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Posts posted by Razzputon

  1. Give it a rest. Of course it doesn't obligate him, he can just continue to be a complete lazy ignorant tosser, who has managed to alienate the majority of us, leaving just you and his other five groupies to troll anyone that tries to call him on his bullshit.  People shouldn't start shit they can't finish and they certainly shouldn't accept payments for it, donations or otherwise.  This argument you trolls keep using is getting old.  he's a dick and I'm done with his bullshit.    


    Edit: Think i'm the only one? check his facebook page, he's getting hammered their too.



    Well you should definitely freak out about it. Be sure to lash out at anyone else who has a different more mature way to handle this situation also.  :blink:



    People with a more patient understanding of things are usually in the majority.  Sadly, it's the few ignorant loud-mouthed people who seem to take to the forums and spew a bunch of trolling Bullchit claming they have an army followers who think just like them.  

  2. It's not a bugged SUV but it is buggy. It's not offered by trader nor spawned in game. You can spawn it in using Admin tools (SUV_PMC). However, if you put to many items in the cargo it will do various buggy things like blow up or shoot straight up in the sky, never to be seen again. That's my limited knowledge of it.

  3. Are you using Firefox 30.0, the newest version?


    To updated, go to help > about Firefox.

    If you have the version of firefox with the square made of three slashes at the top right, hit ALT, and then help > about firefox.


    I should have put more info on the main thread Vamp =)


    As it turns out, the problem is with Windows Explorer on windows 8 operating system. When I use Crome or Firefox I'm able to use quotes and copy/paste. 

  4. YUp. when I press it it just sends me to the bottom of the thread to the "Reply to this topic" window. And when I try to paste anything it doesn't do anything. Like I'm attempting to paste when I dont ahve anything on my clipboard.



    I'm on my work laptop using Firefox and I'm able to paste and use quote


    It has something to do with Windows 8  and Explorer.


    Oddly enough I hate them both.

  5. I'm not sure if this is the proper thread for this but it's as close as I could find.


    I'm curious if I have missed a setting for the forums.


    I'm unable to paste to any post I make.

    Also, the quote button will not work for me either.


    Is there a trick to do this? 


    Any help would be appreciated.

  6. I've googled and checked all epoch forums and can't seems to find anything on this.


    I'm would like to change the sound of a vehicle to another sound. For instance:


    I like driving the LandRover but its loud as hell. I can hardly hear people in Skype and TS when I'm driving.  I would like the LandRover to have the same sounds of an SUV. Is there any way to do this?

  7. 17:53:22 "WAI: Mission Crash_Spawner Started At [8706.39,12160.8]"
    17:53:22 Error in expression <t 2;
    _radius =	_this select 3;
    switch (_iClass) do
    _item = createV>
    17:53:22   Error position: <_iClass) do
    _item = createV>
    17:53:22   Error Undefined variable in expression: _iclass
    17:53:22 File z\addons\dayz_code\compile\spawn_loot.sqf, line 9
    17:53:22 Error in expression <s select _index;
    _itemType = _itemTypes select _index;
    [_itemType select 0, _ite>
    17:53:22   Error position: <select _index;
    [_itemType select 0, _ite>
    17:53:22   Error Zero divisor
    17:53:22 File z\addons\dayz_server\WAI\missions\missions\crash_spawner.sqf, line 73
    17:53:22 Error in expression <t 2;
    _radius =	_this select 3;
    switch (_iClass) do

    I'm also getting the same rpt errors Vangard is getting but I'm on version 103718. I'm also not spawning a crate. This error cycles several times. Any idea on how to fix this?

  8. ah. Hey fully. I already have that one changed. The screen I'm talking about is before that one.


    As you load into the game:


    You start the game (VIA DZCommander, in my case).  


    First screen Says DayZ Epoch (This is the one I'm talking about)


    Then you go to the Multiplayer setup screen


    Then you go to the loading screen that your talking about. This will also say Dayz Epoch unless you customize it. (This is the one that can be customized using the command Fully posted above)


    EDIT: Sorry Richie, I missed your post the first time I read the replies. Thanks!

  9. My issues is I have to many weapons as loot on my missions. I have setup each mission to have around 15 bandits. Including the crates there is a lot of loot to be had. I'm trying to decrease the amount of weapons in the crates. I have tried to manipulate the code in DZMSBox.sqf but nothing is working.


    I'm changing the following as per a post earlier in this thread. As you can see I have set it to as low as I can take it but the weapons are still spawning at 6 per crate.

    //load primary
    	_scount = count DZMSprimaryList;
    	for "_x" from 0 to 1 do {
    		_sSelect = floor(random _sCount);
    		_item = DZMSprimaryList select _sSelect;
    		_crate addWeaponCargoGlobal [_item,1];
    		_ammo = [] + getArray (configFile >> "cfgWeapons" >> _item >> "magazines");
    		if (count _ammo > 0) then {
    			_crate addMagazineCargoGlobal [(_ammo select 0),(round(random 1))];

    Or! Is there a way to have the bandits weapons despawn after they are killed? I see you have this setting for the RPG. Is there one for regular weapons as well? This would easily take care of the amount of loot on all my missions.


    p.s. Great MOD. It's a staple of my server.

  10. I'm running a Takistan PvE server. It's been up for a little over a month now. On occasion I'm getting a few people on my server who have had their Humanity reset for no reason. I can't seem to find anything in common with them other then, at times, they will login and their humanity will be back to 2500. Some people have had this happen a few times and others only once and never again (so far).


    Has anyone heard of this or know how to fix this issue?

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