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Posts posted by inigomontoyayoukilledmydad

  1. this is either a problem with you AH (infistar) or the vehicles could be banned on the dayz_anim banlist. i had this exact problem when i originally start messing with overpoch and it was because Overwatch had stuff like some Vodniks, some Humvees, and even some Bikes banned. i had to go into the serverside dayz_anim.pbo of both epoch and overwatch to make sure no vics i wanted were banned.

  2. Hey


    I am looking for someone to perhaps see if its possible to make these add-ons for my Epoch server. If it seems possible and not too complex, I am willing to pay to the creator? 



    1) Hero Missions - the exact opposite of current bandit missions. Everything is the opposite, this is aimed to allow to give bandit players missions to do to lower their humanity and gain loot like normal players can do.

    -Currently I dont know if this is already made : )

    You could edit a DZMS mission file and acheive this i think though i have never tried to change the humanity of the AI 



    2) Recycling - where players can use their ground vehicles (that have tow ability) to tow other vehicle wrecks (server spawned wrecks that are there for looks) to a sort of recycling centre, like a trader, and then sell them for scraps.

    -I think this would make good use of something that currently is just annoying : )

    Seems a bit like more trouble that its worth. if you think road debris is annoying just turn it off. if you want people to be able to farm scrap metal im sure theres a easier way. and you can already salvage normal broken vics maybe just remove debris and make more broken vics randomly spawn, 


    3) Grow your Own - Currently there is a working hemp mod where you can harvest and smoke/sell. Is it possible to somehow create hemp 'seeds' to then plant them and in time it will grow into hemp that you can sell/smoke.

    -I think this would be awesome, players would try to steal the harvest, up to you to protect your farm : )

    theres already a script someone came up with on this forum, looks here http://epochmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/15289-suggestionprototype-planting-system/?hl=farm#entry114126


    4) Farm AI - Currently I do have the hemp farm script but its just a small bunch of plants. Is there a way to create a 4th hemp farm that is constantly in the same place (like traders) that has a much large quanity of hemp plants, also guarded by lots of AI with a few buildings, like the weed farms we see in movies.

    -I'd love this, it would be a great challenge of teamwork and hugely rewarding.

    Very easy to do. with say DZAI to place the static AI, then just build your "Farm" whereever you want using the Arma editor. in the hemp farm script thread in the tutorial they tell you how to place the Hemp Plants in the editor for a static farm. and you can find out how to install stuff from the editor into your mission.sqm on here, theres a bunch of guides around


    5) Wanted Boards - Same as the death/murder board at traders, but slightly different. A way for admins to put information onto it acting as a wanted list for players, or if not, something atleast where admins can put information on the server in some way with ease. 

    -Just an easy way for my admins to put quick easy information, if needed, at restarts, so other players can go on a man hunt : )

    Definately has to be out there, have seen it on servers, not sure how to find it tho, definately is out there for arma, a script is used similar to this for Wasteland and Life mods


    5) Roaming Hero AI - Just a group of 2-5 hero AI in ghillies, or hero clothes that walk around all over the map, maybe even in towns, that shoot all zombies and maybe players with -0 humanity (bandits). They do not shoot neutral or friendly players unless shot at first. 

    -Just something cool that makes it feel a bit more realistic. 

    Sarge AI can do this, DZAI can do this, im sure WAI and most ai scripts can do this


    So thats it really. I have no idea how to do stuff like this, and I truely know the skill and difficulty of creating scripts. If there is anyone that has an idea on how and would create these for me I would be so grateful.



    Thanks so much for reading. 


    Comment here or mail [email protected]

  3. just installed this on current version DayZ Overpoch Napf and it works great. i have it set as a Vodnik and it roams the west and north coasts (the common spawn coasts of Napf) and its pretty neat.


    heres a question though. with minor editing could this be turn into a air bus? like if i replace the vehicle with a MV-22 or Chinook and change some other stuff would this conceivably fly to each waypoint and land? or would it just keep flying? id love to have this same type of script but with a air vehicle so that the entire circuit of the "bus route" is faster, that way people in need of transport will get pickup up more often.

  4. i did something similar using DZAI and its pretty easy to setup. i recommend looking into DZAI static AI spawning. as for the loot, not 100 percent sure how to do this. you can do stuff like put gun crates at AI guarded towns just by building them in the editor and the putting them into your mission file. but i had a problem where sometimes my ammo crates would not spawn at all, and i think it had to do with my antihack

  5. yeah thats what i was going for. a way for people to tell from afar, and for it to not easy to switch on and off.


    with epoch once you say hit 5000 humanity you can buy special skins from the hero trader you cant get elsewhere. but nothing is stopping you from putting on the "hero" skin and then going bandit. because the hero skin is just a skin anyone can wear in Epoch. id rather it be something you cant really control.

  6. So Vilayer has now added a "Overpoch" service to its DayZ package. and i have had alot of questions about it. so i figured id check it out for people wondering.


    its includes very little. all it does is install the Overwatch files for you. it does NOT install any overwatch loot, or any overwatch trader data. its basically just like the Epoch installer, except you dont need to edit your startup bat, or manually download the @Overwatch files. but you still have to add you custom loot tables to get the new guns in the loot, and edit the SQL from the traders to put the new guns in there so they can be bought/sold.


    so basically if you have a Overpoch server running stable on vilayer, then stay with it your not missing anything. its a pretty misleading thing to claim a automatic installation of Overpoch so i figured id give people a heads up. 

  7. cant you just use a DZE switch in your init.sqf now for indestructible bases? no scripting required. just drop a line of code into your init.sqf in your mission file and done. put it right under the DZE switch for no building on roads.


    DZE_GodModeBase = true;


    anyone should be able to do this themselves

  8. Hey guys. after the advent of Overpoch i was thinking. what other ways could we go with Epoch hybrids. and i was thinking Overpoch kind goes in a more hi-tech direction. with more modern vehicles, and very modern weapons. what if we went the other way.


    thats right im think someone along the lines of i44/Epoch hybrid. i think it would be pretty neat. im just wondering if anyone else would play it? i mean it seems like the ww2 setting is pretty popular but i know that they did i44 DayZ and its pretty unpopular. i wonder if people dont like the low tech angle on things cause its harder. no precious helis, no precious GPS, etc etc i dont think people like to go backwards, at least thats what it seems like.


    im wondering the communities thoughts on this. i44Poch would you play? or just stupid idea?

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