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publicVariable not working?


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I have three scripts..   
This one launchs only at spawn from server_functions.sqf:

  _danespawn = true;
  _natespawn = true;
  _alynxispawn = true;
  publicVariable "_danespawn"; 
  publicVariable "_natespawn"; 
  publicVariable "_alynxispawn"; 
while { _a < _b } do {
	if (_danespawn && _natespawn && _alynxispawn) then {
			[[1187,4138,1],"ItemAmethyst"] execVM "PlayerBase\spawnguards.sqf"; 
			waitUntil {!_danespawn || !_natespawn || !_alynxispawn};
	} else {
			_rb = magazines _x;
				if ("ItemAmethyst" in _rb) then {
					deleteVehicle _x;
			}forEach allUnits;
			waitUntil {_danespawn && _natespawn && _alynxispawn};

This one that executes when a player enters an area:

if ((getPlayerUID player) in ["163214982","11032256"]) then {
  _danespawn = false;  
  publicVariable "_danespawn"; 

if ((getPlayerUID player) in ["13192774"]) then {
  _natespawn = false;  
  publicVariable "_natespawn"; 

if ((getPlayerUID player) in ["164931206"]) then {
  _alynxispawn = false;
  publicVariable "_alynxispawn"; 

And this one that executes when a player leaves an area:

if ((getPlayerUID player) in ["163214982","11032256"]) then {
  _danespawn = true;  
  publicVariable "_danespawn"; 

if ((getPlayerUID player) in ["13192774"]) then {
  _natespawn = true;  
  publicVariable "_natespawn"; 

if ((getPlayerUID player) in ["164931206"]) then {
  _alynxispawn = true;
  publicVariable "_alynxispawn"; 

Why does this not work?  It spawns the AI..  but it doesn't remove them when they enter the area...

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Ok I changed them... Still doenst work...  Here is latest scripts....  (This is a AI Base Guard Script...  When a player enters an area the ai gets removed.. when all leave they come back)

At server start this runs:

  danespawn = true;
  natespawn = true;
  alynxispawn = true;
  publicVariable "danespawn"; 
  publicVariable "natespawn"; 
  publicVariable "alynxispawn"; 
  [[1288,4078,1],"ItemAmethyst"] execVM "PlayerBase\spawnguards.sqf"; 
while { _a < _b } do {
		if ( danespawn && natespawn && alynxispawn ) then {
			[[1288,4078,1],"ItemAmethyst"] execVM "PlayerBase\spawnguards.sqf"; 
			while { danespawn && natespawn && alynxispawn } do { };
	if ( !danespawn || !natespawn || !alynxispawn ) then {
		_rb = magazines _x;
			if ("ItemAmethyst" in _rb) then {
				deleteVehicle _x;
		}forEach allUnits;
		while { !danespawn || !natespawn || !alynxispawn } do { };

When player enters area:

if ((getPlayerUID player) in ["163214982","11032256"]) then {
  danespawn = false;  
  publicVariable "danespawn"; 

if ((getPlayerUID player) in ["13192774"]) then {
  natespawn = false;  
  publicVariable "natespawn"; 

if ((getPlayerUID player) in ["164931206"]) then {
  alynxispawn = false;
  publicVariable "alynxispawn"; 

When player leaves area: 

if ((getPlayerUID player) in ["163214982"]) then {
  danespawn = true;  
  publicVariable "danespawn"; 

if ((getPlayerUID player) in ["13192774"]) then {
  natespawn = true;  
  publicVariable "natespawn"; 

if ((getPlayerUID player) in ["164931206"]) then {
  alynxispawn = true;
  publicVariable "alynxispawn"; 
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