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Updating Epoch Event


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is it possible to make an "Event" where moving players(choosen by the admin) are marked on the map, so everyone could try to kill them and get the loot?


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I have had this same idea. Every x minutes one person is selected by the server to be the hunted, and his position is marked on the map every 2 minutes. Haven't got round to writing anything for this though. Would be a major security problem I'd imagine btw, the map updates.

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I have had this same idea. Every x minutes one person is selected by the server to be the hunted, and his position is marked on the map every 2 minutes. Haven't got round to writing anything for this though. Would be a major security problem I'd imagine btw, the map updates.

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private ["_unit","_marker"];
_unit = playableUnits select floor(random count playableUnits);_marker = createMarker ["Player", position _unit];
_marker setMarkerType "mil_destroy";
_marker setMarkerSize [1.25, 1.25];
_marker setMarkerColor "ColorRed";
_marker setMarkerText "Hunted";
while {alive _unit} do {
_marker setMarkerPos (position _unit);
sleep 120;

Not tested but could work

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private ["_unit","_marker"];
_unit = playableUnits select floor(random count playableUnits);_marker = createMarker ["Player", position _unit];
_marker setMarkerType "mil_destroy";
_marker setMarkerSize [1.25, 1.25];
_marker setMarkerColor "ColorRed";
_marker setMarkerText "Hunted";
while {alive _unit} do {
_marker setMarkerPos (position _unit);
sleep 120;

Not tested but could work


Going to test it. Where do i have to place it ?

And how do i define witch player is the hunted on? Do i have to use the UID ? Or just the ingame name?

Thanks !!!

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this script will randomly choose a player

EDIT: Thanks !

Could you give me the code if I (With my UID) wanted to be the hunted?

For example that i could choose a player to be the hunted.

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script works

open ah.sqf in dayz_server.pbo

add this 

adminadd = adminadd + ["  Hunted Player",huntedPlayer,"0","0","0","1",[0,0.8,1,1]];



SuperAdmin_MENU =
adminadd = adminadd + ["  Teleport Player To Me",admint2me,"0","0","0","1",[0,0.8,1,1]];
adminadd = adminadd + ["  Teleport To Player",admintele,"0","0","0","1",[0,0.8,1,1]];

and this


huntedPlayer =
if (name _x == _this select 0) then
[_x] spawn playerMark;
hint format ["%1 marked on Map",name _x];
cutText [format["%1 marked on Map",name _x], "PLAIN"];

_savelog = format["%1 Marked %2 on map",name player,_this select 0];
PVAH_WriteLogReq = [_savelog];
publicVariableServer "PVAH_WriteLogReq";
} forEach playableUnits;



admintele =
if (name _x == _this select 0) then
_pos = getPosATL (vehicle _x);
_dir = direction (vehicle _x);
_distance = -1;
if (player != vehicle player) then {_distance = -8;};
_pos = [(_pos select 0)+_distance*sin(_dir),(_pos select 1)+_distance*cos(_dir),(_pos select 2)];
(vehicle player) setPosATL _pos;
(vehicle player) setDir _dir;
hint format ["Moving to %1",name _x];
cutText [format["Moving to %1",name _x], "PLAIN"];

_savelog = format["%1 Moving to %2",name player,_this select 0];
PVAH_WriteLogReq = [_savelog];
publicVariableServer "PVAH_WriteLogReq";
} forEach playableUnits;

then create a custom compiles.sqf in your mission folder


and add this 

playerMark = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "custom\huntedPlayer.sqf";


onPreloadFinished  "dayz_preloadFinished = true;";

and then create a folder named custom in mission folder and create huntedPlayer.sqf with this content


private ["_marker","_player","_getPosPlayer"];
_player = _this select 0;
_getPosPlayer = getPos _player;
_marker = createMarker ["Player", _getPosPlayer];
_marker setMarkerType "mil_destroy";
_marker setMarkerSize [1.25, 1.25];
_marker setMarkerColor "ColorRed";
_marker setMarkerText "Hunted";
while {alive _player} do {
_getPosPlayer = getPos _player;
_marker setMarkerPos (_getPosPlayer);
sleep 120;
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private ["_unit","_marker"];
_unit = playableUnits select floor(random count playableUnits);_marker = createMarker ["Player", position _unit];
_marker setMarkerType "mil_destroy";
_marker setMarkerSize [1.25, 1.25];
_marker setMarkerColor "ColorRed";
_marker setMarkerText "Hunted";
while {alive _unit} do {
_marker setMarkerPos (position _unit);
sleep 120;

Not tested but could work



Wouldn't this place a marker on a random different player every two minutes?

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script works

open ah.sqf in dayz_server.pbo

add this 

adminadd = adminadd + ["  Hunted Player",huntedPlayer,"0","0","0","1",[0,0.8,1,1]];



SuperAdmin_MENU =
adminadd = adminadd + ["  Teleport Player To Me",admint2me,"0","0","0","1",[0,0.8,1,1]];
adminadd = adminadd + ["  Teleport To Player",admintele,"0","0","0","1",[0,0.8,1,1]];

and this


huntedPlayer =
if (name _x == _this select 0) then
[_x] spawn playerMark;
hint format ["%1 marked on Map",name _x];
cutText [format["%1 marked on Map",name _x], "PLAIN"];

_savelog = format["%1 Marked %2 on map",name player,_this select 0];
PVAH_WriteLogReq = [_savelog];
publicVariableServer "PVAH_WriteLogReq";
} forEach playableUnits;



admintele =
if (name _x == _this select 0) then
_pos = getPosATL (vehicle _x);
_dir = direction (vehicle _x);
_distance = -1;
if (player != vehicle player) then {_distance = -8;};
_pos = [(_pos select 0)+_distance*sin(_dir),(_pos select 1)+_distance*cos(_dir),(_pos select 2)];
(vehicle player) setPosATL _pos;
(vehicle player) setDir _dir;
hint format ["Moving to %1",name _x];
cutText [format["Moving to %1",name _x], "PLAIN"];

_savelog = format["%1 Moving to %2",name player,_this select 0];
PVAH_WriteLogReq = [_savelog];
publicVariableServer "PVAH_WriteLogReq";
} forEach playableUnits;

then create a custom compiles.sqf in your mission folder


and add this 

playerMark = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "custom\huntedPlayer.sqf";


onPreloadFinished  "dayz_preloadFinished = true;";

and then create a folder named custom in mission folder and create huntedPlayer.sqf with this content


private ["_marker","_player","_getPosPlayer"];
_player = _this select 0;
_getPosPlayer = getPos _player;
_marker = createMarker ["Player", _getPosPlayer];
_marker setMarkerType "mil_destroy";
_marker setMarkerSize [1.25, 1.25];
_marker setMarkerColor "ColorRed";
_marker setMarkerText "Hunted";
while {alive _player} do {
_getPosPlayer = getPos _player;
_marker setMarkerPos (_getPosPlayer);
sleep 120;


Thank you very much! 

i am going to test it today.

Can you povide a way to select the player yourself?

This would be my dream.



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Thank you very much! 

i am going to test it today.

Can you povide a way to select the player yourself?

This would be my dream.



this way would select the player by the admin using the AH. Same as selecting a player to be healed or teleported to

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this way would select the player by the admin using the AH. Same as selecting a player to be healed or teleported to

So i would have to choose a player from the list and hen klick the hunted menue right?

This would be so cool if this works!

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Yes, let me know if it works for you!

Ok i will.

One last question. Would it be possible to unselect the player? So if no one kills the hunted, that he survived and is free to go.

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No idea, but I'd imagine targeting an new player would null the effect. Not sure though

Yeah that would be quit good.

I will test the script later this day.

I´m goign to let you know if it works.


Special thanks to 

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