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Working Rocket Removal - Pawnee and Orca


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Still can't seem to get the Hellcat to work, but if you want to add the Pawnee and Orca to your server you can remove the rockets with this script.


In your init.sqf you'll need to put something like this:


execVM "custom\remove_heli_rockets.sqf";



Then just make a new .sqf file named "remove_heli_rockets.sqf" and paste this into it.


{ if (typeOf _x == "B_Heli_Light_01_armed_F") then { _x removeWeaponGlobal "missiles_DAR"; }; } forEach vehicles;
{ if (typeOf _x == "O_Heli_Light_02_F") then { _x removeWeaponGlobal "missiles_DAGR"; }; } forEach vehicles;
If you use Infistar you'll also need to remove those two helis from the forbidden vehicles list and the weapons and ammo they use, the 5000rnd 7.62 belt for the Pawnee and the 2000Rnd 6.5 for the Orca.
Other than that, have fun gunning down your friends!
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Just to help out here and not steel Havoc302's thunder. Here is the full post from another thread that is tested and working on my server as well. Way to go Havoc302.



So I'd really like to put the minigun armed versions of these choppers on my server to make it a little more interesting but they really need their rockets removed.


This is what I came up with to do it but it's erroring and I can't think of any other way to do it and i can't work out why. Repurposing the code from something similar we used to do in ARMA 2 Epoch.

private ["_object"];

if (isServer) then {

if (_object isKindOf "O_Heli_Light_02_F") then { // PO-30 Orca
_object removeWeapon "missiles_DAGR";
_object removeMagazine "12Rnd_PG_missiles";
_object removeMagazine "24Rnd_PG_missiles";

if (_object isKindOf "I_Heli_light_03_F") then { // WY-55 Hellcat
_object removeWeapon "missiles_DAGR";
_object removeMagazine "12Rnd_PG_missiles";
_object removeMagazine "24Rnd_PG_missiles";

if (_object isKindOf "B_Heli_Light_01_armed_F") then { // AH-9 Pawnee
_object removeWeapon "missiles_DAGR";
_object removeMagazine "12Rnd_PG_missiles";
_object removeMagazine "24Rnd_PG_missiles";

Wanted it to just run once, when the first person logs in to remove the weapons and ammo from those choppers rockets, unless someone can tell me a better method of doing it?




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