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Posts posted by tkdmaster

  1. i think you can solve the "vehicle not saved at right position after lift problem" by adding:

    		PVDZE_veh_Update = [_cargo,"all"];
    		publicVariableServer "PVDZE_veh_Update";

    in your -=BTC=-_Logistic_init.sqf at the end of the BTC_paradrop section like this:

    BTC_paradrop =
    	private ["_chopper", "_cargo", "_chute_type", "_cargoects", "_rel_pos", "_height", "_cargo_type", "_smoke"];
    	_chopper          = _this select 0;
    	_cargo      = _this select 1;
    	_chute_type   = _this select 2;
    	_chute = 0;
    	_height = [_chopper, _cargo] call BTC_getHeight;
    	diag_log format ["DEBUG BTC LIFT: Paradrop height: %1", _height];
    	if (_height > 50) then {
    		//diag_log ("DEBUG BTC LIFT: PARACUTE");
    		_cargo_type = typeOf _cargo;
    		if (typeOf _chopper == "MH6J_DZ") then {
    			_chute = createVehicle [_chute_type, [((position _chopper) select 0) - 5,((position _chopper) select 1) - 10,((position _chopper) select 2)- 4], [], 0, "NONE"];
    		} else {
    			_chute = createVehicle [_chute_type, [((position _chopper) select 0) - 5,((position _chopper) select 1) - 3,((position _chopper) select 2)- 4], [], 0, "NONE"];
    		_smoke        = "SmokeshellGreen" createVehicle position _chopper;
    		_smoke attachto [_cargo, [0,0,0]]; 
    		_cargo attachTo [_chute, [0,0,0]];
    		while {_height > 20} do {
    			sleep 0.1;
    			_height = [_chopper, _cargo] call BTC_getHeight;
    		detach _cargo;
    		PVDZE_veh_Update = [_cargo,"all"];
    		publicVariableServer "PVDZE_veh_Update";
    	//diag_log ("DEBUG BTC LIFT: DROP");	

    but i havent tested it yet!

    Any chance you might know what's causing vehicles being lifted to suddenly become detached? so far it seems to happen frequently on my server when a heli is slowing down.

  2. This doesn't work for me building disappears soon as it's placed, followed every step even the allowed object i checked that like 10 times now.

    Any help would be great

    I'm having a very similar issue as well. Had the script working great for a while now, but now some of the objects disappear on placement (for both admin and non-admin), yet, some other objects seem to work jsut fine.

  3. Is there a way that I can have this mod and also Krixes Self Bloodbag?



    I did everything in the instructions. But in my scroll menu at a vehicle. It just says (Save Ural [or whatever vehicle i choose]). Any ideas?

    I got both and they work 100% fine together. Just double and triple check you got absolutely everything done right for both mods and you should be fine.

  4. Hey there, I'm having issues with people blowing out all the tires on locked cars and trying to figure out who is actually doing it.


    I came across an older thread regarding destruction logs, but it didn't cover more minor damage, like destroying tires.



    Would anyone have any idea how to get it working for damage to vehicles instead of their complete destruction?

  5. Do you have a lot of modifications to the fn_selfactions.sqf or fn_damageactions.sqf scripts ?.


    These scripts are run continually and update what options are available on the scroll menu depending on what the player is looking at.  If the sqf files are long and complex then they will take some time to process.  If the player is looking around then the _cursortarget (what the player is looking at) in the script will be constantly changing.  It is much better to make these as lean as possibly for faster menu items.  An error in either of these files will also cause issues with processing.  The target being registered is also dependant on what part you are looking at.  The fuel truck for instance only seems to register if you are looking at the part behind the cab, not at the cab it'self.

    The server has a handful of edits in there, but nothing mind-bogglingly long as far as I know, and this person is the only one who is having these issues. If it was what you mentioned, wouldn't the problem persist for everyone and not just him?

  6. Alright, so one of my players is having a bad problem with scroll menus. More often than not, none of the scroll emnus will appear for him when he tries to access them (traders, refuelding, bloodbag, etc.) and will magically appear several minutes later and wont go away from that point on.


    I've had him reinstall the entire game and mod after doing a complete wipe, had him go into the cfg's and do all the optimizations he can, yet seems to make no difference at all.


    Anyone got some insight as to what he can do to try and fix this?

  7. Hoping the latest patch resolves most of the ground clipping issues. I am currently working on people accidentally dying. I've figured out that this happens when you attempt to tow from the "front", and as a result the target vehicle moves through the player, dealing damage.


    As for the towing chain, do people feel this is an exploit or put another way, an undesirable feature? Happy to put in a fix, or a config option to disable this functionality. That will come out in the next release.

    Good to hear that work is still being done on this :) And yes, i'd definitely consider this an exploit. I mean, the system itself is based around a pseudo-weight system, just like BTC is, so I'd think a hummer thats towing 7+ cars, and is being carried by a helicopter is a bit.....yeah, a very undesired feature.


    Also, another bug thing. People are able to get in/stay in the vehicles as they're being towed. Not sure if that's intended, but its probly not a good thing.

  8. Hi Matt

     1st tried towing the UAZ with a land rover, clasname "landrover_special_cz_ep1" One attached to the land rover the UAZ was floating in the air. Then I just reversed it which sent the landrover (the vehicle now been towed) into the ground. Thanks tkd I wasn't aware of an issue with uaz's and r3f ...


    Yeah, sadly it seems all the towing scripts have the same issue with UAZ's.

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