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Posts posted by DangerRuss

  1. I goofed somewhere on the server_swapObject.sqf... mine didnt look like the one in the instructions so I tried to wing it.  Now I can't upgrade a door with a combo lock it says "not setup yet"


    I get this error in the rpt

    18:24:20 Error in expression <e];

    _object setVariable ["OEMPos", call compile (_worldspace select 1), true];
    18:24:20   Error position: <compile (_worldspace select 1), true];
    18:24:20   Error compile: Type Array, expected String
    18:24:20 File z\addons\dayz_server\compile\server_swapObject.sqf, line 49

    here is my server_swapObject.sqf

    private ["_activatingplayerUID","_class","_uid","_charID","_object","_worldspace","_key","_allowed","_obj","_objectID","_objectUID","_proceed","_activatingplayer"];

    _charID = _this select 0;
    _object = _this select 1;
    _worldspace = _this select 2;
    _class = _this select 3;
    _obj = _this select 4;
    _activatingplayer = _this select 5;
    _activatingplayerUID = (getPlayerUID _activatingplayer);
    _proceed = false;
    _objectID = "0";
    _objectUID = "0";

    if(!isNull(_obj)) then {

        _objectID     = _obj getVariable ["ObjectID","0"];
        _objectUID    = _obj getVariable ["ObjectUID","0"];

        if !(DZE_GodModeBase) then {
            _obj removeAllMPEventHandlers "MPKilled";

        deleteVehicle _obj;

        _proceed = true;


    if(isNull(_object)) then {
        _proceed = false;

    if(_objectID == "0" && _objectUID == "0") then {
        _proceed = false;
    } else {
        [_objectID,_objectUID,_activatingplayer] call server_deleteObj;

    _allowed = [_object, "Server"] call check_publishobject;

    if (!_allowed || !_proceed) exitWith {
        if(!isNull(_object)) then {
            deleteVehicle _object;
        diag_log ("Invalid object swap by playerUID:"+ str(_activatingplayerUID));

    _object setVariable ["CharacterID",_charID,true];
    _object setVariable ["OEMPos", call compile (_worldspace select 1), true];
    _uid = _worldspace call dayz_objectUID2;

    _worldspace set [0, (_worldspace select 0) call KK_fnc_floatToString];
    _worldspace set [1, (_worldspace select 1) call KK_fnc_positionToString];

    _key = format["CHILD:308:%1:%2:%3:%4:%5:%6:%7:%8:%9:",dayZ_instance, _class, 0 , _charID, _worldspace, [], [], 0,_uid];
    _key call server_hiveWrite;
    _object setVariable ["lastUpdate",time];
    _object setVariable ["ObjectUID", _uid,true];

    if (DZE_GodModeBase) then {
        _object addEventHandler ["HandleDamage", {false}];
    } else {
        _object addMPEventHandler ["MPKilled",{_this call object_handleServerKilled;}];

    _object enableSimulation false;

    PVDZE_serverObjectMonitor set [count PVDZE_serverObjectMonitor,_object];

    diag_log ("PUBLISH: " + str(_activatingPlayer) + " upgraded " + (_class) + " with ID " + str(_uid));

    Thanks for any help!


    EDIT- Im reading the thread and seeing this has been an issue but Im confused on the fix

  2. When I installed VB + SBP all worked fine (except unlocking vaults,but i fixed it)

    When  I installed VB + SBP + P4L i doesnt see snap pro menu (snap point and other functions) ,when i build something. What is the reason&

    When I had this problem where I didnt see the vectoring menu it was because I didnt call the fn_Selfactions.sqf in the proper order in the compiles.sqf Try that.

  3. Is the weedfarms.sqf necessary to run this?

    Im just trying to get the smokeshit.sqf and hemp.sqf to work in my extra_rc.hpp and it breaks the server. No error in my RPT. I already have deploy bike working via the extra_rc.hpp so Im just adding the SmokeWeed folder with the 2 scripts to my custom folder and the extra_rc.hpp looks like this.

    class ExtraRc {
    	class ItemToolbox {
                   class Bike {
                            text = "Deploy Bike";
                            script = "execVM 'custom\deploy\bike.sqf'";
    	class ItemKnife {
    		class farmhemp {
    			text = "Harvest the weed";
    			script = "execVM 'custom\SmokeWeed\hemp.sqf'";
    	class ItemKiloHemp {
    		class smokeweed {
    			text = "Smoke the shit";
    			script = "execVM 'custom\SmokeWeed\smokeshit.sqf'";

    This looks right to me so idk...



    by: ZeroK00L    
        [] spawn {
        hint "You roll a fatty and smoke it! Damn! That shit is the chronic!";
        player removeMagazine 'ItemKiloHemp';
        Remove_Drug_effects =
        ppEffectDestroy _x;
        } forEach (_this select 0);
        ppEffectDestroy ppe2;
        ppEffectDestroy ppe3;
        setaperture 0;
        _time = time;
        _effects = [];
    player playMoveNow "ActsPercMstpSnonWpstDnon_sceneBardak01";
        while {true} do
        ppe2 = ppEffectCreate ["chromAberration", 1555];
        _effects = _effects + [ppe2];
        ppe2 ppEffectAdjust [random 0.25,random 0.25,true];
        ppe2 ppEffectCommit 1;
        ppe2 ppEffectEnable true;
        ppe3 = ppEffectCreate ["radialBlur", 1555];
        _effects = _effects + [ppe3];
        ppe3 ppEffectEnable true;
        ppe3 ppEffectAdjust [random 0.02,random 0.02,0.15,0.15];
        ppe3 ppEffectCommit 1;
        sleep random(1);
    r_player_blood = r_player_bloodTotal;            //set their blood to the maximum allowed
    r_player_lowblood = false;                        //set lowblood setting to false
    10 fadeSound 1;                                    //slowly fade their volume back to maximum
    "dynamicBlur" ppEffectAdjust [0]; "dynamicBlur" ppEffectCommit 5;    //disable post processing blur effect
    "colorCorrections" ppEffectAdjust [1, 1, 0, [1, 1, 1, 0.0], [1, 1, 1, 1],  [1, 1, 1, 1]];"colorCorrections" ppEffectCommit 5;    //give them their colour back
    r_player_lowblood = false;                        //just double checking their blood isnt low
    player setVariable["USEC_BloodQty",r_player_bloodTotal,true];    //set their blood back up to maximum again
        if (_time + 60 < time) exitWith {[_effects] call Remove_Drug_effects;};



        put together for DayZ Epoch
        Credits to Shogun338 from Insurrection gaming
        modified for separate "gather weed" script
        private ["_gearmenu","_playerPos","_nearWeed","_weed","_objectID","_objectUID"];
        _playerPos = getPosATL player;
        _hempqty = {_x == "ItemKiloHemp"} count magazines player;
        _nearWeed = count nearestObjects [_playerPos, ["fiberplant"], 4] > 0;
        _weed = nearestObject [player, "fiberplant"];
        if !(_nearWeed) exitWith {
        cutText [format["You need to be near the weed plants in order to gather."], "PLAIN DOWN"];
        if (_hempqty > 2) exitWith {
        cutText [format["WARNING: %1, You have maximum amount of weed in your inventory! You could get arrested by the police ;)", name player], "PLAIN DOWN"];
        if (dayz_combat == 1) then {
        cutText [format["You are in Combat and Cannot Gather the Weed."], "PLAIN DOWN"];
        } else {
        _gearmenu = FindDisplay 106;
        _gearmenu CloseDisplay 106;
        player playActionNow "Medic";
        r_interrupt = false;
        sleep 6;
        _objectID = _weed getVariable["ObjectID","0"];
        _objectUID = _weed getVariable["ObjectUID","0"];
        deleteVehicle _weed;
        [_objectID,_objectUID] call server_deleteObj;
        _weed setDamage 1;
        player addMagazine "ItemKiloHemp";
        sleep 2;
        cutText [format["You've Gathered Some Weed! Smoke that shit or sell it at Black market dealer!!"], "PLAIN DOWN"];    


    EDIT- Nevermind it works... no idea what was going wrong. just restarted the server a couple of times and it was good to go.

  4. This might not be connected, but it seems very coincidental. After I searched for this error and found this thread, I replaced the fnc_playerHit.sqf with the one in the github, and since then if you are killed by a vehicle your corpse instantly disappears. There is no error in the RPT. Any ideas?

  5. Thanks for everyone that tried to help with the issue of once you get in the drivers seat the vehicle is no longer indestructible. I was able to find out the fix and I will tell everyone in case someone else is having the same problem.


    I am running infiSTAR safezone script, if you are running this script then you need to follow the next instructions. Now by doing it this way it makes it so people can shoot into the safezone and damage a vehicle, but that's not a big deal for me mainly because I am running two different safezone scripts


    Find this line of code in the infiSTAR safezone script


    vehicle_handleDamage = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers'\z\addons\dayz_code\compile\vehicle_handleDamage.sqf';

    Change to 

    vehicle_handleDamage = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "zupa\vehicle_handleDamage.sqf";

    This did resolve the issue for me. Getting in the driver seat and relocking the vehicle, the vehicle is still indestructibile.

  6. Was anyone able to test my "fix?"   When I went to test it, all the buildings that had been vectored in the past (which returned to flat once I removed vectoring) were back to whatever angle they had been vectored to (pitched roofs for example) safes were able to be unlocked , HOWEVER there was no option on the scroll wheel when building new objects to vector them. I might have botched and install step so I'll try it again at some point.

  7. Thanks for everyone that tried to help with the issue of once you get in the drivers seat the vehicle is no longer indestructible. I was able to find out the fix and I will tell everyone in case someone else is having the same problem.


    I am running infiSTAR safezone script, if you are running this script then you need to follow the next instructions. Now by doing it this way it makes it so people can shoot into the safezone and damage a vehicle, but that's not a big deal for me mainly because I am running two different safezone scripts


    Find this line of code in the infiSTAR safezone script


    vehicle_handleDamage = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers'\z\addons\dayz_code\compile\vehicle_handleDamage.sqf';

    Change to 

    vehicle_handleDamage = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "zupa\vehicle_handleDamage.sqf";

    Damn that really sucks. Have you ever found a way to get infiSTAR's safe zone to work properly with this script?

  8. Well unless Im missing something, I'll try again maybe tomorrow morning when fewer people are on, this fixed the issue with the safes, buildings that were previously vectored resumed their vectored positions, however when trying to build something new there was no vector option on the scroll wheel. I checked the files a few times and re read the instructions as well and everything seemed to be correct so hopefully someone else will be able to verify.

  9. guys I can't test this for another few hours but I was looking at the default player_unlockvault.sqf and comparing it to the one in the vector folder.


    In the vector folder there is this line

     _playerID = [player] call FNC_GetPlayerUID;

    but in the epoch server files that line looks like this

    _playerID = getPlayerUID player;

     so replace the first with the second and give it a shot

    let me know

  10. Old thread but whenever I try to further customize my loot tables I receive this exact same old error.

    17:51:43 Error in expression <nd (((_itemChances select _l) select 1) * 100);
    for "_k" from 0 to (_weight - 1)>
    17:51:43   Error position: <* 100);
    for "_k" from 0 to (_weight - 1)>
    17:51:43   Error *: Type String, expected Number
    17:51:43 File z\addons\dayz_code\init\loot_init.sqf, line 85

    To be clear, I have customized loot tables working on the server right now, no errors. If I then try to add more guns using the exact same format they're in already, I receive that error in my RPT and the server will not start.
    Here is an example of my cfgloot.hpp which I simply edited the military loot and the sniper rifle loot section by adding overwatch guns and it broke the server

    #include "CfgLootSmall.hpp"

    class CfgLoot {
        trash[] = {
        civilian[] = {
        office2[] = {
        food[] = {
        office[] = {
        generic[] = {
        medical[] = {
        hospital[] = {
        military[] = {
        militarypilot[] = {
        policeman[] = {
        hunter[] = {
        worker[] = {
        clothes[] = {
        militaryclothes[] = {
        specialclothes[] = {
        tents[] = {
        backpacks[] = {
        militarybackpacks[] = {
        militaryammo[] = {
        pistols[] = {
        shotgunsingleshot[] = {
        farmweapons[] = {
        sniperrifles[] = {
        sniperriflesammo[] = {
        submachinegun[] = {
        assaultrifles[] = {
        assaultrifleammo[] = {
        machineguns[] = {
        machinegunammo[] = {
        machinegunammoexpl[] = {
        militaryshotguns[] = {

  11. Works Superb with me, just whitelisted the actions and its working good.

    I had the same problem with the safes being empty when you open it.

    There is a simple fix. Just Search _intentory in server_moniter.sqf and replace it with _inventory

    Same with all the files you changed in server.pbo

    you had that issue AFTER you installed vectoring? I have no issues with safes until I install vectoring... then literally nothing happens when you try to open them, they're not empty.. you just can't open them.

  12. yea that was my failed attempt at fixing an error that spams my client RPT from using the NPC Vendor as a bank. It didnt work so I just quoted it out to see if I could play with it later.

    I figured out that the problem was being caused by adding vectoring.


    The vectoring itself works perfectly but it breaks opening the safes. Im guessing there is an error in player_unlockVault.sqf


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