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Posts posted by WarHammer(DayZ)

  1. becourse it is a smaller package.


    theoreticly it should be less to load for the server, but thats not exactly the case, there is no actual diffrence for the server wheater it is running one or the other, the only diffrence is what the clients load and what keys you have on the server.



    nothing is "transferred" to the players joining, the players joing use the mod they loaded

    I should have clarified.


    So lets say the server is running AiATP lite, a client joins with the regular version. Would their terrain render at what AiATP package they are using clientside? or would it only render at what the server is utilizing?  (I'm assuming whatever the client had)


    Two- would they get kickeded for mod mismatches? 



    Three- What's the benifit? does the lite version offer better server performance in the way of FPS?



    A smaller package means nothing to me as I'm not worried about saving a few gigs on my SSD , I'm only concerned with increased server FPS


    Thank you in advance

  2. Servers should use the AiA TP Lite :) apart from that good guide, remember to include all 3 AiA TP keys, there's HD, Lite and Data

    Just curious why servers are recommended to utilize the AiATp lite version since the texture quality IS LOWER than what you can expect from the standard, i.e. "non-lite" terrain package and would also be transferred to the joining player..

  3. show me your init on pastebin or something, but most likely you installed something in a wierd way




    if (isServer) then {

        fn_getBuildingstospawnLoot = compile preProcessFileLineNumbers "LSpawner\fn_LSgetBuildingstospawnLoot.sqf";
        LSdeleter = compile preProcessFileLineNumbers "LSpawner\LSdeleter.sqf";
        execVM "LSpawner\Lootspawner.sqf";
    if(hasInterface)then{execVM "semClient.sqf"};
    //Kill Messages 
    [] execVM "addons\messages\init.sqf";
    if (!isDedicated) then {
    "VEMFChatMsg" addPublicVariableEventHandler {
    [((_this select 1) select 0),"align = 'center' size = '1' font=PuristaBold'],
    [((_this select 1) select 1),"align = 'center' size = '0.5'"]
    ] spawn BIS_fnc_typeText2;
    VEMFChatMsg = nil;
    // WICKED AI
    [] execVM "wai\remote.sqf";
    //Status Bar
    [] execVM "scripts\fn_statusBar.sqf"; 
    #include "A3EAI_Client\A3EAI_initclient.sqf";

    Any help would be greatly appreciated 
  4. Hello
    I added your easy kill messages to my server but I can't seem to get them working.
    I created a new folder "addons" and a sub folder "messages" and placed those folders into my MPMISSIONS root folder. 
    I tried to add [] execVM "addons\messages\init.sqf"; to the top of my inti.sqf and the messages do not work. I then added

    [] execVM "addons\messages\init.sqf";

    to the bottom of my init and that did not work. 

    Any suggestions
  5. You dont follow my instructions and you modify my files by your self, i don know how your modification of my files will be work.


    I just now downloaded my server files from first post to check difference, and they are different from yours one. 

    Eugene have you updated your original PBO so it will work now, or should I try Second Coming's? I just really want to try and use this on my server.


     Also Second Coming do we need to edit both the init and description the same way? Because when I drop your pbo into the epoch hive and try to launch I'm getting this again 

    http://i.imgur.com/1j1bfkj.jpg  I'm assuming we can take the #include "ZEVMission\ZEVMissionSounds.hpp" out of the description .ext because it's been moved over to the arma 3 @epoch hive root directory


    Either way Thank You to both of you for trying to work out the issue.

  6. Ok package installed and running,so far no errors ,But there's nothing in the RPT file showing the mission/Ai system is active or any feedback info. So I didnt' see any missions spawn and I had no way to tell if they were even running by watching my RPT or with admin ESP.


    HAs anyone else tried to run this and gotten the ai to populate the map?

  7. Yes, some servers use it.


    for second question:  i dont understand what you mean  (my english not good). But may be it will be an answer:  you must include @ZEVMission  mod to  -mod key of your server startup command line, BUT  

    Players dont need to download anything mod or change its client-side arma-execute files to join your server and play with my missions.

    When launching exactly as you have described above I get this error and the server closes ..Also why is there a "client side" download if these are being run server side. I'm confused as the other 3 Ai addons I'm currently don't need to have the PBO's called for in the startup bat. They are solely dropped into the @epochhive and it's launch and go after an init and description edit.

    I'm not criticizing your work just trying to figure out where the issue is so I can try out your AI package, as it sounds GREAT.


    yes , I added 

     end of description.ext :

    #include "ZEVMission\ZEVMissionSounds.hpp"


  8. Anyone using these yet ?


    Can't this run out of the @epoch hive as an addon like VEMF or SEM or A3AI without having to call for it out of your bat file?  Player's joining ability seem to get compound when they have to enable more mods..(I know it's fairly simple managing "expansions" but some seem to just not be able to figure it out)


    P.S. Thank you for sharing with us. :)

  9. I am still having an issue where players without @mas enabled can still join my server and its messing up my dynamic loot spawner 


    Here's what I've found 


    I have triple checked that and still if players have extra mods enabled or if my server is running @mas weapons, players without the mod can still join.. 
    Here is my config
    BattlEye          = 1;    // If set to 1, BattlEye Anti-Cheat will be enabled on the server (default: 1, recommended: 1)
    verifySignatures  = 2;    // If set to 2, players with unknown or unsigned mods won't be allowed join (default: 0, recommended: 2)
    kickDuplicate     = 1;    // If set to 1, players with an ID that is identical to another player will be kicked (recommended: 1)
    requiredBuild = 128075;
     As you can see I have it set properly. 
    I have tested my config on my Invade & Annex server (which is basically the same config) and it's properly kicking people for mod discrepancies so I don't think it's my config. 
    I'm truly at a loss here because I'm having a huge problem since converting to an overpoch server. People without @mas weapons enabled are still able to join my server and this is wreaking havoc on my dynamic loot spawnner. Overtime all loot ceases when co-mingled players (with @mas & without @mas) are on the server at the same time. So I want to ensure I'm kicking players who do not have the mod enabled and it's just not happening.
    I just tested it on my server.
    1. I set the server to run epoch with mas weapons. 
    2.I removed @mas weapons from my steam/steamapps/common/arma3 folder and launched A3 with only epoch enabled, still I am able to get on my server when I have @mas weapons running. That should NOT happen. 
    3. Activated community base addons and task force radio (no mas weapons), I get kicked for having those activated as I should.
    4. Started server withOUT @mas weapons, ENABLED @mas weapons on my game client (like CBA and Taskforce radio) and I can still get in
    It just makes no sense that I am properly getting kicked for having CBA and Taskforce radio enabled but Not getting kicked when I have @masweapons enabled
    So I guess now this is leading me to think maybe it's something with the @mas weapons bikey itself and how it was developed.. I'm 100% at a loss here because it makes zero sense. Two other community developed mods when enabled (client side)  and not enabled serverside I get properly kicked . But with mas weapons enabled NO kick ever, wether the server has it enabled or not. Leaves my head spinning.. Is anyone else who is running this having problems where the dynamic loot just stops or having issues where players withou mas weapons enabled as a mod can still join their servers...

    Mas weapons don't seem to ever spawn


    Is this correct i am not a coder and i am guessing here

    //Buildings that can spawn loot go in this list
    #include "LSlootBuildings.sqf"
    //Loot goes in these lists
    #include "LSlootLists.sqf"
    #include "LSlootLists.masweapons.sqf"

    the normal code was

    //Buildings that can spawn loot go in this list
    #include "LSlootBuildings.sqf"
    //Loot goes in these lists
    #include "LSlootLists.sqf"

    There is NO lootspawner.mas.weapons.sqf unless you make another one and also call for that sqf to launch in addition to LSlootLists . You just have to add your  mas weapons to the LSlootLists   .


    Try this


    Lootspawner junction lists for classes to spawn-/lootable items
    // Author: Na_Palm (BIS forums)
    //here place Weapons an usable items (ex.: Binocular, ...)
    //used with addWeaponCargoGlobal
    //"lootWeapon_list" array of [class, [weaponlist]]
    // class : 0-civil, 1-military, ... (add more as you wish)
    // weaponlist : list of weapon class names
    lootWeapon_list = [
    [ 0, [ // CIVIL
    "SMG_01_F", // Vermin .45 ACP
    "SMG_02_F", // Sting 9mm
    ]],[ 1, [ // MILITARY
    "SMG_01_F", // Vermin .45 ACP
    "SMG_02_F", // Sting 9mm
    ]],[ 2, [ // INDUSTRIAL
    "SMG_01_F", // Vermin .45 ACP
    "SMG_02_F", // Sting 9m
    ]],[ 3, [ // RESEARCH
    //here place magazines, bodyitems(ex.: ItemGPS, ItemMap, Medikit, FirstAidKit, Binoculars, ...)
    //used with addMagazineCargoGlobal
    //"lootMagazine_list" array of [class, [magazinelist]]
    // class : 0-civil, 1-military, ... (add more as you wish)
    // magazinelist: list of magazine class names
    lootMagazine_list = [
    [ 0, [ // CIVIL
    ]],[ 1, [ // MILITARY
    ]],[ 2, [ // INDUSTRIAL
    ]],[ 3, [ // RESEARCH
    //here place hats, glasses, clothes, uniforms, vests, weaponattachments
    //used with addItemCargoGlobal
    //"lootItem_list" array of [class, [itemlist]]
    // class : 0-civil, 1-military, ... (add more as you wish)
    // itemlist : list of item class names
    lootItem_list = [
    [ 0, [ // CIVIL
    ]],[ 1, [ // MILITARY
    "optic_mas_DMS", "optic_mas_DMS_c",
    ]],[ 2, [ // INDUSTRIAL
    ]],[ 3, [ // RESEARCH
    //here place backpacks, parachutes and packed drones/stationary
    //used with addBackpackCargoGlobal
    //"lootBackpack_list" array of [class, [backpacklist]]
    // class : 0-civil, 1-military, ... (add more as you wish)
    // backpacklist: list of backpack class names
    lootBackpack_list = [
    [ 0, [ // CIVIL
    ]],[ 1, [ // MILITARY
    ]],[ 2, [ // INDUSTRIAL
    ]],[ 3, [ // RESEARCH
    //here place any other objects(ex.: Land_Basket_F, Box_East_Wps_F, Land_Can_V3_F, ...)
    //used with createVehicle directly
    //"lootworldObject_list" array of [class, [objectlist]]
    // class : 0-civil, 1-military, ... (add more as you wish)
    // objectlist : list of worldobject class names
    lootworldObject_list = [
    [ 0, [ // CIVIL
    ]],[ 1, [ // MILITARY
    ]],[ 2, [ // INDUSTRIAL
    ]],[ 3, [ // RESEARCH

    and see if the @mas weapons spawn
  11. Yup ... now I see it .. excellent . Thanks mate....








    Now my next issue... How do I stop players from joining when they dont have @mas weapons enabled ?

    I have VerifySignatures set to 2 in my server config. Yet they can still join and that is screwing up my dynamic loot spawns where over time no more loot (either @mas or epoch) will spawn... 

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