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mercenarie base gards


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Let me first start by saying i have 0 coding knowledge so am un able to do this my self how ever im a boss at copy and pasting ;-)

I have been toying with the idea for a while and now want to see if its possiable and how it would work etc.

The idea is that once you build your base etc your going to want to protect it and what better way then armed guards.

You would goto a trader (prob hero/bandit trader) and pay for some armed guards. There would be different options like the amount of guards and the skill level of them... the better the more expence etc. Guards last for set period of time as well (7 days maybe) and then they go or you have the option to pay them directly to stay for longer (cheaper then new guards from the traiders)

Basicly you then place a marker where you want them to guard and anyone/zombie/animal that comes in the area they are guarding gets shot at etc. Friendlys would need to be allowed some how (not sure how).

Would this be possiable?

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Can you link the video Gagi


i saw a video of loewenherz on youtube

they have basebuilding with a sign board where you as owner can set who is allowed to enter...

this sign spawns a baseshield which protects the base


any UID based baseshield script or ai guard script would work i guess... but the clue is to let the people enter the info who can enter the base directly ingame...

it sucks if we have to edit some files everytime some new joins us and wants to get access to the base etc...

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