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Changing weather


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With the latest updates are ignored my settings change of weather.

In the epochconfig.hpp no option WeatherChangeTime = 1200;

Settings WeatherStaticForecast[] = {75.5,0.1,{0,0,0},5,{1,1}};; not counted

Changes in this

events[] = {
    { 3600, "CarnivalSpawner" }, // SECOND <scalar>, EVENT <string>
    { 2400, "EarthQuake" },
    { 11800, "ChangeWeather" },
    { 1200, "ContainerSpawner" },
    { 3000, "PlantSpawner" } //No comma on last Entry

section do not work

Now rain on the server does not stop

How do I configure the change of weather and the effect of rain?

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The variable WeatherChangeTime is no longer used. The time you have set 11800 is basically the weatherChangeTime. It is now actually calculated dynamically from the actual time between runs. This should be more or less equal to what you have set 11800 seconds. 

Now that I think about it we may need to add a way to initially call the function at server startup as your setting of 11800 means the first weather change will not happen for about 3.2 hours. For now I would suggest just lowering the number to something lower to get it to execute sooner.

Also you can edit the weather script to change the random values here: https://github.com/EpochModTeam/Epoch/blob/release/Sources/epoch_server_settings/EpochEvents/ChangeWeather.sqf but if you have the WeatherStaticForecast set it will only use the value you set.

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Thanks for clarifying. So before it was - 11800 seconds of calm weather and only at the end of the session began slowly to rain. But something went wrong and the rain started pouring incessantly, though, I must admit, is now once again the weather is fine with me.

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