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Looking for trader protection pref with AI guards & more targeted aircraft spawns.





I have recently setup a vanilla Lan only Epoch server and am getting to grips with the game.


Give or take a few bugs, there is only a couple of issues I would like to get sorted out for now.


1. Zombies able to attack whilst trading.

Detail:  I have had zombies kill me in Stary whilst I am trading in the 'official' gun traders tent.  It is hard to sell vehicles if the zombies chase you to the vehicle seller and then camp outside your vehicle waiting for you to get out.


Best case:

  • Whole farm becomes a safe zone.  
  • Sandbag perimeter (or some way to block the holes in the perimeter).
  • No zombie spawn or item spawn in that area. 
  • Ai guards at the gates & lookout posts mainly to stop zombie incursion. 
  • Roaming Ai patrol in the farm area only.



  • No zombies able to come within 20m of any traders.


2.  Aircraft Spawns

Detail: Aircraft, especially planes, spawning in silly places (i.e. forests).


Best case:

Aircraft (plane) spawns limited to airfields, large fields or specific roads.

Helicopter spawns seem to be fairly ok at the moment (did find two Chinooks in a single field on time though).



Remove planes as objects (presumably just removing the items from the object_data table in the DB should do this ?).


If someone can suggest a mod / mods that would be able to sort this items out or provide code / direction etc then that would be great.


Links to a good guide or site with details on the mod packing / unpacking process, reference to the scripting language and guides for writing scripts would also be great. I do have a DB and UNIX shell scripting background but need to build up a foundation for modding and how the Arma II scripting works.  I did find a great post somewhere with lots of links to script language reference and the like but have since lost it.








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Ok, Found the editor, pretty easy to use ( [left ALT] + [E] at the menu screen ) but am having issues getting the traders to show up.


This guide talks about downloading the mission.biedel  from the GitHub and placing it with the mission.sqf in the local custom maps folder.  I downloaded the mission.biedel  file but cannot for the life of me find a misson.sqf file (only mission.sqm) on the server or client.


Anyone know the solution to this issue.





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Found the .spf off the root of the github and have managed to get the traders on the map.


The ARMA II map editor is pretty easy to use and I am almost finished with an initial first cut.


I scaled down dramatically and half of the top area of the farm where the trading post is located has now had a wall built around, the traders are spread out a bit more, there are 3 guard towers and a couple of entry points.  Just have to fine tune the walls and I am more or less all done with that area.


Now I have to work out how to place the guards and get them to stay where they are and shoot zombies or to patrol and shoot zombies.


I discovered the helpful links thread here.  Still have to go through it though.



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Hey RimBlock, I'm really looking for something like this too, what I'd ideally like is AI that is static (as in disabled) and just standing there until someone fires a shot or if a zombie enters a certain range, then they're set to active again and they engage the player who fired / bandit AI / zombie then return to their post and become disabled again. If that's too hard then at least patrolling and engage only players or AI who fire and any zombies they see. I'd really love to remove the safe zones and make the traders more like a realistic trader city. I'm running DZAI and WAI so I have two AI systems to leverage for the task. Sadly Sarge AI would have been perfect for this but it no longer works with

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