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Posts posted by .:rmc:.

  1. Because if someone connect without it he will see players levitate and without guns


    hey SpiRe, checked the server last evening with some friends and all weapons and guns showing up without adding lines to the mission.sqm.

    server got started with @Epoch;@epochhive;@mas;@masvehicles;@AllinArmaTerrainpack;@Bornholm as did the clients (without epochhive for sure!).


    thanks for the tut again. bots with KSVKs are a real pain in the ass....  :rolleyes:

  2. i allready had masweapons and masvehicles on my server. vehicles spawned with entries in epochconfig.hpp and weapons as loot on mission crates. all this fully functional without adding the entries to mission.sqm. why would i have to add them now?  :huh:

  3. thanks for pointing that out SpiRe!

    afaik every launcher forces you to load those addons, if they are loaded serverside. if you connect without those addons, you will receive "you cannot play this mission, it depends on downloadsable contents..."


    anyway thanks for the tut on how to implement all those vehicles and weapons without using lootspawner! 

  4. 	//Define loot for crates
    	blck_lootCountsMajor = [4,20,12]; // values are: number of things from the weapons, magazines, and items arrays to add, respectively.
    	blck_BoxLoot_Major = 
    		// Loot is grouped as [weapons],[magazines],[items] in order to be able to use the correct function to load the item into the crate later on.
    		// Each item consist of the following information ["ItemName",minNum, maxNum] where min is the smallest number added and min+max is the largest number added.
    			[// Weapons
    				// loaded by a distinct subroutine that looks for the weapon name and magazine type
    				["arifle_mas_ak_74m","30Rnd_mas_545x39_mag"],			//AK Weapons
    				["arifle_mas_bizon","64Rnd_mas_9x18_mag",3,6],			//Bizon
    				["srifle_mas_vss","20Rnd_mas_9x39_mag"],				//Vintorez
    				["arifle_mas_asval","30Rnd_mas_9x39_mag"],				//Val
    				["arifle_mas_saiga","10Rnd_mas_12Gauge_Slug"],			//Saiga 12k
    				["srifle_mas_svd","10Rnd_mas_762x54_mag"],				//SVD
    				["srifle_mas_ksvk","5Rnd_mas_127x108_mag"],				//KSVK
    				["LMG_mas_rpk_F","100Rnd_mas_545x39_mag"],				//RPK
    				["LMG_mas_pkm_F","100Rnd_mas_762x54_mag"],				//PKM
    				["arifle_mas_m70","30Rnd_mas_762x39_mag"],				//Zastava M70
    				["srifle_mas_m91","10Rnd_mas_762x54_mag"],				//Zastava M91
    				["LMG_mas_m72_F","100Rnd_mas_762x39_mag"],				//Zastava M72
    				["hgun_mas_sa61_F","20Rnd_mas_765x17_Mag"],				//Scorpion
    				["hgun_mas_grach_F","17Rnd_mas_9x21_Mag"],				//Grach
    				["hgun_mas_mak_F","8Rnd_mas_9x18_Mag"],					//Makarov
    				["30Rnd_mas_545x39_mag",3,6], 			//AK Ammunition
    				["64Rnd_mas_9x18_mag",3,6],				//Bizon
    				["20Rnd_mas_9x39_mag",3,6],				//Vintorez
    				["30Rnd_mas_9x39_mag",3,6],				//Val
    				["10Rnd_mas_12Gauge_Slug",3,6],			//Saiga
    				["10Rnd_mas_762x54_mag",3,6],				//SVD
    				["5Rnd_mas_127x108_mag",3,6],				//KSVK
    				["30Rnd_mas_545x39_mag",3,6], 			//RPK
    				["100Rnd_mas_762x54_mag",3,6],			//PKM
    				["30Rnd_mas_762x39_mag",3,6],				//Zastava M70
    				["10Rnd_mas_762x54_mag",3,6], 			//Zastava M91
    				["30Rnd_mas_762x39_mag",3,6],				//Zastava M72 LMG
    				["20Rnd_mas_765x17_Mag",3,6],				//Scorpion
    				["17Rnd_mas_9x21_Mag",3,6],				//Grach
    				["8Rnd_mas_9x18_Mag",3,6],				//Makaraov				["3rnd_HE_Grenade_Shell",1,3],
    				["muzzle_mas_snds_gun",1,1],			//Supressors
    				["optic_mas_PSO",1,1],					//Optics
    				["acc_mas_flash_gun",1,1]				//Flashlights
    	blck_lootCountsMajor2 = [3,20,12];	
    	blck_BoxesLoot_Major2 = 
    			[// Weapons
    				// Format is ["Weapon Name","Magazine Name"],
    				// Format is ["Magazine name, Minimum number to add, Maximum number to add],
    				["30Rnd_556x45_Stanag_Tracer_Green",3,6 ],
    				["40Rnd_mas_46x30_Mag" ,3,6],
    				// Format is ["Item name, Minimum number to add, Maximum number to add],

    replace the lines in your aiconfigs.sqf with this code for the two major missions.

    orange --> russion weapons

    green --> NATO weapons


    i didn't insert all the launchers and stuff, just add them with their classname and ammunition...


    if you want the ai to spawn with those guns, replace the ailoadout with this one for major and major2 (orange and green):

    	//This defines the random weapon to spawn on the AI
    	blck_WeaponList_Major = [
    			["arifle_mas_ak_74m","30Rnd_mas_545x39_mag"],			//AK Weapons
    			["arifle_mas_bizon","64Rnd_mas_9x18_mag",3,6],			//Bizon
    			["srifle_mas_vss","20Rnd_mas_9x39_mag"],				//Vintorez
    			["arifle_mas_asval","30Rnd_mas_9x39_mag"],				//Val
    			["arifle_mas_saiga","10Rnd_mas_12Gauge_Slug"],			//Saiga 12k
    			["srifle_mas_svd","10Rnd_mas_762x54_mag"],				//SVD
    			["srifle_mas_ksvk","5Rnd_mas_127x108_mag"],				//KSVK
    			["LMG_mas_rpk_F","100Rnd_mas_545x39_mag"],				//RPK
    			["LMG_mas_pkm_F","100Rnd_mas_762x54_mag"],				//PKM
    			["arifle_mas_m70","30Rnd_mas_762x39_mag"],				//Zastava M70
    			["srifle_mas_m91","10Rnd_mas_762x54_mag"],				//Zastava M91
    			["LMG_mas_m72_F","100Rnd_mas_762x39_mag"],				//Zastava M72
    			["hgun_mas_sa61_F","20Rnd_mas_765x17_Mag"],				//Scorpion
    			["hgun_mas_grach_F","17Rnd_mas_9x21_Mag"],				//Grach
    			["hgun_mas_mak_F","8Rnd_mas_9x18_Mag"],					//Makarov
    	blck_WeaponList_Major2 = [
  5. yeah, the white industrial buildings disappear, when you get closer as about 10m. the concrete buidlings are a guaranteed bone breaker, as are the dam and most of the buildings in vorkuta. BUT I STILL LOVE IT ;)


    i hope that the port will minimum be as good as the a2 version, which allready had tons of glitches...

  6. Hi there.

    Was playing with a friend of mine, who has the problem stated above. After playing for about 5-6 minutes he can't access any lootspots, can't access Cars And has to relog. I can't even hear him shooting. :( after relogging he can play again for another 5-6 minutes.

    Allready reinstalled arma and epoch, but that didn't solve the issue. Please help

    Thanks in advance

    Edit: when he reconnects, his character stays in position.

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