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Map description


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Since the next epoch patch will use my map, here are some short words about it:


Napf Island is a terrain based on a region Switzerland, however, it is highly fictioinalized.The map is 20.4km*20.4km big and is using a terrain cell size of 10 metres. Satellite and Mask image have a resolutiuon of one pixel per Meter. The north is rather flat and is the home of two big cities, while the south is dominated by high mountains and a lot of areas there are only accessible by dirt roads or even on foot.


The current state of the map is the result of 2.5 years of work and will be almost finished (or maybe finished if I invest a night) for the Epoch patch. So if you tried the version on the BI-Forum, it is highly outdated at this point.


Some screens to give you an idea of how it looks (note the view distance in the screens is much higher than in any DayzMod):


Capital City of Luzern: http://imageshack.com/a/img834/4333/hvx5.jpg

The rather flat agriculture fields in the north: http://imageshack.com/a/img826/9056/f9nd.jpg

The Dam: http://imageshack.com/a/img197/7646/9t4e.jpg

A small farm somewhere far off of any civilization: http://imageshack.com/a/img202/7431/wwij.jpg




- My Clanmate Flattermann who becomes more and more a Co-Author
- Hotzenplotz from URR-Clan for his help with Visitor and Photoshop
- AngryInsects-Team for Pre-Beta-Testing and moral support (visit www.angryinsects.de)
- Bushlurker and others for many helpful posts in the Editing-Section of the bi-Forums
- shezan74 for WorldTools
- Mondkalb for his buildings
- Marseille77 for the GermanWaysigns Addon.
- BIS for making Arma2


Known Bugs:

- Ability to drive and or walk through some of the bigger ponds
- Small part of Airstrip on the northern Airfield is out of place
- Bridges don't like some OperationArrowhead Vehicles
- Steel Bridges are looking destroyed from distance
- Some buildings are standing too high/ too deep in the ground

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So I recently rented a server from verthosting.com.  I'm running Napf and they don't have the Napf map images in their CP.  When I asked why, this was their response:


As far as I know, we don't currently have the map tiles for Napf to display, unfortunately, as we aren't aware of any that have been released publically.


So, are the "map tiles" available so vert can add the actual in game map to their CP?



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its more than just that file.

and secondly, if I was momo, I wouldnt just give a business stuff so they can profit off it. especially since this was such a long hard map to build.

They contacted me for my map tiles, but only offered 50% off services, and were unwilling to do anything past that (I asked for a small like 30 player dayz epoch server sponsored by them, with all their tags and everything, essentially promoting themselves by getting a free service in return. They responded with 50% and said they couldnt do better. I responded back that 50% off something I don't need, and end up having to pay someone for the work I did so they can make more money) they didnt respond back.

It seems they either don't know how to do the work themselves, or are unwilling to pay money towards a business feature. Kinda shady if you ask me.

Im not saying anything about their hosting. So dont think that I am. They are probably a great amazing hosting service. Just seems like the behind the scenes stuff is..a bit underdeveloped.

Once again, do not take this as bashing towards verthosting. just as info.

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its more than just that file.

and secondly, if I was momo, I wouldnt just give a business stuff so they can profit off it. especially since this was such a long hard map to build.


Once again, do not take this as bashing towards verthosting. just as info.

Should Momo charge the Epoch devs for including his map in their mod?  Should Momo then pay BI for making money off of their resources with their tools etc.?  Where would it end?


This doesn't hurt the provider.  Napf is in epoch for free, vert hosts epoch.  People want to play Napf.  I have no CP map to help admin my server.  Seems no map ultimately hurts the players.  Vert still has my money. 


Within my scope of control, I can either continue with no map or play a map other than Napf.  I can't control anything else.

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Should Momo charge the Epoch devs for including his map in their mod?  Should Momo then pay BI for making money off of their resources with their tools etc.?  Where would it end?


This doesn't hurt the provider.  Napf is in epoch for free, vert hosts epoch.  People want to play Napf.  I have no CP map to help admin my server.  Seems no map ultimately hurts the players.  Vert still has my money. 


Within my scope of control, I can either continue with no map or play a map other than Napf.  I can't control anything else.

That doesnt even come close to what I am saying.

momo isnt trying to make money off of the work of others. he did it as a fan of the game.

The company is trying to make money off of the work of others with no or minimal financial cost and no work themselves because they don't know how to do it, or dont want to, to benefit themselves financially. Because, it's there, (I know because i made http://www.kassquatch.com/napfmap/)

Thats where my problem lies. Its like licensing. To use someone else's work, you pay for it, in which you use for your business. Why do you think so many other programs have "free for private - $ for commercial use"

or its like me charging for people to download the Napf map in which I didnt make or buy in the first place or include it in a mappack and charge for that.

Once again, verthosting may be a great host (I dont know I dont rent from them) im just expressing what I have had with them so far on the business side.

(we have completely got off topic here)

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I know all about licensing, I negotiate and manage software contracts for a major university.  


In which case Momo used BI tools and resources to make Napf, so it stands to reason if he made money from it, something should trickle back to BI.  It can't be right for some parties to make money from others work and not others.  If Vert were to pay Momo, wouldn't your same logic demand Momo to pay BI?  


My point is this.


Momo made the map for use in dayz.  He did it for free as a fan of the mod.  Why now would he start to charge someone for use of the in game map for control panel use?  The control panel benefits the server admins and ultimately the players.  The provider isn't going to make any more money by including the cp map...  They already have our money and we are without a CP map.


Anyway, I appreciate your position on your intellectual properties, if you want to charge for something you've made by all means do so if that is fair and not taking advantage of someone else's work in the process.  With that, I find it in bad taste to try to sway someone else's generosity due to a bad experience you've had in your attempts at compensation.  I think if Momo has the capacity to make a map as good as Napf, he would also have the capacity to decide for himself if he wants to help someone else by allowing use of his in game map.


At any rate my questions are for Momo, if he's willing to work with vert to get this map in their CP.  If so great.  If not I'm totally cool with that as well.  That's my sole purpose here.  I don't wish to argue with anyone.



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It would simply be cool if you could provide us with the necessary information on how to do the maptiles / tell us what they need instead of increasing the workload ;)

Here's what Vert had to say when I asked what they needed.


By 'map tiles', we mean the PNG files that make up what you see on the map at all the different resolutions.


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