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Posts posted by outlander

  1. I believe he know how to do that, but is asking for a option. This option already exist on the new version i'm creating:


    - Can turn on/off all icons.

    - Allways help on your humanity. Gain or loss based on your actual humanity.

    - All bots have maximum skill. The only variable skill is accuracy*.

    - Clear dead AI bodyes after x seconds.


    *for very hard bots, DZMS uses a accurracy of 0.20. You will be able to set it to the value you want.

    Looking forward to trying the new features;releasing anytime soon? Currently testing version V2a, I'll let you know of any issues!

  2. Great work once again Donnovan.

    Some things I've noticed;

    The vehicles appear to be indestructible until you get into the driver seat? Is this to stop AI/bomber units from blowing up the vehicles?

    No bandit kills/humanity gain from killing AI (intentional?).

    Sometimes the gun vanishes from the inventory when an AI dies, also none of the AI have ammo on their bodies. Is there a certain reasoning behind this? I assume it's how you add ammo to the AI when they spawn?



  3. Hey Donnovan, I got a question for you if you have the time.

    Currently using your older, Casca Convoy while you're working on the Andre Convoy.

    I notice around line 700:

    		//Garantee Vehicle Driver
    		[_crew,_motor,_firstDriver] spawn {
    			private ["_newDriver"];
    			_crew = _this select 0;
    			_motor = _this select 1;
    			_firstDriver = _this select 2;
    			waitUntil {sleep 5;!(alive _firstDriver)};
    			while {{alive _x} count _crew > 0} do {
    					if (alive _x) exitWith {_newDriver = _x};
    				} forEach _crew;
    				_newDriver assignAsDriver _motor;
    				if (vehicle _newDriver == _motor && driver _motor != _newDriver) then {
    					[_unit] orderGetIn false;
    					sleep 4;
    					[_unit] orderGetIn true;
    				waitUntil {sleep 5;!(alive _newDriver)};

    You're not declaring the local variable _unit in this function. Got a quick fix for this?


  4. Another error on startup:

    12:05:43 Error in expression <en {
    _cascaVehicles = _cascaVehicles + [_this select 0];
    } forEach donn_carsC>
    12:05:43   Error position: <_this select 0];
    } forEach donn_carsC>
    12:05:43   Error Undefined variable in expression: _this
    12:05:43 File mpmissions\DayZ_Overpoch_1.Chernarus\andre_convoy.sqf, line 96
    12:05:43 Error in expression <en {
    _cascaVehicles = _cascaVehicles + [_this select 0];
    } forEach donn_carsC>
    12:05:43   Error position: <_this select 0];
    } forEach donn_carsC>
    12:05:43   Error Undefined variable in expression: _this
    12:05:43 File mpmissions\DayZ_Overpoch_1.Chernarus\andre_convoy.sqf, line 96

    All other errors stem from engaging the AI, and are persistent errors once you do.

    Cheers, looking forward to testing it more.  :D

    *Also wanted to add that I get no errors at all when using Casca Convoy*

  5. I tried it out again with your adjustment. 

    Below is a bigger example of the RPT log.

    The script appears to run, I see AI spawning, and driving around (albeit they seem a little "dumb" at times, comparing them to casca).

    The errors appear to be persistent, and constant spamming in the RPT. Not sure if engaging the AI is what triggered them or not. I'll double check that in a bit.

    The only other thing to point out is I used god mode when engaging them.


    If I do not interact or engage the AI, on server startup this error appears:

    12:06:00 "[CASCA CONVOY] Initialized Spawn! 1"
    12:06:05 Error in expression <= _this select 3;
    _mark = createMarker [_iName, _iPos];
    _mark setMarkerColor _iC>
    12:06:05   Error position: <_iName, _iPos];
    _mark setMarkerColor _iC>
    12:06:05   Error Undefined variable in expression: _iname
    12:06:05 File mpmissions\DayZ_Overpoch_1.Chernarus\andre_convoy.sqf, line 194
  6. Tried the Andre Convoy, getting some errors;



    12:39:08   Error Undefined variable in expression: _shotnearplayers

    12:39:08 File mpmissions\DayZ_Overpoch_1.Chernarus\andre_convoy.sqf, line 536
    12:39:09 Error in expression <etVariable ["donn_pshot",[]];
    if (count _shotNearPlayers > 0) then {
    12:39:09   Error position: <_shotNearPlayers > 0) then {
    12:39:09   Error Undefined variable in expression: _shotnearplayers
    12:39:09 File mpmissions\DayZ_Overpoch_1.Chernarus\andre_convoy.sqf, line 536
    12:39:10 Error in expression <etVariable ["donn_pshot",[]];
    if (count _shotNearPlayers > 0) then {
    12:39:10   Error position: <_shotNearPlayers > 0) then {



    12:38:03 Error in expression <lloweds;

    } forEach _AiUnits;
    if (_numbKA/_numbKA_total >= 0.5) then {_KA_players>
    12:38:03   Error position: </_numbKA_total >= 0.5) then {_KA_players>
    12:38:03   Error Zero divisor
    12:38:03 File mpmissions\DayZ_Overpoch_1.Chernarus\andre_convoy.sqf, line 556
    12:38:18 Error in expression <lloweds;
    } forEach _AiUnits;
    if (_numbKA/_numbKA_total >= 0.5) then {_KA_players>
    12:38:18   Error position: </_numbKA_total >= 0.5) then {_KA_players>
    12:38:18   Error Zero divisor
    12:38:18 File mpmissions\DayZ_Overpoch_1.Chernarus\andre_convoy.sqf, line 556
    12:38:33 Error in expression <lloweds;
    } forEach _AiUnits;
    if (_numbKA/_numbKA_total >= 0.5) then {_KA_players>
    12:38:33   Error position: </_numbKA_total >= 0.5) then {_KA_players>
    12:38:33   Error Zero divisor
  7. I'm having issues with the actual AI not moving/driving. The convoys spawn every so often, I can see spawn point 1,2,3 on the map; But the vehicles just sit there not moving?
    Any ideas what it could be?

    Seems to be the newest version of Infistar

    /*  EXPERIMENTAL CU FIX   */ _CUF = true; /* true or false */ /* *experimental* - will transfer serverside units (including mission AI) to clientside */


    Setting this to false fixes it.

  8. On the original script from axecop before single currency was released, this problem existed also but someone made a fix for it. I have gone back to the original script that requires gold bars for now untill there is a fix for this issue. I have no clue what to look for to fix so hopefully someone with more knowledge can produce a fix.


    I think a quick and easy solution may just be to remove/comment out:

    	// remove all magazines
    	_magazines = _vehicle magazinesTurret _turret;
    		_vehicle removeMagazineTurret [_x, _turret];
    	} forEach _magazines;

    from service_point_rearm.sqf

    I haven't had a lot of time to test this yet, but it seems to work.

    This will allow people to have more ammo than what the vehicle allows though; more "reloads"


  9. I've gone through the instructions so I don't think I've missed anything (they are a little scattered though).

    Everything works fine except when it comes to vaults/safes.

    After a user places a safe, he is able to "open locked safe", however when they try to go and lock the safe they are given the error:

    "you cannot lock this safe, you do not know the combination"

    It does not give me the option to "re-enter combination"

    Also a user complained he couldn't lock the safe (owner) but I was able to re enter the code, and lock their safe (he was not given the option for re enter code)

    Anyone can point me in the right direction?



    I opted for the method outlined in post it worked perfectly.

  10. Nothing, just the old prices when i get into the trader_menu on Airplane dealer.

    Did this ever get fixed? I am having the exact same issue.

    Moved the folder CfgServerTrader into Dayz_Epoch_11.Chernarus

    Added to my description.ext #include "CfgServerTrader\cfgServerTrader.hpp"

    Added to my init.sqf DZE_ConfigTrader = true;

    Went into CfgServerTrader/Category/NeutralBuildingSupplies.hpp

    and added:


    class ItemComboLock {
    type = "trade_items";
    buy[] = {4,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};

    under both class Category_508 AND class Category_662

    Saved it all, restarted server, and no new items, still looking at SQL and not config.

    Any ideas? I've searched the issue and every time it seems to be unresolved and no one posts followups.



    I'm not sure, but I have a hunch this could be something to do with it:

    It seems this calls "player_traderMenuHive.sqf" while I believe config traders uses "player_traderMenuConfig"

    I've switched the files and will test later. Could be way off so any other help is appreciated.

    **EDIT 2**

    The problem mentioned in the previous edit was the culprit. Working fine now.

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