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Getting street lights and building etc on this map


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I used to use this for cherno

//dayZ Street Lights for Taviana | All Rights Reserved Andrew Gregory aka axeman | [email protected]
waitUntil {!isNull player};
//waitUntil {time > 30};
private ["_nrDist","_finishHour","_startHour","_LocalLight","_doLight","_safeCount","_saferMode","_flickering","_plCellsLitVar","_objLightPoint","_awayx","_awayy","_location","_plCurrX","_plCurrY","_map"];
_startHour = 17; //Hour to start switching lights on
_finishHour = 6; //Hour to stop switching lights on
_saferMode = true;//Safe(r) Mode - If True (default) Lights every other light (Looks better, more random). False - Lights all streetlights (Sometimes creates a radius around the player, can see lights coming on).
_LocalLight = false;//Local Light - True creates light on each client PC only. False (default) - creates light and shares across network with other clients (Code optimised for the default).
_nrDist = 8; //Default=8. When checking each location if an existing light is already within _nrDist number of metres (8) a new light will NOT be created. To prevent bunching (for fluorescent fights) and reduce the overall number (Street lights are usually at least 28m apart).

//Uncomment the map you want to use

//_map = [[0,0,0],[20000,23600,0]];

//_map = [[484,1546,0],[14323,13556,0]];

//_map= [[0,0,0],[12288,12288,0]];

_plCellsLitVar = [];
//axeFlickerLight = compile preprocessfile "lights\flicker_lights.sqf";
while {alive player}do{
    if(daytime<_finishHour||daytime>_startHour)then {
        _safeCount = 0;
        _plCellsLitVar = player getVariable ["axeCellsLit",[]];
        //hint format ["CELLSLIT:%1",_plCellsLitVar];
        sleep 0.5;
        _plCurrX = getPos vehicle player select 0;
        _plCurrY = getPos vehicle player select 1;
        _mtrxNum = 6;
        _mapSW = _map select 0;
        _mapNE = _map select 1;
        _widthX = (_mapNE select 0) - (_mapSW select 0);
        _widthY = (_mapNE select 1) - (_mapSW select 1);
        _cellWidth = _widthX / _mtrxNum;
        _cellHeight = _widthY / _mtrxNum;
        for "_x" from 0 to (_mtrxNum - 1) do {
            if(_plCurrX > (_mapSW select 0) + (_cellWidth * _x) && _plCurrX < (_mapSW select 0) + (_cellWidth * (_x+1)))then{
                for "_y" from 0 to (_mtrxNum - 1) do {
                    if(_plCurrY > (_mapSW select 1) + (_cellHeight * _y) && _plCurrY < (_mapSW select 1) + (_cellHeight * (_y+1)))then{
                        if(call Compile format ["%1%2",_x,_y] in _plCellsLitVar)then{
                        //hint format ["IN CELL:%1%2 | ALREADY LIT:%3",_x,_y,_plCellsLitVar];
                        //Call Compile format ["_plCell = _cell%1%2",_x,_y];
                        axeLampObjects = [_x,_y,player];
                        publicVariable "axeLampObjects";
                        waitUntil {count axeLampReturn > 0};
                        Call Compile format ["_plCellsLitVar = _plCellsLitVar + [%1%2]",_x,_y];
                        //hint format ["IN CELL:%1%2 | NOT LIT :%3",_x,_y,_plCellsLitVar];
        if(count axeLampReturn >0)then{
            _doLight = true;
                    _doLight = false;
                _safeCount = _safeCount + 1;
                _location = [_x select 0,_x select 1,_x select 2];
                _objLightPoint = nearestObject [_location, "#lightpoint"];
                _awayx=(_location select 0)-(getPos _objLightPoint select 0);
                _awayy=(_location select 1)-(getPos _objLightPoint select 1);
                    if((_awayx>_nrDist or _awayx<-_nrDist)or(_awayy>_nrDist or _awayy<-_nrDist))then{
                    _location set [1, (_x select 1) + ((0.6)*sin(_x select 3))];
                    _location set [2,_location select 2 - 0.2];
                    _location=[_location select 0, _location select 1, _location select 2];
                        _lp = "#lightpoint" createVehicleLocal _location;
                        _lp = "#lightpoint" createVehicle _location;
                    _lp setLightColor [1, 0.88, 0.73];
                    _lp setLightBrightness 0.04;
                    _lp setLightAmbient [1, 0.88, 0.73];
                    _lp setVectorUp [0,0,-1];
                    _lp setVariable ["axeLit",1];
                    //player reveal _lp;
                    //hint format ["LAMP NOT FOUND:%1 | %2 | DOLIGHT:%3 | COUNT:%4",_x,time,_doLight,_safeCount];
                        if(_objLightPoint getVariable ["axeLit",0]<1)then{
                       //sleep 0.2;
                        _objLightPoint setLightColor [1, 0.88, 0.73];
                        _objLightPoint setLightBrightness 0.04;
                        _objLightPoint setLightAmbient [1, 0.88, 0.73];
                        _objLightPoint setVectorUp [0,0,-1];
                        _objLightPoint setVariable ["axeLit",1];
                        //hint format["LAMP ALREADY FOUND | Var:%1 | DOLIGHT:%3 | COUNT:%4",_objLightPoint getVariable "axeLit",_doLight,_safeCount];
            }forEach axeLampReturn;
        player setVariable ["axeCellsLit",_plCellsLitVar];
    sleep 3;

as you can see it required you to choose the map. now im at a loss with this map. any help?

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I believe Axeman had to find ALL the street lights on those maps first to make then work but Not totally sure I know each one took hours and Sauerland a huge beasty.. not even sure it has any street lighting though without looking... I will give him a nudge and get him to respond.. but he's mega snowed under in real life..so don't sit around waiting:)

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That is an older version designed for 'vanilla' dayZ where the streetlights are switched off in cfgnonAiVehicles. With Epoch these are on by default, isn't this map running under Epoch ?


What are you using for your streetlamp objects in the map ? if you check out CfgNonAiVehicles.hpp for the ones that are set to be on. If you want newer streetlamp objects they will need adding and dayz_code will need updating to support them..


I have a new house light code on my github https://github.com/andgregor/dayZ-Lighting. Some aspects of that old streetlight code have been removed due to the lag issue with the lights.


As it turns out, house light animationPhases are broadcast whatever is set to the object, nothing I can find stops this from happening. I suspect the same is true for the streetlamps. Therefore, things like the lights flickering randomly are creating a lot of traffic as their state is updated across the network. This is compounded by the fact that each client picks their own light to randomly fail so the more players the more lights failing so more network traffic.


As TuBz has said, real life work has really taken over lately, am trying to squeeze time in to finish things I have started, is why I have updated the house lights. Along with the Bus code, which is finished and designed to be run by a headless client, I currently have a half finished 'story mission' system in the making..

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