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Windows Scheduler for restarts



I am using Windows Task Scheduler for restarts, but when Windows trys to run the .bat file it comes up with the error.


Noentry '.CfgWorlds;


Is there something that needs to be done to get this working correctly?

The bat runs perfectly when you double click it.

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I am using Windows Task Scheduler for restarts, but when Windows trys to run the .bat file it comes up with the error.


Noentry '.CfgWorlds;


Is there something that needs to be done to get this working correctly?

The bat runs perfectly when you double click it.








so get on with it i am sure a few people would like to know this.

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Here is my quick guide :D


How to do automated server restarts using BEC and batch files.  (This is not a guide for BEC)


Use this in your scheduler

 	<!-- 1 min to the 09:00 restart -->
    <job id="3">
        <cmd>say -1 Server is restarting!! </cmd>
    <!-- 09:00 restart -->
    <job id="4">
        <cmd>D:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead\Server_Restart.bat</cmd>

Edit the above to point to the batch file you are about to create.


Create a batch file and call it Server_Restart.bat   Add the following code.

@echo off
echo KILL arma2oaserver.exe
set serverkill="D:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead\Expansion\beta"
cd /d %serverkill%
taskkill /im arma2oaserver.exe
echo Kill Bec.exe
cd /d %beckill%
taskkill /im bec.exe
timeout 10
echo Starting Dayz Server
:: start the server..
set dayzpath="D:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead\"
cd /d %dayzpath%
start "" "DayZ_Epoch_instance_14_Taviana.bat"
timeout 10
echo Starting Bec
:: start bec
cd /d %becpath%
start "" "bec.exe" -f Config.cfg
echo Server Started 100%

Make sure to change the above to match your files and paths.


I hope this helps.  If you have any questions you can pm me on http://www.trainwreckdayz.com

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Actually, I ran into an issue. I've seen mention of this before, but I wanted your take on it. I hopped on my server just now. It had done 2 restarts since the last time I checked on it. All of the vehicles and buildable objects were gone. I restarted the server again (manually clicked on your restart batch file), and when i logged back in everything was back as it should be. Any idea how to remedy this?

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Maybe just a random glitch?  I have not had that issue before. Do a little further testing and let me know if the issue continues. If it does we could take a look at the RPT file when the server comes up with "all of the vehicles and buildable objects gone".  That may let us know what type of error if any is happening.



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