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Posts posted by Pasquale

  1. Hi Guys had a problem getting this to show up: added this and now it all shows up and works -I have added it to just Super Admin


    _puid = getPlayerUID player;
    if(_puid in PV_SuperLevel_List) then


    adminadd = adminadd + ["   +View WeatherLord Menu","Weather","0","0","1","0",[0,0.6,1,1]];
    adminadd = adminadd + ["   +View Coin Menu","coin","0","0","1","0",[0,0.6,1,1]];


    then add:

    case 'Weather':{call admin_weather};
    case 'AAATime':{call admin_time};

    case 'coin':{call admin_fillCoinMenu};

     under admin_dbclick = (heading)

    Add this post to the topic +

  2. HI

    it would be nice to add the ability infistar_safezone

    1. USE_AI_REMOVER = true; // use this to remove Missionbots (AI) within 100m of a player if the player is in a safezone
    2. LOG_EnterLeave = true; // it will log your .RPT when a player enters or leaves the safezone! (only works with infiSTAR.de admin tools / AntiHack)
    /* You can use USE_CANBUILD or/and (collaborating) with custom positions below (USE_POSITIONS) [position or zone,radius] */
    3. USE_SIGNS = true; // use this to build signs around the safezone

  3. Does not work. I may be where the bug happen?

    _array = _this;
    if (count _array > 0) then {
    _source = _array select 0;
    _method = _array select 1;
    if ((!isNull _source) && (_source != player)) then {
    _canHitFree = player getVariable ["freeTarget",false];
    _isBandit = (player getVariable["humanity",0]) <= -2000;
    _punishment = _canHitFree || _isBandit; //if u are bandit || start first - player will not recieve humanity drop
    _humanityHit = 0;
    if (!_punishment) then {
    //i'm "not guilty" - kill me && be punished
    _myKills = ((player getVariable ["humanKills",0]) / 30) * 1000;
    _humanityHit = -(2000 - _myKills);
    _kills = _source getVariable ["humanKills",0];
    _source setVariable ["humanKills",(_kills + 1),true];
    PVDZE_send = [_source,"Humanity",[_source,_humanityHit,300]];
    publicVariableServer "PVDZE_send";
    } else {
    //i'm "guilty" - kill me as bandit
    _myKillsB = ((player getVariable ["banditKills",0]) / 30) * 1000;
    _humanityHit = (2000 + _myKillsB);
    _killsV = _source getVariable ["banditKills",0];
    _source setVariable ["banditKills",(_killsV + 1),true];
    PVDZE_send = [_source,"Humanity",[_source,_humanityHit,300]];
    publicVariableServer "PVDZE_send";
    _body setVariable ["deathType",_method,true];


  4. after installation
    arma2oaserver.RPT -

    ErrorMessage: File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Chernarus\interior\defines.hpp, line 21: .RscText: Member already defined.

    Removed this part in defines.hpp
    class RscText
    access = 0;
    idc = -1;
    type = CT_STATIC;
    style = ST_MULTI;
    linespacing = 1;
    colorBackground[] = {0,0,0,0};
    colorText[] = {1,1,1,.5};
    text = "";
    shadow = 2;
    font = "Bitstream";
    SizeEx = 0.02300;
    fixedWidth = 0;
    x = 0;
    y = 0;
    h = 0;
    w = 0;

    now :D
    ErrorMessage: File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Chernarus\interior\defines.hpp, line 20: .RscPicture: Member already defined.
    installed Plot For Life v2.2.6 [1.4] Snap Building PRO
  5. sent mail
    But now get a kick BattlEye: Script restriction #33 :D
    make scripts.log
    May I know what I do so?

    04.04.2014 10:51:12: Pasquale (**.**.***.**:****) *******f56d0d****d4f4*****09*** - #2 "SLX_XEH_COMPILE);
    cba_common_fnc_blaHandler = {
    private ["_logic"];
    private "_params"; _params = if ((if (isNil {(_this)}) t"
    04.04.2014 10:51:12: Pasquale (**.**.***.**:****) *******f56d0d****d4f4*****09*** - #2 "[_key, _x select 1]];
    } forEach _value;
    CBA_EVENT_KEY_LOGIC = objNull;
    cba_events_keypressed = -100;
    04.04.2014 10:51:40: Pasquale (**.**.***.**:****) *******f56d0d****d4f4*****09*** - #2 "[_key, _x select 1]];
    } forEach _value;
    CBA_EVENT_KEY_LOGIC = objNull;
    cba_events_keypressed = -100;
    04.04.2014 10:51:41: Pasquale (**.**.***.**:****) *******f56d0d****d4f4*****09*** - #2 "Out="+str(_timeOut)+", _game="+str(_game));
    if !(isNil "CBA_logic") then {
    _str = _str + (", BIS_functions="+str(CBA_logic)+", "
    04.04.2014 10:51:41: Pasquale (**.**.***.**:****) *******f56d0d****d4f4*****09*** - #1 "= [sideLogic] call CBA_fnc_getSharedGroup;
    _logic = _group createUnit ["FunctionsManager", [0,0,0], [], 0, "none"];
    04.04.2014 10:51:41: Pasquale (**.**.***.**:****) *******f56d0d****d4f4*****09*** - #3 "ll CBA_fnc_getSharedGroup;
    _logic = _group createUnit ["FunctionsManager", [0,0,0], [], 0, "none"];
    BIS_OO_grpLogic = _group;
    04.04.2014 10:51:41: Pasquale (**.**.***.**:****) *******f56d0d****d4f4*****09*** - #33 "pe;
    CBA_logic = _logic;
    if (isNil "RE" && {isNil "BIS_MPF_logic"} && {isClass(configFile >> "CfgPatches" >> "CA_Modules")"



  6. Hello! )
    Still how to make work correctly addon @CBA, @JSRS 1.5 since Epoch?
    Also get a kick BattlEye: Script restriction #3 when entering the server. The use of the add @JSRS 1.5 without @CBA does not give the functionality of the sound mod.
    Was a period of a few days ago, when BattleEye not worked due curve updates and you could log onto the server with @CBA addon.
    How to solve the problem?

    03.04.2014 14:53:00: Pasquale (**.**.***.**:****) *******f56d0d****d4f4*****09*** - #2 "SLX_XEH_COMPILE);

    cba_common_fnc_blaHandler = {

    private ["_logic"];
    private "_params"; _params = if ((if (isNil {(_this)}) t"
    03.04.2014 14:53:00: Pasquale (**.**.***.**:****) *******f56d0d****d4f4*****09*** - #2 "[_key, _x select 1]];
    } forEach _value;

    CBA_EVENT_KEY_LOGIC = objNull;

    cba_events_keypressed = -100;
    03.04.2014 14:53:33: Pasquale (**.**.***.**:****) *******f56d0d****d4f4*****09*** - #2 "[_key, _x select 1]];
    } forEach _value;

    CBA_EVENT_KEY_LOGIC = objNull;

    cba_events_keypressed = -100;
    03.04.2014 14:53:36: Pasquale (**.**.***.**:****) *******f56d0d****d4f4*****09*** - #2 "Out="+str(_timeOut)+", _game="+str(_game));

    if !(isNil "CBA_logic") then {
    _str = _str + (", BIS_functions="+str(CBA_logic)+", "
    03.04.2014 14:53:36: Pasquale (**.**.***.**:****) *******f56d0d****d4f4*****09*** - #1 "= [sideLogic] call CBA_fnc_getSharedGroup;
    _logic = _group createUnit ["FunctionsManager", [0,0,0], [], 0, "none"];
    03.04.2014 14:53:36: Pasquale (**.**.***.**:****) *******f56d0d****d4f4*****09*** - #3 "ll CBA_fnc_getSharedGroup;
    _logic = _group createUnit ["FunctionsManager", [0,0,0], [], 0, "none"];
    BIS_OO_grpLogic = _group;

    01.04.2014 (AH0327b) BatlleEye v1.215
  7. now here

    28.03.2014 15:04:10: Pasquale (**.**.***.**:****) *******f56d0d****d4f4*****09*** - #2 "[_key, _x select 1]];
    } forEach _value;
    CBA_EVENT_KEY_LOGIC = objNull;
    cba_events_keypressed = -100;


    28.03.2014 15:15:06: Pasquale (**.**.***.**:****) *******f56d0d****d4f4*****09***  - #2 "Out="+str(_timeOut)+", _game="+str(_game));
    if !(isNil "CBA_logic") then {
    _str = _str + (", BIS_functions="+str(CBA_logic)+", "


    28.03.2014 15:25:47: Pasquale (**.**.***.**:****) *******f56d0d****d4f4*****09***  - #2 "SLX_XEH_COMPILE);
    cba_common_fnc_blaHandler = {
    private ["_logic"];
    private "_params"; _params = if ((if (isNil {(_this)}) t"
    28.03.2014 15:27:51: Cyberlife (**.**.***.**:****) *******f56d0d****d4f4*****09*** - #2 "SLX_XEH_COMPILE);
    cba_common_fnc_blaHandler = {
    private ["_logic"];
    private "_params"; _params = if ((if (isNil {(_this)}) t"

  8. scripts.log


    28.03.2014 00:05:39: ******** (**.175.*.*:***38) 7**c20*************f20b6f5b935***8 - #2 "SLX_XEH_COMPILE);

    cba_common_fnc_blaHandler = {

    private ["_logic"];
    private "_params"; _params = if ((if (isNil {(_this)}) t"
    28.03.2014 00:07:56: ********* (5.**9.**.**:****) **b9b1efb92**********148d04b3d77*** - #2 "odules\functions\main.sqf"
    scriptName "Functions\main.sqf";
    _logic = _this select 0;
    _logic setpos [1000,10,0];

    waituntil {!is"
    28.03.2014 00:11:28: [uBOD] Kubatin (*5.71.**.**1:****0) *******1cf9081fc**********3e6b8ca7*** - #2 "odules\functions\main.sqf"
    scriptName "Functions\main.sqf";
    _logic = _this select 0;
    _logic setpos [1000,10,0];

    waituntil {!is"
    28.03.2014 00:18:31: Pasquale (**.*7.1*6.1***:*****) *******fcff56d********d4f4819af0**** - #2 "SLX_XEH_COMPILE);

    cba_common_fnc_blaHandler = {

    private ["_logic"];
    private "_params"; _params = if ((if (isNil {(_this)}) t"

  9. Set @JSRS 1.5 and @CBA, keys, respectively, in the folder "Key", "Expansion" and on the server in the "Key".

    The problem with the approach to the server:
    BattlEye: Script restriction #2
    BattlEye: Script restriction #12
    Understand that something needs to be corrected in the scripts.txt
    Help to understand and properly connect the sound of fashion
    JSRS without CBA works fine but not full (
    anticheat infiSTAR 27.03.2014 (AH0327)

    5 "dedicatedServerInterface"
    5 "createUnit" !"_dog = (group player) createUnit [typeOf _target, _pos, [], 0, \"FORM\"];" !"_newUnit = _group createUnit [_class,dayz_spawnPos,[],0,\"NONE\"];" !"_newUnit = _group createUnit [_class,position player,[],0,\"NONE\"];" !"_newUnit = _group createUnit [_class,getMarkerPos \"respawn_west\",[],0,\"NONE\"];" !"_newUnit = _group createUnit [_class,getMarkerPos \"respawn_west\",[],0,\"NONE\"];" !"BIS_MPF_logic = BIS_MPF_dummygroup createUnit [\"Logic\", [1000,10,0], [], 0, \"NONE\"];" !"_unit = _grp createUnit [_type, _itemPos, [], 0, \"FORM\"];"
    5 "Logic" !"\"Logic\" createVehicleLocal" !"sideLogic" !"BIS_MPF_clientJIPlogic" !"_humanity_logic" !"ACE_Required_Logic"
    5 "FunctionsManager"
    5 "], \"FunctionsManager\"]"
    5 "],\"FunctionsManager\"]"
    5 "\"Functions\" + \"Manager\""
    5 "[6300,7700,0]"

    5 "group (" !"_mygrp = group ("
    5 ", 27000"
    5 "nuke"
    5 "Sound_Alarm"
    5 "Sound_Alarm2"
    5 "Fuck Server"
    5 "Wipe Database"
    5 "val = [.1,1.5,.2]"
    5 "BoxObject"
    5 "_fonzy"
    5 "_troll"
    5 "_sharky"
    5 "_x setDamage 1"
    5 "nearestObjects [[6325.6772,7807.7412]"
    5 "createVehicleLocal _fck"
    5 "\"HelicopterExplobig\", \"HelicopterExploSmall\""
    5 "\"HelicopterExplobig\",\"HelicopterExploSmall\""
    5 "\"HelicopterExploSmall\", \"HelicopterExplobig\""
    5 "\"HelicopterExploSmall\",\"HelicopterExplobig\""
    5 "_classname = \"HelicopterExploBig\";"
    5 "_fck select"
    5 "_logic = _this select 0;"
    5 "_logic setpos [1000,10,0];"
    5 "BattleFieldClearance"
    5 "BIS_MPF_logic" !"BIS_MPF_logic = BIS_MPF_dummygroup createUnit"
    5 "BIS_MPF_dummygroup" !="BIS_MPF_dummygroup = createGroup sideLogic;" !"BIS_MPF_logic = BIS_MPF_dummygroup createUnit"
    5 "_codeAHOFF"
    5 "_first in"
    5 "_commands"
    5 "_agent setDamage 1"
    5 "_unit createUnit"
    5 "createUnit _array"
    5 "[_pos, _grp, \";\" +"
    5 "+ \";\""
    5 "+\";\""
    5 "+ \";\"]"
    5 "+\";\"]"
    5 "], \"Logic\"]"
    5 "],\"Logic\"]"
    5 "closeDisplay ="
    5 "rJIPrequest =" !"rJIPrequest = 'JIPrequest'"
    5 "{rJIPREQUEST" !"!isNil {rJIPREQUEST}"
    5 "RUSTLER"
    5 "Ruslter"
    5 "Systems Online"
    5 "HangenderRE"
    5 "vilegaming"
    5 "v.i.l.e"
    5 "Lystic"
    5 "setDammage"
    5 "compile toString"
    5 "@TheWarZ"
    5 "beeeh"
    5 "dayz-injector-menu"
    5 "Shadowy_NONRE"
    5 "_cute"
    5 "_stuff"
    5 "_vgmenu"
    5 "_func4"
    5 "_genVar"
    5 "_rand60"
    5 "_first_term"
    5 "_skarmory"
    5 "_salamence"
    5 "Init RE"
    5" Nigger"
    5 "\"You\""
    5 "selectedItemCountLeft = lnbText"
    5 "(getPosATL player) nearObjects [\"Man\", 15000]"
    5 "[[\"Man\",\"Air\",\"Car\",\"Motorcycle\",\"Tank\",\"Ship\",\"StaticWeapon\"],250000]"
    5 "action_crate1"
    5 "_dummyveh"
    5 "], 40000])"
    5 "(getPosATL player) nearObjects [\"Man\", 200];"
    5 "(nearestObject [player, \"Rabbit\"])"
    5 "try saving"
    5 "addMagazineCargoGlobal[\"ItemSilverBar\",50];"
    5 "addMagazineCargoGlobal[\"ItemSilverBar10oz\",50];"
    5 "addMagazineCargoGlobal[\"ItemGoldBar\",50];"
    5 "addMagazineCargoGlobal[\"ItemGoldBar10oz\",50];"
    5 "addMagazineCargoGlobal[\"ItemBriefcase100oz\",50];"
    5 "addMagazineCargoGlobal[\"ItemSilverBar\",500];"
    5 "addMagazineCargoGlobal[\"ItemSilverBar10oz\",500];"
    5 "addMagazineCargoGlobal[\"ItemGoldBar\",500];"
    5 "addMagazineCargoGlobal[\"ItemGoldBar10oz\",500];"
    5 "addMagazineCargoGlobal[\"ItemBriefcase100oz\",500];"
    1 "createVehicleLocal _position" !"_spawnveh createVehicleLocal _position"

  10. Set @JSRS 1.5 and @CBA, keys, respectively, in the folder "Key", "Expansion" and on the server in the "Key".
    The problem with the approach to the server:
    BattlEye: Script restriction #12
    Understand that something needs to be corrected in the scripts.txt
    Help to understand and properly connect the sound of fashion
    anticheat infiSTAR
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