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DayZ epoch Gun variation


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hey guys, 

i ran into a few bug and the people said it was the class name thats messing up the traders,

my player had a M249_DZ and couldnt sell it because the traders had the M249_EP1_DZ

what i want to know is are there any other variations? or is it just EP1_DZ and just _DZ.

also how do i know what variation of the gun spawns on the map as loot so i can add different guns with the proper class name so people can sell it, 

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also guys, i have WickedAI running and some of the vehicles and players who get helicopters from there cant sell it for some reason and cant sell the m249.

please help, can i have someone's trader_data sql?

The M249 class name for Epoch traders is M249_EP1_DZ, just do a find/replace in your text editor of choice on your WickedAI mission files, Replace the M249's (will likely be something like M249_DZ or M249) and replace it with the proper class name M249_EP1_DZ. I wouldn't change the trader_data, change the WAI data.


As for the Helicopters, it's likely that the WAI files have the wrong class name as well, the Epoch traders all use DZE at the end of the Armed Heli class names and your mission files likely use DZ in the Heli Class names. e.g. WAI uses UH1H_DZ, this needs to be changed to UH1H_DZE to match the traders.


Here are the Epoch Heli Class names:

Armed helis:













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