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SargeAI and WickedAI coexistence (or other)

Mr White

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Has anyone had any success with making SargeAI co-exist with WickedAI for the mission system?


I REALLY like the rival factions, and the dynamic spawns of SargeAI. WAI for my map is down right lethal and I love it.


After a server rebuild from the upgrade, I waited until the end to put Sarge back in (I never had a successful mission system) and that's where things got really bad. I wasn't really getting any of my vehicle patrols, or dynamic spawns (only 1 showed).


I am not opposed to DZAI, especially if I find out the vehicle patrols are better, but I really like the factions and tactics of the SargeAI. They provided a bit of a disincentive to settle in the major city, however if I lose the factions, they pretty much make the joint a turkey shoot for any poor sucker that walks close to the city.


I'm going to try one more time, last time was a mess, I am going to omit all the cleanup steps.

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