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Posts posted by inigomontoyayoukilledmydad

  1. raised the build limit shouldnt effect where you can build. it just effects how many items you can have under the protection of one plot pole.


    how close to roads are they trying to build?


    do you have a custom plot pole range set?


    although it looks like there are no other bases around have you tried a base delete bubble around the area just incase someone has a plot pole somwhere and they forgot about it?


    but if its all cities thats strange.


    but more importantly are you running 1.0.4?

  2. i had this problem when i installed the newer snapping system. there was a string it wanted added to infistar and the syntax in the tutorial was 



    i noticed that the rest of the infistar entrys there werent quoted. so i removed all quotes and it fixed it


    did you recently do anything involving infistar?

  3. if traders are broken it could be a problem in the DB or a problem in server_traders file in your missions folder. i have had this happen a bunch. either i fucked up adding a trader to the mission file or the db got corrupted while i did work in it. either way whenever i get this problem restoring my DB and restoring my server_traders file in my missions folder fixed it back to normal. 


    if you edited either or recently before the problem id bet thats it

  4. this is the syntax i use


    INSERT INTO `epoch`.`traders_data` (`item`, `qty`, `buy`, `sell`, `tid`) VALUES ('["USSR_5Rnd_408",1]', 189, '[1,"ItemGoldBar10oz",1]', '[1,"ItemGoldBar10oz",1]', 801);


    never get an error

  5. No one knows of how to do this? or a Epoch server that does it?


    i understand it seems on Epoch in lew of automatic changing humanity based skins, you just have the skins individual to the hero and bandit vendors. 


    but as you could just have someone with high enough humanity buy you whatever skin you want, and then appear to have hero humanity, i was think it would be cool to have the hero skin.


    just seems wierd theres no way to do it, cause it was in original DayZ.

  6. one of my favorite spots if discovered so far was this ruins of a church or similar structure in the middle of a mountain valley overlooking a small lake. a clan had built its base there and basically "rebuilt" the church so you couldnt even tell hardly. i was really impressed with it.


    as far as underground bases or caves i havent seen anything like that, but that dosnt mean much its not the biggest map but the south to east areas are very dense with forest.

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