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Help Creating a custom loot box at a static location


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I'm trying to setup a custom loot box at a static location, Is there a way to edit USlaunchers box? I've tried to edit the mission.pbo file and the custom map file. I cannot not get them to work.



class Item14
            init="clearMagazineCargo this; clearWeaponCargo this; {this addWeaponCargoGlobal [_x, 2];} forEach    ['M24','M4A1_AIM_SD_camo','M249','m16a4_acg','M9SD']; {this addmagazineCargoGlobal [_x, 12];} forEach ['5Rnd_762x51_M24','15Rnd_9x19_M9SD','30Rnd_556x45_Stanag','30Rnd_556x45_StanagSD','200Rnd_556x45_M249'];";



// Second way i tried in custom map file


_vehicle_721 = objNull;

if (true) then
  _this = createVehicle ["USLaunchersBox", [13704.164, 2947.2451, 1.1444092e-005], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
  _vehicle_721 = _this;
  _this setPos [13704.164, 2947.2451, 1.1444092e-005];
  _this setVariable ["permaLoot",true];
  _init="clearMagazineCargo this; clearWeaponCargo this; {this addWeaponCargoGlobal [_x, 2];} forEach    ['M24','M4A1_AIM_SD_camo','M249','m16a4_acg','M9SD']; {this addmagazineCargoGlobal [_x, 12];} forEach ['5Rnd_762x51_M24','15Rnd_9x19_M9SD','30Rnd_556x45_Stanag','30Rnd_556x45_StanagSD','200Rnd_556x45_M249'];";

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Here is an example of how I did it. This one is custom .


Make a Seprate SQF File ...  " What everynameyouwant.SQF" and put that either in a custom folder or just put it in your mission.pbo 


In you INIT.sqf in Mission.PBO


But this on bottom of page 


[] execVM "\What aeveryname youwant.SQF";


Repack and upload.



Here is one of my Custom crates. 




if (isServer) then {

_vehicle_99 = objNull;
if (true) then
 _this = createVehicle ["SpecialWeaponsBox", [9875.6211, 14061.259, 0.00051879883], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
 _vehicle_99 = _this;
 _this setDir 20;
          _this setVariable ["permaLoot",true];
 clearWeaponCargoGlobal _this;
 clearMagazineCargoGlobal _this;
 _this addMagazineCargoGlobal ["ItemBriefcase100oz",10];
 _this addMagazineCargoGlobal ["ItemVault",10];
 _this addMagazineCargoGlobal ["Skin_Graves_Light_DZ",2];
 _this addMagazineCargoGlobal ["PipeBomb",10];
 _this addWeaponCargoGlobal ["ItemGPS",10];
 _this addWeaponCargoGlobal ["Binocular_Vector",10];
 _this addMagazineCargoGlobal ["Skin_CZ_Special_Forces_GL_DES_EP1_DZ",4];
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  • 1 year later...

is there any way to make this crate spawn within a certain radius of a set area? also does this scrip spawn the box at restart of at random intervals, if at restart is it possible to do it at random intervals? trying to create a reason to draw players to a pvp island, but i dont want them to know exactly were the box is on the island or when its spawning, but want it to spawn at random throught the six hour restart intervals.


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You can use this piece of code for spawning the crate in random places, you'll need to add your own coords, loot and stuff like that obviously

	private ["_Boxes","_positionarray","_Position","_BoxModel","_Box","_QA"];

	_Boxes = ["BoxClassname1","BoxClassname2","BoxClassname3"] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; // Item crate classnames

	_positionarray = [[1860.21,2170.51,0],[1061.13,2383.86,0],[3591.74,2200.85,0],[4686.19,2501.68,0],[7759.07,3550.56,0],[13181.6,6785.23,0],[11990.1,3537.64,0],[10179,1976.52,0]]; // All possible lootbox positions you want
	_Position = _positionarray call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; //This takes one random set of coords and uses them to spawn the box

	_QA = [1,2,3,4,5,6] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; //Random quantity of Items spawned in the box, to spawn select number of items just use that number instead of _QA

	_BoxModel = _Boxes;

	_Box = createVehicle [_BoxModel,_Position,[], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
	_Box setDir 0.0;
	_Box setPos _Position;

	_Box setVariable ["permaLoot",true];

	clearMagazineCargoGlobal _Box;
	clearWeaponCargoGlobal _Box;
	if(_Box == "BoxClassname1") then  {

		{_Box addWeaponCargoGlobal [_x, 1];} forEach //Spawns one of each weapon in your array one line below

		{_Box addMagazineCargoGlobal [_x, _QA];} forEach //Spawns random quantity of magazines in your array one line below

		{_Box addBackpackCargoGlobal [_x, 3];} forEach //Spawns 3 backpacks you've added to your array
	if(_Box == "BoxClassname2") then  {

		{_Box addWeaponCargoGlobal [_x, 1];} forEach
		['Weapon Classname 1','Weapon Classname 2'];

		{_Box addMagazineCargoGlobal [_x, _QA];} forEach
		['Item Classname 1','Item Classname 2'];

		{_Box addBackpackCargoGlobal [_x, 3];} forEach
		['Backpack Classname'];
	if(_Box == "BoxClassname3") then  {

		{_Box addWeaponCargoGlobal [_x, 1];} forEach
		['Weapon Classname 1','Weapon Classname 2'];

		{_Box addMagazineCargoGlobal [_x, _QA];} forEach
		['Item Classname 1','Item Classname 2'];

		{_Box addBackpackCargoGlobal [_x, 3];} forEach
		['Backpack Classname'];


Edited by Antichrist
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Well i run that thing i posted from mission file so in your copy/paste case get rid of that old one and edit the new one


Just add this line in your init.sqf, within if (isServer) then { section

execVM "custom\ammocrate\box.sqf";

So it looks like

if (isServer) then {

execVM "custom\treasure\ammobox.sqf";


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if (isServer) then
        if (isNil "Ultima_Diag_Level") then
            {Ultima_Diag_Level    =    3;};
        if (Ultima_Diag_Level > 0) then
            {diag_log("[#Ultima]: [Ящики с лутом]: Создание ящиков с лутом.");};
        private ["_Data","_aSpawnItems","_worldname","_mapcenter","_Map_Radius"];
        _worldname  =    toLower format ["%1", worldName];
        _mapcenter  = (getMarkerPos "center");
        _Map_Radius = (_mapcenter select 0);
        if (Ultima_Diag_Level > 1) then
                diag_log format["[#Ultima]: [Ящики с лутом]: Карта определена как %1.", _worldname];
                diag_log format["[#Ultima]: [Ящики с лутом]: Установлен центр координат: %1.", _mapcenter];
                diag_log format["[#Ultima]: [Ящики с лутом]: Установлен радиус карты: %1.", _Map_Radius];                
        _aSpawnItems =    
        _Data =
                [12968, 3551, 9, 59, 300, 50, (_aSpawnItems select 0),"USVehicleBox", 0, false, false, _mapcenter, _Map_Radius, true]
                ,[13153, 3662, 9, 59, 300, 50, (_aSpawnItems select 1),"TKVehicleBox_EP1", 0, false, false, _mapcenter, _Map_Radius, true]
                ,[13120, 3616, 9, 59, 300, 50, (_aSpawnItems select 2),"USVehicleBox", 0, false, false, _mapcenter, _Map_Radius, true]
                ,[13099, 3615, 9, 59, 300, 50, (_aSpawnItems select 0),"USVehicleBox", 0, false, false, _mapcenter, _Map_Radius, true]
                ,[13032, 3562, 9, 59, 300, 50, (_aSpawnItems select 2),"USVehicleBox", 0, false, false, _mapcenter, _Map_Radius, true]
                ,[12978, 3539, 9, 59, 300, 50, (_aSpawnItems select 1),"RUVehicleBox", 0, false, false, _mapcenter, _Map_Radius, true]
                ,[12994, 3547, 9, 59, 300, 50, (_aSpawnItems select 0),"USVehicleBox", 0, false, false, _mapcenter, _Map_Radius, true]
            [_x] spawn
                    private ["_Map_Radius","_random_count","_mapcenter","_Data","_aSpawnItems","_TimerSpawn","_SpawnItems","_SpawnDelay","_randomPos","_SpawnOneTime","_Box","_BoxID","_nearPlayers","_Item","_Count","_Percent","_Random","_Model"];
                    _Data         =    (_this select 0);
                    _Angle        =    (_data select 3);
                    _TimerSpawn   =    (_data select 4);
                    _Radius       =    (_data select 5);
                    _boxID        =    str(round(random 999999));
                    _box          =    objNull;
                    _SpawnItems   =    true;                    
                    _aSpawnItems  =    (_data select 6);
                    _Model        =    (_data select 7);
                    _SpawnDelay   =    (_data select 8);
                    _randomPos    =    (_data select 9);
                    _SpawnOneTime =    (_data select 10);
                    _mapcenter    =    (_data select 11);
                    _Map_Radius   =    (_data select 12);
                    _random_count =    (_data select 13);
                    _Coords       =    [(_data select 0), (_data select 1), (_data select 2)];
                    if (_randomPos) then
                        {_Coords    =    [_mapcenter, 100, _Map_Radius, 20, 0, 20, 0] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos;};
                    sleep _SpawnDelay;
                    if (Ultima_Diag_Level > 1) then
                        {diag_log(format["[#Ultima]: [Ящики с лутом]: Создание ящика в координатах: %1", _Coords]);};
                    _box = createVehicle [_Model, _Coords, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
                    _box setDir _Angle;
                    _box setPos _Coords;
                    _box setVariable ["ObjectID", _boxID, true];
                    _box setVariable ["ObjectUID", _boxID, true];
                    _box setVariable ["permaLoot",true];
                    PVDZE_serverObjectMonitor set [count PVDZE_serverObjectMonitor, _box];        
                    while {true} do
                            if (_SpawnItems) then
                                    clearWeaponCargoGlobal _box;
                                    clearMagazineCargoGlobal _box;
                                    clearBackpackCargoGlobal _box;
                                        _Percent    =    _x select 2;
                                        _Random     =    random(100);
                                        if (_Random < _Percent) then
                                                if (_random_count) then
                                                    {_Count        =    round(random(_x select 1));}
                                                    {_Count        =    (_x select 1);};
                                                if (_Count > 0) then
                                                        _Item        =    (_x select 0);
                                                        if (getText (configFile >> "CfgMagazines" >> _item >> "displayName")    !=    "") then
                                                            {_box addMagazineCargoGlobal [_Item, _Count];}
                                                                if (getText (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _item >> "displayName")    !=    "") then
                                                                    {_box addWeaponCargoGlobal [_Item, _Count];}
                                                                        if (getText (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _item >> "displayName")    !=    "") then
                                                                            {_box addBackpackCargoGlobal [_Item, _Count];};
                                    } forEach _aSpawnItems;
                                    if (_SpawnOneTime) ExitWith {};
                                    _SpawnItems    =    false;
                                    sleep _TimerSpawn;
                            if (_SpawnOneTime) ExitWith {};
                            while {!_SpawnItems} do
                                    sleep 10;
                                    _nearPlayers    =    nearestObjects [_Coords, ["CAManBase"], _Radius];
                                    if (count(_nearPlayers) <= 0) then
                                        {_SpawnItems    =    true;};
        } forEach _Data;
        if (Ultima_Diag_Level > 0) then
            {diag_log("[#Ultima]: [Ящики с лутом]: Создание ящиков с лутом завершено.");};




*sry for my eng

in init.sqf, add variable:

Ultima_Diag_Level = 0; // diag lvl 0 to 3.
_aSpawnItems - items arrays for respawn in box.
1 - item ID.
2 - Max count items (for 0, to xxx). if you need static count, goto p.13-box spawn
3 - Percent respawn - for 1 to 100.
box spawn:
0 - X
1 - Y
2 - Z
3 - Angle
4 - Time for respawn
5 - Radius for box, - items not respawn while player in radius box.
6 - number array for spawn - _aSpawnItems
7 - box ID
8 - delay for box spawn
9 - random or static coords for spawn(false - static coord, true - random coord).
10 - respawn items?(false - respawn. true - spawn items only one - box spawn)
11 - dont touch.
12 - dont touch.
13 - random items count? true - random(from 0 to max count - _aSpawnItems), false - static spawn - (max count items - _aSpawnItems)
Edited by NoNameUltima
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