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Patch Discussion


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There doesn't seem to be an official topic focused on the new upcoming (at this time) patch (

Hope the official folks don't mind me starting it, but there are some things in the rolling changelog that I would like to discuss.



Official Rolling Changelog:








[CHANGED] Base building items now have a 10% chance * (DE-constuction count) to break tools.

Ehh maybe I am having a moment of confusion but I really don't get this.

Is this saying that if I use a tool to deconstruct stuff..then there's a great chance for it to break?


My immediate thought was "Wait so if i use my tools to deconstruct wrecks out on the road, they potentially could break when building my base? Whut?"


So yeh, some more explanation would be appreciated here. It seems like a cool feature but I want to make sure I understand it first before I say WooHoo.


Explained Here: http://dayzepoch.com/forum/index.php?/topic/641-concern-breaking-of-tools-during-construction/

Seems understandable now that I understand what its about




[ADDED] Trade metals menu can now trade 12 x 10oz gold bars into a full 100oz briefcase. (Briefcase costs 20oz of gold, you're better off finding one.) 

Nice nice. Finding those briefcases is a pain.

I would also suggest that you give the traders the ability to flatly sell the briefcase, for that same 2 10oz price.

If i dont have all 12 10oz bars yet, id still like to get a briefcase and start filling it early on as 12 of those bars do take up a bit of space. Just an idea for further workings of this great change.




[CHANGED] Standard helicrash spawn system replaced with epoch events and now spawn with a 50% chance every 30 minutes. Thanks @maca134 for the help. Re-enable old method with OldHeliCrash = true;

Could we get some more explanation of what this epoch events system is? I gather its the rather unique spawning system for things. This might be my desire to understanding spawning mechanics of things in Epoch. Does this system also governor vehicle spawning, mass grave spawning, etc.


Thats really all i wanted to discuss on the new upcoming patch. Anyone else got anything?



Some requests for additions into DayZ Epoch:

  • The Quiver & Magazine Combination from Dayz 1.7.7(i think this was when they were added?)
  • 20Rnd_762x51_B_SCAR  (This is the ammo for the SCAR_H_LNG_Sniper_SD currently ingame, without it, the gun has no ammo.
  • SCAC_H_CQC_CCO_SD (Same as above, but SD. Would use same ammo as current SCAR_H_LNG_Sniper_SD)
  • SCAR_L_CQC_Holo (Just another option instead of M4 or G36. Holo plus flashlight)
  • AK_107_Kobra (The AK-107 PSO is already in, can you please add it's kobra counterpart, its a sexy beast)
  • M4SPR (Mk12 SPR. 5.56mm Sniper, just a great gun especially for zombie popping)
  • MG36 (We already have a numerous amount of G36s, why not add its final piece?)
  • The L1110 i think. It is a weapon in BAF expansion (but its in the game, no worries there), it is basically a M249 SAW with a red dot. The M240 has an upgrade: the Mk48 Mod 0. This would give the M249 SAW an upgrade. One word of warning: Like many machineguns it is coded to originally take the backpack slot. This would obviously need to be tweaked by a new class name, same wall all the current machineguns have been handled. 

Thats really the only weapons i think are missing. I hate to feel like i am telling you guys how to run your stuff, so please take these as suggestions that would make me really happy (Except for the 2nd item..I believe that was just an oversight, ive done it myself, just letting you guys know).

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