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Posts posted by JerryAtricks

  1. The first time I installed this my server wouldn't start. That's a pretty good indicator that something is being called in the script that it cannot find. So after some looking around I found that there's an error with the code posted on the armaholic page. 

    Change this line

    [] execVM "outlw_magRepack\MagRepack_init.sqf";

    to this

    [] execVM "outlw_magRepack\MagRepack_init_sv.sqf";


    and change this line

    #include "outlw_magRepack\MagRepack_config.cpp"

    to this

    #include "outlw_magRepack\MagRepack_Config.hpp"

    It turns out the file names were different than the in the script. :P

    I don't have CBA installed so I couldn't test this to see if it actually worked but I logged in to my server with no errors so that has to be a good thing, yeah? :)

  2. ^Same here. Script restriction #21.

    I'm not entirely sure if I'm following the instructions correctly though. In them it says:

    Open scripts.txt BE filter add make the following additions
    	~line 20  7 playableunits !=""pto: %3 | Players: %2 | FPS: %1 ", round diag_fps, count playableUnits, EPOCH_playerCrypto, mapGridPosition player];"
    	~line 23 7 exec !"addons\status_bar\init_statusBar.sqf"

    When it says "make the following additions" do does it mean to add these lines to those lines, replace them, or insert those two lines at 20 and 23? I assumed it was to add them in there and that is when I started getting the script restriction error. 

    Also, I don't know if this has been pointed out, but the instructions refer to the 'Status_Bar' folder but the folder is actually named 'status_bar'. This is causing it not to even load.  

       //Status Bar
    	if(hasInterface) then{[] execVM "addons\Status_Bar\init_statusBar.sqf"};


  3. This has been happening often. Players are getting kicked for CreateVehicle Restriction #1. 

    In the createvehiclelog.txt I see this:

    20.09.2015 23:06:10: [PLAYER] (PLAYER IP) [PLAYER GUID] - #1 "Snake2_random_EPOCH" 4:17 [6194,16043,36]

    Snake? I thought that error was about the seagull?

    Anyway, I tracked it down to a3_epoch_server_settings.pbo > configs > loots.h which has in it these classes:

    class Snake_random_EPOCH
    		lootMin = 1;
    		LootMax = 1;
    		tables[] = { "Snake_random_EPOCH" };
    	class Snake2_random_EPOCH
    		lootMin = 1;
    		LootMax = 1;
    		tables[] = { "Snake_random_EPOCH" };

    If I remove/comment out those would it do any harm? 

  4. So I can't tell my players health, food, water, etc. because the default hud doesn't give much info besides what gun you're currently armed with and remaining ammo. I noticed on a few servers a hud that runs along the bottom of the screen. Anyone know what that is and have a link to it?



  5. Hey all!


    I can only seem to find info on this that says how to install mods onto a private server. What I don't get is how to get the mod to launch for players on a public server. For my own use I could just add the -mod=@ModName but to install mods to a public server and get them to run... what is the procedure? 




    PS. If this has already been covered somewhere please paste a link to that thread. 

  6. If this is posted elsewhere then my apologies for a double post, but I was wondering what happened to the rest of the map? In my server manager there's an image of the map and it has three more islands on it that aren't in the game. Is there any plan to extend the map to these areas? What happened to those islands?


    Just curious, thanks!

  7. Here ya go:





    Another question concerning AminList.sqf. Besides myself, I added one other admin to the SuperAdmins list but in the game he doesn't have all the same option I do. For instance, in the Graphical Vehicle Spawn list, he cannot see all of the vehicles that I can.


    Here is the top of the code for that:

    // Epoch Admin Lists
    //Super Admins
    SuperAdminList = [
    "GUID", // JerryAtricks
    "GUID" // Other Admin Here
    AdminList = [
    "11111111111111111", // <Admin In-Game Name>
    "SomeBody" // <Admin In-Game Name>
    ModList = [
    "11111111111111111", // <Moderator In-Game Name>
    "SomeBody" // <Moderator In-Game Name>

    Of course the GUIDs are using our GUIDs and the 'Other Admin Here' is him. I'm pretty sure I have that correct but still he doesn't have the full menu options. 


    What else would you need to see where the problem might be?

  8. Hey! This just started happening and I don't know why. When a player tries to build a plot pole it resets when pressing the spacebar and cancels the build. 


    The only thing in my RPT file was this error:


    12:07:58   Error position: <_maxDist - (random (_maxDist * 2)));_ne>
    12:07:58   Error Undefined variable in expression: _maxdist
    12:07:58 File ca\modules\functions\misc\fn_findSafePos.sqf, line 90
    12:07:58 Error in expression < "_newY", "_testPos"];_newX = _posX + (_maxDist - (random (_maxDist * 2)));_ne>

    Not sure if it's related. The odd thing is, I can't find the fn_findSafePos.sqf file anywhere.  :huh:

  9. I'm getting the same error too. In fact, that is all that is in my RPT. Literally 26,297 lines of this error.


    12:07:58   Error position: <_maxDist - (random (_maxDist * 2))); _ne>
    12:07:58   Error Undefined variable in expression: _maxdist
    12:07:58 File ca\modules\functions\misc\fn_findSafePos.sqf, line 90
    12:07:58 Error in expression < "_newY", "_testPos"]; _newX = _posX + (_maxDist - (random (_maxDist * 2))); _ne>
    Only problem is, fn_findSafePos.sqf does not exist in that directory path. So if it's being reported as having an error, but doesn't exist... how do I find it? I've run  fn_findSafePos.sqf through a Windows search and nothing shows up. That file isn't in my mission pbo or my server pbo. WTF?
  10. Hey NoxSicarius, nice tools!


    Question... I got your admin tools as part of Sheep's Epoch Repack. In it, there is an option to choose an admin skin with custom graphics. Is that something you did or he did? The reason I ask is I would like to be able to call different admin skins for my admins, each with their own name. What I can't seem to find is which skin it is using and where it calls the JPG. Is this something you could advise me on or, if it's already been addressed, could you point me in the right direction? I know you're busy with the new tools so thanks in advance if you can help me out. :)

  11. If character ID is 0, it belongs to nobody, however check the inventory, some items can't be owned, but can be used to store items, so on top of that check Inventory array. If both inventory is empty ([]) and char ID is 0, it is safe to delete.


    Thanks, raymix, I understand that. What I am trying to do is find out what items belong to which players. 


    For instance... I find a UH1H in a field and it's locked. I can get the key #, the ObjectID, the CharacterID, etc. What I can't find is who it belongs to. How do I match up items with players without having to manually search through each players inventory for the matching key #?

  12. Ok, cool. I used a few of those and did some cleanups on my server. Thanks!

    But, what does this code do, exactly?

    /* Fix inventory on maintain objects */
    UPDATE `object_data`
    SET `inventory` = '[]',`LastUpdated` = `LastUpdated`
    WHERE `inventory` = '[[[],[]],[[],[]],[[],[]]]'
    `Classname` IN (

    Does this maintain all built objects? I'm not really sure what the 'inventory' is on maintain objects.


    /* =================== DELETES =================== */
    /* Delete old crap */
    DELETE FROM `object_data`
    /* Delete destroyed objects */
    DELETE FROM `object_data`
    WHERE Damage = 1;
    /* Delete plots and doors not being cleaned */
    AND `Classname` IN ('Plastic_Pole_EP1_DZ','CinderWallDoorSmallLocked_DZ','CinderWallDoorLocked_DZ','CinderWallSmallDoorway_DZ','CinderWallDoorway_DZ','Land_DZE_WoodDoorLocked','CinderWallDoor_DZ','CinderWallDoorSmall_DZ','Land_DZE_WoodDoor','Land_DZE_GarageWoodDoor','Land_DZE_GarageWoodDoorLocked','Land_DZE_LargeWoodDoorLocked','Land_DZE_LargeWoodDoor','WoodLargeWallDoor_DZ');
    /* Delete old login data */
    DELETE FROM `player_login`;
    /* Delete untouched server spawned vehicles */
    DELETE FROM `object_data`
    AND `CharacterID` = '0'
    AND `Classname`
    NOT REGEXP 'barrier|storage|shed|bench|wall|floor|fence|pump|wood|hrescue|stick|pole|generator|panel|house|rack|bag|stand|barrel|canvas|wire|hedgehog|net|trap|ramp|fort|sand|scaffold|nest';
    /* Delete all vehicles not touched in 7 days */
    DELETE FROM `object_data`
    AND `Classname`
    NOT REGEXP 'barrier|storage|shed|bench|wall|floor|fence|pump|wood|hrescue|stick|pole|generator|panel|house|rack|bag|stand|barrel|canvas|wire|hedgehog|net|trap|ramp|fort|sand|scaffold|nest';
    /* Delete empty storage objects */
    DELETE FROM `object_data`
    AND ( (`Inventory` IS NULL) OR (`Inventory` = '[]') OR (`Inventory` = '[[[],[]],[[],[]],[[],[]]]') )
    AND `Classname` IN ('Wooden_shed_DZ','WoodShack_DZ', 'TentStorage', 'TentStorageDomed', 'TentStorageDomed2', 'WoodCrate_DZ', 'GunRack_DZ', 'OutHouse_DZ', 'StorageShed_DZ');
    /* Delete unused storage objects */
    DELETE FROM `object_data`
    AND `Classname` IN ('Wooden_shed_DZ','WoodShack_DZ', 'TentStorage', 'TentStorageDomed', 'TentStorageDomed2', 'WoodCrate_DZ', 'GunRack_DZ', 'OutHouse_DZ', 'StorageShed_DZ');
    /* =================== UPDATES =================== */
    /* Unlock Purchased Untouched Vehicles */
    UPDATE `object_data`
    SET `CharacterID` = 0
    AND `CharacterID` > 0
    AND `Classname`
    NOT REGEXP 'barrier|storage|shed|bench|wall|floor|fence|pump|wood|hrescue|stick|pole|generator|panel|house|rack|bag|stand|barrel|canvas|wire|hedgehog|net|trap|ramp|fort|sand|scaffold|nest';
    /* Fix inventory on maintain objects */
    UPDATE `object_data`
    SET `inventory` = '[]',`LastUpdated` = `LastUpdated`
    WHERE `inventory` = '[[[],[]],[[],[]],[[],[]]]'
    `Classname` IN (
    /* Set Damage on all other objects */
    UPDATE `Object_DATA`
    SET `Damage`=0.2
    WHERE `ObjectUID` <> 0
    AND `CharacterID` <> 0
    AND ( (`Inventory` IS NULL) OR (`Inventory` = '[]') );
    /* Set Damage On Doors/Plot Poles using Door Management via Age */
    UPDATE `Object_DATA`
    SET `Damage`=0.2
    WHERE `Classname` IN ('Plastic_Pole_EP1_DZ','CinderWallDoorSmallLocked_DZ','CinderWallDoorLocked_DZ','CinderWallSmallDoorway_DZ','CinderWallDoorway_DZ','Land_DZE_WoodDoorLocked','CinderWallDoor_DZ','CinderWallDoorSmall_DZ','Land_DZE_WoodDoor','Land_DZE_GarageWoodDoor','Land_DZE_GarageWoodDoorLocked','Land_DZE_LargeWoodDoorLocked','Land_DZE_LargeWoodDoor','WoodLargeWallDoor_DZ')
    AND `Inventory` != '[]';
    /* Set Safe Combo to 0000 */
    UPDATE `object_data`
    SET `CharacterID` = 0
    AND `CharacterID` > 0
    AND `Classname` = "VaultStorageLocked"
    AND `Inventory` <> '[]'
    AND `Inventory` IS NOT NULL;
    /* Set Lock Box to RED 00 */
    UPDATE `object_data`
    SET `CharacterID` = 10000
    AND `CharacterID` > 0
    AND `Classname` = "LockboxStorageLocked"
    AND `Inventory` <> '[]'
    AND `Inventory` IS NOT NULL;



    I'm assuming this is in a batch file that is directed to run at startup on a dedicated box, yes? How would I incorporate this into a server running on a host? Can I add this to the init.sqf or server_monitor.sqf?

  14. Hey guys!


    I'm doing some cleanup on my server and I'm trying to find out what items belong to who.


    When I do searched for vehicles/items/gear, etc., I can find the CharacterIDs and ObjectIDs but I need to know who those items belong to before deleting. What's the best way to associate the items with the players?



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