulty level of air vehicle patrol units. Difficulty level also affects unit loadout and loot. Possible values: 0 to 3 (Default: 3)
    DZAI_heliUnitLevel = 3;
    //Maximum number of gunner units per air vehicle. Limited by actual number of available gunner positions. (Default: 2)
    DZAI_heliGunnerUnits = 2;
    //Specify vehicle weapon for air vehicles that are unarmed by default. DZAI will arm these air vehicles with the specified weapons upon spawning each vehicle.
    //Weapon classnames are verified. If the classname is invalid (banned or nonexistent), it will not be added to the vehicle.
    //Format: Each row containing a vehicle classname will be equipped with the weapon from the corresponding row in weapon classnames section. DZAI will automatically select ammo type.
    DZAI_airWeapons = [
    	//Air vehicle classnames (Remember: no comma for last entry! Otherwise, separate each string with commas)
    	//Corresponding weapon classnames (Remember: no comma for last entry! Otherwise, separate each string with commas)
    /*AI Land vehicle patrol settings. These AI vehicles will randomly travel between different cities and towns.
    //Global maximum number of active AI land vehicle patrols. Set at 0 to disable (Default: 0).	
    DZAI_maxLandPatrols = 16;
    //Set minimum and maximum wait time in seconds to respawn an AI vehicle patrol after vehicle is destroyed or disabled. (Default: Min 600, Max 900).
    DZAI_respawnTMinL = 600;
    DZAI_respawnTMaxL = 900;
    //Classnames of land vehicle types to use, with the maximum amount of each type to spawn. Default: [["UAZ_Unarmed_TK_EP1",1]]
    DZAI_vehList = [["SUV_Camo SUV",1],["SUV_TK_CIV_EP1",1],["SUV_Red",1,],["SUV_Silver",1],["UAZ_Unarmed_TK_EP1",1],["ArmoredSUV_PMC_DZE",1],["GAZ_Vodnik_DZE",1],["HMMWV_M1151_M2_CZ_DES_EP1_DZE",1],["HMMWV_M998A2_SOV_DES_EP1_DZE",1],["LandRover_MG_TK_EP1_DZE",1],["LandRover_Special_CZ_EP1_DZE",1],["Offroad_DSHKM_Gue_DZE",1],["Pickup_PK_GUE_DZE",1],["Pickup_PK_INS_DZE",1],["Pickup_PK_TK_GUE_EP1_DZE",1],["UAZ_MG_TK_EP1_DZE",1]]; 
    //Difficulty level of land vehicle patrol units. Difficulty level also affects unit loadout and loot. Possible values: 0 to 3 (Default: 3)
    DZAI_vehUnitLevel = 3;
    //Maximum number of gunner units per land vehicle. Limited by actual number of available gunner positions. (Default: 1)
    DZAI_vehGunnerUnits = 2;
    //Maximum number of cargo units per land vehicle. Limited by actual number of available cargo positions. (Default: 3)
    DZAI_vehCargoUnits = 3;
    /*	AI Vehicle (Air & Land) Settings
    //Array of area blacklist markers. Areas covered by marker will not be used as waypoints for vehicle patrols. (Example: ["BlacklistArea1","BlacklistArea2","BlacklistArea3"])
    //Note: Vehicles may still pass through these areas but will not make stops unless enemies are encountered.
    DZAI_waypointBlacklist = [];
    /*	AI weapon selection settings
    //True: Dynamically generate AI weapon list from CfgBuildingLoot (DayZ loot tables). False: Use preset weapon tables located near the end of this file. (Default: true).
    //Highly recommended to enable DZAI_verifyTables if this option is set to false. 
    DZAI_dynamicWeaponList = true;
    //Determines whether DZAI reads from default DayZ loot tables for dynamic AI weapon generation or from user-installed custom loot tables. (Default: false)
    //No effect if DZAI_dynamicWeaponList is 'false'. If DZAI is unable to find custom loot tables installed, default loot tables will be used instead. If no loot tables are found, DZAI will use prebuilt weapon tables.
    DZAI_customLootTables = false;
    //List of classnames of weapons that AI should never use. By default, AI may carry any lootable weapon. (Only if DZAI_dynamicWeaponList = true)  
    //Example: DZAI_banAIWeapons = ["M107_DZ","BAF_AS50_scoped"] will remove the M107 and AS50 from AI weapon tables if dynamic weapon list is enabled.								
    //Note: It is recommended to add all melee weapon classnames into this list as AI have issues using melee weapons. 
    //Pre-banned weapons by DZAI: "Crossbow_DZ","Crossbow","MeleeHatchet","MeleeCrowbar","MeleeMachete","MeleeBaseball","MeleeBaseBallBat","MeleeBaseBallBatBarbed","MeleeBaseBallBatNails"
    DZAI_banAIWeapons = [];										
    //List of launcher-type weapons for mid/high-level AI to use (by default, weapongrade 1/2/3), example: ["M136"]. If left empty, AI will not use launcher weapons. (Default: [])
    //If AI encounter an armored player vehicle, they will switch to a randomly-selected launcher-type weapon to engage.
    //Weapon classnames added here are verified if DZAI_verifyTables is set to true. Note: Launcher weapons are removed from the AI unit upon death.
    DZAI_launcherTypes = [];	
    //List of AI weapongrades that are permitted to use launcher-type weapons. Individual custom weapongrade levels may be added to allow launcher use (Default: [1,2,3])
    DZAI_launcherLevels = [1,2,3];								
    //Limit of number of launcher-type weapons to add to each AI group. Groups cannot have more launcher weapons than their weapongrade value (Default: 1).
    DZAI_launchersPerGroup = 1;
    /*	AI loot quantity settings
    //Number of selections of medical items (Inventory)
    DZAI_invmedicals = 1;
    //Number of selections of edible items (Inventory) 										
    DZAI_invedibles = 1;	
    //Number of selections of medical items (Backpack)									
    DZAI_bpmedicals = 1; 	
    //Number of selections of edible items (Backpack)									
    DZAI_bpedibles = 1;	
    //Maximum number of items to select from DZAI_MiscItemS table.										
    DZAI_numMiscItemS = 3;						
    //Maximum number of items to select from DZAI_MiscItemL table.				
    DZAI_numMiscItemL = 1;										
    /*	AI loot probability settings
    //Chance to add each medical item.
    DZAI_chanceMedicals = 0.70;	
    //Chance to add each edible item.								
    DZAI_chanceEdibles = 0.70;
    //Chance to add each random item from DZAI_MiscItemS table.									
    DZAI_chanceMiscItemS = 0.60;
    //Chance to add each random item from DZAI_MiscItemL table.								
    DZAI_chanceMiscItemL = 0.15;								
    /*AI weapon/skill probabilities (gradeChances should add up to 1.00) - [Civilian, Military, MilitarySpecial, HeliCrash] - Note: AI with higher grade weaponry will also have higher skill settings.
    //equipType level 0 - most AI will have basic pistols or rifles, and occasionally common military weapons.
    DZAI_gradeChances0 = [0.90,0.10,0.00,0.00];	
    //equipType level 1 - most AI will have common rifles, many will have common military weapons. Very rarely, AI will spawn with high-grade military or helicrash weapons.				
    DZAI_gradeChances1 = [0.65,0.30,0.04,0.01];	
    //equipType level 2 - most AI carry military weapons, and occasionally high-grade military weapons.				
    DZAI_gradeChances2 = [0.15,0.65,0.15,0.05];
    //equipType level 3 - All AI will carry at least a military-grade weapon. Many will be carrying high-grade military weapons. Note: Air and land vehicle patrols use equipType level 3.					
    DZAI_gradeChances3 = [0.00,0.50,0.35,0.15];	
    //equipType level "dynamic" - Weapongrade chances for dynamic-spawned AI. Majority of dynamic AI will be carrying low-grade military weapons, some will carry high-grade military.			
    DZAI_gradeChancesDyn = [0.00,0.88,0.09,0.03];				
    	AI skill settings
    	Skill Level: Description
    	0-1: Low to medium-skilled AI. Most common type of AI encountered. Intended to challenge players.
    	2-3: High-skilled AI. Uncommon/rare type of AI found in places with military loot. Intended to kill players.
    	Hint: The best way to quickly adjust AI difficulty is by modifying aimingAccuracy value. For all skill types, higher number = better skill.
    //AI skill settings level 0 (Skill, Minimum skill, Maximum skill). Baseline skill level: 0.50
    DZAI_skill0 = [	
    //AI skill settings level 1 (Skill, Minimum skill, Maximum skill). Baseline skill level: 0.60
    DZAI_skill1 = [	
    //AI skill settings level 2 (Skill, Minimum skill, Maximum skill). Baseline skill level: 0.70
    DZAI_skill2 = [	
    //AI skill settings level 3 (Skill, Minimum skill, Maximum skill). Baseline skill level: 0.80
    DZAI_skill3 = [	
    	Additional AI skill settings can be defined (DZAI_skill4 - DZAI_skill9) for the corresponding custom weapongrade level using the same format above.
    	Note: If a custom weapongrade is used without defining the corresponding custom skill settings, DZAI_skill3 settings will be used instead.
    	Instructions: replace "nil" with the skill array. Refer to the above preset skill arrays for examples.
    	Custom AI skill settings can only be used with custom-defined spawns (spawns created using the DZAI_spawn function).
    //weapongrade 4 skills
    DZAI_skill4 = nil; 
    //weapongrade 5 skills
    DZAI_skill5 = nil; 
    //weapongrade 6 skills
    DZAI_skill6 = nil; 
    //weapongrade 7 skills
    DZAI_skill7 = nil; 
    //weapongrade 8 skills
    DZAI_skill8 = nil;
    //weapongrade 9 skills
    DZAI_skill9 = nil; 
    	AI weapon, loot, and equipment settings
    	DZAI will first load the classname tables defined below, the modify the settings according to the DayZ map/mod being run.
    	Example: DZAI will always first load the classname tables defined below, then if DayZ Epoch is detected, DZAI will add or overwrite settings specified by \world_classname_configs\epoch\dayz_epoch.sqf. 
    //Default weapon classname tables - DZAI will ONLY use these tables if the dynamic weapon list (DZAI_dynamicWeaponList) is disabled, otherwise they are ignored and overwritten if it is enabled.
    //Note: Low-level AI (weapongrade 0) may use pistols listed in DZAI_Pistols0 or DZAI_Pistols1. Mid/high level AI (weapongrade 1+) will carry pistol weapons but not use them - they will use rifle weapons instead.
    DZAI_Pistols0 = ["Makarov","Colt1911","revolver_EP1"]; 				//Weapongrade 0 pistols
    DZAI_Pistols1 = ["M9","M9SD","MakarovSD","UZI_EP1","glock17_EP1"]; 	//Weapongrade 1 pistols
    DZAI_Pistols2 = ["M9SD","MakarovSD","UZI_EP1","glock17_EP1"]; 		//Weapongrade 2 pistols
    DZAI_Pistols3 = ["M9SD","MakarovSD","UZI_EP1","glock17_EP1"]; 		//Weapongrade 3 pistols
    DZAI_Rifles0 = ["LeeEnfield","Winchester1866","MR43","huntingrifle","LeeEnfield","Winchester1866","MR43"]; //Weapongrade 0 rifles
    DZAI_Rifles1 = ["M16A2","M16A2GL","AK_74","M4A1_Aim","AKS_74_kobra","AKS_74_U","AK_47_M","M24","M1014","DMR_DZ","M4A1","M14_EP1","Remington870_lamp","MP5A5","MP5SD","M4A3_CCO_EP1"]; //Weapongrade 1 rifles
    DZAI_Rifles2 = ["M16A2","M16A2GL","M249_DZ","AK_74","M4A1_Aim","AKS_74_kobra","AKS_74_U","AK_47_M","M24","SVD_CAMO","M1014","DMR_DZ","M4A1","M14_EP1","Remington870_lamp","M240_DZ","M4A1_AIM_SD_camo","M16A4_ACG","M4A1_HWS_GL_camo","Mk_48_DZ","M4A3_CCO_EP1","Sa58V_RCO_EP1","Sa58V_CCO_EP1","M40A3","Sa58P_EP1","Sa58V_EP1"]; //Weapongrade 2 rifles
    DZAI_Rifles3 = ["FN_FAL","FN_FAL_ANPVS4","Mk_48_DZ","M249_DZ","BAF_L85A2_RIS_Holo","G36C","G36C_camo","G36A_camo","G36K_camo","AK_47_M","AKS_74_U","M14_EP1","bizon_silenced","DMR_DZ","RPK_74"]; //Weapongrade 3 rifles
    	Custom rifle tables can be defined below this line (DZAI_Rifles4 - DZAI_Rifles9) for the corresponding custom weapongrade level using the same format above. 
    	Note: If a custom weapongrade is used without defining the corresponding custom rifle array, the DZAI_Rifles3 array will be used instead.
    	Instructions: Replace "nil" with the wanted rifle array. Refer to the above rifle arrays for examples on how to define custom rifle tables.
    	Custom rifle tables can only be used with custom-defined spawns (spawns created using the DZAI_spawn function). 
    DZAI_Rifles4 = nil; //weapongrade 4 weapons
    DZAI_Rifles5 = nil; //weapongrade 5 weapons
    DZAI_Rifles6 = nil; //weapongrade 6 weapons
    DZAI_Rifles7 = nil; //weapongrade 7 weapons
    DZAI_Rifles8 = nil; //weapongrade 8 weapons
    DZAI_Rifles9 = nil; //weapongrade 9 weapons
    //AI skin classnames. DZAI will use any of these classnames for AI spawned. Note: Additional skins may be included on a per-map or per-mod basis - see folders in \world_classname_configs
    DZAI_BanditTypes = ["Survivor2_DZ","SurvivorW2_DZ","Bandit1_DZ","BanditW1_DZ","Camo1_DZ","GUE_Soldier_2_DZ","GUE_Soldier_CO_DZ","GUE_Soldier_Sniper_DZ","Ins_Soldier_GL_DZ","TK_INS_Soldier_EP1_DZ","TK_INS_Warlord_EP1_DZ"];
    //AI Backpack types (for weapongrade levels 0-3)
    DZAI_Backpacks0 = ["DZ_Patrol_Pack_EP1","DZ_Czech_Vest_Puch","DZ_Assault_Pack_EP1"];
    DZAI_Backpacks1 = ["DZ_Patrol_Pack_EP1","DZ_Czech_Vest_Puch","DZ_Assault_Pack_EP1","DZ_British_ACU","DZ_TK_Assault_Pack_EP1","DZ_CivilBackpack_EP1","DZ_ALICE_Pack_EP1"];
    DZAI_Backpacks2 = ["DZ_CivilBackpack_EP1","DZ_British_ACU","DZ_Backpack_EP1","DZ_British_ACU"];
    DZAI_Backpacks3 = ["DZ_British_ACU","DZ_LargeGunBag_EP1","DZ_GunBag_EP1","DZ_ALICE_Pack_EP1","DZ_CivilBackpack_EP1"];
    //AI Food/Medical item types. DZAI_Edibles: Drinkable and edible items. DZAI_Medicals1: List of common medical items to be added to AI inventory. DZAI_Medicals2: List of all medical items available only in hospitals to be added to AI backpack.
    DZAI_Edibles = ["ItemSodaCoke", "ItemSodaPepsi", "ItemWaterbottle", "FoodCanSardines", "FoodCanBakedBeans", "FoodCanFrankBeans", "FoodCanPasta", "ItemWaterbottleUnfilled","ItemWaterbottleBoiled","FoodmuttonCooked","FoodchickenCooked","FoodBaconCooked","FoodRabbitCooked","FoodbaconRaw","FoodchickenRaw","FoodmuttonRaw","foodrabbitRaw","FoodCanUnlabeled","FoodPistachio","FoodNutmix","FoodMRE"];
    DZAI_Medicals1 = ["ItemBandage", "ItemPainkiller"];
    DZAI_Medicals2 = ["ItemPainkiller", "ItemMorphine", "ItemBandage", "ItemBloodbag", "ItemAntibiotic","ItemEpinephrine"];
    //AI Miscellaneous item types. DZAI_MiscItemS: List of random low-value items. DZAI_MiscItemL: List of random semi-valuable/useful items
    DZAI_MiscItemS = ["ItemHeatpack", "HandRoadFlare", "HandChemBlue", "HandChemRed", "HandChemGreen","SmokeShell","TrashTinCan","TrashJackDaniels","ItemSodaEmpty"];
    DZAI_MiscItemL = ["ItemJerrycan", "PartWheel", "PartEngine", "PartFueltank", "PartGlass", "PartVRotor","PartWoodPile"];
    //AI toolbelt item types. Toolbelt items are added to AI inventory upon death. Format: [item classname, item probability]
    //Weapongrade level 0-1 AI will use DZAI_tools0 table, weapongrade level 2-3 AI will use DZAI_tools1 table. Custom-spawned AI will use DZAI_tools1 table.
    //NOTE: Do not delete any elements from this list, set its chance to zero intead. Only add elements to the end of the array, not in the middle.
    DZAI_tools0 = [["ItemFlashlight",0.65],["ItemWatch",0.65],["ItemKnife",0.50],["ItemHatchet",0.40],["ItemCompass",0.40],["ItemMap",0.35],["ItemToolbox",0.15],["ItemMatchbox",0.15],["ItemFlashlightRed",0.05],["ItemGPS",0.005],["ItemRadio",0.005],["ItemCrowbar",0.15]];
    DZAI_tools1 = [["ItemFlashlight",0.75],["ItemWatch",0.75],["ItemKnife",0.75],["ItemHatchet",0.70],["ItemCompass",0.75],["ItemMap",0.70],["ItemToolbox",0.35],["ItemMatchbox",0.40],["ItemFlashlightRed",0.10],["ItemGPS",0.10],["ItemRadio",0.075],["ItemCrowbar",0.35]];
    //AI-useable toolbelt item types. These items are added to AI inventory at unit creation and may be used by AI. Format: [item classname, item probability]
    //Weapongrade level 0-1 AI will use DZAI_gadgets0 table, weapongrade level 2-3 AI will use DZAI_gadgets1 table. Custom-spawned AI will use DZAI_gadgets1 table.
    DZAI_gadgets0 = [["binocular",0.40],["NVGoggles",0.00]];
    DZAI_gadgets1 = [["binocular",0.60],["NVGoggles",0.05]];
    //Load custom DZAI settings file.
    if ((!isNil "DZAI_overrideEnabled") && {DZAI_overrideEnabled}) then {call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers format ["%1\DZAI_settings_override.sqf",DZAI_directory]};
    diag_log "[DZAI] DZAI configuration file loaded.";


    Could someone take a look at this for me and let me know if I have made any mistakes anywhere? It looks good to me but its difficult for me to identify what the problem is since my RPT file isn't working properly.


    Thank you.

  15. So I have just found out about DZAI and I have followed the instructions through to install it. I have the DZAI folder inside of my server file and I have set it up correctly inside of my server_monitor.sqf file as follows; (should work)

    	[] ExecVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\DZAI\init\dzai_initserver.sqf";
            [] ExecVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\WAI\init.sqf";
    	[] ExecVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\EMS\DZMSInit.sqf";
    	allowConnection = true;
    	sm_done = true;
    	publicVariable "sm_done";

    Roaming AI as far as I can see don't seem to be spawning. In install instructions instead of using ExecVM it states you should use the following instead;

    [] call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_server\DZAI\init\dzai_initserver.sqf";

    However when I use this players that load into game just get stuck on the "Waiting for character to create" screen. I am using the following version from this github.




    Any suggestions for what may be the problem? Thanks.

  16. I use Villayer for hosting. recently I have noticed that on restarts my RPT Error log is no longer generating, neither appearing inside of my "View Logs" or my file structure which I download through FTP. I have created a ticket with Villayer, I was just curious on wherever this was a common issue and if their was perhaps  an easy fix I could apply in the mean time that anybody knew about?


    If you use Villayer and have any information, please let me know, not having an RPT log is kind of annoying when installing/changing scripts. Thanks.

  17. Okay So I have had people playing on my server request Roaming AI. I have DZMS & WAI installed however their features in terms of AI vehicles roaming around the map feels very limited to me. In the following video on a sever that Devil Dog plays on there are AI that roam in SUV's and Armed humvees that travel around on the roads and even jump out of their vehicle when they spot players.



    (skip to 3:12)


    It may just be a custom script edit that their admin has created themselves, I am curious however on wherever this mod/script addition exists on these forums. If not how would such a system be possible?



  18. @Link


    use unused variations for example maybe try SUV_TK_EP1_DZE1 or DZE2 or DZE3 or DZE4 etc.


    Yeah I did this on the additional DZE variants and its working fine now.


    I'd rather then change texture from only ONE vehicle of a kind, using my script above, I think it is then easier. Don't you think so?


    The script is good, ill likely use it for staff only vehicles or something :)

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