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Posts posted by F507DMT

  1. hello! i need help whitch code

    i have idea, spawn zombie after Mission completed! its cool i think, zombie apocalypse, walking dead...

    and players run to the boxes not kill all in a mission, zombies to keep them


    i cant transplantation this code in antihax:

    (code default)

    	adminCallZeds =
    		fnc_addZeds =
    			_position = _this;
    			for "_i" from 1 to 10 do
    				_unitTypes = 	[]+ getArray (configFile >> "CfgBuildingLoot" >> "Default" >> "zombieClass");
    				_agent = 	objNull;
    				_type = _unitTypes call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;
    				_radius = 40;
    				_method = "NONE";
    				_agent = createAgent [_type, _position, [], _radius, _method];
    				_id = [_position,_agent] execFSM "\z\AddOns\dayz_code\system\zombie_agent.fsm";
    		openMap [true, false];
    		onMapSingleClick '
    			[_pos select 0,_pos select 1,_pos select 2] spawn fnc_addZeds;
    			openMap [false, false];
    			onMapSingleClick "";

    Anyone can help whitch this idea?

  2. IF U can`t sell spawned vehicles

    If u use Sarge AI

    private ["_coords","_MainMarker","_chopper","_wait"];
    [] execVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\EMS\SMGoMajor.sqf";
    WaitUntil {MissionGo == 1};
    _coord1 = [11464.772, 10619.15, 0];
    _coord2 = [12193.327, 7132.9824, 0];
    _coord3 = [13702.819, 2919.6946, 0];
    _coord4 = [1657.7039, 2383.8894, 0];
    _coord5 = [10361.221, 5993.5337];
    _coord6 = [9256.6543, 4101.2207];
    _coord7 = [2171.2224, 14935.52];
    _coord8 = [840.05267, 12325.708];
    _coord9 = [8718.7344, 14130.797, 0];
    _coord10 = [7789.0034, 3460.9116];
    _coord11 = [11996.692, 9178.75];
    _coord12 = [4374.8794, 4003.894];
    _coord13 = [5500.3198, 13332.453, 0];
    _coord14 = [869.2265, 6473.7524, 0];
    _coord15 = [869.2265, 6473.7524, 0];
    _coord16 = [7270.5029, 14127.697, 0];
    _coord17 = [13892.205, 2884.7598, 0];
    _coord18 = [10180.267, 1948.7859];
    _coord19 = [5172.7148, 11431.229];
    _coord20 = [7767.4424, 11532.106];
    _coord21 = [8351.0068, 10417.919];
    _coord22 = [9526.8135, 12440.739];
    _coord23 = [6249.1104,9579.043,0];
    _coord24 = [1478.0565, 9989.9814, -0.28155354];
    _coord25 = [3200.6785, 7685.7559];
    _coord26 = [6694.5132, 2535.55];
    _coord27 = [6333.5601, 4295.0767];
    _coord28 = [3248.0078, 6196.52];
    _coord29 = [6684.2734, 12524.593, 3.0517578e-005];
    _coord30 = [12474.939, 13468.215, 0];
    _coords = [_coord1, _coord2, _coord3, _coord4, _coord5, _coord6, _coord7, _coord8, _coord9, _coord10, _coord11, _coord12,_coord13, _coord14, _coord15, _coord16, _coord17, _coord18, _coord19, _coord20, _coord21, _coord22, _coord23, _coord24,_coord25, _coord26, _coord27, _coord28, _coord29, _coord30] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;
    _uniqueid = str(round(random 999999));
    //Mission start
    [nil,nil,rTitleText,"Колонна со строй-материалами попала под обстрел, помощь бы не помешала!", "PLAIN",10] call RE;
    Ccoords = _coords;
    publicVariable "Ccoords";
    [] execVM "debug\addmarkers.sqf";
    _uralcrash = createVehicle ["UralWreck",_coords,[], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    _uralcrash setVariable ["Sarge",1,true];
    _hummer = createVehicle ["UralCivil2_DZE",[(_coords select 0) + 20, (_coords select 1) - 5,0],[], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    _hummer1 = createVehicle ["V3S_RA_TK_GUE_EP1_DZE",[(_coords select 0) + 30, (_coords select 1) - 5,0],[], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    _hummer setVariable ["ObjectID", _uniqueid, true];
    _hummer setVariable ["ObjectUID", _uniqueid, true];
    _hummer1 setVariable ["ObjectID", _uniqueid, true];
    _hummer1 setVariable ["ObjectUID", _uniqueid, true];
    _crate = createVehicle ["USVehicleBox",[(_coords select 0) - 6, _coords select 1,0],[], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    [_crate] execVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\EMS\misc\fillConstructionMajor.sqf";
    _crate setVariable ["permaloot",true];
    _aispawn = [_coords,80,6,6,1] execVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\EMS\add_unit_server.sqf";//AI Guards
    sleep 5;
    _aispawn = [_coords,70,6,6,1] execVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\EMS\add_unit_server.sqf";//AI Guards
    sleep 5;
    _aispawn = [_coords,40,4,4,1] execVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\EMS\add_unit_server.sqf";//AI Guards
    sleep 5;
    _aispawn = [_coords,10,4,4,1] execVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\EMS\add_unit_server.sqf";//AI Guards
    sleep 5;
    _aispawn = [_coords,50,4,6,1] execVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\EMS\add_unit_server_rpg.sqf";//STRELA + STINGER
    sleep 5;
    waitUntil{{isPlayer _x && _x distance _crate < 40  } count playableunits > 0};  
    //Mission completed
    [nil,nil,rTitleText,"Спасибо игрокам, это было не просто!", "PLAIN",6] call RE;
    [] execVM "debug\remmarkers.sqf";
    MissionGo = 0;
    Ccoords = 0;
    publicVariable "Ccoords";
    SM1 = 5;
    [0] execVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\EMS\major\SMfinder.sqf";

    new add in file:

    _uniqueid = str(round(random 999999));
    _hummer setVariable ["ObjectID", _uniqueid, true];
    _hummer setVariable ["ObjectUID", _uniqueid, true];
    _hummer1 setVariable ["ObjectID", _uniqueid, true];
    _hummer1 setVariable ["ObjectUID", _uniqueid, true];

    U MUST Added SQL Function DeleteNonKeyVehicles!!!

    before every restart your server

  3. If u use Sarge AI

    private ["_coords","_MainMarker","_chopper","_wait"];
    [] execVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\EMS\SMGoMajor.sqf";
    WaitUntil {MissionGo == 1};
    _coord1 = [11464.772, 10619.15, 0];
    _coord2 = [12193.327, 7132.9824, 0];
    _coord3 = [13702.819, 2919.6946, 0];
    _coord4 = [1657.7039, 2383.8894, 0];
    _coord5 = [10361.221, 5993.5337];
    _coord6 = [9256.6543, 4101.2207];
    _coord7 = [2171.2224, 14935.52];
    _coord8 = [840.05267, 12325.708];
    _coord9 = [8718.7344, 14130.797, 0];
    _coord10 = [7789.0034, 3460.9116];
    _coord11 = [11996.692, 9178.75];
    _coord12 = [4374.8794, 4003.894];
    _coord13 = [5500.3198, 13332.453, 0];
    _coord14 = [869.2265, 6473.7524, 0];
    _coord15 = [869.2265, 6473.7524, 0];
    _coord16 = [7270.5029, 14127.697, 0];
    _coord17 = [13892.205, 2884.7598, 0];
    _coord18 = [10180.267, 1948.7859];
    _coord19 = [5172.7148, 11431.229];
    _coord20 = [7767.4424, 11532.106];
    _coord21 = [8351.0068, 10417.919];
    _coord22 = [9526.8135, 12440.739];
    _coord23 = [6249.1104,9579.043,0];
    _coord24 = [1478.0565, 9989.9814, -0.28155354];
    _coord25 = [3200.6785, 7685.7559];
    _coord26 = [6694.5132, 2535.55];
    _coord27 = [6333.5601, 4295.0767];
    _coord28 = [3248.0078, 6196.52];
    _coord29 = [6684.2734, 12524.593, 3.0517578e-005];
    _coord30 = [12474.939, 13468.215, 0];
    _coords = [_coord1, _coord2, _coord3, _coord4, _coord5, _coord6, _coord7, _coord8, _coord9, _coord10, _coord11, _coord12,_coord13, _coord14, _coord15, _coord16, _coord17, _coord18, _coord19, _coord20, _coord21, _coord22, _coord23, _coord24,_coord25, _coord26, _coord27, _coord28, _coord29, _coord30] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;
    _uniqueid = str(round(random 999999));
    //Mission start
    [nil,nil,rTitleText,"Колонна со строй-материалами попала под обстрел, помощь бы не помешала!", "PLAIN",10] call RE;
    Ccoords = _coords;
    publicVariable "Ccoords";
    [] execVM "debug\addmarkers.sqf";
    _uralcrash = createVehicle ["UralWreck",_coords,[], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    _uralcrash setVariable ["Sarge",1,true];
    _hummer = createVehicle ["UralCivil2_DZE",[(_coords select 0) + 20, (_coords select 1) - 5,0],[], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    _hummer1 = createVehicle ["V3S_RA_TK_GUE_EP1_DZE",[(_coords select 0) + 30, (_coords select 1) - 5,0],[], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    _hummer setVariable ["ObjectID", _uniqueid, true];
    _hummer setVariable ["ObjectUID", _uniqueid, true];
    _hummer1 setVariable ["ObjectID", _uniqueid, true];
    _hummer1 setVariable ["ObjectUID", _uniqueid, true];
    _crate = createVehicle ["USVehicleBox",[(_coords select 0) - 6, _coords select 1,0],[], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    [_crate] execVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\EMS\misc\fillConstructionMajor.sqf";
    _crate setVariable ["permaloot",true];
    _aispawn = [_coords,80,6,6,1] execVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\EMS\add_unit_server.sqf";//AI Guards
    sleep 5;
    _aispawn = [_coords,70,6,6,1] execVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\EMS\add_unit_server.sqf";//AI Guards
    sleep 5;
    _aispawn = [_coords,40,4,4,1] execVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\EMS\add_unit_server.sqf";//AI Guards
    sleep 5;
    _aispawn = [_coords,10,4,4,1] execVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\EMS\add_unit_server.sqf";//AI Guards
    sleep 5;
    _aispawn = [_coords,50,4,6,1] execVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\EMS\add_unit_server_rpg.sqf";//STRELA + STINGER
    sleep 5;
    waitUntil{{isPlayer _x && _x distance _crate < 40  } count playableunits > 0};  
    //Mission completed
    [nil,nil,rTitleText,"Спасибо игрокам, это было не просто!", "PLAIN",6] call RE;
    [] execVM "debug\remmarkers.sqf";
    MissionGo = 0;
    Ccoords = 0;
    publicVariable "Ccoords";
    SM1 = 5;
    [0] execVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\EMS\major\SMfinder.sqf";

    add in file:

    _uniqueid = str(round(random 999999));
    _hummer setVariable ["ObjectID", _uniqueid, true];
    _hummer setVariable ["ObjectUID", _uniqueid, true];
    _hummer1 setVariable ["ObjectID", _uniqueid, true];
    _hummer1 setVariable ["ObjectUID", _uniqueid, true];
  4.  Fuchs, if u can give as pre release, I would be very grateful!

    still have to redo almost all weapons, bots, skills,vehicles, buildings, translated into Russian missions. 
    After work, I made ​​here ready to throw a very interesting Russian version!
    now the main problem is that you can not sell cars. and it is impossible to spawn vehicles missions in the database.
    and do not always appear on the label of the mission
    (I know that you know about these problems)
    Function DeleteNonKeyVehicles much help that would not foul up the database
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