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Posts posted by ssoylu1996

  1. Hi,
    Within my AH.sqf if ((isNull (findDisplay 106)) && (isNull (findDisplay -1)) && (isNull (findDisplay 41144)) does not seem to exist. What should I do?
    Nevermind I followed this post:

    infiSTAR users rejoice!!! I fingered it out!  :P
    Here is the fix for infiSTAR:
    Go to your AHconfig.sqf and find this line:
    /*  ALLOWED Dialogs       */ _ALLOWED_Dialogs = [-1,106,2200,6900,6901,6902,6903,420420,41144];
    Change it to this:
    /*  ALLOWED Dialogs       */ _ALLOWED_Dialogs = [-1,106,2200,6900,6901,6902,6903,420420,41144,20001,20002,20003,20004,20005,20006];
    This will allow anyone to use the custom skin trader, admin or normal player. You should add this to your original post boyd.


    Edit 2:

    For some reason Women clothing seem to be survivor clothing only, It just has a list saying survivor nothing more. But the male clothing is fine?

    How could I fix this? You also seem to be able to switch genders.


  2. HI I keep getting a Hive Execution CHILD error when I try to use these entry's ive narrowed it down and know its these entries because ive removed all my custom traders and custom information in my db and my server works fine but whenever trying to use these (even with chernarus default traders) i get a CHILD:399|'Random TID' error that makes anybody trying to login get a black screen and booted back to the lobby.

    Does anybody know how to fix this? any help will be appreciated.  


    Looks like a database error, I would suggest to you to delete the last thing you added or if you have kept a back up. You could start over again and be more cautious.

  3. Hi,


    1 Day ago, I set my port to 2301 on DayZ Commander so it showed online. But today, It shows offline for everyone who wants to connect and I can only connect to it locally. Here is an image of my port forward:




    I have disabled my windows firewall and my anti virus is ESET NOD32 ANTIVIRUS 7. Which does not intefere with my firewall or block ports. I used "ipconfig" to find out my ipv4 and it is all correct. This is a weird problem.



  4. Looked at this?


    No I did not, But thanks for the link I will look at it



    mission.sqm Located in your server pbo / Missions folder / then map your using:  DayZ_Epoch_11.Chernarus inside this folder


    _unit_0 = objNull;

    if (true) then


      _this = createAgent ["FR_Marksman", [4060.7593, 11657.673, 0.033670723], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];

      _unit_0 = _this;

      _this setDir -93.660431;

      _this setVehicleInit "this allowDammage false; this disableAI 'FSM'; this disableAI 'MOVE'; this disableAI 'AUTOTARGET'; this disableAI 'TARGET'; this setBehaviour 'CARELESS'; this forceSpeed 0; this disableAI 'ANIM';";

      _this setUnitAbility 0.60000002;

      _this allowDammage false; _this disableAI 'FSM'; _this disableAI 'MOVE'; _this disableAI 'AUTOTARGET'; _this disableAI 'TARGET'; _this setBehaviour 'CARELESS'; _this forceSpeed 0;_this enableSimulation false;




    Then go to your Mission pbo or Folder And Edit Server_Traders.sqf To add trader menus to the trader you just added Like


    // Extra Trader

    menu_US_Delta_Force_Undercover_Takistani06_EP1 = [

        [["Vehicles",693],["Extra Stuff",694],["Helicopter Medic",696],["Helicopter Civilian",698],["Attack Helis",699],["Currency",803]],





    These Numbers 693,694,696,698,699,803 in the code is how you add items to that menu in your Traders_data.sql you can change these numbers to suit your server just dont use the same number twice

    your Traders_data.sql is a table in your database i use phpmyAdmin To access database


    Thanks. I think I now know what to do.




    I will read through it :)


    The main reason I asked this was because I wanted to find out a location of a trader I found in my server_traders.sqf.

    // Friendly Vehicles 2 Trader 156
    menu_UN_CDF_Soldier_Pilot_EP1 = [
    	[["J_Bikes and ATV",536],
    	["Buses and Vans",592],
    	["Cargo Trucks",570],
    	["Fuel Trucks",595],
    	["Military Unarmed",599],
    	["Trucks Unarmed",535],
    	["Used Cars",600],
    	["Utility Vehicles",568]],

    Is a trader that does not seem to exist on my map. I don't know why it is on the list, But I will remove it. It should be on instance 17 not 11 according to my database.


    When I look through my mission file it says the ids of the NPC's being spawned around the map and the ID 156 does not seem to exist so I think it should be fine.


    Thanks for all help!

  5. Hello,


    I want to add a new Trader to my server. The server I am running is on the map named Chernarus. I can't seem to figure this out. Where can I find the file which tells the server to spawn traders at the specific locations?


  6. If you really want to fix it read the thread there is a fix in here... or wait for the new version soon.

    Quoting yourself just spams the thread that's why nobody finds the good posts anymore :D




    I quoted my self because I felt like I did not have attention. I think it would have be much easier if you could add this fix to your first post or maybe just changing the line of code and re uploading it to github.




    I am quite new to this forum so i did not notice the search bar. That already makes it easy.


    Thanks anyway.

  7. Hello,


    I had the same problem as you and I was searching for a solution on Google today. Instead of finding an answer I came to this topic. So instead I figured it out myself.

    The "EpochEvents = ["any","any","any","any",7,"Construction"]," is correct, so you are saying spawn construction crate every 7 minutes. The next thing is that your script "Construction.sqf:" contains a line saying 

    if (isNil "EPOCH_EVENT_RUNNING") then {

    just comment out the bit inside the two brackets. so it looks like this

    if (isNil "EPOCH_EVENT_RUNNING") then {
    //EPOCH_EVENT_RUNNING = false;

    Then from this point it should work. You should have the crate spawning every 7 minutes.

  8. You can add your server to DayZ Commander, manually, using the steamqueryport. For example, if your server is at ip/port and your steamqueryport is 2301, add on DayZ Commander the server (yes, 2301).

    I can give my players with DayZ Commander this new ip/port, with steamqueryport, to be added manually. Not awesome news, but its nice.



    Thanks that did fix it. My dayz commander was glitched or something because i did add the 2301 port to the list as well. Is there a possible way to increase the server name to longer characters? There seems to be a limit? Has anyone noticed this?

  9. Guys, above is the answer to make the server show on DayZ Commander. The server port in now the steamqueryport that is set in config.cfg:

    steamqueryport = 2301;
    This is, 2301 on the main post guide.

    goatservers, why not a new post for this important info? You made a edit and most persons missed it. And, for sure, thankyou!

    Also, Steam needs to classificate your servers first, so let it on and, i believe, Steam will classificate it as Epoch after some time and put the version on it.

    If you try to join the server without this classification, it will think it is a Arma 2 OA server, and not a Arma 2 OA Epoch server.





    You say steamqueryport = 2301; but the tutorial says steamqueryport = 2301; so this is already in my config.cfg I don't understand your fix. Do you mean we should change "-port=2302" to "-port=2301" in our run.bat?


    Because if so it does not make sense, I can see servers on my DayZ Commander that have the 2302 port.



  10. Hi,

    I followed this tutorial and everything is working, my only problem is when I add my server to my favourites within DayZ Commander it does not display as online. I have opened inbound / outbound ports 2300, 2301 & 2302. (TCP / UCP)


    But I still seem to be finding my self offline, If I want to I can connect to the server by typing while in game using the remote system. Is there a way round this?



  11. Hello,
    I have a few errors which come up in my RPT file. I do not believe this has a big impact on my server as I can still connect any play but may be having a effect on the performance. I would be very grateful if someone experienced could tell me what I need to change to solve these errors and mainly where to find the files I must edit.
    == C:\Users\Owner\Desktop\DayZ OverPoch Server\Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead\Expansion\beta\arma2oaserver.exe
    == "Expansion\beta\arma2oaserver.exe"  -port=2302 "-config=instance_1_Overpoch\config.cfg" "-cfg=instance_1_Overpoch" "-profiles=instance_1_Overpoch" -name=instance_1_Overpoch "-mod=@DayZOverwatch;@DayZ_Epoch;@DayZ_Epoch_Server;"
    Exe timestamp: 2014/06/30 16:36:14
    Current time:  2014/07/25 15:17:47
    Version 1.63.112555
    Error 5 reading file 'instance_1_Overpoch'
    Error 5 reading file 'instance_1_Overpoch'
    Item STR_EQUIP_NAME_41 listed twice
    Item STR_EQUIP_DESC_41 listed twice
    Conflicting addon Monaro in 'holdenmonarocop\', previous definition in 'holdenmonaro\'
    File nissan_350z\config.cpp, line 244: '/CfgVehicles/350zBase/Library.libTextDesc': Missing ';' prior '}'
    Unsupported language English in stringtable
    Unknown entity: 'C inatallations and equipment, fuel and ammunition storage facilities and parked tactical aircraft. The original BS-1 system was designed for the 7.62mm Kalashnikov AKMS assault rifle with PBS-1 silencers. When the Soviet army switched over to 5.45x39mm ammunition, they were replaced with AKS-74UB compact assault rifles with PBS-4 silencers. The original GSN-19 grenade launcher system was slightly reworked, primarily to use different launching ammunition new mounting brackets better suited
    Unknown entity: 'C equipment, and then cause enough damage to render the target inoperative. The grenade has no propelling system in itself, instead being launched by special blank cartridges which are loaded into a detachable box magazine.</German>
    		<English>From world.guns.ru: &lt'
    Unknown entity: 'C inatallations and equipment, fuel and ammunition storage facilities and parked tactical aircraft. The original BS-1 system was designed for the 7.62mm Kalashnikov AKMS assault rifle with PBS-1 silencers. When the Soviet army switched over to 5.45x39mm ammunition, they were replaced with AKS-74UB compact assault rifles with PBS-4 silencers. The original GSN-19 grenade launcher system was slightly reworked, primarily to use different launching ammunition new mounting brackets better suited
    Unknown entity: 'C equipment, and then cause enough damage to render the target inoperative. The grenade has no propelling system in itself, instead being launched by special blank cartridges which are loaded into a detachable box magazine.</English>
    		<Italian>From world.guns.ru: &lt'
    Unknown entity: 'C inatallations and equipment, fuel and ammunition storage facilities and parked tactical aircraft. The original BS-1 system was designed for the 7.62mm Kalashnikov AKMS assault rifle with PBS-1 silencers. When the Soviet army switched over to 5.45x39mm ammunition, they were replaced with AKS-74UB compact assault rifles with PBS-4 silencers. The original GSN-19 grenade launcher system was slightly reworked, primarily to use different launching ammunition new mounting brackets better suited
    Unknown entity: 'C equipment, and then cause enough damage to render the target inoperative. The grenade has no propelling system in itself, instead being launched by special blank cartridges which are loaded into a detachable box magazine.</Italian>
    		<Spanish>From world.guns.ru: &lt'
    Unknown entity: 'C inatallations and equipment, fuel and ammunition storage facilities and parked tactical aircraft. The original BS-1 system was designed for the 7.62mm Kalashnikov AKMS assault rifle with PBS-1 silencers. When the Soviet army switched over to 5.45x39mm ammunition, they were replaced with AKS-74UB compact assault rifles with PBS-4 silencers. The original GSN-19 grenade launcher system was slightly reworked, primarily to use different launching ammunition new mounting brackets better suited
    Unknown entity: 'C equipment, and then cause enough damage to render the target inoperative. The grenade has no propelling system in itself, instead being launched by special blank cartridges which are loaded into a detachable box magazine.</Spanish>
    		<French>From world.guns.ru: &lt'
    Unknown entity: 'C inatallations and equipment, fuel and ammunition storage facilities and parked tactical aircraft. The original BS-1 system was designed for the 7.62mm Kalashnikov AKMS assault rifle with PBS-1 silencers. When the Soviet army switched over to 5.45x39mm ammunition, the AKMS assault rifles with PBS-1 silencer were replaced with AKS-74UB compact assault rifles with PBS-4 silencers. The original GSN-19 grenade launcher system was slightly reworked, primarily to use different launching ammunit
    Unknown entity: 'C equipment, and then cause enough damage to render the target inoperative. The grenade has no propelling system in itself, instead being launched by special blank cartridges which are loaded into a detachable box magazine.</French>
    		<Czech>From world.guns.ru: &lt'
    Unknown entity: 'C inatallations and equipment, fuel and ammunition storage facilities and parked tactical aircraft. The original BS-1 system was designed for the 7.62mm Kalashnikov AKMS assault rifle with PBS-1 silencers. When the Soviet army switched over to 5.45x39mm ammunition, the AKMS assault rifles with PBS-1 silencer were replaced with AKS-74UB compact assault rifles with PBS-4 silencers. The original GSN-19 grenade launcher system was slightly reworked, primarily to use different launching ammunit
    Unknown entity: 'C equipment, and then cause enough damage to render the target inoperative. The grenade has no propelling system in itself, instead being launched by special blank cartridges which are loaded into a detachable box magazine.</Czech>
    		<Russian>From world.guns.ru: &lt'
    Unknown entity: 'C inatallations and equipment, fuel and ammunition storage facilities and parked tactical aircraft. The original BS-1 system was designed for the 7.62mm Kalashnikov AKMS assault rifle with PBS-1 silencers. When the Soviet army switched over to 5.45x39mm ammunition, the AKMS assault rifles with PBS-1 silencer were replaced with AKS-74UB compact assault rifles with PBS-4 silencers. The original GSN-19 grenade launcher system was slightly reworked, primarily to use different launching ammunit
    Unknown entity: 'C equipment, and then cause enough damage to render the target inoperative. The grenade has no propelling system in itself, instead being launched by special blank cartridges which are loaded into a detachable box magazine.</Russian>
    		<Polish>From world.guns.ru: &lt'
    Unknown entity: 'C inatallations and equipment, fuel and ammunition storage facilities and parked tactical aircraft. The original BS-1 system was designed for the 7.62mm Kalashnikov AKMS assault rifle with PBS-1 silencers. When the Soviet army switched over to 5.45x39mm ammunition, the AKMS assault rifles with PBS-1 silencer were replaced with AKS-74UB compact assault rifles with PBS-4 silencers. The original GSN-19 grenade launcher system was slightly reworked, primarily to use different launching ammunit
    Unknown entity: 'C equipment, and then cause enough damage to render the target inoperative. The grenade has no propelling system in itself, instead being launched by special blank cartridges which are loaded into a detachable box magazine.</Polish>
    		<Hungarian>From world.guns.ru: &lt'
    Unknown entity: 'C inatallations and equipment, fuel and ammunition storage facilities and parked tactical aircraft. The original BS-1 system was designed for the 7.62mm Kalashnikov AKMS assault rifle with PBS-1 silencers. When the Soviet army switched over to 5.45x39mm ammunition, the AKMS assault rifles with PBS-1 silencer were replaced with AKS-74UB compact assault rifles with PBS-4 silencers. The original GSN-19 grenade launcher system was slightly reworked, primarily to use different launching ammunit
    Unknown entity: 'C equipment, and then cause enough damage to render the target inoperative. The grenade has no propelling system in itself, instead being launched by special blank cartridges which are loaded into a detachable box magazine.</Hungarian>
        <Key ID="STR_VIL_AKS74UB_BS1_SHORT">
          <German>Compact assault rifle with silenced grenade launcher&lt'
    Item STR_VIL_DN_BS1 listed twice
    Item STR_AUTHOR_VILAS listed twice
    Item STR_VIL_EASTERN listed twice
    Item STR_VIL_WEAPONS listed twice
    Item str_dss_10rnd_vss listed twice
    Item str_dss_20rnd_vss listed twice
    Item str_dn_20rnd_9x39_sp5_vss listed twice
    Item str_dn_ak_107_gl_pso listed twice
    Item str_dn_ak_107_kobra listed twice
    Item str_dn_M40A3 listed twice
    Item str_dn_rpk_74 listed twice
    Item str_ep1_dn_fn_fal listed twice
    //removed the 'updating' lines in between
    15:18:30 Server error: Player without identity [NBD] Turbo (id 308521289)
    15:18:51 Strange convex component81 in zero_buildings\models\housev_3i3_i.p3d:geometryFire
    15:19:06 Strange convex component288 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
    15:19:06 Strange convex component289 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
    15:19:06 Strange convex component290 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
    15:19:06 Strange convex component291 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
    15:19:06 Strange convex component292 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
    15:19:06 Strange convex component293 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
    15:19:06 Strange convex component294 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
    15:19:06 Strange convex component295 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
    15:19:06 Strange convex component296 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
    15:19:06 Strange convex component297 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
    15:19:06 Strange convex component298 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
    15:19:06 Strange convex component299 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
    15:19:06 Strange convex component300 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
    15:19:06 Strange convex component301 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
    15:19:06 Strange convex component302 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
    15:19:06 Strange convex component303 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
    15:19:06 Strange convex component304 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
    15:19:06 Strange convex component305 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
    15:19:06 Strange convex component306 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
    15:19:06 Strange convex component307 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
    15:19:06 Strange convex component308 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
    15:19:06 Strange convex component309 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
    15:19:06 Strange convex component310 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
    15:19:06 Strange convex component311 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
    15:19:06 Strange convex component312 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
    15:19:06 Strange convex component313 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
    15:19:06 Strange convex component314 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
    15:19:06 Strange convex component315 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
    15:19:06 Strange convex component316 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
    15:19:06 Strange convex component317 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
    15:19:06 Strange convex component252 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
    15:19:06 Strange convex component253 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
    15:19:06 Strange convex component254 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
    15:19:06 Strange convex component255 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
    15:19:06 Strange convex component256 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
    15:19:06 Strange convex component257 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
    15:19:06 Strange convex component258 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
    15:19:06 Strange convex component259 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
    15:19:06 Strange convex component260 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
    15:19:06 Strange convex component261 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
    15:19:06 Strange convex component262 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
    15:19:06 Strange convex component263 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
    15:19:06 Strange convex component264 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
    15:19:06 Strange convex component265 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
    15:19:06 Strange convex component266 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
    15:19:06 Strange convex component267 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
    15:19:06 Strange convex component268 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
    15:19:06 Strange convex component269 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
    15:19:06 Strange convex component270 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
    15:19:06 Strange convex component271 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
    15:19:06 Strange convex component272 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
    15:19:06 Strange convex component273 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
    15:19:06 Strange convex component274 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
    15:19:06 Strange convex component275 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
    15:19:06 Strange convex component276 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
    15:19:06 Strange convex component277 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
    15:19:06 Strange convex component278 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
    15:19:06 Strange convex component279 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
    15:19:06 Strange convex component280 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
    15:19:06 Strange convex component281 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
    15:19:06 Strange convex component249 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
    15:19:06 Strange convex component250 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
    15:19:06 Strange convex component251 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
    15:19:06 Strange convex component252 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
    15:19:06 Strange convex component253 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
    15:19:06 Strange convex component254 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
    15:19:06 Strange convex component255 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
    15:19:06 Strange convex component256 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
    15:19:06 Strange convex component257 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
    15:19:06 Strange convex component258 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
    15:19:06 Strange convex component259 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
    15:19:06 Strange convex component260 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
    15:19:06 Strange convex component261 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
    15:19:06 Strange convex component262 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
    15:19:06 Strange convex component263 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
    15:19:06 Strange convex component264 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
    15:19:06 Strange convex component265 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
    15:19:06 Strange convex component266 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
    15:19:06 Strange convex component267 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
    15:19:06 Strange convex component268 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
    15:19:06 Strange convex component269 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
    15:19:06 Strange convex component270 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
    15:19:06 Strange convex component271 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
    15:19:06 Strange convex component272 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
    15:19:06 Strange convex component273 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
    15:19:06 Strange convex component274 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
    15:19:06 Strange convex component275 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
    15:19:06 Strange convex component276 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
    15:19:06 Strange convex component277 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
    15:19:06 Strange convex component278 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
    15:19:19 Warning: looped for animation: ca\anims\characters\data\anim\sdr\mov\erc\wlk\non\non\amovpercmwlksnonwnondf.rtm differs (looped now 0)! MoveName: amovpercmstpsnonwnondnon_amovpercmstpsraswpstdnon
    15:19:19 Warning: looped for animation: ca\anims\characters\data\anim\sdr\mov\erc\wlk\non\non\amovpercmwlksnonwnondf.rtm differs (looped now 1)! MoveName: amovpercmrunsnonwbindf_rfl
    15:19:21 "DayZ Epoch: PRELOAD Functions\init [[<No group>:0 (FunctionsManager)],any]"
    15:19:21 "DayZ Epoch: MPframework inited"
    15:19:26 Strange convex component93 in zero_buildings\models\mil_house_i.p3d:geometryView
    15:19:26 Strange convex component94 in zero_buildings\models\mil_house_i.p3d:geometryView
    15:19:26 Strange convex component95 in zero_buildings\models\mil_house_i.p3d:geometryView
    15:19:26 Strange convex component96 in zero_buildings\models\mil_house_i.p3d:geometryView
    15:19:26 Strange convex component99 in zero_buildings\models\mil_house_i.p3d:geometryView
    15:19:26 Strange convex component100 in zero_buildings\models\mil_house_i.p3d:geometryView
    15:19:26 Strange convex component101 in zero_buildings\models\mil_house_i.p3d:geometryView
    15:19:26 Strange convex component102 in zero_buildings\models\mil_house_i.p3d:geometryView
    15:19:26 Strange convex component103 in zero_buildings\models\mil_house_i.p3d:geometryView
    15:19:26 Strange convex component104 in zero_buildings\models\mil_house_i.p3d:geometryView
    15:19:26 Strange convex component105 in zero_buildings\models\mil_house_i.p3d:geometryView
    15:19:26 Strange convex component106 in zero_buildings\models\mil_house_i.p3d:geometryView
    15:19:26 Strange convex component107 in zero_buildings\models\mil_house_i.p3d:geometryView
    15:19:26 Strange convex component108 in zero_buildings\models\mil_house_i.p3d:geometryView
    15:19:26 Strange convex component109 in zero_buildings\models\mil_house_i.p3d:geometryView
    15:19:26 Strange convex component110 in zero_buildings\models\mil_house_i.p3d:geometryView
    15:19:26 Strange convex component111 in zero_buildings\models\mil_house_i.p3d:geometryView
    15:19:26 Strange convex component112 in zero_buildings\models\mil_house_i.p3d:geometryView
    15:19:26 Strange convex component113 in zero_buildings\models\mil_house_i.p3d:geometryView
    15:19:26 Strange convex component114 in zero_buildings\models\mil_house_i.p3d:geometryView
    15:19:26 Strange convex component115 in zero_buildings\models\mil_house_i.p3d:geometryView
    15:19:26 Strange convex component116 in zero_buildings\models\mil_house_i.p3d:geometryView
    15:19:26 Strange convex component117 in zero_buildings\models\mil_house_i.p3d:geometryView
    15:19:26 Strange convex component118 in zero_buildings\models\mil_house_i.p3d:geometryView
    15:19:26 Strange convex component119 in zero_buildings\models\mil_house_i.p3d:geometryView
    15:19:26 Strange convex component120 in zero_buildings\models\mil_house_i.p3d:geometryView
    15:19:26 Strange convex component121 in zero_buildings\models\mil_house_i.p3d:geometryView
    15:19:26 Strange convex component122 in zero_buildings\models\mil_house_i.p3d:geometryView
    15:19:26 Strange convex component123 in zero_buildings\models\mil_house_i.p3d:geometryView
    15:19:26 Strange convex component124 in zero_buildings\models\mil_house_i.p3d:geometryView
    15:19:26 Strange convex component125 in zero_buildings\models\mil_house_i.p3d:geometryView
    15:19:26 Strange convex component126 in zero_buildings\models\mil_house_i.p3d:geometryView
    15:19:26 Strange convex component127 in zero_buildings\models\mil_house_i.p3d:geometryView
    15:19:26 Strange convex component128 in zero_buildings\models\mil_house_i.p3d:geometryView
    15:19:26 Strange convex component129 in zero_buildings\models\mil_house_i.p3d:geometryView
    15:19:26 Strange convex component130 in zero_buildings\models\mil_house_i.p3d:geometryView
    15:19:26 Strange convex component131 in zero_buildings\models\mil_house_i.p3d:geometryView
    15:19:26 Strange convex component132 in zero_buildings\models\mil_house_i.p3d:geometryView
    15:19:26 Strange convex component133 in zero_buildings\models\mil_house_i.p3d:geometryView
    15:19:26 Strange convex component134 in zero_buildings\models\mil_house_i.p3d:geometryView
    15:19:56 "infiSTAR.de - Waiting for bis_fnc_init..."
    15:19:56 "infiSTAR.de - bis_fnc_init done - AntiHack STARTING...!"
    15:19:56 Warning Message: Script low_admins.sqf not found
    15:19:56 Warning Message: Script normal_admins.sqf not found
    15:19:56 Warning Message: Script super_admins.sqf not found
    15:19:56 Warning Message: Script blacklist.sqf not found
    15:19:56 "infiSTAR.de - iproductVersion: 20072014IAHAT332E | Server productVersion: ["ArmA 2 OA","ArmA2OA",163,112555] | worldName: Chernarus | dayz_instance: 11 | missionName: DayZ_Overpoch_1"
    15:19:56 "infiSTAR.de - _fnc_RandomGen: {
    _arr = ["a","b","c","d","e","f","g","h","i","j","k","l","m","n","o","p","q","r","s","t","u","v","w","x","y","z","1","2","3","4"];
    _gen = "PV_";
    for "_i" from 1 to 7 do {_gen = _gen + (_arr select (random ((count _arr)-1)));};
    15:19:56 "infiSTAR.de - _randvar1: PV_vazlefu"
    15:19:56 "infiSTAR.de - _randvar2: PV_na1mhuv"
    15:19:56 "infiSTAR.de - _randvar3: PV_ptibqtd"
    15:19:56 "infiSTAR.de - _randvar4: PV_kqybksp"
    15:19:56 "infiSTAR.de - _randvar5: PV_pwbpqbp"
    15:19:56 "infiSTAR.de - _randvar6: PV_s4onkpx"
    15:19:56 "infiSTAR.de - _randvar13: PV_fmmksrd"
    15:19:56 "infiSTAR.de - _randvar19: PV_bfet3do"
    15:19:56 "infiSTAR.de - _randvar26: PV_lrdnjif"
    15:19:56 "infiSTAR.de - _randvar27: PV_rhy4juv"
    15:19:56 "infiSTAR.de - _randvar27a: PV_zwqeike"
    15:19:56 "infiSTAR.de - _randvar28: PV_pzhuvbn"
    15:19:56 "infiSTAR.de - infiSTAR_DLL_PATH: "
    15:19:56 "infiSTAR.de - AntiHack LOADED!"
    15:19:56 "infiSTAR.de - CREATING AdminMenu"
    15:19:56 "infiSTAR.de - ADDING PublicVariableEventHandlers"
    15:19:56 "infiSTAR.de - AntiHack FULLY LOADED"
    15:19:57 "Res3tting B!S effects..."
    15:19:57 Warning: z\addons\dayz_communityassets\models\compass.p3d:0 Error while trying to generate ST for points: 863, 853, 852
    15:20:02 "Activating Trader City Safezone!"
    15:20:02 "Error: Attempting to start AGN products on a server where it should not be!"
    15:20:02 "HIVE: Starting"
    15:20:02 "HIVE: trying to get objects"
    15:20:02 "HIVE: found 318 objects"
    15:20:02 "HIVE: Commence Object Streaming..."
    15:20:03 "HIVE: got 0 Epoch Objects and 318 Vehicles"
    15:20:06 "infiSTAR.de PlayerConnected: _uid: 253985734   _name: [NBD] Turbo"
    15:20:06 "infiSTAR.de - Player-Log: [NBD] Turbo(253985734) - 0h 00min | ******ADMIN******"
    15:20:06 "infiSTAR.de PlayerConnected: _uid:    _name: __SERVER__"
    15:20:15 UH1Y_DZE: ObsTurret - unknown animation source ObsTurret
    15:20:15 UH1Y_DZE: ObsGun - unknown animation source ObsGun
    15:20:18 AH6X_DZ: FLIR_turret - unknown animation source FLIR_turret
    15:20:18 AH6X_DZ: FLIR_gun - unknown animation source FLIR_gun
    15:20:28 car_American_Law_Enforcement: Invalid parent bone 'osa_door_r1' for 'door_r1'
    15:20:28 car_American_Law_Enforcement: Invalid parent bone 'osa_door_r2' for 'door_r2'
    15:20:28 car_American_Law_Enforcement: Invalid parent bone 'osa_door_l1' for 'door_l1'
    15:20:28 car_American_Law_Enforcement: Invalid parent bone 'osa_door_l2' for 'door_l2'
    15:20:28 car_American_Law_Enforcement: Invalid parent bone 'osa_kapota' for 'kapota'
    15:20:28 car_American_Law_Enforcement: Invalid parent bone 'osa_kufr' for 'kufr'
    15:20:29 "HIVE: Vehicle Spawn limit reached!"
    15:20:29 "HIVE: Spawning # of Debris: 100"
    15:20:29 "HIVE: Spawning # of Ammo Boxes: 5"
    15:20:29 "HIVE: Spawning # of Veins: 50"
    15:20:29 "Total Number of spawn locations 5"
    15:20:29 "EPOCH EVENTS INIT"
    15:20:29 "RUNNING EVENT: Supplyitems on [2014,7,25,15,20]"
    15:20:31 "Spawning loot event at [5831.21,8904.36]"
    15:20:31 "Creating ammo box at [5900.61,9141.65]"
    15:20:32 "WAI: AI Config File Loaded"
    15:20:32 "Loot event setup, waiting for 900 seconds"
    15:20:33 "WAI: AI Monitor Started"
    15:20:35 "WAI: Mission Config File Loaded"
    15:20:36 "WAI: Starting AI Missions Monitor"
    15:21:29 [DZMS]: Starting DayZ Mission System.
    15:21:29 [DZMS]: WickedAI Found! Using WickedAI's Relations!
    15:21:29 [DZMS]: Currently Running Version: 1.1FIN
    15:21:29 [DZMS]: Mission and Extended Configuration Loaded!
    15:21:29 [DZMS]: chernarus Detected. Map Specific Settings Adjusted!
    15:21:29 [DZMS]: DayZ Epoch Detected! Some Scripts Adjusted!
    15:21:29 [DZMS]: Loading ExecVM Functions.
    15:21:29 [DZMS]: Loading Compiled Functions.
    15:21:29 [DZMS]: Loading All Other Functions.
    15:21:29 [DZMS]: Mission Functions Script Loaded!
    15:21:29 [DZMS]: Major Mission Clock Starting!
    15:21:29 [DZMS]: Minor Mission Clock Starting!
    15:21:29 [DZMS]: Mission Marker Loop for JIPs Starting!
    15:21:54 "TIME SYNC: Local Time set to [2014,7,25,15,21]"
    15:22:08 "infiSTAR.de AdminReq: [1234,B 1-1-B:1 ([NBD] Turbo) REMOTE,"253985734"]"
    15:22:08 "infiSTAR.de AdminReqProceed: B 1-1-B:1 ([NBD] Turbo) REMOTE"
    15:22:08 "infiSTAR.de ******ADMIN-LOGIN******: [NBD] Turbo(253985734)"
    15:22:24 "infiSTAR.de PVAH_WriteLog: [B 1-1-B:1 ([NBD] Turbo) REMOTE,"[NBD] Turbo (locked) VEHICLEMarkers Activated"]"
    15:22:25 "infiSTAR.de PVAH_WriteLog: [B 1-1-B:1 ([NBD] Turbo) REMOTE,"[NBD] Turbo G_o_d ON"]"
    15:22:34 "0 Active ground units"
    15:22:34 "0 Active emplacement units"
    15:22:34 "21 Active chopper patrol units (Crew)"
    15:22:34 "0 Active vehicle patrol units (Crew)"
    15:22:36 "infiSTAR.de AdminReq: [1,B 1-1-B:1 ([NBD] Turbo) REMOTE,[4477.08,10334.4,0]]"
    15:22:36 "infiSTAR.de AdminReqProceed: B 1-1-B:1 ([NBD] Turbo) REMOTE"
    15:22:36 "infiSTAR.de PVAH_WriteLog: [B 1-1-B:1 ([NBD] Turbo) REMOTE,"[NBD] Turbo Teleport to [4477.08,10334.4,0](@044050)"]"
    15:22:49 "infiSTAR.de AdminReq: [19,B 1-1-B:1 ([NBD] Turbo) REMOTE,2,0]"
    15:22:49 "infiSTAR.de AdminReqProceed: B 1-1-B:1 ([NBD] Turbo) REMOTE"
    15:22:49 "infiSTAR.de PVAH_WriteLog: [B 1-1-B:1 ([NBD] Turbo) REMOTE,"[NBD] Turbo Weather 0"]"
    15:23:00 "infiSTAR.de AdminReq: [0,B 1-1-B:1 ([NBD] Turbo) REMOTE,"GNT_C185",[4473.31,10348.8,0]]"
    15:23:00 "infiSTAR.de AdminReqProceed: B 1-1-B:1 ([NBD] Turbo) REMOTE"
    15:23:00 "infiSTAR.de PVAH_WriteLog: [B 1-1-B:1 ([NBD] Turbo) REMOTE,"[NBD] Turbo (253985734) spawned GNT_C185 @044050"]"
    15:23:11 [DZMS]: Running Minor Mission SM4.
    15:23:14 UH60Wreck_DZ: MainTurret - unknown animation source mainTurret
    15:23:14 UH60Wreck_DZ: MainGun - unknown animation source mainGun
    15:23:14 UH60Wreck_DZ: MachineGun_1 - unknown animation source Gatling_1
    15:23:15 [DZMS]: (DZMSUnitsMinor) 3 AI Spawned, 3 units in mission.
    15:23:17 [DZMS]: (DZMSUnitsMinor) 3 AI Spawned, 6 units in mission.
    15:23:19 [DZMS]: (DZMSUnitsMinor) 3 AI Spawned, 9 units in mission.
    15:23:20 [DZMS]: (DZMSUnitsMinor) Waiting for 0/9 Units or Less to be Alive and a Player to be Near the Objective.
    15:25:04 "RUNNING EVENT: Construction on [2014,7,25,15,25]"
    15:25:04 "Spawning loot event at [4708.92,8768.47]"
    15:25:04 "Creating ammo box at [4604.3,8827.91]"
    15:25:04 "Loot event setup, waiting for 900 seconds"
    15:26:09 Client: Object 3:17 (type Type_70) not found.
    15:26:09 Client: Object 3:17 (type Type_69) not found.
    15:26:44 "infiSTAR.de AdminReq: [1,B 1-1-B:1 ([NBD] Turbo) REMOTE,[6329.17,7801.67,0]]"
    15:26:44 "infiSTAR.de AdminReqProceed: B 1-1-B:1 ([NBD] Turbo) REMOTE"
    15:26:44 "infiSTAR.de PVAH_WriteLog: [B 1-1-B:1 ([NBD] Turbo) REMOTE,"[NBD] Turbo Teleport to [6329.17,7801.67,0](@063075)"]"
    15:26:54 Warning: z\addons\dayz_communityassets\models\razor.p3d:0 Error while trying to generate ST for points: 214, 349, 208
    15:28:30 "infiSTAR.de AdminReq: [20,B 1-1-B:1 ([NBD] Turbo) REMOTE,[2014,7,25,15,27],9]"
    15:28:30 "infiSTAR.de AdminReqProceed: B 1-1-B:1 ([NBD] Turbo) REMOTE"
    15:28:30 "infiSTAR.de PVAH_WriteLog: [B 1-1-B:1 ([NBD] Turbo) REMOTE,"[NBD] Turbo Time to [2014,7,25,9,27]"]"
    15:28:33 "infiSTAR.de AdminReq: [20,B 1-1-B:1 ([NBD] Turbo) REMOTE,[2014,7,25,9,27],21]"
    15:28:33 "infiSTAR.de AdminReqProceed: B 1-1-B:1 ([NBD] Turbo) REMOTE"
    15:28:33 "infiSTAR.de PVAH_WriteLog: [B 1-1-B:1 ([NBD] Turbo) REMOTE,"[NBD] Turbo Time to [2014,7,25,21,27]"]"
    15:28:35 [DZMS]: Running Major Mission SM6.
    15:28:38 [DZMS]: (DZMSUnitsMajor) 6 AI Spawned, 6 units in mission.
    15:28:44 [DZMS]: (DZMSUnitsMajor) 6 AI Spawned, 12 units in mission.
    15:28:44 Server: Object 3:133 not found (message 99)
    15:28:44 Server: Object 3:131 not found (message 99)
    15:28:44 Server: Object 3:127 not found (message 99)
    15:28:49 [DZMS]: (DZMSUnitsMajor) 4 AI Spawned, 16 units in mission.
    15:28:50 "TIME SYNC: Local Time set to [2014,7,25,15,28]"
    15:28:55 [DZMS]: (DZMSUnitsMajor) 4 AI Spawned, 20 units in mission.
    15:29:00 [DZMS]: (DZMSUnitsMajor) Waiting for 0/20 Units or Less to be Alive and a Player to be Near the Objective.
    15:30:42 "WAI: Starting Mission Ural"
    15:30:42 "WAI: Ural Attack Mission Started At [11336.4,9238.49]"
    15:30:43 "WAI: Spawned a group of 4 Bandits at [11336.4,9238.49,0]"
    15:30:43 "WAI: Spawned a group of 4 Bandits at [11336.4,9238.49,0]"
    15:30:44 "WAI: Spawned a group of 4 Bandits at [11336.4,9238.49,0]"
    15:30:44 "WAI: Sapwned in 2 M2StaticMG"
    15:32:40 "12 Active ground units"
    15:32:40 "2 Active emplacement units"
    15:32:40 "21 Active chopper patrol units (Crew)"
    15:32:40 "0 Active vehicle patrol units (Crew)"
    15:33:05 "infiSTAR.de AdminReq: [9003,B 1-1-B:1 ([NBD] Turbo) REMOTE]"
    15:33:05 "infiSTAR.de AdminReqProceed: B 1-1-B:1 ([NBD] Turbo) REMOTE"
    15:33:05 "infiSTAR.de PVAH_WriteLog: [B 1-1-B:1 ([NBD] Turbo) REMOTE,"[NBD] Turbo - EPOCH-BOX @063075"]"
    15:33:05 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgMagazines.ItemFuelPump'.
    15:33:05 Warning Message: No entry '.picture'.
    15:33:05 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
    15:33:05 Warning Message: No entry '.scope'.
    15:33:05 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
    15:33:05 Warning Message: Error: creating magazine ItemFuelPump with scope=private
    15:33:05 Warning Message: No entry '.displayName'.
    15:33:05 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
    15:33:05 Warning Message: No entry '.displayNameShort'.
    15:33:05 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
    15:33:05 Warning Message: No entry '.nameSound'.
    15:33:05 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
    15:33:05 Warning Message: No entry '.Library'.
    15:33:05 Warning Message: No entry '.libTextDesc'.
    15:33:05 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
    15:33:05 Warning Message: No entry '.type'.
    15:33:05 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
    15:33:05 Warning Message: No entry '.count'.
    15:33:05 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
    15:33:05 Warning Message: No entry '.maxLeadSpeed'.
    15:33:05 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
    15:33:05 Warning Message: No entry '.initSpeed'.
    15:33:05 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
    15:33:05 Warning Message: No entry '.reloadAction'.
    15:33:05 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
    15:33:05 Warning Message: No entry '.modelSpecial'.
    15:33:05 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
    15:33:05 Warning Message: No entry '.ammo'.
    15:33:05 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
    15:33:50 "TIME SYNC: Local Time set to [2014,7,25,15,33]"
    15:34:32 "infiSTAR.de PVAH_WriteLog: [B 1-1-B:1 ([NBD] Turbo) REMOTE,"[NBD] Turbo - No OverBurdened - ON"]"
    15:34:39 "infiSTAR.de PVAH_WriteLog: [B 1-1-B:1 ([NBD] Turbo) REMOTE,"[NBD] Turbo - No PlotPole - ON"]"
    15:34:40 "infiSTAR.de PVAH_WriteLog: [B 1-1-B:1 ([NBD] Turbo) REMOTE,"[NBD] Turbo - 1 Step Building - ON"]"
    15:35:09 "RUNNING EVENT: supply_drop on [2014,7,25,15,35]"
    15:35:09 "CRASHSPAWNER: Spawning 'any' with loot table 'SupplyDrop' NOW! (884.03) at: [5845.05,10455.7]"
    15:35:09 Error in expression <with loot table '%2' NOW! (%3) at: %4", _crashName, _lootTable, time, str(_posit>
    15:35:09   Error position: <_crashName, _lootTable, time, str(_posit>
    15:35:09   Error Undefined variable in expression: _crashname
    15:35:09 File z\addons\dayz_server\modules\supply_drop.sqf, line 24
    15:35:17 "infiSTAR.de AdminReq: [-2,B 1-1-B:1 ([NBD] Turbo) REMOTE,17589600# 1056092: cardboard_box.p3d]"
    15:35:17 "infiSTAR.de AdminReqProceed: B 1-1-B:1 ([NBD] Turbo) REMOTE"
    15:35:17 "DELETE: 253985734 Deleted by UID: 0"
    15:35:17 "infiSTAR.de PVAH_WriteLog: [B 1-1-B:1 ([NBD] Turbo) REMOTE,"[NBD] Turbo (253985734) deleted FoodBox0 @063075 - characterID any - objectID: 0 - objectUID: 0"]"
    15:38:13 "infiSTAR.de AdminReq: [26,B 1-1-B:1 ([NBD] Turbo) REMOTE,319f2400# 1056127: barel7.p3d REMOTE]"
    15:38:13 "infiSTAR.de AdminReqProceed: B 1-1-B:1 ([NBD] Turbo) REMOTE"
    15:38:13 "infiSTAR.de PVAH_WriteLog: [B 1-1-B:1 ([NBD] Turbo) REMOTE,"[NBD] Turbo saved -  Land_Fire_barrel (characterID: 0)  - to the database"]"
    15:38:24 "infiSTAR.de AdminReq: [-2,B 1-1-B:1 ([NBD] Turbo) REMOTE,31ae9600# 1056118: fire.p3d REMOTE]"
    15:38:24 "infiSTAR.de AdminReqProceed: B 1-1-B:1 ([NBD] Turbo) REMOTE"
    15:38:24 "DELETE: 253985734 Deleted by UID: 63287782390128"
    15:38:24 "infiSTAR.de PVAH_WriteLog: [B 1-1-B:1 ([NBD] Turbo) REMOTE,"[NBD] Turbo (253985734) deleted Land_Fire @063075 - characterID any - objectID: 0 - objectUID: 63287782390128"]"
    15:38:51 "TIME SYNC: Local Time set to [2014,7,25,15,38]"
    15:38:51 "CLEANUP: Deleted 1 Animals out of 2"
    15:40:01 "RUNNING EVENT: Military on [2014,7,25,15,40]"
    15:40:01 "Spawning loot event at [5215.28,8444.23]"
    15:40:01 "Creating ammo box at [5194.89,8255.22]"
    15:40:01 "Loot event setup, waiting for 900 seconds"
    15:40:15 "infiSTAR.de AdminReq: [26,B 1-1-B:1 ([NBD] Turbo) REMOTE,31bb5600# 1056145: barel7.p3d REMOTE]"
    15:40:15 "infiSTAR.de AdminReqProceed: B 1-1-B:1 ([NBD] Turbo) REMOTE"
    15:40:15 "infiSTAR.de PVAH_WriteLog: [B 1-1-B:1 ([NBD] Turbo) REMOTE,"[NBD] Turbo saved -  Land_Fire_barrel (characterID: 0)  - to the database"]"
    15:42:41 "12 Active ground units"
    15:42:41 "2 Active emplacement units"
    15:42:41 "21 Active chopper patrol units (Crew)"
    15:42:41 "0 Active vehicle patrol units (Crew)"
    15:43:43 "infiSTAR.de AdminReq: [26,B 1-1-B:1 ([NBD] Turbo) REMOTE,2e987200# 1056168: barel7.p3d REMOTE]"
    15:43:43 "infiSTAR.de AdminReqProceed: B 1-1-B:1 ([NBD] Turbo) REMOTE"
    15:43:43 "infiSTAR.de PVAH_WriteLog: [B 1-1-B:1 ([NBD] Turbo) REMOTE,"[NBD] Turbo saved -  Land_Fire_barrel (characterID: 0)  - to the database"]"
    15:43:51 "TIME SYNC: Local Time set to [2014,7,25,15,43]"
    15:43:57 "CLEANUP: Deleted 4 Loot Piles out of 70"
    15:45:57 "CLEANUP: Deleted 19 Loot Piles out of 66"
    15:46:56 "CLEANUP: Deleted 8 Loot Piles out of 47"
    15:47:52 "infiSTAR.de AdminReq: [26,B 1-1-B:1 ([NBD] Turbo) REMOTE,30726b00# 1056192: barel7.p3d REMOTE]"
    15:47:52 "infiSTAR.de AdminReqProceed: B 1-1-B:1 ([NBD] Turbo) REMOTE"
    15:47:52 "infiSTAR.de PVAH_WriteLog: [B 1-1-B:1 ([NBD] Turbo) REMOTE,"[NBD] Turbo saved -  FireBarrel_DZ (characterID: 0)  - to the database"]"
    15:48:51 "TIME SYNC: Local Time set to [2014,7,25,15,48]"
    15:49:55 "CLEANUP: Deleted 1 Loot Piles out of 41"
    15:50:04 "RUNNING EVENT: Supplyitems on [2014,7,25,15,50]"
    15:50:04 "Spawning loot event at [9121.05,11393.7]"
    15:50:04 "Creating ammo box at [9023.38,11192.9]"
    15:50:04 "Loot event setup, waiting for 900 seconds"
    15:51:33 "infiSTAR.de AdminReq: [-2,B 1-1-B:1 ([NBD] Turbo) REMOTE,31bb5600# 1056145: barel7.p3d REMOTE]"
    15:51:33 "infiSTAR.de AdminReqProceed: B 1-1-B:1 ([NBD] Turbo) REMOTE"
    15:51:33 "DELETE: 253985734 Deleted by ID: 347"
    15:51:33 "infiSTAR.de PVAH_WriteLog: [B 1-1-B:1 ([NBD] Turbo) REMOTE,"[NBD] Turbo (253985734) deleted Land_Fire_barrel @063075 - characterID any - objectID: 347 - objectUID: 62949784260298"]"
    15:51:38 "infiSTAR.de AdminReq: [-2,B 1-1-B:1 ([NBD] Turbo) REMOTE,319f2400# 1056127: barel7.p3d REMOTE]"
    15:51:38 "infiSTAR.de AdminReqProceed: B 1-1-B:1 ([NBD] Turbo) REMOTE"
    15:51:38 "DELETE: 253985734 Deleted by ID: 346"
    15:51:39 "infiSTAR.de PVAH_WriteLog: [B 1-1-B:1 ([NBD] Turbo) REMOTE,"[NBD] Turbo (253985734) deleted Land_Fire_barrel @063075 - characterID any - objectID: 346 - objectUID: 63311782840110"]"
    15:51:44 "infiSTAR.de AdminReq: [-2,B 1-1-B:1 ([NBD] Turbo) REMOTE,2e987200# 1056168: barel7.p3d REMOTE]"
    15:51:44 "infiSTAR.de AdminReqProceed: B 1-1-B:1 ([NBD] Turbo) REMOTE"
    15:51:44 "DELETE: 253985734 Deleted by ID: 348"
    15:51:44 "infiSTAR.de PVAH_WriteLog: [B 1-1-B:1 ([NBD] Turbo) REMOTE,"[NBD] Turbo (253985734) deleted Land_Fire_barrel @063075 - characterID any - objectID: 348 - objectUID: 6332278388035"]"
    15:51:49 "infiSTAR.de AdminReq: [-2,B 1-1-B:1 ([NBD] Turbo) REMOTE,30726b00# 1056192: barel7.p3d REMOTE]"
    15:51:49 "infiSTAR.de AdminReqProceed: B 1-1-B:1 ([NBD] Turbo) REMOTE"
    15:51:49 "DELETE: 253985734 Deleted by ID: 349"
    15:51:49 "infiSTAR.de PVAH_WriteLog: [B 1-1-B:1 ([NBD] Turbo) REMOTE,"[NBD] Turbo (253985734) deleted FireBarrel_DZ @063075 - characterID any - objectID: 349 - objectUID: 63399781300128"]"
    15:51:55 "CLEANUP: Deleted 2 Loot Piles out of 43"
    15:52:36 "get: STRING (253985734), sent: STRING (253985734)"
    15:52:36 "DISCONNECT: [NBD] Turbo (253985734) Object: B 1-1-B:1 ([NBD] Turbo) REMOTE, _characterID: 32 at loc [6315.91,7787.78,0.00140381]"
    15:52:36 Client: Remote object 3:5 not found
    15:52:36 Warning: Cleanup player - person 3:4 not found
    15:52:38 Warning: Cleanup player - person 3:4 not found
    15:52:42 "12 Active ground units"
    15:52:42 "2 Active emplacement units"
    15:52:42 "21 Active chopper patrol units (Crew)"
    15:52:42 "0 Active vehicle patrol units (Crew)"
    15:52:54 "CLEANUP: Deleted 14 Loot Piles out of 29"
    15:53:45 Error 5 reading file 'instance_1_Overpoch'

    Thank you.

  12. Hi,


    Today I was testing my server and I was a little bit bored so I spawned a random vehicle and I was shooting a few things. Suddenly the server crashed and the process that runs it just ended itself. I think that this is very strange, Here is the error: On line 489 it says Epoch_Server so I am presuming this is an epoch problem.



    Exception code: C0000005 ACCESS_VIOLATION at 014DCC85
    Allocator: C:\Users\Owner\Desktop\DayZ OverPoch Server\Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead\Expansion\beta\dll\tbb4malloc_bi.dll
    graphics:  No
    resolution:  160x120x32
      CARoads2Dam in ca\roads2\dam\
      CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E_Gameplay_AddedMissingFlaresToChoppers in ca\communityconfigurationproject_e\gameplay_addedmissingflarestochoppers\
      CAData_ParticleEffects in Ca\data\particleeffects\
      CAMP_Armory_Misc in ca\mp_armory\misc\, CAWeapons_E_RPG18 in ca\weapons_e\rpg18\
      fal_trafficsigns in ca\fal_trafficsigns\
      CAStructures_E_HouseA_A_Office01 in ca\structures_e\housea\a_office01\
      BB_Mercenary in bb_mercs_desert\
      Ind_Vysypka in ca\buildings2\ind_cementworks\ind_vysypka\
      CAStructures_E_Ind_IndPipes in ca\structures_e\ind\ind_pipes\
      Farm_WTower in ca\buildings2\farm_wtower\, CASounds_Missions in ca\soundmissions\
      CASounds in ca\sounds\, pond_test in ca\structures\pond\
      CAAir2_Pchela1T in ca\air2\pchela1t\, CAAir2_F35B in ca\air2\f35b\
      CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E_Gameplay_EnabledTurnOutForTanks in ca\communityconfigurationproject_e\gameplay_enabledturnoutfortanks\
      CAMusic in ca\music\, USSOF_US_Navy_SEALs in ussof_us_navy_seals\
      MBG_Buildings_2 in mbg_buildings_2\, dayz_sfx in dayz_sfx\
      CAStructuresHouse_Church_05R in ca\structures\house\church_05r\
      CAAir_PMC in ca\air_pmc\
      CA_Missions_GarbageCollector in ca\modules\garbage_collector\
      gsc_units_stalker_patch in gsc_stalker\
      CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E_Gameplay_RemovedVintorezLightFlashOnFiring in ca\communityconfigurationproject_e\gameplay_removedvintorezlightflashonfiring\
      dayz_equip in dayz_equip\, CAWheeled_E_M1030 in ca\wheeled_e\m1030\
      Arma2_Ka52 in ca\air2\ka52\, MBG_Buildings_3 in mbg_buildings_3\
      CA_Modules_Marta in ca\modules\marta\, CAMisc_fix_Ch2 in ca\misc_fix\ch2\
      CAFonts in ca\uifonts\, CAWeapons_Saiga12K in ca\weapons\saiga12k\
      CAWeapons_M1014 in ca\weapons\m1014\, CAWheeled3_TT650 in ca\wheeled3\tt650\
      CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E_Gameplay_FixedFoldingChair in ca\communityconfigurationproject_e\gameplay_fixedfoldingchair\
      CA_HighCommand in ca\modules\hc\, CAWeapons_E_PK in ca\weapons_e\pk\
      CABuildings2 in ca\buildings2\
      Misc_PowerStation in ca\buildings2\misc_powerstation\
      CA_Dubbing_E in ca\dubbing_e\, Takistan in ca\takistan\
      CAStructures_IndPipe1_todo_delete in ca\buildings2\ind_pipeline\indpipe1\
      CAWheeled2_BTR90 in ca\wheeled2\btr90\, CA_Missions_BAF in ca\missions_baf\
      CAWeapons_PMC_XM8 in ca\weapons_pmc\xm8\, arma1_sf_port_patch in arma1_sf_port\
      CAWeapons_E_KORD in ca\weapons_e\kord\, CARoads2Bridge in ca\roads2\bridge\
      pook_H13 in pook_h13\, CAWheeled_E_HMMWV in ca\wheeled_e\hmmwv\
      nissan_350z in nissan_350z\, CA_Editor in ca\editor\
      CA_Dubbing_Counterattack in ca\dubbing\counterattack\
      CAWeapons_E_Colt1911 in ca\weapons_e\colt1911\
      CAWheeled_W_BAF in ca\wheeled_w_baf\, CAWheeled_E_V3S in ca\wheeled_e\v3s\
      CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E_AI_MadeAINotEngageVodnikWithRifles in ca\communityconfigurationproject_e\ai_madeainotengagevodnikwithrifles\
      CAStructures_E_Wall in ca\structures_e\wall\, DDOPP_taserPack in ddopp_taserpack\
      CAStructures_E_HouseA_A_Minaret in ca\structures_e\housea\a_minaret\
      CAStructures_E_Misc_Misc_Water in ca\structures_e\misc\misc_water\
      CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E_AI_DisabledATLauncherUseAgainstInfantry in ca\communityconfigurationproject_e\ai_disabledatlauncheruseagainstinfantry\
      CAStructures_E_HouseA_a_stationhouse in ca\structures_e\housea\a_stationhouse\
      CAWheeled_E_SUV in ca\wheeled_e\suv\, CATracked in ca\tracked\
      CA_Modules_PMC in ca\modules_pmc\, CAWeapons_PMC in ca\weapons_pmc\
      CALanguage_missions in ca\languagemissions\, CAAir2_C130J in ca\air2\c130j\
      CATracked_E_us_m270mlrs in ca\tracked_e\us_m270mlrs\
      CALanguage_missions_e in ca\languagemissions_e\
      CACharacters_E_Head in ca\characters_e\heads\
      CAStructures_Nav_pier in ca\structures\nav_pier\
      CAWeapons_ZU23 in ca\weapons\zu23\, CATracked_E in ca\tracked_e\
      CA_MPA_Scenarios in ca\mp_armory\armory_mp_scenarios\
      Warfare2_E in ca\warfare2_e\
      CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E_Editor_AdditionalGroups in ca\communityconfigurationproject_e\editor_additionalgroups\
      Ind_MalyKomin in ca\buildings2\ind_cementworks\ind_malykomin\
      CAStructuresLand_Nav_Boathouse in ca\structures\nav_boathouse\
      CAWeapons in ca\weapons\, CA_PMC in ca\ca_pmc\, ASC_EU_Lights in asc\asc_eu_lights\
      CAStructures_IndPipe1 in ca\structures\ind_pipeline\indpipe1\
      CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E_Gameplay_FixedMissileSmoke in ca\communityconfigurationproject_e\gameplay_fixedmissilesmoke\
      CAWheeled_E in ca\wheeled_e\, A_Crane_02 in ca\buildings2\a_crane_02\
      CA_Anims_Wmn in ca\anims\characters\config\wmn\
      CAStructuresInd_Quarry in ca\structures\ind_quarry\
      CAWeapons_AK in ca\weapons\ak\
      CAWeapons2_HuntingRifle in ca\weapons2\huntingrifle\
      CA_Dubbing_PMC in ca\dubbing_pmc\, CAVideo2_PMC in ca\video2_pmc\, CA_E in ca\ca_e\
      CA_Missions_E_SecOps in ca\missions_e\som\, USEC_LHA in usec_lha\
      CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E_Visual_FixedPickupAndOffroadDriverHUD in ca\communityconfigurationproject_e\visual_fixedpickupandoffroaddriverhud\
      CAWeapons_E_Igla in ca\weapons_e\igla\, CA_Animals_E in ca\animals_e\
      CATracked_E_M1_Abrams in ca\tracked_e\m1_abrams\, Warfare2 in ca\warfare2\
      CAMisc_fix_A2FREE in ca\misc_fix\a2free\
      CABuildingParts_Signs in ca\buildings2\buildingparts\signs\
      CAMisc_fix_air in ca\misc_fix\air\
      CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E_AI_MadeAINotEngageSCUDWithRifles in ca\communityconfigurationproject_e\ai_madeainotengagescudwithrifles\
      CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E_Gameplay_AddedMissingSmokeLaunchersToHQVehicles in ca\communityconfigurationproject_e\gameplay_addedmissingsmokelauncherstohqvehicles\
      CARocks_E in ca\rocks_e\, CAWeapons_E_TOW in ca\weapons_e\tow\
      CAAnimals in ca\animals\, CAStructuresHouse in ca\structures\house\
      CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E_Gameplay_ReducedGrenadeDeflection in ca\communityconfigurationproject_e\gameplay_reducedgrenadedeflection\
      dayz_code in z\addons\dayz_code\
      CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E_Gameplay_AddedMissingSmokeLaunchersToVodnikBPPU in ca\communityconfigurationproject_e\gameplay_addedmissingsmokelauncherstovodnikbppu\
      CAAir_E in ca\air_e\, CATracked_E_ZSU in ca\tracked_e\zsu\
      CATracked_E_T34 in ca\tracked_e\t34\
      CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E_Sound_FixedMH60SDammageSound in ca\communityconfigurationproject_e\sound_fixedmh60sdammagesound\
      CAWater2_Fregata in ca\water2\fregata\, CAWater2 in ca\water2\
      CACharacters_BAF_Head in ca\characters_d_baf\heads\
      CA_Dubbing_Baf in ca\dubbing_baf\
      CAStructures_PMC_FuelStation in ca\structures_pmc\ind\fuelstation\
      CAWeapons_E_ZU23 in ca\weapons_e\zu23\
      CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E_Gameplay_FixedTooHighGetOutTrucks in ca\communityconfigurationproject_e\gameplay_fixedtoohighgetouttrucks\
      CAWeapons_E_M252_81mm_Mortar in ca\weapons_e\m252_81mm_mortar\
      CAWeapons_E_FIM92_static in ca\weapons_e\fim92_static\
      CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E_Editor_AddedLargeWeaponVariants in ca\communityconfigurationproject_e\editor_addedlargeweaponvariants\
      CAStructures_Rail in ca\structures\rail\
      CAWeapons_PMC_AS50 in ca\weapons_pmc\as50\, CA_L39 in ca\l39\
      CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E in ca\communityconfigurationproject_e\
      CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_Gameplay_AddedSteppedOpticsToMi24 in ca\communityconfigurationproject_e\gameplay_addedsteppedopticstomi24\
      CAWeapons_E_AK in ca\weapons_e\ak\, GLT_BH_Wreck in glt_bh_wreck\
      CAStructures_E_Ind_Ind_Shed in ca\structures_e\ind\ind_shed\
      CAWeapons_E_M9 in ca\weapons_e\m9_beretta\, VILAS_RW_Forces_CO in vilas_aks_cfg\
      Monaro in holdenmonaro\, CAAir2_MV22 in ca\air2\mv22\
      CAWheeled_E_LADA in ca\wheeled_e\lada\
      CAStructuresHouse_HouseV2 in ca\structures\house\housev2\
      Warfare2Vehicles in ca\warfare2vehicles\, CAWater2_seafox in ca\water2\seafox\
      CAWheeled2_LADA in ca\wheeled2\lada\, MAP_EU in map_eu\
      CAWheeled_E_Pickup in ca\wheeled_e\datsun_armed\
      CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E_Gameplay_LWTSCameraForTUSKLoader in ca\communityconfigurationproject_e\gameplay_lwtscamerafortuskloader\
      CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E_AI_ImprovedAIDispersionCoefForCoaxMGs in ca\communityconfigurationproject_e\ai_improvedaidispersioncoefforcoaxmgs\
      CAWeapons_E_Javelin in ca\weapons_e\javelin\
      CAMP_Armory_Misc_Entrance_Gate in ca\mp_armory\misc\entrance_gate\
      CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E_Gameplay_CorrectedInfantryMovementSpeed in ca\communityconfigurationproject_e\gameplay_correctedinfantrymovementspeed\
      RH_m14 in rh_m14_cfg\, CA_Animals2_Rabbit in ca\animals2\rabbit\
      gms_k98 in gms_k98\, CA_Modules_Coin in ca\modules\coin\
      CA_Modules_Alice2 in ca\modules_e\alice2\
      CA_Missions_FirstAidSystem in ca\modules\fa\, sauerland in ca\sauerland\
      CAAir_E_UH1H_EP1 in ca\air_e\uh1h\, CAStructures_Nav in ca\structures\nav\
      CATracked_W_BAF in ca\tracked_w_baf\, Shed_small in ca\buildings2\shed_small\
      CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E_Editor_MadeAllBackpacksAvailableEmpty in ca\communityconfigurationproject_e\editor_madeallbackpacksavailableempty\
      CAStructures_E_Misc_Misc_Interier in ca\structures_e\misc\misc_interier\
      Ind_Pec in ca\buildings2\ind_cementworks\ind_pec\
      CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E_Gameplay_GetInOutAnimationsforM1A2Loader in ca\communityconfigurationproject_e\gameplay_getinoutanimationsform1a2loader\
      CATracked_E_T55 in ca\tracked_e\t55\, CATracked_E_T72 in ca\tracked_e\t72\
      CABuildings in ca\buildings\, CAStructures_PMC_Misc in ca\structures_pmc\misc\
      CAWheeled_E_UAZ in ca\wheeled_e\uaz\
      CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E_Editor_NoBlackAreaOutsideMap in ca\communityconfigurationproject_e\editor_noblackareaoutsidemap\
      CAStructures_E_Misc_Misc_Garbage in ca\structures_e\misc\misc_garbage\
      CAMP_Armory_Misc_Sign_Armex in ca\mp_armory\misc\sign_armex\
      CAPlants in ca\plants\, CAWheeled_E_Old_bike in ca\wheeled_e\old_bike\
      fal_tierpark in ca\fal_tierpark\, CAAir_E_UH60M in ca\air_e\uh60m\
      CA_Modules_E_Jukebox in ca\modules_e\jukebox\
      CA_Anims_E_Wmn in ca\anims_e\config\wmn\
      CAWeapons_VSS_vintorez in ca\weapons\vss_vintorez\
      CAStructures_PMC_Buildings_Ruin_Cowshed in ca\structures_pmc\buildings\ruins\farm_cowshed\
      CAWeapons_E_G36 in ca\weapons_e\g36\
      CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E_Gameplay_CorrectedMetisViewModes in ca\communityconfigurationproject_e\gameplay_correctedmetisviewmodes\
      CA_Modules_Silvie in ca\modules\silvie\
      CAStructuresLand_A_MunicipalOffice in ca\structures\a_municipaloffice\
      CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E_AI_ImprovedT90ATMissileUse in ca\communityconfigurationproject_e\ai_improvedt90atmissileuse\
      CAStructuresHouse_HouseBT in ca\structures\house\housebt\
      CAStructures_Castle in ca\structures\castle\, CAWeapons2_SMAW in ca\weapons2\smaw\
      CAWeapons2 in ca\weapons2\, CA_Animals2_WildBoar in ca\animals2\wildboar\
      CAMP_Armory_Misc_Plasticpole in ca\mp_armory\misc\plasticpole\
      CATracked_E_BMP2 in ca\tracked_e\bmp\
      CA_E_ParticleEffects in ca\ca_e\data\particleeffects\
      CAWeapons_E_Stinger in ca\weapons_e\stinger\
      CAWheeled3_M1030 in ca\wheeled3\m1030\, CA_Sounds_Baf in ca\sounds_baf\
      Ind_Mlyn in ca\buildings2\ind_cementworks\ind_mlyn\, CSJ_GyroAC in csj_gyroac\
      KPFSWaySigns in kpfs_waysigns\, RH_de_cfg in rh_de_cfg\
      CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E_Editor_SetMissingMusicTrackDuration in ca\communityconfigurationproject_e\editor_setmissingmusictrackduration\
      CAStructures_E_Ind_Ind_FuelStation in ca\structures_e\ind\ind_fuelstation\
      CA_Anims in ca\anims\, CAweapons_E_m107 in ca\weapons_e\m107\
      smk_anims_lite in smk_anims_lite\, HALO_Test in ca\air2\halo\
      CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E_Gameplay_FixedPickupGunnerOpticsView in ca\communityconfigurationproject_e\gameplay_fixedpickupgunneropticsview\
      CAWheeled2_M1114_Armored in ca\wheeled2\hmmwv\m1114_armored\
      CA_Missions_PMC in ca\missions_pmc\, CAWeapons_PMC_AA_12 in ca\weapons_pmc\aa_12\
      CAStructures_E_Ind_Ind_Garage01 in ca\structures_e\ind\ind_garage01\
      CA_Modules_ZoRA in ca\modules\zora\, CAData in Ca\, CASigns_E in ca\signs_e\
      CA_Animals2_Dogs in ca\animals2\dogs\, CAWeapons_E_D30 in ca\weapons_e\d30\
      CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E_Editor_AddedInvisibleZoneProtection in ca\communityconfigurationproject_e\editor_addedinvisiblezoneprotection\
      CATracked2_2S6M_Tunguska in ca\tracked2\2s6m_tunguska\, Utes in ca\utes\
      CAWater in ca\water\, CAWeapons_M252_81mm_Mortar in ca\weapons\m252_81mm_mortar\
      CAWheeled in ca\wheeled\, CAWheeled2_GAZ39371 in ca\wheeled2\gaz39371\
      CA_AIR_E_Su25 in ca\air_e\su25\
      CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E_Sound_FixedAliceEmptydoor in ca\communityconfigurationproject_e\sound_fixedaliceemptydoor\
      CAWeapons_E_GrenadeLauncher in ca\weapons_e\grenadelauncher\
      CAStructuresHouse_a_stationhouse in ca\structures\house\a_stationhouse\
      CATracked2_AAV in ca\tracked2\aav\
      CAWeapons_E_LeeEnfield in ca\weapons_e\leeenfield\
      CAAir_E_AH64D in ca\air_e\ah64\, CYBP_Camels in cybp\cybp_camels\
      CA_Animals2_Dogs_Pastor in ca\animals2\dogs\pastor\
      CA_SoundsMissions_E in ca\soundmissions_e\, Ind_Tank in ca\buildings2\ind_tank\
      CA_Anims_Sdr in ca\anims\characters\config\sdr\
      CAStructures_E_HouseA_A_CityGate1 in ca\structures_e\housea\a_citygate1\
      CAWeapons_Metis_AT_13 in ca\weapons\metis_at_13\
      CAWeapons2_RPG18 in ca\weapons2\rpg18\, CAWheeled2_VWGolf in ca\wheeled2\vwgolf\
      CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E_AI_FixedSidewinderLaucherRangeProbabilities in ca\communityconfigurationproject_e\ai_fixedsidewinderlaucherrangeprobabilities\
      DZ_DebriefingRemoved in z\addons\dayz_code\
      HouseRuins in ca\buildings2\houseruins\, CACharacters_BAF in ca\characters_d_baf\
      CAStructures_PMC_Buildings_GeneralStore_PMC in ca\structures_pmc\buildings\generalstore\
      CAStructures_PMC_Misc_Shed in ca\structures_pmc\misc\shed\
      CAWheeled_D_BAF in ca\wheeled_d_baf\
      dayz_communityassets in z\addons\dayz_communityassets\
      CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E_Gameplay_FixedAT1Model in ca\communityconfigurationproject_e\gameplay_fixedat1model\
      Barn_Metal in ca\buildings2\barn_metal\
      CATracked_E_M2A2_Bradley in ca\tracked_e\m2a2_bradley\
      CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E_Gameplay_FasterStepOver in ca\communityconfigurationproject_e\gameplay_fasterstepover\
      SBH_PARANOIA in sbh_paranoia\data\
      CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E_AI_ImprovedTunguskaAAMissileUse in ca\communityconfigurationproject_e\ai_improvedtunguskaaamissileuse\
      CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E_Gameplay_FixedTransportCapabilitiesShipsAndBoats in ca\communityconfigurationproject_e\gameplay_fixedtransportcapabilitiesshipsandboats\
      FHQ_Remington_RSASS in fhq_remington\rsass\
      CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E_Gameplay_AddedThermalViewToA2AirVehicles in ca\communityconfigurationproject_e\gameplay_addedthermalviewtoa2airvehicles\
      CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E_Editor_MadeOldTractorAvailable in ca\communityconfigurationproject_e\editor_madeoldtractoravailable\
      CA_Modules_E_Weather in ca\modules_e\weather\
      CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E_Gameplay_WorkingFreelookWhenTurnedOut in ca\communityconfigurationproject_e\gameplay_workingfreelookwhenturnedout\
      CAStructuresHouse_HouseV in ca\structures\house\housev\
      CA_Missions_BAF_Templates_SecOps in ca\missions_baf\templates\secopsbaf.west\
      zargabad in ca\zargabad\, CA_Modules_E_OO in ca\modules_e\oo\
      CA_Dubbing in ca\dubbing\
      CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E_Gameplay_EnabledAlwaysLockingForCRV7_PG in ca\communityconfigurationproject_e\gameplay_enabledalwayslockingforcrv7_pg\
      st_collision in st_collision\, CAWeapons_E_RPG7 in ca\weapons_e\rpg7\
      aif_arma1buildings in aif_napfobjects\aif_arma1buildings\
      CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E_Visual_FixedPylonPositionsAH64 in ca\communityconfigurationproject_e\visual_fixedpylonpositionsah64\
      CAStructuresHouse_Shed_Ind in ca\structures\shed_ind\
      CAWheeled_PMC in ca\wheeled_pmc\, CA_Missions_SecOps in ca\missions\som\
      gdtmod_grass in gdtmod_grass\
      CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E_Gameplay_CorrectedDriverViewInBTR60 in ca\communityconfigurationproject_e\gameplay_correcteddriverviewinbtr60\
      CAWeapons_E_Mk19_MiniTriPod in ca\weapons_e\mk19_minitripod\
      CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E_Gameplay_AddedShortLockDelayForNLAW in ca\communityconfigurationproject_e\gameplay_addedshortlockdelayfornlaw\
      CAWeapons_Kord in ca\weapons\kord\, CA_Missions2_PMC in ca\missions2_pmc\
      CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E_Editor_AdditionalMarkerColors in ca\communityconfigurationproject_e\editor_additionalmarkercolors\
      CA_Anims_Char in ca\anims\characters\config\
      CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E_Gameplay_ActualModelsOfWeaponMagazinesVisibleOnTheGround in ca\communityconfigurationproject_e\gameplay_actualmodelsofweaponmagazinesvisibleontheground\
      CAAir_E_AH6J in ca\air_e\ah6j\, CAWeapons_E_Metis in ca\weapons_e\metis_at_13\
      CAWheeled_E_ATV in ca\wheeled_e\atv\
      CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E_Stringtable_FixedNLAWRangeDescription in ca\communityconfigurationproject_e\stringtable_fixednlawrangedescription\
      frb in fr_reskin\, CA_DubbingRadio_PMC in ca\dubbingradio_pmc\
      CASounds_E in ca\sounds_e\, CA_Animals2_Chicken in ca\animals2\birds\chicken\
      BI_SRRS in ca\modules\srrs\, Napf in momo\napf\, CAAir_E_Halo in ca\air_e\halo\
      CA_MPA_MP in ca\mp_armory\armory_mp\, CA_Heads in ca\characters\heads\
      CAA10 in ca\a10\, CA_Missions_AlternativeInjurySimulation in ca\modules\ais\
      Ind_Dopravnik in ca\buildings2\ind_cementworks\ind_dopravnik\
      CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E_Gameplay_RemovedTargetsDisplayFromA10AndAV8B in ca\communityconfigurationproject_e\gameplay_removedtargetsdisplayfroma10andav8b\
      Danish_Army_UNITSPEC in a2020_danetmp\
      CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E_Settings_EnabledAutoGuideATForAllDifficultyLevels in ca\communityconfigurationproject_e\settings_enabledautoguideatforalldifficultylevels\
      Ind_Workshop01 in ca\buildings2\ind_workshop01\
      CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E_Visual_FixedUnitTypeIconsBasedOnWeaponry in ca\communityconfigurationproject_e\visual_fixedunittypeiconsbasedonweaponry\
      CA_Anims_E_Sdr in ca\anims_e\config\sdr\
      CAWheeled_PMC_ArmoredSUV in ca\wheeled_pmc\armoredsuv\
      CAStructures_E_Ind_Ind_Coltan_Mine in ca\structures_e\ind\ind_coltan_mine\
      CA_Animals2_Goat in ca\animals2\goat\, CA_CruiseMissile in ca\air2\cruisemissile\
      CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E_AI_MadeAIUseCTWSVsInfantry in ca\communityconfigurationproject_e\ai_madeaiusectwsvsinfantry\
      CAAir_E_CH_47F in ca\air_e\ch47\, CAWeapons_E_AmmoBoxes in ca\weapons_e\ammoboxes\
      CA_Missions_E in ca\missions_e\, CAAir_PMC_KA137 in ca\air_pmc\ka137\
      CALanguageMissions_baf in ca\languagemissions_baf\
      CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E_Gameplay_AddedMFDForAH1Z in ca\communityconfigurationproject_e\gameplay_addedmfdforah1z\
      CAWeapons_E_MAAWS in ca\weapons_e\maaws\
      CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E_Gameplay_MadeBicycleNotLockable in ca\communityconfigurationproject_e\gameplay_madebicyclenotlockable\
      CAWeapons_E_AGS in ca\weapons_e\ags30\, CATracked2_BMP3 in ca\tracked2\bmp3\
      CAweapons_ksvk in ca\weapons\ksvk\, CAWheeled2 in ca\wheeled2\
      CA_HC_Sounds in ca\missions\data\sounds\, CAWheeled3 in ca\wheeled3\
      CAStructures_PMC in ca\structures_pmc\, CAAir2 in ca\air2\
      CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E_Gameplay_MadeM1A2TUSKLoaderAbleToTurnIn in ca\communityconfigurationproject_e\gameplay_madem1a2tuskloaderabletoturnin\
      CAWeapons_E_scar in ca\weapons_e\scar\, CAWeapons_E_M47 in ca\weapons_e\m47\
      CAWheeled_E_s1203 in ca\wheeled_e\s1203\, CAMisc_E_WF in ca\misc_e\wf\
      missions_ew in ca\missions_ew\, FHQ_Remington in fhq_remington\
      CAMisc_E in ca\misc_e\, CABuildings2_Misc_Cargo in ca\buildings2\misc_cargo\
      CAStructuresHouse_A_FuelStation in ca\structures\house\a_fuelstation\
      CAStructures_A_CraneCon in ca\structures\a_cranecon\
      CA_Modules_PMC_SimpleFIrstAid in ca\modules_pmc\simplefirstaid\
      CAStructures_PMC_Ind in ca\structures_pmc\ind\, CAAir3 in ca\air3\
      CAStructures_E_Misc_Misc_Lamp in ca\structures_e\misc\misc_lamp\
      CA_Modules_UAV in ca\modules\uav\, CAWeapons_E_DSHKM in ca\weapons_e\dshkm\
      Farm_Cowshed in ca\buildings2\farm_cowshed\
      GLT_BH_Wreck_burned in glt_bh_wreck_burned\
      CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E_Visual_AdditionalBombMagazines in ca\communityconfigurationproject_e\visual_additionalbombmagazines\
      A_statue in ca\buildings2\a_statue\, Shapur_BAF in ca\shapur_baf\
      CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E_Gameplay_DisabledSPG9Locking in ca\communityconfigurationproject_e\gameplay_disabledspg9locking\
      CA_Modules_E_Functions in ca\modules_e\functions\
      CAWeapons_E_fnfal in ca\weapons_e\fnfal\, CAWeapons_E_ksvk in ca\weapons_e\ksvk\
      CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E_Gameplay_ReducedAK74andRPKRecoil in ca\communityconfigurationproject_e\gameplay_reducedak74andrpkrecoil\
      CAWheeled_E_Old_moto in ca\wheeled_e\old_moto\
      CAStructuresShed_Small in ca\structures\shed\shed_small\, CARocks2 in ca\rocks2\
      CA_Missions_Templates_SecOps in ca\missions\templates\secops.west\
      CAAir_E_Mi24 in ca\air_e\mi35\, CAWater2_LHD in ca\water2\lhd\
      CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E_AI_MadeTankGunnersUseATAndHEAmmo_Muzzle in ca\communityconfigurationproject_e\ai_madetankgunnersuseatandheammo\muzzle\
      CAStructures_E_Mil in ca\structures_e\mil\
      CAMP_Armory_Misc_Sign_Direction in ca\mp_armory\misc\sign_direction\
      CAWeapons_E_STATIC in ca\weapons_e\static\
      CAWeapons_E_Makarov in ca\weapons_e\makarov\, CAWheeled2_V3S in ca\wheeled2\v3s\
      CAAir_PMC_KA60 in ca\air_pmc\ka60\, CATracked_BAF in ca\tracked_d_baf\
      CAWheeled_E_Volha in ca\wheeled_e\volha\
      CAStructures_Proxy_Ruins in ca\structures\proxy_ruins\
      CA_DubbingRadio_E in ca\dubbingradio_e\
      CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E_Gameplay_FasterHandGrenadeThrowWithPistol in ca\communityconfigurationproject_e\gameplay_fasterhandgrenadethrowwithpistol\
      CAMusic_E in ca\music_e\, CAStructures_Ruins in ca\structures\ruins\
      CATracked2_us_m270mlrs in ca\tracked2\us_m270mlrs\
      CAWeapons_bizon in ca\weapons\bizon\
      CA_Modules_PMC_Functions in ca\modules_pmc\functions\
      CAWheeled_E_stryker in ca\wheeled_e\stryker\, CAMisc_fix_Weap in ca\misc_fix\weap\
      Church_01 in ca\buildings2\church_01\
      CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E_Visual_FixedMi17Mi8UnitTypeIcon in ca\communityconfigurationproject_e\visual_fixedmi17mi8unittypeicon\
      GoosUKSF in goosuksf\, FHQ_Remington_MSR in fhq_remington\msr\
      CACharacters_PMC in ca\characters_pmc\, CACharacters_W_BAF in ca\characters_w_baf\
      CAWeapons_E_M240 in ca\weapons_e\m240\
      CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E_Stringtable_FixedWeaponNames in ca\communityconfigurationproject_e\stringtable_fixedweaponnames\
      dayz_vehicles in dayz_vehicles\, CA_AIR_E_MQ9PredatorB in ca\air_e\mq9predatorb\
      CA_Missions in ca\missions\, Desert_E in ca\desert_e\
      CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E_Gameplay_RealisticKa52GunMovementLimits in ca\communityconfigurationproject_e\gameplay_realisticka52gunmovementlimits\
      CAStructures_E_Misc in ca\structures_e\misc\
      CAStructures_Railway in ca\structures\rail\railway\
      Shed_wooden in ca\buildings2\shed_wooden\, CA_Modules_DynO in ca\modules\dyno\
      CA_Modules_Alice in ca\modules\alice\, dayz_epoch in z\addons\dayz_epoch\
      CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E_Gameplay_FixedEarthenRampartDestruction in ca\communityconfigurationproject_e\gameplay_fixedearthenrampartdestruction\
      Ind_Expedice in ca\buildings2\ind_cementworks\ind_expedice\
      CAWeapons_E_Podnos_2b14_82mm in ca\weapons_e\podnos_2b14_82mm\
      CAAir2_MQ9PredatorB in ca\air2\mq9predatorb\, CALanguage_e in ca\language_e\
      Ind_SawMill in ca\structures\ind_sawmill\, CAWheeled2_MMT in ca\wheeled2\mmt\
      CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E_Sound_FixedCTWS in ca\communityconfigurationproject_e\sound_fixedctws\
      CA_Animals2_Dogs_Fin in ca\animals2\dogs\fin\, CA_AIR2_Su25 in ca\air2\su25\
      nof_menfsk in nof_fsk\, CATEC in ca\buildings2\buildingparts\signs\tec\
      CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E_Gameplay_FixedBizonLightFlashOnFiring in ca\communityconfigurationproject_e\gameplay_fixedbizonlightflashonfiring\
      CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E_Gameplay_FixedM242AmmoStats in ca\communityconfigurationproject_e\gameplay_fixedm242ammostats\
      CARoads in ca\roads\, CA_Missions_E_Armory2 in ca\missions_e\armory\
      CA_Support in ca\modules_e\ssm\, CABuildings2_A_Pub in ca\buildings2\a_pub\
      CAStructuresHouse_A_Office01 in ca\structures\house\a_office01\
      CALanguage_PMC in ca\language_pmc\, CA_Animals2_Cow in ca\animals2\cow\
      CAWeapons_E in ca\weapons_e\
      Ind_SiloVelke in ca\buildings2\ind_cementworks\ind_silovelke\
      American_Law_Enforcement in american_law_enforcement\
      dayz_weapons in dayz_weapons\
      CAStructures_E_Misc_Misc_Market in ca\structures_e\misc\misc_market\
      CAStructures_E_HouseA in ca\structures_e\housea\, GNT_C185 in gnt_c185\
      CAMP_Armory_Misc_Info_Board in ca\mp_armory\misc\info_board\
      CAStructuresHouse_A_Office02 in ca\structures\house\a_office02\
      CAMusic_PMC in ca\music_pmc\, CAStructures_PMC_Walls in ca\structures_pmc\walls\
      GLT_M300T in glt_m300t\
      CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E_Visual_ReducedMissileSmoke in ca\communityconfigurationproject_e\visual_reducedmissilesmoke\
      CACharacters2 in ca\characters2\, FHQ_Remington_Ammo in fhq_remington\ammo\
      CARoads2 in ca\roads2\, CAWheeled_E_Ikarus in ca\wheeled_e\ikarus\
      CABuildingParts in ca\buildings2\buildingparts\
      CA_MPA_Challenges in ca\mp_armory\armory_mp_challenges\
      Ind_Shed_01 in ca\buildings2\ind_shed_01\
      CAWater2_fishing_boat in ca\water2\fishing_boat\
      CALanguage_Baf in ca\language_baf\
      CAStructures_PMC_Buildings in ca\structures_pmc\buildings\
      Ind_Shed_02 in ca\buildings2\ind_shed_02\
      CA_Missions_BattlefieldClearance in ca\modules\bc\
      WarfareBuildings in ca\misc3\wf\, CAWheeled_E_BTR40 in ca\wheeled_e\btr40\
      JetSkiYanahuiAddon in jetskiyanahui\
      CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E_Gameplay_MadePilotsControlUnguidedRockets in ca\communityconfigurationproject_e\gameplay_madepilotscontrolunguidedrockets\
      CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E_Gameplay_FixedSPG9ReloadSpeed in ca\communityconfigurationproject_e\gameplay_fixedspg9reloadspeed\
      CAStructures_E_HouseC in ca\structures_e\housec\
      CAWater2_smallboat_1 in ca\water2\small_boat\
      CAMP_Armory_Misc_Infostands in ca\mp_armory\misc\infostands\
      CAWheeled_E_SCUD in ca\wheeled_e\scud\, CAAir2_UH1Y in ca\air2\uh1y\
      ind_silomale in ca\buildings2\ind_cementworks\ind_silomale\
      CA_Modules_clouds in ca\modules\clouds\
      CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E_Visual_CTWSMuzzleFlashAtWrongPosition in ca\communityconfigurationproject_e\visual_ctwsmuzzleflashatwrongposition\
      ProvingGrounds_PMC in ca\provinggrounds_pmc\
      CAStructures_PMC_Ruins in ca\structures_pmc\ruins\
      CAMP_Armory_Misc_Red_Light in ca\mp_armory\misc\red_light\
      CA_Modules_ARTY in ca\modules\arty\
      CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E_AI_MadeTankGunnersUseATAndHEAmmo in ca\communityconfigurationproject_e\ai_madetankgunnersuseatandheammo\
      CAStructures_A_BuildingWIP in ca\structures\a_buildingwip\
      warehouse in warehouse\
      CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E_Sound_FixedMissingEffectsNames in ca\communityconfigurationproject_e\sound_fixedmissingeffectsnames\
      CAWater2_Destroyer in ca\water2\destroyer\
      CA_Missions_BAF_2 in ca\missions_2_baf\
      CA_Missions_Armory2 in ca\missions\armory\
      CAWater2_seafox_EP1 in ca\misc_e\seafox\, CAWheeled_E_MTVR in ca\wheeled_e\mtvr\
      CAWheeled_E_BTR60 in ca\wheeled_e\btr60\
      CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E_AI_MadeAINotEngageBTR40WithRifles in ca\communityconfigurationproject_e\ai_madeainotengagebtr40withrifles\
      CAWeapons_E_M110 in ca\weapons_e\m110\
      CAWheeled_Pickup in ca\wheeled\datsun_armed\, CAWheeled2_MTVR in ca\wheeled2\mtvr\
      CAWheeled2_Kamaz in ca\wheeled2\kamaz\
      CA_Missions_AmbientCombat in ca\modules\ambient_combat\
      CAStructures_E_HouseA_A_Villa in ca\structures_e\housea\a_villa\
      dayz_anim in dayz_anim\, CATracked_E_M113 in ca\tracked_e\m113\
      CAWeapons_E_M2StaticMG in ca\weapons_e\m2\, CAAir_E_An2 in ca\air_e\an2\
      CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E_AI_MadeAKS74UNKobraFullySilenced in ca\communityconfigurationproject_e\ai_madeaks74unkobrafullysilenced\
      CA_Modules_Animals in ca\modules\animals\
      CAStructuresHouse_Church_02 in ca\structures\house\church_02\
      CATracked2 in ca\tracked2\, CAWeapons_SPG9 in ca\weapons\spg9\
      CAWheeled_E_LandRover in ca\wheeled_e\lr\
      CAStructures_E_Ind_Misc_PowerStation in ca\structures_e\ind\ind_powerstation\
      CAStructures_E_Misc_Misc_powerline in ca\structures_e\misc\misc_powerline\
      VILAS_WWP_CO in vilas_wwp_cfg\
      CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E_Gameplay_FixedMissileSpeeds in ca\communityconfigurationproject_e\gameplay_fixedmissilespeeds\
      CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E_Gameplay_AddedThermalViewToA2GroundVehicles in ca\communityconfigurationproject_e\gameplay_addedthermalviewtoa2groundvehicles\
      CAAir_E_A10 in ca\air_e\a10\
      CAStructures_E_HouseA_A_Mosque_big in ca\structures_e\housea\a_mosque_big\
      CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E_Gameplay_RemovedAirlockOfVikhrMissile in ca\communityconfigurationproject_e\gameplay_removedairlockofvikhrmissile\
      CA_Animals2_Sheep in ca\animals2\sheep\, FHQ_Remington_ACR in fhq_remington\acr\
      Oz_Is_Objects in paf_stad_obj\
      CAStructuresHouse_Church_03 in ca\structures\house\church_03\
      CAAir_BAF in ca\air_d_baf\, usec_ch53 in usec_ch53\
      CAWheeled_E_TT650 in ca\wheeled_e\tt650\
      CAStructures_E_Misc_Misc_cables in ca\structures_e\misc\misc_cables\
      CA_MPA in ca\mp_armory\, CAWeapons_E_Strela in ca\weapons_e\strela\
      CA_Modules_StratLayer in ca\modules\strat_layer\
      CAStructures_E_Misc_Misc_Well in ca\structures_e\misc\misc_well\
      CAStructuresHouse_A_Hospital in ca\structures\house\a_hospital\
      CAWheeled2_M998A2_Avenger in ca\wheeled2\hmmwv\m998a2_avenger\
      CACharacters_PMC_Head in ca\characters_pmc\heads\
      CACharacters_E in ca\characters_e\, ST_bunnyhop in st_bunnyhop\
      CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_Gameplay_ChangedCountermeasuresAmmoToChaffForSu25 in ca\communityconfigurationproject_e\gameplay_changedcountermeasuresammotochaffforsu25\
      CAWeapons_E_M119_Howitzer in ca\weapons_e\m119_howitzer\, CAAir in ca\air\
      CA_Modules in ca\modules\
      CAStructures_E_HouseA_A_Minaret_Porto in ca\structures_e\housea\a_minaret_porto\
      CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E_Sound_FixedCarNoiseSound in ca\communityconfigurationproject_e\sound_fixedcarnoisesound\
      CA_Modules_E_DynO in ca\modules_e\dyno\, st_evasive in st_evasive\
      CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E_AI_MadeAIUseMGOfStrykerMGS in ca\communityconfigurationproject_e\ai_madeaiusemgofstrykermgs\
      CAStructuresLand_Ind_Stack_Big in ca\structures\ind\
      CARoads_PMC_Bridge in ca\roads_pmc\bridge\
      CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E_Gameplay_EnabledBackPackCarryAbilityForA2Infantry in ca\communityconfigurationproject_e\gameplay_enabledbackpackcarryabilityfora2infantry\
      CAStructures_E_HouseK in ca\structures_e\housek\, CA_AH64D in ca\ah64\
      CA_Modules_E in ca\modules_e\
      CAMP_Armory_Misc_Loudspeakers in ca\mp_armory\misc\loudspeakers\
      Ind_Garage01 in ca\buildings2\ind_garage01\, A_TVTower in ca\structures\a_tvtower\
      CAWheeled_E_Offroad in ca\wheeled_e\hilux_armed\
      CAWheeled2_Ikarus in ca\wheeled2\ikarus\
      CAStructuresBarn_W in ca\structures\barn_w\
      CAAir2_ChukarTarget in ca\air2\chukar\, CAWeapons_E_SPG9 in ca\weapons_e\spg9\
      SOW_Sounds in SOW_sounds_c\, CAStructures_E_HouseL in ca\structures_e\housel\
      CA_MPA_Core in ca\mp_armory\armory_core\, VILAS_WWP in vilas_wwp\
      CA_Modules_Functions in ca\modules\functions\
      dayz_server in z\addons\dayz_server\
      CAWheeled2_HMMWV_Ambulance in ca\wheeled2\hmmwv\m997a2_ambulance\
      CAWeapons_BAF in ca\weapons_baf\
      CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E_Visual_FixedPylonPositionsMi24 in ca\communityconfigurationproject_e\visual_fixedpylonpositionsmi24\
      CA_Modules_E_UAV_Heli in ca\modules_e\uav_heli\, dayz_epoch_b in dayz_epoch_b\
      CA_Modules_E_UAV in ca\modules_e\uav\
      IndPipe2 in ca\buildings2\ind_pipeline\indpipe2\
      CAStructuresHouse_rail_station_big in ca\structures\rail\rail_station_big\
      CAStructures_Proxy_BuildingParts in ca\structures\proxy_buildingparts\
      CAWeapons_2b14_82mm_Mortar in ca\weapons\podnos_2b14_82mm\
      Misc_WaterStation in ca\buildings2\misc_waterstation\, CARoads_E in ca\roads_e\
      ow_assets in z\addons\ow_assets\, MicroAirVehicles in raven\
      VILAS_RW_Forces in vilas_aks\
      CAStructures_E_Misc_Misc_Construction in ca\structures_e\misc\misc_construction\
      mbg_african_buildings in mbg\mbg_generic_african_buildings\
      CA_Missions_E_Templates_SecOps in ca\missions_e\templates\secops.west\
      CAWeapons_E_Searchlight in ca\weapons_e\searchlight\
      A_GeneralStore_01 in ca\buildings2\a_generalstore_01\
      CATracked2_T34 in ca\tracked2\t34\, CAWeapons_Colt1911 in ca\weapons\colt1911\
      CA_BAF in ca\data_baf\, dayz in dayz\, CAWeapons_E_M14 in ca\weapons_e\m14\
      CYBP_Camels_Config in cybp\cybp_camels_config\
      CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E_AI_MadeAIUseGrenadeLaunchers in ca\communityconfigurationproject_e\ai_madeaiusegrenadelaunchers\
      CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E_Gameplay_MadeMissileSteerableForBMP3AndT90 in ca\communityconfigurationproject_e\gameplay_mademissilesteerableforbmp3andt90\
      CARocks in CA\Rocks\, CAWeapons_E_M136 in ca\weapons_e\m136\
      CAHouseBlock_A in ca\buildings2\houseblocks\houseblock_a\
      CAAir3_Su34 in ca\air3\su34\
      CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_Gameplay_ChangedThermalDisplaySystem in ca\communityconfigurationproject_e\gameplay_changedthermaldisplaysystem\
      CAMP_Armory_Misc_Concrete_Wall in ca\mp_armory\misc\concrete_wall\
      CAStructures_Wall in ca\structures\wall\, CAWeapons_DMR in ca\weapons\dmr\
      CAWheeled2_LAV25 in ca\wheeled2\lav25\, CAStructures_E_Ind in ca\structures_e\ind\
      CAStructures_E_HouseA_A_Statue in ca\structures_e\housea\a_statue\
      CAHouseBlock_B in ca\buildings2\houseblocks\houseblock_b\
      CAStructures_E_Wall_Wall_L in ca\structures_e\wall\wall_l\
      CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E_AI_ImprovedTankGunnerHEAndATAmmoUse in ca\communityconfigurationproject_e\ai_improvedtankgunnerheandatammouse\
      CA_Anims_E in ca\anims_e\, CAAir_E_C130J in ca\air_e\c130j\
      CAMisc_fix_Str in ca\misc_fix\str\, CAAir_E_MI8 in ca\air_e\mi17\
      CA_Animals2 in ca\animals2\, CAStructures in ca\structures\
      CAWheeled_Offroad in ca\wheeled\hilux_armed\
      CAWheeled2_HMMWV_BASE in ca\wheeled2\hmmwv\
      CAStructures_PMC_Buildings_Bunker in ca\structures_pmc\buildings\bunker\
      CAWeapons_E_M16 in ca\weapons_e\m16\
      CAMP_Armory_Misc_Laptop in ca\mp_armory\misc\laptop\
      Rail_House_01 in ca\buildings2\rail_house_01\, CAMisc_fix in ca\misc_fix\
      CAHouseBlock_C in ca\buildings2\houseblocks\houseblock_c\
      CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E_AI_ImprovedIglaPodAAMissileUse in ca\communityconfigurationproject_e\ai_improvediglapodaamissileuse\
      CAStructures_E in ca\structures_e\
      CAStructures_Misc_Powerlines in ca\structures\misc_powerlines\
      CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E_Sound_FixedGetInGetOutSoundOfSedan in ca\communityconfigurationproject_e\sound_fixedgetingetoutsoundofsedan\
      CAWheeled_E_Ural in ca\wheeled_e\ural\, zero_buildings in zero_buildings\
      CAStructures_E_HouseA_A_Mosque_small in ca\structures_e\housea\a_mosque_small\
      CAAir_BAF_CH_47F in ca\air_d_baf\ch47\
      CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E_Gameplay_ImprovedSizeOfCompassAndGPS in ca\communityconfigurationproject_e\gameplay_improvedsizeofcompassandgps\
      CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E_Gameplay_DisabledOpticsViewInGRAD in ca\communityconfigurationproject_e\gameplay_disabledopticsviewingrad\
      CAHouseBlock_D in ca\buildings2\houseblocks\houseblock_d\
      CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E_Gameplay_DisabledOpticsViewInMLRS in ca\communityconfigurationproject_e\gameplay_disabledopticsviewinmlrs\
      CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E_Gameplay_MoreSluggishATV in ca\communityconfigurationproject_e\gameplay_moresluggishatv\
      CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E_Gameplay_DisabledGRADMLRSLocking in ca\communityconfigurationproject_e\gameplay_disabledgradmlrslocking\
      CA_Modules_E_Gita in ca\modules_e\gita\, CAStructures_Mil in ca\structures\mil\
      CAMisc2 in ca\misc2\
      CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E_Editor_AddedAllWeaponSlotsInfantryVariants in ca\communityconfigurationproject_e\editor_addedallweaponslotsinfantryvariants\
      Chernarus in ca\chernarus\, CAMisc in ca\misc\
      CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E_Gameplay_DisabledLockingForAllNonGuidedWeaponsWithAutoGuideATDisabled in ca\communityconfigurationproject_e\gameplay_disabledlockingforallnonguidedweaponswithautoguideatdisabled\
      CAStructures_E_Ind_Oil_Mine in ca\structures_e\ind\ind_oil_mine\
      MBG_Killhouses in mbg_killhouses\, CATracked2_T90 in ca\tracked2\t90\
      CAWeapons_Warfare_weapons in ca\weapons\static\
      CAWheeled2_TowingTractor in ca\wheeled2\towingtractor\
      CALanguage_missions_PMC in ca\languagemissions_pmc\, CASigns2 in ca\signs2\
      CAStructures_E_HouseA_A_BuildingWIP in ca\structures_e\housea\a_buildingwip\
      CA_Animals2_Anim_Config in ca\animals2\animconfig\, buildings3 in ca\buildings3\
      USSR_cheytac in ussr_m200\, CALanguage in ca\language\, CAUI in ca\ui\
      CAMisc3 in ca\misc3\, FHQ_Remington_XM2010 in fhq_remington\xm2010\
      CAWheeled_E_BRDM2 in ca\wheeled_e\brdm2\
      CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E_Gameplay_AdditionalLauncherRocketsWithEnlargedSize in ca\communityconfigurationproject_e\gameplay_additionallauncherrocketswithenlargedsize\
      RH_hk416_cfg in rh_hk416_cfg\, CACharacters in ca\characters\
      CAweapons_m107 in ca\weapons\m107\, CAWeapons_AmmoBoxes in ca\weapons\ammoboxes\
    Mods: @DayZ_Epoch_Server
    Distribution: 0
    Version 1.63.112555
    Fault address:  014DCC85 01:0046BC85 C:\Users\Owner\Desktop\DayZ OverPoch Server\Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead\Expansion\beta\arma2oaserver.exe
    file:     DayZ_Overpoch_1
    world:    Chernarus
    Prev. code bytes: 5B EF FF FF 8B 83 20 01 00 00 8D 8B BC 00 00 00
    Fault code bytes: D8 40 10 D9 5D F8 E8 CD DB FE FF 84 C0 0F 85 2C
    EAX:00000000 EBX:31D66E00
    ESI:087EF834 EDI:087EF840
    SS:ESP:002B:087EF7F4  EBP:087EF858
    DS:002B  ES:002B  FS:0053  GS:002B
    note: Minidump has been generated into the file instance_1_Overpoch\arma2oaserver.mdmp

    I would be grateful if the error I had at this moment of time could be explained and maybe a little help on how this could be fixed. This has happened to me only once but just in case I would like to prevent this from happening again by fixing whatever is causing this.


    Thank you!

  13. Hi,


    Thanks for your reply, I have edited the DZMS and WAI config. I think I should be fine with the missions now. Thanks for showing me that.


    The pastebin link you sent me is the exact same as the server_traders.sqf I have. I was looking in to that before I posted, I was wondering if there was a particular way of finding out which trader ID is located at Start Trader?



  14. Hello,


    First Question

    I wanted to know if there is something else I need to do. But first let me start from what the problem is. I have installed WAI-0.16 and DZMS. So they both are being read correctly and working properly. For proof I have copied the arma2oaserver.RPT showing that it works:

    3:02:47 [DZMS]: Running Minor Mission SM4.
     3:02:51 [DZMS]: (DZMSUnitsMinor) 3 AI Spawned, 3 units in mission.
     3:02:53 [DZMS]: (DZMSUnitsMinor) 3 AI Spawned, 6 units in mission.
     3:02:54 [DZMS]: (DZMSUnitsMinor) 3 AI Spawned, 9 units in mission.
     3:02:55 [DZMS]: (DZMSUnitsMinor) Waiting for 0/9 Units or Less to be Alive and a Player to be Near the Objective.
     3:03:29 "infiSTAR.de AdminReq: [1,B 1-1-B:1 (MyName) REMOTE,[6333.58,7833.45,0]]"
     3:03:29 "infiSTAR.de AdminReqProceed: B 1-1-B:1 (MyName) REMOTE"
     3:03:29 "infiSTAR.de PVAH_WriteLog: [B 1-1-B:1 (MyName) REMOTE,"[MyName Teleport to [6333.58,7833.45,0](@063075)"]"
     3:06:44 "TIME SYNC: Local Time set to [2013,8,3,16,6]"
     3:08:29 "WAI: Starting Mission disabled_civchopper"
     3:08:29 "WAI: Mission Civilian Aircraft Started At [7485.22,8520.15]"
     3:08:30 "WAI: Mission Civilian Aircraft spawned a MV-22"
     3:08:30 "WAI: Spawned a group of 3 Bandits at [7485.22,8520.15,0]"
     3:08:30 "WAI: Spawned a group of 3 Bandits at [7485.22,8520.15,0]"

    While I am in game the missions only go up to 2 or 3 missions. 4 missions if I run my server for an hour or so. My question is, could I possibly increase the amount of missions that pop up or should the amount of missions remain the same?


    Second Question


    As you can see from the RPT file I have infiSTAR installed as well. Is there anyone who could tell me how I can find out the trader id's of the NPC's at stary? I would like to create custom categories. The reason why I mentioned infiSTAR was because there could be a possible way you can do this with infiSTAR and someone maybe knows.



  15. Hi,
    I have installed this and I can deploy a bike but when I scroll over the bike I can not pack it. How could I fix this?
    Nevermind about my problem, I decided to take my time and read through the script. All I had to do was go to my fn_selActions.sqf and find the 

    if((_isBike && "ItemToolbox" in _weapons && (player distance cursorTarget < 10)) and _canDo) then {

    and replace it with 

    if((_isBike  && (player distance cursorTarget < 10)) and _canDo) then {

    so I took out this code

    && "ItemToolbox" in _weapons

    as it was saying that a toolbox is needed to pack a bike. Now I can pack a bike without a toolbox. After modifying I edited the deploy.sqf inside the mtbike and changed it to this:

    if (false) then {
    cutText [format["You are in combat and cannot build a bike."], "PLAIN DOWN"];
    } else {
    player removeAction s_player_deploybike;
    player playActionNow "Medic";
    r_interrupt = false;
    player removeWeapon "ItemToolbox";
    _sfx = "repair";
    [player,_sfx,0,false,_dis] call dayz_zombieSpeak;
    [player,_dis,true,(getPosATL player)] spawn player_alertZombies;
    sleep 6;
    _object = "MMT_Civ" createVehicle (position player);
    _object setVariable ["ObjectID", "1", true];
    _object setVariable ["ObjectUID", "1", true];
    player reveal _object;
    cutText [format["You've built a bike! How magical!"], "PLAIN DOWN"];
    r_interrupt = false;
    player switchMove "";
    player playActionNow "stop";
    sleep 10;
    cutText [format["Warning: Spawned bikes DO NOT SAVE after server restart!"], "PLAIN DOWN"];

    What I changed was, The bike can be built without then need of any other parts but just the toolbox. When it is built the toolbox disapears.


    Then I put this into the pack.sqf

    if (false) then { 
    // player is in combat and cant pack his bike
        cutText [format["You are in combat and cannot re-pack your bike."], "PLAIN DOWN"];
    } else {
    	if (typeOf cursorTarget == "MMT_Civ") then {
    	// player is looking at a bike and the target has a bike classname
    	// delete it first to avoid player changing to another target
    		deletevehicle cursorTarget; 
    		player removeAction s_player_deploybike2;
    		player playActionNow "Medic";
    		r_interrupt = false;		
    		player addWeapon "ItemToolbox";
    		_sfx = "repair";
    		[player,_sfx,0,false,_dis] call dayz_zombieSpeak;
    		[player,_dis,true,(getPosATL player)] spawn player_alertZombies;
    		sleep 6;
    		cutText [format["You have packed your bike and been given back your materials"], "PLAIN DOWN"];
    		r_interrupt = false;
    		player switchMove "";
    		player playActionNow "stop";
    	} else {
    		// player is not looking at a bike, or target does not have a bike classname
    		cutText [format["You have to be facing your bike to re-pack it!"], "PLAIN DOWN"];

    Which tells the script to give back the toolbox to the player so they can deploy it when ever they wish once again.

    Hopes this helps who ever is looking at this in the future.

  16. Hi,

    Thanks for replying, to my question I will keep the data then. I have one final question which is that when I run my server the console says weird things like this :

    12:15:23 HiveExt(0): [Information] Result: ["PASS"]
    12:15:25 HiveExt(0): [Information] Method: 307 Params: 
    12:15:25 HiveExt(0): [Information] Result: ["PASS",[2014,7,22,13,15]]
    12:15:30 HiveExt(0): [Information] Method: 201 Params: 3:[260,[12592.4,9210.36,0.001]]:[[ItemMap,ItemHatchet_DZE,Makarov,ItemKnife,ItemMatchbox_DZE,ItemWatch,ItemCompass,ItemCrowbar,ItemEtool,ItemToolbox],[ItemPainkiller,ItemBloodbag,ItemSodaCoke,cinder_wall_kit,[8Rnd_9x18_Makarov,7],8Rnd_9x18_Makarov,ItemBandage]]:[DZ_TerminalPack_EP1,[[],[]],[[],[]]]:[false,false,false,false,false,false,true,12000,[],[0,0],0,[0.4,0.206]]:false:false:0:0:1:1:[Makarov,amovpknlmstpsraswpstdnon_gear,37,[]]:0:0::0:
    12:15:30 HiveExt(0): [Information] Result: ["PASS"]
    12:15:35 HiveExt(0): [Information] Method: 307 Params: 
    12:15:35 HiveExt(0): [Information] Result: ["PASS",[2014,7,22,13,15]]
    12:15:43 HiveExt(0): [Information] Method: 308 Params: 11:CinderWallHalf_DZ:0:3:[276.17,[12590.6,9209.92,-0.055]]:[]:[]:0:125906920995276:
    12:15:43 HiveExt(0): [Information] Result: ["PASS"]
    12:15:45 HiveExt(0): [Information] Method: 307 Params: 
    12:15:45 HiveExt(0): [Information] Result: ["PASS",[2014,7,22,13,15]]
    12:15:55 HiveExt(0): [Information] Method: 307 Params: 
    12:15:55 HiveExt(0): [Information] Result: ["PASS",[2014,7,22,13,15]]

    Which is displayed in green and seems to say 'pass' so I am assuming it is something good. But I don't need to displaying, I think I have debug on. Should I turn it off? If so how can I do this?


  17. Hi,

    I have just finished setting up a server on my local computer. I want to experiment and figure out how everything works and have everything working before I buy a hosting package.

    I wanted to add a item to the trader, I know how to add it and I know which type of trader ID I need to look for. But what confuses me is that there are almost over 600 trader ID's and I don't know which trader NPC is on my map and which is not. How could I find out which NPC there is on the certain trade area?

    The map I have set everything up on is Chernarus. Is there a possible way to go to a trader (example: stary) and some how know what trader id it is. The trader id as in not the category but the NPC id so i know which trader exists on the map and which does not.

    I hope I am clear, if not please ask me to rephrase. I will try my best. Thanks for taking your time reading this and attempting to help.

    Looking forward to a reply!

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