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Posts posted by RimBlock

  1. RimBlock! Why did you update all the files in the repo :( Now i don't know which ones to check to get mine to the latest :P


    Playing with the Git software to get proper branching and tagging.


    v2.2.4 -> v2.2.5: Only Vault_pitch.sqf modified.


    Diffmerge the folders will also work  ;) .


    If you have an older version then let me know and I will try to let you know which files were amended.

  2. If the "/vilayercodecustom/dayz_epoch" folder has the OAserver.exe in it then it should be fine but I am guessing there may be something with the Vilayer setup that is not 100% compatible.  Maybe others using this mod with Vilayer may be able to better advise.


    Another option is to put the server_monitor.sqf in to your@DayZ_Epoch_Server/dayz_server.pbo and leave the path as it originally was. 

  3. A very slight update....


    The accurate fuel capacity figures for air and sea vehicles have now been added to the Epoch config files so on the next release I should just be able to pull those rather than setting up large arrays to process to get the figures.


    This is one of the core items that I could not include via mission files as vehicle configs can only be released as part of the Epoch mod itself.


    A big thanks to Vbawol for including them. 

  4. I was having the same issue with plot for life too


    If you post over in my thread then maybe I can help you find the solution.


    sorry to say the fix isn't that simple.  =( 


    im gonna put priority onto just getting my server back to a functional point, then worry about tying plot poles to playerid later.

    the plot for life mod does state that it's steamid compatible, im gonna have a look at that next


    As you have found, you cannot just increase the size of the db field as the heveext.dll which is the interface code between the DB and ARMA II OA (and therefore Epoch) is hard coded for that field to be just an int.  The hiveext.dll code would need to be amended to change that and the Epoch team are not keen going by various discussions here and on Git.


    I chose to move the ownership to a different field for my mod but there is another option where the SteamID is shortened so it will fit the characterID field.  It is not 100% guaranteed the result will be unique but it should be close enough for this purpose.  Have a look at this request on the Epoch Git here for more details and sample code.

  5. I redownloaded everything and I still get the same issue it wont snap. I am wondering if this is due to PryMary's player_build to get the Plot for Life to work.


    Are you using the most recent merged file ?.  PryMary has produced another couple linked to from the first post of my A Plot for Life mod (see my sig for the link) .

  6. After you placed the plot pole, check the db.  make sure the worldspace field for the plot pole in the object_data table has your playerUID in it.  If not then you need to look for this line in the player_build.sqf and make sure it matches.


    Look for 


    The line should read

    PVDZE_obj_Publish = [dayz_characterID,_tmpbuilt,[_dir,_location,_playerUID],_classname];

    I would suspect you are missing the playerUID part.


    Arent you missing the building maint from here?



    Also, i got everything working, but when the server restarts it all get deleted, do i need to do something in mysql?

    if (!isDedicated) then {
    fnc_usec_damageActions =        compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "Custom\fn_damageActions.sqf";
    fnc_usec_selfActions =            compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "Custom\fn_selfActions.sqf";
    player_packTent =            compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "Custom\player_packTent.sqf";
    player_packVault =            compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "Custom\player_packVault.sqf";
    player_unlockVault =            compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "Custom\player_unlockVault.sqf";
    player_removeObject =            compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "Custom\remove.sqf";
    player_lockVault =            compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "Custom\player_lockVault.sqf";
    player_updateGui =            compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "Custom\player_updateGui.sqf";
    player_tentPitch =            compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "Custom\tent_pitch.sqf";
    player_vaultPitch =            compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "Custom\vault_pitch.sqf";
    player_build =                compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "Custom\player_build.sqf";


    Building Maint does not work based on owner of the objects so nothing needed changing.





    > vault_pitch.sqf

    _tent setVariable ["CharacterID",_combination,true];
    _object setVariable ["ownerPUID",_playerUID,true];
    _tent setVariable ["OEMPos",_location,true];


    > _object


    and guide

    _tent setVariable ["CharacterID",_combination,true];
    and add directly under it:
    _object setVariable ["ownerPUID",_playerUID,true];



    Thanks, have amended the code.  Will upload later today.


    Only the owner of a safe get's the option to "Open Locked Safe"

    No one else can get any options on a safe and the owner is never required to actually "Unlock Locked Safe"


    Are you using 2.2.4 ?.  Is this happening to newly placed safes or old safes placed before you installed the mod ?.


    If you are using 2.2.4 then you should not have a problem.  As default, the owner does not need to input the safe code.  This is how Epoch core has it but it never worked correctly as the ownership was overwritten by the safe code.  As we can now store the ownership and the safe code, it is working again.  Owners do not need to input the safe code to unlock.  This can be changed fairly easily if it is not the way you want it.

  8. Alright not sure if this is a bug or what.

    The Plot Poles work fine after death, but soon as a server restart happens players lose their poles is there anyway to fix this?


    What do you mean "lose their poles' ?.  Do they vanish or are they not seen as the owner or something else ?.


    It just me or is player_changeCombo.sqf missing from the rar in the OP.


    It is not there as there is nothing to be changed in that file.  It does noting related ot object ownership so nothing needed to be changed.



    Now if I could just get the EvacChopper to publish to the database.  It doesn't seem to care that my CharacterID will hold a 24 digit number.





    For the evac chopper, the fact the DB can hold a long int does not help as the hiveext.dll is limited to getting only an int length value back :( .  It is hard coded in the dll.  Check out the comments on the issue report on the GitHub for more info.


    That is the way I looked to go before choosing to use a whole different field to store the value.


    Sorry, did see your PM and have been meaning to reply but have been crazy busy.


    oh, and putting [sp0iler] [/sp0iler] around text puts it in the spoiler panel (change the 0 -> o in the example). 

  10. Cool, I was going to suggest a separate thread for this.


    We were discussing slightly different things about functions and the modular building system it seems :) .  I was looking at taking duplicated code out of the player_build / remove / upgrade / downgrade sqf files and put it in a single fn_xxxx.sqf thus reducing the size of those sqf files.


    You idea is a bit more .... epic ;) .


    Some observations / suggestions.


    Noticed the plot pole in range is hard coded to 30 and not using the global variable (DZE_PlotPole) in DZE_buildFNC_countNearby.  Whilst this matches the original, personally I think that is a bug with the original as well.  If you have changed the plot radius to 20 for smaller builds, it will still count objects outside the players build range.


    The player_build is now 240 odd lines bigger (780+ vs the origian 560 odd).  These lines will be read every time a player builds something.  Smaller scripts generally run faster so why not move the functions out to separate files (or groups of functions into 2-3 files, maybe fn_PB_checks & fn_PB_create or something).  Pre compile them from the init or custom compiles.  The fn_selfactions suffers from this type of problem as well as more and more just gets tagged on.


    I also notice you still have the animation in the DZE_buildFNC_publish rather than as a separate function.  This would probably provide one of the biggest benefits to move to its own function and it could be leveraged but a great many scripts or bypassed if the mod writer wishes very easily.  I was thinking of passing [animation-name, num-of-repeats] and returning [abort] (false being sucessful completion, false being interrupt of some kind).


    Great work.

  11. @PryMary: Yeah that bug was reported 2 pages ago. It was just an attempt to fix tiny griefing problem that's already in a game, but since it was not a popular one, guess I'll just remove it for time being until I come up with something better.


    @RimBlock: Guess if we convert it to be function based, it would make sense to convert few local vars into global and use them to check state of player_build from outside of script. This way scripters could adapt their scripts to build system without changing the original and still retain ability to control it remotely.

    Unless you know of a better way to detect if function is running? Figured out a better way to do it.


    edit: working on function based player_build now. Gonna post my results later today, see what you guys think of it.


    I was calling the checkplot function passing an array [calling script, classname, distance, limit] IIRC and populating the functions variables based on the calling script, working the logic flow based on calling script and then outputing an array variables [canbuild, isplot, distance, limit] which the calling script then puts in to its local variables depending on which ones it needs.


    The bits that added extra code were check if the class is a plot pole (required by player_build), set the distance to search for a plot pole in (usually 30 unless it is a plot pole then 45 - stored in a global variable), check not owner and not friendly (required fro remove.sqf), check if owner or is friendly (required for most apart from remove.sqf).


    Thinking about it, if _canbuild = false then .... would sort out the remove.sqf requirement after the owner & friendlies check...


    I presonally prefer not to use global variables as they could be changed anywhere by anything and if a mod creates a situation with two scripts running both trying to check ownership (i.e. one spawned from another so they run in parallel) then it could result in quite a mess and be a P.I.T.A to debug ;) .


    WHat way are you now looking to use for passing parameters ?.

  12. Damn! Yes your right it does. I'll go through my files and double check what else I may have changed (there was a lot) . I must of missed something when I reverted my files during testing. I wont have time today or tomorrow but I will have time on the weekend. :wacko:  


    The examples for the #include statements on the BIS community page also do not have ";" unfortunately :( .  Looks like they don't need them. 


    I changed from the beta to the stable branch, disabled auto updates, deleted local content, disabled my antivirus and re-downloaded.  I have not had an issue logging in including resetting the alive field in the DB after death and re-logging in.  Needs more testing though.


    I am still getting the issue with the gear menu autoclosing still though.

  13. It should work straight off if you install on a vanilla server.  The problem comes when trying to add other mods as well.  The actual changes to the files is fairly minor (give or take the server_monitor.sqf which is a bit more) but the number of files is quite large for a mod and they are all the original files than need changing, there are not additional files (like with the majority of SnapBuildPro) so there is a bigger risk of conflict.

  14. I was going to mention the need to change fuel consumption but I see you are on it. For ease of use I would set land vehicle fuel usage to two stages only, idle and acceleration. It would be easier to set fuel usage based on vehicle weight and drive rather than offroad use. 


    I would say, in my opinion, that your refuelling options as in ways to place fuel pumps, GUI etc sounds excellent but fuel capacity and consumption are pretty irrelevant to gameplay. I don't really see it adding anything to Epoch other than complexity. 


    Vehicles don't tend to last very long and I rarely empty a tank (even on Napf) before the vehicle is destroyed in combat, arma glitch such as helicopter fuel leakage, destroyed by base raiders or stolen. 


    I think the main point in fuel capacity for me is a more accurate setup for refueling vehicles.  Currently it takes the same time to refuel a SUV and a C160.  Having a floodfill on a fuel truck gives value to fuel trucks for refueling air vehicles as it will be much faster.  Buying and transfering fuel trucks to your base will become more important and a better target for bandits as it can then limit your air vehicle usage if they keep destroying them.


    For the consumption, the difficulty is that it appears to be controlled by the ARMA II engine rather than by scripts and I will have to see how the scripts overwriting the engines changes will work (the fuel guage bouncing up and down may be one possibility).  Need to try before I can confirm though.


    I guess vehicle longevity would depend on the server and playerbase but I can imagine a fair few servers where they really do not last that long.  PvE servers may have a different experience though.


    I need to get back to this mod but the other one is just taking my spare time at the moment.


    Oh I have passed a pull request to get the config files with the fuel capacity variable in them in to the Epoch build where they are missing.  That would simplify the mod a great deal rather than having multiple large arrays.

  15. @RimBlock, funny you should ask! I merged it last night with the latest Snap_Pro ...



    Thanks VM for that. 


    I have linked your post above from the first post in this thread.


    Raymix suggesting chaining his compiles.sqf is fine if that is the only mod installed but causes lots of confusion for some if there are common files between multiple mods with one superceeding another.  It is simpler to point to the Snap Build Pro version as that is the last one to be defined following Raymix's install instructions so no worries :) .

  16. Is this meant to work with the regular UID's also and NOT just SteamID's? I'm not using the steam patch.


    From what I hear 125548 is now the stable release but haven't verified yet.


    To answer your question though, yep it should work with any playerUID (BIS playerUID or SteamID).  It just changes where the ID is stored / read from and does not change the UID at all.  Either should work fine.

  17. By the looks of it, people has trouble with anti-grief attempt. Apparently it needs to check if PP is "alive" and check if PP is also friendly/owner. I'm really not a big fan of typing same code/logic in same script multiple times... these checks should be function based tbh.


    I spent a day working on doing just that and found that the plot pole owner check is slightly different in the different scripts.


    Playerbuild checks for the most things (are you building another plot pole or just a modular item - affects find nearest distance), remove.sqf just checks not owner or not friendly and needs to return the _limit (animation cycles to remove), upgrade and downgrade scripts are more or less the same for the plot pole check.  


    By the time I had stopped banging my head on the table I had removed around 100 lines from those 4 scripts but the function had grown to 80 lines, what with the overhead of defining the variables, giving initial values and the logic to take in to account all requirements)...  Made me think the underlying process would need rewriting for better gains from functionising that block of code.


    I would expect the animation and check for space interrupt may be a better opportunity ;)

  18. Anyone tried adding a spawned process at the end of whatever is logging the character out which continues to try and access the characters info (after logout) and report it to a diag_log line.  That may indicate if the player object is no longer available in the game world after logout (i.e. not correctly removed on logout).


    I may get time to give this a go as I am getting the issue pretty consistantly at the moment on my test server.


    Which script deals witht he player logout and removal from the game ?.


    As for the client hardware suggestion, I have an ATI 7950 but still think it is game (beta bug or script) related.  Probably around something not completing in time (info back from Steam affected by their server load, scripts running on client machines subject to the client machines load at the time and game server network connectivity and load).


    If I knew what the player login script chains were then I may be able to do some debugging and try to get to the bottom of this but no one has yet listed what the login / logout sequence of scripts is and manually working through all the code is a very time consuming job.


    I will post up on Git to see if the devs are willing to share the process.


    Issue raised on GitHub here.

  19. THis not working properly for me when using snap build pro green snap points don't show and i used the playerbuild provided in the OP?


    Double check the player build against the latest version from Snap Build Pro as I believe Raymix has released an updated version (or two now).  Have a look at StiflersM0Ms instructions for the player build and try those on the new player_build from SBP.


    @PryMary:  Will you be doing a merged player_build with the newer SnapBuildPro ?.


    I have followed your instructions and installed the mod, however it's not working for me as I just built a plot pole, killed myself and returned only to find I cannot build as it doesn't recognise that there is a plot pole there within 30 metres. Is there any fixes for this? I followed exactly as your instructions specified and the plot pole for life is not working.


    I also changed the plot pole boundaries and enabled the option however when I click on the option in game from the plot pole nothing happens??


    Edit: I went onto your github and uploaded all of them files instead to my host. Everything is setup how it should be but I am now getting autentication erros when joining my server :S


    The error my players and myself recieve are;

    ERROR: Cannot Sync Character as no characterID"





    Not sure what is going wrong for you.


    Download from the dropbox link and extract as listed in the first posts "Vanilla install guide".


    The instuctions under the section "Step by Step guide by StiflersM0M" have a few issues that StiflersM0M is working on correcting (see post ).


    This mod has nothing to do with player logins.  If there is an error in the files modified then that may cause the file to abort and produce unpredictable results. 


    Get an install in using the dropbox files and if it is still not working then let us know what errors you are getting in your client side RPT file.

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