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Easier Currency System


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The new thingy they added, that alows the trader to search the inventory for the matching amount of gold is a god step, I would still prefer if there was and little textfield beside the buy button, that allows you to set in the amount of items you wanna buy, but thats kinda offtopic



The most important thing of a non-item-curreny is that the traders would be finally accepting more than 12 to pay an item, I have seen many servers allready trying to add new items or use the jewels that were added in to have an even higher currency than briefcases. MV22's and C130's are the hardest things to find and pretty much the hardest to fly. In order to have an balanced gameplay, the were able to sell them for 10 briefcase (cuz they are rare) and buy them for 12. Also the armed choppers and some weapons were able to buy for 12 briefcases, because armed choppers are just destroying everything if ure able to use them the right way.

(the other prices were also balanced to that while normal items like bloodbags were still the same as normal, its just harder to get heavyly armed)



Another cool thing would be to add packages to the sell option.like the ability to buy a madical kit, contains 3 blodbags, bandages and some other stuff ( not as a boy just to buy them all at ones, directly from the trader menu)

the same thing for "first-base-kits" (4 walls, a floor, some lumber & plywood)


just everything for the right price ( dont blame me for the idea for selling building stuff, since the wholesalers are selling cinderblocks which were only able to find still then)


PS: sorry for my kinda bad english :S

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Nothing about the existing Epoch trading system is realistic or easy, you don't walk into a shop and process every item one at a time, making a monetary transaction for every item. For selling the medic action should be removed, for buying you need it for when you're buying multiples of something so you can stop, then again the UI could just be made so you can select how many and it's added to your inventory. The existing system is simply terrible and time consuming for the sake of being time consuming.

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The coin currency system is just stupid, the whole idea of dayz epoch is that some humanity is coming back not this cotton wool easy peasy approach.

CCG is ruining the whole concept of what dayz should be not this easy deploy bike shit and the likes. everything is now becoming to easy its a joke

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This image sure fits on may topics on this forum. The self entitlement and opinions of people here is intresting.

The coin system has already been stated that it will not be default for Epoch. However, an addon which uses a coin system is being developed but then it's up to the server owner to use it.




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