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Waiting for server to start authentication



So I was setting up my private Epoch server tonight. I have installed Dayz and Epoch using Commander, and it's probably worth mentioning that I can connect to Dayz Epoch servers through Commander with no problem. I encountered these issues while trying to create my own private epoch server.


My original issue was that I was getting the error relating to "I can't play/edit this mission, missing downloadable content...". I resolved that one by adding "-mod=@DayZ_Epoch" to my DayzCommander additional Launch parameters.


Now my current issue is:

When I loading into the game I get stuck at Waiting for server to start authentication.


On my server log etc I see this error:

2013-07-24 23:25:32 HiveExt: [Information] Result: ["PASS",[2013,7,25,13,25]]
2013-07-24 23:25:37 HiveExt: [Information] Method: 307 Params: 
2013-07-24 23:25:37 HiveExt: [Information] Result: ["PASS",[2013,7,25,13,25]]
2013-07-24 23:25:39 HiveExt: [Information] Method: 103 Params: 35177990:any:2:
2013-07-24 23:25:39 HiveExt: [Error] Error executing |CHILD:103:35177990:any:2:|
2013-07-24 23:25:42 HiveExt: [Information] Method: 307 Params: 
2013-07-24 23:25:42 HiveExt: [Information] Result: ["PASS",[2013,7,25,13,25]]
2013-07-24 23:25:47 HiveExt: [Information] Method: 307 Params: 
2013-07-24 23:25:47 HiveExt: [Information] Result: ["PASS",[2013,7,25,13,25]]
2013-07-24 23:25:52 HiveExt: [Information] Method: 307 Params: 

Server.RPT log file (only the tail):

23:44:43 "DISCONNECT: Cage9d9 (35177990) Object: any, _characterID: any"
23:44:43 Client: Remote object 2:7 not found
23:44:43 Client: Remote object 2:8 not found
23:44:43 Client: Remote object 2:9 not found

Everything else seems fine.

There is alot more above and below obviously in the log, but the only error I see is the one above.


I can attach logs if needed. I'm on Windows 7 64 bit OS. After sitting at waiting for a long time, it bounces me back to server screen to click Ok again.


Thanks for any input, and p.s. search fail me if a thread exists on this already.

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2013-07-24 23:25:32 HiveExt: [Information] Result: ["PASS",[2013,7,25,13,25]]
2013-07-24 23:25:37 HiveExt: [Information] Method: 307 Params: 
2013-07-24 23:25:37 HiveExt: [Information] Result: ["PASS",[2013,7,25,13,25]]
2013-07-24 23:25:39 HiveExt: [Information] Method: 103 Params: 35177990:any:2:
2013-07-24 23:25:39 HiveExt: [Error] Error executing |CHILD:103:35177990:any:2:|
2013-07-24 23:25:42 HiveExt: [Information] Method: 307 Params: 
2013-07-24 23:25:42 HiveExt: [Information] Result: ["PASS",[2013,7,25,13,25]]
2013-07-24 23:25:47 HiveExt: [Information] Method: 307 Params: 
2013-07-24 23:25:47 HiveExt: [Information] Result: ["PASS",[2013,7,25,13,25]]
2013-07-24 23:25:52 HiveExt: [Information] Method: 307 Params: 

to remove this go http://dayzepoch.com/forum/index.php?/topic/1402-hiveext0-information-method-201-params-68/

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edit HiveExt.ini 

;Possible values: trace, debug, information, notice, warning, error, critical, fatal, none
;They are sorted by importance (low to high), with trace being the most verbose, and none would turn off logging
;This controls both the file output level, and the console output level
Level = none

;Uncomment this option to override the logging level for the console only
;The specified level can only be higher than the global one, setting lower values will have no effect
;So for example, if you want to have information-level logs in your file, but only warning-level and higher in your console
;You would uncomment this option and set it to warning
;Leaving it commented out means there's no special level for the console, so it will just use the global one
ConsoleLevel = none

;By default, the HiveExt console log output will go to the Arma2 server window, with colour highlighing by importance
;If you want to use the old style, separate windows console window for the HiveExt log output, set this option to true
SeparateConsole = false

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I would be more concerned with 

23:44:43 Client: Remote object 2:7 not found

though that is most likely a result of the CHILD: 301 error. Either the player is first on the server after a restart, they have lost connection or your mySQL server can't keep up with the game server (with more players).


If there is only one or two entries I wouldn't be too concerned, if there are lots then take a look at your mySQL server and ensure it is up to the job..

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