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Posts posted by Sexysev

  1. Probably caused by the favorites that are bugged with DZC. Try removing your server from the favorites and restart the application, see if it shows up in search.




    Decided to pull the plug on our server for now, even though we still had some active players it's no good continuing something that is doomed. Sucks cause i put a lot of time and effort in maintaining it and making it near perfect ( :P). I've tried to contact Josh but haven't had a response (yet). I'm hopeful that he will or that he fixes this damned issue himself.


    I hear ya bro! This sucks so much. I have put seriously so many hours into my server...and Im also at the point of killing it.

  2. Yes this is a HUGE problem right now, new servers or the ones that have switched IP's are unable to get listed. Which pretty much means they'll be dead pretty soon unless they find a creative way to get new players. DayzLauncher is great but it simply does not have the playerbase that DZC does.


    Also check:


    I'll try and contact the author of DZC cause someone needs to take over that project.

    ^^This right here! We went from a totally healthy server with 25+ regulars and new players joining all the time to a ghost town with maybe 4 people who still play on the server.


    I have tried to contact dotjosh several times via his website...but believe it or not but his contact me form on his website is broken as well.


    IF you do mange to contact him let me know. I am a web/mobile designer - front end dev for 11+ years and I am sure I can help in some way...


    How does that solve anything when most of the actual playerbase is still on DZC. I know DZL works and that one is actually being maintained but it does not help the fact that you hardly get new players from DZL. Compared to DZC there ping mechanism.

    • Server on DZC = new players (occasionaly) joining
    • Server on DZL = no new players joining

    Both of your servers are on DZC so i get it's not a problem for you :P



    I recently set up a brand new Overpoch server aswell which IS listed on DZC. Tho it took us a good couple of days of confing, research and port-forwarding. Not really sure what eventually did the trick but hey, it works.

    Would LOVE to know what you did. I have been working with James from Vert hosting to get our server listed without luck. We have been off DZC for about 3 weeks now and the server is pretty much dead...




    Yeah probably. It does take some time to show up tho. We wanted our server to show up on the very first day, hence the extra work.


    MY guess is that you guys are on IPs that are on the cached list of DZC - and thats why you are showing up. Even more so if you guys are all agreeing that it's stuck @3923 servers.


    Before my server changed IP's all I had to do was add the steam ports to my config and wait a few hours...

  3. Put this on my test server and it ran great.


    Only two issues I've noticed so far:


    1. The vehicles despawn no matter what. Even with you in the vehicle driving away it will despawn with the mission
    2. And a few times the static gunners would not shoot at me.

    Keep it up guys! Cant wait to use this on a live server!

  4. Hey bud, snap pro overwrites player_build, here's the line you wanna change, simple as that:



    Also I am adjusting the new modular build system as we speak, you will be able to change this variable from single line in your init.sqf file when 1052 comes out.


    This worked great! Thank you.


    I am totally looking forward to!

  5. https://github.com/vbawol/DayZ-Epoch/blob/master/SQF/dayz_code/actions/player_build.sqf#L11


    The code that looks for amount of objects around is hardcoded to 30 meters. You will have to bring this file over to your mission file and change it there.

    Alternatively if you are using some sort of snap building, change it there instead.


    In if using modular build setup, it will be reduced to a small function that can be easily changed within mission file separately from rest of the code, instead of reusing whole player_build file (just a heads up):



    What I don't understand is - why? 



    Hello Ray!


    I am actually using your kickbutt snap build pro. Could I somehow change it with that?


    Why you ask? Players on my server have been abusing how much they can build...ALOT.

  6. Weird thing is I have tried this and it still doesnt work. I did exactly this:


    // disallow building if too many objects are found within 30m
    if((count ((getPosATL player) nearObjects ["All",300])) >= DZE_BuildingLimit) exitWith {DZE_ActionInProgress = false; cutText [(localize "str_epoch_player_41"), "PLAIN DOWN"];};


    and added it to "custom\player_build.sqf" in my custom compiles.

  7. do you have the simulation option disabled somehow for the bike? (in the config)



    Nope and here is what I have it working as:

    // deploy a non-permanent bike from a toolbox right in front of the player that can be re-packed by the owner as long as it's under 10% damage
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