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Posts posted by Havoc302

  1. Did a quick search of the thread and couldn't see any reference to the start delay.

    We've set 11 static locations and wanted a 2hr delay between them being captured and being available again. This caused the capture points to not appear for 2 hrs until after the server restarted. I tracked it down to fn_start.sqf here: 


    _randomTime = (floor random  100) + ZCP_MinWaitTime ;


    It appears that's causing it to delay that time when we just want that as the respawn time for each one. We want them to initialize almost immediately after server restart. Is there a way to separate these out?

  2. We're using the deploy system to allow players to deploy a MGB Warehouse to build in to try and reduce the amount of Epoch buildable objects used on the map but they added to the DB and treated like a vehicle, they're also loaded by the server at the same time as vehicles so if people park helis on the roof or place them so the floor is elevated vehicles end up suck in it.


    Does anyone know where I find the code that defines what's loaded first so I can add the MGB Warehouse to it? I know this was an issue in earlier versions of Epoch but it was fixed I think in 1.0.4.

  3. Error with latest beta version :

    17:07:01 Error in expression <tion = wai_mission_data select _mission select 3;
    _x setVariable ["Aggress>
    17:07:01   Error position: <select 3;
    _x setVariable ["Aggress>
    17:07:01   Error select: Type Number, expected Array,Config entry
    17:07:01 File z\addons\dayz_server\WAI\compile\hero_behaviour.sqf, line 14

    yes, we did make them lazy-friendly in this update.

    Hey was this ever resolved? I'm having trouble with it and missions aren't clearing properly, missions stop coming up half way through the restart period.

  4. Is there a way to facilitate gem traders and other non-currency items? We're not using coins. I have the old trader files from 1.0.4 which will do it and have them running on my Napf server that uses database traders with the Afile just changed to _old. Can I add the call to those files into this advanced trading as well? I was looking at the files and it looks like I'd need to make edits here in each file:


    if( _x select 1 == "trade_items")then{
    _magazinesToBuy = _magazinesToBuy + (_x select 9) ;
    _priceToBuy = _priceToBuy + ((_x select 9)*(_x select 2));
    if( _x select 1 == "trade_backpacks")then{
    _backpacksToBuy = _backpacksToBuy + (_x select 9) ;
    _priceToBuy = _priceToBuy + ((_x select 9)*(_x select 2)); // _price * _amount
    if( _x select 1 == "trade_any_vehicle")then{
    _vehiclesToBuy = _vehiclesToBuy + (_x select 9) ;
    _priceToBuy = _priceToBuy + ((_x select 9)*(_x select 2)); // _price * _amount

    To include "trade_items_old" and the other ones. But where then do I tell it to find those files?

  5. You could do that. Firstly you'd need to upload the sound to your mission file somewhere, like custom\sounds or something.


    Then go into your description.ext and add it to the cfgsounds.


    Then in the mission files for WAI create a trigger based off the _position variable to generate the sound if the player is within range, you'll have to work out how to cleanup the trigger after the mission is finished though.

  6. Any idea what could be causing this error?


    15:00:15 Error in expression <tion = wai_mission_data select _mission select 3;
    _x setVariable ["Aggress>
    15:00:15   Error position: <select 3;
    _x setVariable ["Aggress>
    15:00:15   Error select: Type Number, expected Array,Config entry
    15:00:15 File z\addons\dayz_server\WAI\compile\bandit_behaviour.sqf, line 14
    15:00:16 Error in expression <tion = wai_mission_data select _mission select 3;
    _x setVariable ["Aggress>
    15:00:16   Error position: <select 3;
    _x setVariable ["Aggress>
    15:00:16   Error select: Type Number, expected Array,Config entry
    15:00:16 File z\addons\dayz_server\WAI\compile\bandit_behaviour.sqf, line 14

    I have put some customisations in but I'm not sure if they're the cause.


  7. Does anyone know if there's a way to reduce the damage these items take rather than removing it completely?


    I've found this script which appears to allow a multiplier reduction on things rather than just turning it off, I'd like to make metal and cinder very tough to take down.



    this addeventhandler ["HandleDamage", {
            _unit             = _this select 0;
            _selection         = _this select 1;
            _passedDamage     = _this select 2;
            _source            = _this select 3;
            _projectile     = _this select 4;
            _oldDamage = 0;
            _damageMultiplier = 1;
                case("head")    :{_oldDamage = _unit getHitPointDamage "HitHead";};
                case("body")    :{_oldDamage = _unit getHitPointDamage "HitBody";};
                case("hands")    :{_oldDamage = _unit getHitPointDamage "HitHands";};
                case("legs")    :{_oldDamage = _unit getHitPointDamage "HitLegs";};
                case("")        :{_oldDamage = damage _unit;};
            _return = _oldDamage + ((_passedDamage - _oldDamage) *_damageMultiplier);
  8. Lol wow, you sell vehicles on your server.. i thought dami was the only one in aus to do that

    http://customcombatgaming.com/forums/index.php?/store/category/13-base-vehicles/- And they sell a hell of a lot more. They've also been the most popular servers in Australia for about a year.


    http://www.zrclan.com/donatorperks- Second largest gaming community in Australia, no vehicles but there's everything else.


    http://www.themotoclan.com/vip#builders-kits-822864Number one Epoch server on the planet according to Gametracker stats.


    http://www.de-1000.de/viewforum.php?f=4&sid=3903035814925a074db338136368af27- Number two Epoch server on the planet according to Gametracker stats. 


    I could go on all day with this. Ultimately, like everyone else, the money only pays for the server. We limit it to naturally acquired vehicles too, so there's no difference between them going to the traders ingame and buying them or us delivering them. Debate it all you like. This thread wasn't about that.

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