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Posts posted by TPwalker


    try this:

    	by second_coming (http://epochmod.com/forum/index.php?/user/16619-second-coming/) with help from SpiRe
    	Allow players to have a chance to lock pick any vehicle or locked door (also a chance to eloctrocute on failed unlocking!)
    	Initial Script Code: Stealthstick's "Explosive-To-Vehicle" Script
    	Electrocution effect: http://www.altisliferpg.com/topic/224-effects-on-marijuana-use/
    	v1.2 Swapped to cursortarget instead of the nearest item to get around putting the AutoLockPicker onto the wrong item
    		Added variables for the materials required
    		Added EnergyRequired
    		Added AllowLockPicksNear to stop multiple locks being placed together
    // ======================================================================================================================================================================================
    // User configurable Variables
    // ======================================================================================================================================================================================
    // Which locks can be opened
    LockpickLandVehicles 				= true;						// All land vehicles (cars, vans, trucks etc)  	::: acceptable values true or false
    LockpickAir 						= true; 						// Helis and jets  								::: acceptable values true or false
    LockpickShip 						= true;						// Boats, jetskis and submarines  				::: acceptable values true or false
    LockpickEpochDoors 					= true;						// Epoch build-able doors  						::: acceptable values true or false
    // Chance to succeed or be electrocuted
    SuccessChance 						= 20;						// (Between 1-100) % Chance to successfully pick the lock
    ElectrocuteChance 					= 10;						// (Between 1-100) % Chance of electrocution on if the lock pick fails
    // Damage Settings
    InflictDamage 						= true;						// If true damage is added, if false just stun		
    MinimumDamage 						= 50;						// (Between 1-100) min% of full health Damage to inflict must be less than MaximumDamage
    MaximumDamage 						= 90;						// (Between 1-100) max% of full health Damage to inflict must be more than MinimumDamage
    StunTime 							= 15;						// Time in seconds to stun the player on electrocution (if it doesn't kill them)
    // Materials Required to Create AutoLockPicker
    EnergyRequired						= 100;						// Amount of energy expended operating AutoLockPicker (0 for zero energy required)
    MaterialRequired1					= 'CircuitParts';				// First material required to create AutoLockPicker (default is 'CircuitParts' or Electronic Component)
    MaterialRequired1Count				= 1;
    MaterialRequired2					= 'ItemCorrugated';			// Second material required to create AutoLockPicker (default is 'ItemCorrugated' or small metal parts)
    MaterialRequired2Count				= 1;
    // Usage Restrictions
    AllowInSafeZone						= false;						// (Leave true if you don't use inSafezone) Allow use of AutoLockPicker in safezones 
    															// (using the boolean variable inSafezone set here http://epochmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/32555-extended-safezone-script-working/)
    _MinimumPlayers 					= 0;							// Number of players required online before the option to lock pick becomes available (set to 0 to always allow)
    AllowLockPicksNear					= false;						// (Leave true for no restriction) selecting false will make the script check if one has been placed within 5m of the player
    // ======================================================================================================================================================================================
    // End of User configurable Variables
    // ======================================================================================================================================================================================
    if(AllowInSafeZone && count playableUnits >= _MinimumPlayers) then
    	SafeToALP = true;
    	if(!inSafezone && count playableUnits >= _MinimumPlayers) then
    		SafeToALP = true;
    		SafeToALP = false;	
    LockPickableItems = [];
    if(LockpickLandVehicles) then
    	LockPickableItems = LockPickableItems + ["LandVehicle"];
    if(LockpickAir) then
    	LockPickableItems = LockPickableItems + ["Air"];
    if(LockpickShip) then
    	LockPickableItems = LockPickableItems + ["Ship"];
    if(LockpickEpochDoors) then
    	LockPickableItems = LockPickableItems + ["CinderWallGarage_EPOCH","WoodLargeWallDoorL_EPOCH","WoodLargeWallDoor_EPOCH"];
    AutoLockPicker_MatsCheck =
    	_charge1 = _this select 0;
    	_charge2 = _this select 1;
    	_unit = _this select 2;
    	_hasIt1 = _charge1 in (magazines _unit);
    	_hasIt1Count = {_x == _charge1} count magazines player;
    	_hasIt2 = _charge2 in (magazines _unit);	
    	_hasIt2Count = {_x == _charge2} count magazines player;
    	_hasEnough = false;
    	if(_hasIt1Count >= MaterialRequired1Count && _hasIt2Count >= MaterialRequired2Count) then
    		_hasEnough = true;
    	_hasEnergy = false;
    	if(EnergyRequired == 0 || EPOCH_playerEnergy - EnergyRequired >= 0) then
    		_hasEnergy = true;
    	_CanPlace = false;
    	_nearALP = nearestObjects [_unit,["Land_PortableLongRangeRadio_F"],5];
    	if(AllowLockPicksNear || (count _nearALP == 0 && !AllowLockPicksNear)) then
    		_CanPlace = true;	
    	_target = cursorTarget;
    	_LockPickable = false;
    	if ((typeOf cursorTarget) in LockPickableItems) then
    		_LockPickable = true;
    	    if  (_target isKindOf "LandVehicle" && LockpickLandVehicles) then
    			_LockPickable = true;
    	    if  (_target isKindOf "Air" && LockpickAir) then
    			_LockPickable = true;
    	    if  (_target isKindOf "Ship" && LockpickShip) then
    			_LockPickable = true;
    	//hint format ["Target: %1 Lockpickable: %2 Locked: %3 Distance: %4",(typeOf cursorTarget),_LockPickable,locked cursorTarget,_unit distance cursorTarget];
    	_nearVehs = false;
    	if (_LockPickable && _unit distance _target < 5 && (locked _target == 2 || locked _target == -1) ) then
    		_nearVehs = true;
    	_return = (_hasEnough && _nearVehs && alive _unit && SafeToALP && _hasEnergy && _CanPlace);
    AutoLockPicker_Activate =
    	_array = _this select 3;
    	_unit = _array select 0;
    	_lockpicks = _unit getVariable ["lockpicks",[]];
    		if(alive _x && SafeToALP) then
    			// Chance to unlock
    			_chance = Ceil random 100;			
    			if(_chance <= SuccessChance) then{
    				// Unlock the door or vehicle
    				_nearVehicle = (nearestObjects [_x,LockPickableItems,5]) select 0;
    				deleteVehicle _x;
    				ALPUNLOCK = [_nearVehicle];
    				uiSleep 3;
    				publicVariableServer "ALPUNLOCK";
    				uiSleep 1;
    				if ((typeOf _nearVehicle) in ["CinderWallGarage_EPOCH","WoodLargeWallDoorL_EPOCH","WoodLargeWallDoor_EPOCH"]) then
    					hint "The AutoLockPicker worked! Opening door";
    					_nearVehicle animate ['open_left', 1];
    					_nearVehicle animate ['open_right', 1];
    					_nearVehicle animate ['Open_Door', 1];
    					hint "The AutoLockPicker worked! Unlocking Vehicle";			
    				_chance2 = Ceil random 100;
    				if(_chance2 <= ElectrocuteChance) then
    					// Chance of electrocution
    					_DamagetoInflict = (Ceil random (MaximumDamage - MinimumDamage))/100;					
    					_damage = Damage player;
    					_damage = _damage + (MinimumDamage/100) + _DamagetoInflict;
    					playSound "shocker";
    					if(_damage > 1 && InflictDamage) then
    						hint "The AutoLockPicker malfunctioned and electrocuted you";
    						// Activate ppEffects
    						"chromAberration" ppEffectEnable true;
    						"radialBlur" ppEffectEnable true;
    						enableCamShake true;
    						// 5secs of effects
    						for "_i" from 0 to 4 do
    							"chromAberration" ppEffectAdjust [random 0.25,random 0.25,true];
    							"chromAberration" ppEffectCommit 1;   
    							"radialBlur" ppEffectAdjust  [random 0.02,random 0.02,0.15,0.15];
    							"radialBlur" ppEffectCommit 1;
    							addcamShake[random 3, 1, random 3];
    							uiSleep 1;
    						//Stop effects
    						"chromAberration" ppEffectAdjust [0,0,true];
    						"chromAberration" ppEffectCommit 5;
    						"radialBlur" ppEffectAdjust  [0,0,0,0];
    						"radialBlur" ppEffectCommit 5;
    						uiSleep 6;
    						//Deactivate ppEffects
    						"chromAberration" ppEffectEnable false;
    						"radialBlur" ppEffectEnable false;
    						player setDamage 1;
    						hint "The AutoLockPicker malfunctioned and gave you an electric shock";												
    						if(InflictDamage) then 
    							player setDamage _damage;
    						player playMove "amovpknlmstpsraswrfldnon";
    						// Activate ppEffects
    						"chromAberration" ppEffectEnable true;
    						"radialBlur" ppEffectEnable true;
    						enableCamShake true;
    						uiSleep 1;
    						// Stop the player from moving while shocked
    						player enablesimulation false;
    						// StunTime seconds of effects
    						for "_i" from 0 to StunTime do
    							"chromAberration" ppEffectAdjust [random 0.25,random 0.25,true];
    							"chromAberration" ppEffectCommit 1;   
    							"radialBlur" ppEffectAdjust  [random 0.02,random 0.02,0.15,0.15];
    							"radialBlur" ppEffectCommit 1;
    							addcamShake[random 3, 1, random 3];
    							uiSleep 1;
    						player enablesimulation true;
    						//Stop effects
    						"chromAberration" ppEffectAdjust [0,0,true];
    						"chromAberration" ppEffectCommit 5;
    						"radialBlur" ppEffectAdjust  [0,0,0,0];
    						"radialBlur" ppEffectCommit 5;
    						uiSleep 6;
    						//Deactivate ppEffects
    						"chromAberration" ppEffectEnable false;
    						"radialBlur" ppEffectEnable false;
    					deleteVehicle _x;
    					hint "The AutoLockPicker failed to unlock the door, try again";
    					deleteVehicle _x;
    	} forEach _lockpicks;
    	_unit setVariable ["lockpicks",[]];
    AutoLockPicker_UnitCheck =
    	private "_return";
    	_unit = _this select 0;
    	_lockpicks = _unit getVariable ["lockpicks",[]]; 
    	if(count _lockpicks > 0) then
    		_return = true;
    		_return = false;
    AutoLockPicker_AttachALP =
    	_array = _this select 3;
    	_charge = _array select 0;
    	_unit = _array select 1;
    	private "_class";
    	_unit removeMagazine MaterialRequired1;
    	_unit removeMagazine MaterialRequired2;
    	EPOCH_playerEnergy = EPOCH_playerEnergy - EnergyRequired;
    	_unit playMove "AinvPercMstpSnonWnonDnon_Putdown_AmovPercMstpSnonWnonDnon";
    	switch _charge do
    		case "Land_PortableLongRangeRadio_F":
    			_class = "Land_PortableLongRangeRadio_F";
    	_nearVehicle = (nearestObjects [_unit,LockPickableItems,5]) select 0;
    	_autolockpick = _class createVehicle [0,0,0];
    	_autolockpick attachTo [_unit,[0,0,0],"leftHand"];
    	_random0 = random 180;
    	_random1 = random 180;
    	[_autolockpick,_random0,_random1] call BIS_fnc_SetPitchBank;
    	[_autolockpick,_nearVehicle,_unit,_random0,_random1] spawn
    		_autolockpick = _this select 0;
    		_nearVehicle = _this select 1;
    		_unit = _this select 2;
    		_random0 = _this select 3;
    		_random1 = _this select 4;
    		uiSleep 1.5;
    		_autolockpick attachTo [_nearVehicle, [0,0,0.2]];
    		[_autolockpick,_random0,_random1] call BIS_fnc_SetPitchBank;
    		_unit setVariable ["lockpicks",(_unit getVariable ["lockpicks",[]]) + [_autolockpick]];
    AutoLockPicker_Actions =
    	private ["_unit"];
    	_unit = _this select 0;
    	_unit addAction ["<t color=""#0099FF"">" +"Attach AutoLockPicker", AutoLockPicker_AttachALP, ["Land_PortableLongRangeRadio_F",_unit], 1, true, true, "","[MaterialRequired1,MaterialRequired2,_target] call AutoLockPicker_MatsCheck"];
    	_unit addAction ["<t color=""#3D993D"">" +"Activate AutoLockPicker", AutoLockPicker_Activate, [_unit], 1, true, true, "","[_target] call AutoLockPicker_UnitCheck"];
    //removeAllActions player;
    [player] call AutoLockPicker_Actions;

    ah perfect! this is my favorite script at the moment good work! 

  2. Try re-downloading the file again, I've just updated it. Just noticed a noob error. I was calling the wrong function to unlock the vehicles. Sorry folks!


    (this is now the link in the initial download also):




    (If you already have it installed you just need to use the updated a3_epoch_autolockpicker.pbo that is the only thing that's changed.)

    Awesome!, Just tested and it works now... Good Work!

  3. Hi,


    yeah i think its an infiSTAR issue. I installed it yesterday on my Testserver and it worked like TPwalker says (says succesful but not unlocking vehicle)

    just wrote Chris (infiSTAR) an email and now waiting for his response.

    I removed infistar from my test server and tried it again but i had no luck still..... I want this to work lol only solution out there to the crappy lock system they have going. 


    I saw with IT07,
    When I put in the #inculde in descritpion.ext, I can not join the server to the lobby.
    When I removed your "HUD" it works.
    I do not know that it is the problem


    make sure you are merging in the description and not just adding.... IT07 uses class RscTitles also i believe. this is what the bottom of my description.ext looks like for reference 


    #include "ZHB\ZHudBuilder.hpp"
    #include "infiSTAR_AdminMenu.hpp"
    #include "R3F_LOG\desc_include.h"
    class RscPicture;
    class RscText;
    class RscTitles
    #include "ZHB\ZHud.hpp"
    #include "Menu\SC_Rsc.hpp"
    class CfgFunctions {
    #include "ZHB\ZHB_Functions.hpp"
  5. So I had this all working when I was runing it right off my Dedicated. I moved it to my host gator and now I am having an issue....

    When I leave the PPHP server url  normal I get the can not receive data error. When I change it to "A3altis/server" which A3Altis is just the folder i have it all kept in I do not get the error but it does not seem to pull data correctly. I am seeing 1531 cars and players on the map.... when i check nerwork in developer tools in the browser it looks like it is pulling data. 

    I also did already bind my external IP 

  6. So I had this all working when I was runing it right off my Dedicated. I moved it to my host gator and now I am having an issue....

    When I leave the PPHP server url  normal I get the can not receive data error. When I change it to "A3altis/server" which A3Altis is just the folder i have it all kept in I do not get the error but it does not seem to pull data correctly. I am seeing 1531 cars and players on the map.... when i check nerwork in developer tools in the browser it looks like it is pulling data. 


    Here's what I use for damage. It is actually backwards, but easier for new players. Goes from 100 - 0 (dead)

    In fn_loopHud.sqf:

            case 3: {
    		(_display  displayCtrl _text) ctrlSetStructuredText parseText ( format["<t size='1.5'>%1</t>", round((1 - (damage player)) * 100),_align,_valign]);
    		(_display  displayCtrl _image) ctrlSetText  ( format["%1%2",Z_HUD_imageFolder,"health.paa" ]);			

    Also if you'd like to cut the stamina line down a bit to just 2 decimal places (50.03) :

    	case 11: {
    		(_display  displayCtrl _text) ctrlSetStructuredText parseText ( format["<t size='1.5'>%1</t>", round (EPOCH_playerStamina * 100) / 100.0,_align,_valign]);	
    		(_display  displayCtrl _image) ctrlSetText  ( format["%1%2",Z_HUD_imageFolder,"stamina.paa" ]);

    This is also how I set mine up also!

  8. If you haven't updated in a while I strongly suggest that you install and test the update on a test server before you roll it out to your production environment.  There's a handful of options that can generate false bans if you don't set them properly.  


    I have it all going now and works great. It was about time for me to upgrade anyways lol.

    And Yes always must have a test server or 2 hah!

  9. I have this working great with some custom icons for my servers. I still am having the issue with infistar blocking the HUD builder from non admin. 

    _allowedDialogs = [-1,-3,602,5001,65430,65431,65432,65433,65434,65440,65441,65442,65443];

    I have also turned off all battleye filters. Anyone have the next step for me? lol I appreciate any help

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