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Posts posted by DAKA

  1. On 9/11/2014 at 2:07 AM, Zupa said:



    To add the owner as default to the doors on placement, edit your Player_Upgrade.sqf
    Locate this:

    player reveal _object;

    Paste the following code underneath:



    _friendUID = getPlayerUID player;
    _friendName = name  player;
    _friends = [[_friendUID,_friendName]] ; 
    _object setVariable ["doorfriends", _friends, true];
    PVDZE_veh_Update = [_object,"gear"];
    publicVariableServer "PVDZE_veh_Update";
    PVDZE_veh_Update call server_updateObject;

     Is this still needing to be done. I don't have access to my dayz_code so I dont know how i would update this?

  2. Hi all. Can anyone help me. Keep getting this message.

     6:53:28 Error in expression <tion = wai_mission_data select _mission select 3;

    _x setVariable ["Aggress>
     6:53:28   Error position: <select 3;

    _x setVariable ["Aggress>
     6:53:28   Error select: Type Number, expected Array,Config entry
     6:53:28 File z\addons\dayz_server\WAI\compile\hero_behaviour.sqf, line 14

    anyone know how to fix it?

  3. Hello, so I have WAI installed, with some custom spawn missions and the default ones. Here is are the 2 errors that I am getting.

     2:47:20 Error in expression <launcher call find_suitable_ammunition;
    _unit addMagazine _rocket;
    _unit addMaga>
     2:47:20   Error position: <_unit addMagazine _rocket;
    _unit addMaga>
     2:47:20   Error Undefined variable in expression: _unit
     2:47:20 File z\addons\dayz_server\WAI\compile\spawn_group.sqf, line 193

    and this one

     2:47:20 "WAI: Spawned a group of any AI (Bandit) at [1532.32,4476.64,0]"
     2:47:20 Error in expression <I: Spawned a group of %1 AI (%3) at %2",_unitnumber,_position,_aitype];

     2:47:20   Error position: <_unitnumber,_position,_aitype];

     2:47:20   Error Undefined variable in expression: _unitnumber
     2:47:20 File z\addons\dayz_server\WAI\compile\spawn_group.sqf, line 219

    Any help would be great.


  4. I want to install ESSV2, how ever, looks like Opendayz is still down and not sure if it is coming back. Does anyone have the install instructions. I have the files, from the last time i attempted to install it, but no instructions. Please let me know, thanks.

  5. I am looking for someone who can help me figure out how to add some skins from Overwatch. Just these ones


    Stalker Clothing #1 = Camo25_dz
    Stalker Clothing #2 = Camo26_dz
    Stalker Clothing #3 = Camo27_dz


    I would love help with this. Thanks.

  6. I am looking for someone who can help me figure out how to add some skins from Overwatch. Just these ones


    Stalker Clothing #1 = Camo25_dz
    Stalker Clothing #2 = Camo26_dz
    Stalker Clothing #3 = Camo27_dz


    I would love help with this. Thanks.

  7. Scripts updated!


    New features:

    • repair delay for each damaged part, will also display a message with the part currently being repaired (default 2 seconds, see config, if set to 0 the repair will be instant with no messages like before)  :)
    • dynamic costs based on vehicle type (similar as I've mentioned it in the post above)
    • display message in vehicle chat when near service point (can be disabled or customized in the config)

    You can get the new version from the same place: https://github.com/vos/dayz/tree/master/service_point



    Axe Cop,


    So this is where i am having my issue, for the display message, i dont see a msg at all. do you have to be in vehicle chat to see it or should you be able to see if no matter what? Oh my old server that i use to play on, now i host my own, it would pop up showing you that it was near. anyway you can help me figure out why it is not working please.

  8. AXE COP


    So I have added all to the specified locations, but it is not loading. No I dont have my own server, i am renting one, so would i still put in the same spot or put it here 

    if (isServer) then {
    //Compile vehicle configs
    call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_server\missions\DayZ_Epoch_24.Napf\dynamic_vehicle.sqf";
    // Add trader citys
    _nil = [] execVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\missions\DayZ_Epoch_24.Napf\mission.sqf";
    _serverMonitor = [] execVM "\z\addons\dayz_code\system\server_monitor.sqf";
    Right now I have it here.
    if (!isDedicated) then {
    //Conduct map operations
    0 fadeSound 0;
    waitUntil {!isNil "dayz_loadScreenMsg"};
    dayz_loadScreenMsg = (localize "STR_AUTHENTICATING");
    //Run the player monitor
    _id = player addEventHandler ["Respawn", {_id = [] spawn player_death;}];
    _playerMonitor = [] execVM "\z\addons\dayz_code\system\player_monitor.sqf";
    execVM "service_point\service_point.sqf";
     am i missing something. i have the folder called service_point and all 4 files in it. Do they need to go into another fold or they ok there.
  9. I hope all is well and that you get well fast. The last thing that I would like to ask, is take you up on your offer for your mission PBO, I have my own server, but want to run a more custom mission set. the basic ones are boring. I just dont have a lot of time to start all new ones, so yours will give me a must faster starting point. My email is [email protected]. if they are small enough to email, that would be awesome. if not just let me know,.

  10. I'm posting the zip of my missions folder for everyone to use and edit as they see fit. First a few explanations though. These missions are heavily coded to work on Napf ONLY and will NOT work on other maps. If you run Napf though, feel free to add whatever you like of them to your server.


    Secondly my servers are set up with the soldiers all belonging to the faction "Legion". As such, the text in the mission pop ups reflect that. You might edit that so it reads more generic depending on what your server is set up like. For instance you will see things like "Legion has stormed Freidorf". It won't make sense to your guys so you might change it to "Soldiers have stormed Freidorf" or somesuch. You are free to edit as you want.


    Following is a breakdown of the missions and what is special about them:

    disabled_civchopper <--same as original

    weapon_cache   <--same as original

    crash_spawner   <--same as original

    armed_vehicle  <--same as original

    disabled_milchopper  <--same as original

    MV22  <--same as original

    convoy  <--same as original

    banditbase  <--same as original

    campharry   <--same as original


    The following are all town spawn missions. They generally spawn in the town center, have several machine guns, and multiple troops









    BridgeNowhere- Really tough take-the-bridge mission that spawns several waves of reinforcements.

    OfficeSpace- Soldiers spread around, inside, and on top of an office building. Toughie.

    UFO- If your players are careful they can recover a working "UFO". Neat to see new players when they try to work out what the UFO is and does.

    SniperTeam- 4 man team of maximum level snipers armed with AS50's overlooking the dam (This mission requires some edits to your AIConfig file, email me if you want to use it and I'll explain what to change. It's simple stuff)

    DeathValley- You think it will be an easy mission, the soldiers are all in a bowl valley. So you think. Machine guns, patrol heli, paratroopers. Another toughie.

    BeachHead- Legion beach incursion with boat patrols and air support

    NapfCastle- Soldiers set up in the Napf ruins

    Sumrenfield- Soldier group in the dish array


    Linky: https://www.dropbox.com/s/i5s3hghez8yg4t7/missions.zip


    Have fun guys, I hope you enjoy these :)

    So I am totally new too all of this. Have my own server now. and really like the NAPF map and want to add your mission files to my server and then change then. but what i dont know is how to call them up when i put them in or if they go in my server_napf.pbo or the one listed under missions? if you can help to add the right scripting to call them up that would be awesome.

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