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Posts posted by CyberWarden

  1. I don't use Plot Management but thought I'd see if this would work anyway, I am using RimBlocks P4L, so it does block people from accessing the elevator controls if it's not their plot pole but the friends doesn't work, any idea how to adjust this so it works?

    All I can say is install Plot Management and you will be good.  There is no other way to save freinds to the plotpole that I've seen.

  2. Sorry I wrote that at 6 AM, just realized the wording was terrible. Currently with that elevator_init someone not on the plot friends list can still call the elevator, they just can't activate it. I was curious if you could also make it so only plot friends can call elevators. PS great work, been looking into securing these for a while now.

    Changed the code try it and let me know.  I edit the orginal post with new code.

  3. Hey if any of you are using by Zupa and rosska85 there is now away to control who uses the elevator.  I would suggest diffing if you made changes to the elevator_init.sqf file like the folder location.  This is the best I could come up with so if you see a better way let us know.  If there name is on the plotpole they get the selection to use and build.
    Edit:  TheHound found that the selection for calling the elevator is still avalible if your not on the plot pole.  Changed code to block all selections if not on plot pole.

    private ["_folder","_ct","_findNearestPoles","_findNearestPole","_IsNearPlot"];
    if (isServer || isDedicated) exitWith {
    	diag_log "Error: Elevator script should NOT be started on the server";
    if (count _this != 1) exitWith {
    	diag_log "Error: elevator_init.sqf called with wrong parameter count (the only parameter should be the folder of the script relative to the mission folder)";
    _folder = (_this select 0) + "\";
    // global variables
    if (isNil "ELE_PlatformClass") then { ELE_PlatformClass = "MetalFloor_DZ" };
    if (isNil "ELE_StopClass") then { ELE_StopClass = "MetalFloor_Preview_DZ" };
    if (isNil "ELE_MaxRange") then { ELE_MaxRange = 25 }; // m
    if (isNil "ELE_Size") then { ELE_Size = 4 }; // m
    if (isNil "ELE_Speed") then { ELE_Speed = 2 }; // m/s
    if (isNil "ELE_StopWaitTime") then { ELE_StopWaitTime = 5 }; // s
    if (isNil "ELE_UpdatesPerSecond") then { ELE_UpdatesPerSecond = 60 }; // animation updates per second
    if (isNil "ELE_RequiredBuildTools") then { ELE_RequiredBuildTools = ["ItemToolbox", "ItemCrowbar"] }; // required tools for building an elevator and elevator stop
    if (isNil "ELE_RequiredBuildItems") then { ELE_RequiredBuildItems = [["PartGeneric",4], "PartEngine", "ItemGenerator", "ItemJerrycan"] }; // required items to build an elevator
    if (isNil "ELE_RequiredBuildStopItems") then { ELE_RequiredBuildStopItems = [["PartGeneric",4]] }; // required items to build an elevator stop
    if (isNil "ELE_Debug") then { ELE_Debug = false }; // debug flag
    ELE_elevator = nil;
    // global functions
    call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers (_folder + "vector.sqf");
    call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers (_folder + "ac_functions.sqf");
    call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers (_folder + "elevator_functions.sqf");
    diag_log "Elevator script initialized";
    // elevator actions
    while {true} do {
    	_ct = cursorTarget;
                _findNearestPoles = nearestObjects[player, ["Plastic_Pole_EP1_DZ"], DZE_PlotPole select 0];
                _IsNearPlot = count (_findNearestPoles);
                _fuid  = [];
                _allowed = [];
            if(_IsNearPlot > 0)then{
                _thePlot = _findNearestPoles select 0;
                _owner =  _thePlot getVariable ["ownerPUID","010"];
                _friends = _thePlot getVariable ["plotfriends", []];
                _friendUID = _x select 0;
                _fuid  =  _fuid  + [_friendUID];
            } forEach _friends;
             _allowed = [_owner];    
             _allowed = [_owner] +  _fuid;
    	if ((!isNull _ct) && ((getPlayerUID player) in _allowed) && {(player distance _ct) < ELE_Size}) then {
    		// has target
    		if (typeOf _ct == ELE_PlatformClass) then {
    			// elevator actions
    			if ([_ct] call ELE_fnc_isElevator) then {
    				if (s_player_elevator_next < 0 && {[_ct] call ELE_fnc_hasNextStop}) then {
    					s_player_elevator_next = player addAction ["<t color=""#ffffff"">Activate Elevator: Next Stop</t>", _folder+"elevator_actions.sqf", ["next",_ct], 5, false];
    				if (s_player_elevator_previous < 0 && {[_ct] call ELE_fnc_hasPreviousStop}) then {
    					s_player_elevator_previous = player addAction ["<t color=""#ffffff"">Activate Elevator: Previous Stop</t>", _folder+"elevator_actions.sqf", ["previous",_ct], 5, false];
    				if (s_player_elevator_select < 0) then {
    					s_player_elevator_select = player addAction ["<t color=""#ffffff"">Select Elevator</t>", _folder+"elevator_actions.sqf", ["select",_ct], 1, false];
    			} else {
    				if (s_player_elevator_upgrade < 0) then {
    					s_player_elevator_upgrade = player addAction ["<t color=""#ffffff"">Upgrade to Elevator</t>", _folder+"elevator_build.sqf", ["build",_ct], 0, false];
    				if (s_player_elevator_upgrade_stop < 0) then {
    					s_player_elevator_upgrade_stop = player addAction ["<t color=""#ffffff"">Upgrade to Elevator Stop</t>", _folder+"elevator_build.sqf", ["build_stop",_ct], 0, false];
    		// elevator stop actions
    		if ([_ct] call ELE_fnc_isElevatorStop) then {
    			if (s_player_elevator_call < 0) then {
    				s_player_elevator_call = player addAction ["<t color=""#ffffff"">Call Elevator</t>", _folder+"elevator_actions.sqf", ["call",_ct], 5, false];
    		// debug actions
    		if (s_player_elevator_id < 0 && ELE_Debug) then {
    			s_player_elevator_id = player addAction ["<t color=""#ddffffff"">Show Elevator ID</t>", _folder+"elevator_actions.sqf", ["id",_ct], 0, false];
    	} else {
    		player removeAction s_player_elevator_next;
    		s_player_elevator_next = -1;
    		player removeAction s_player_elevator_previous;
    		s_player_elevator_previous = -1;
    		player removeAction s_player_elevator_select;
    		s_player_elevator_select = -1;
    		player removeAction s_player_elevator_upgrade;
    		s_player_elevator_upgrade = -1;
    		player removeAction s_player_elevator_upgrade_stop;
    		s_player_elevator_upgrade_stop = -1;
    		player removeAction s_player_elevator_call;
    		s_player_elevator_call = -1;
    		player removeAction s_player_elevator_id;
    		s_player_elevator_id = -1;
    	sleep 1;
  4. Got everything working only issue is when you add a lock to a door the PlayerUID gets replaced with the combo number.  The option to lock after you open a door is not present only the unlock option.  If you choose unlock then enter combo then the lock option comes available. It's not completely broken but a extra step must be made to lock the doors.

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