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Base Building the "Land_LHD_elev_R"



I am trying to add the Land_LHD_elev_R building into Base Building to allow the players to create a heli roof for their base.

The Land_LHD is this:



Its a very big object, but for some reason, although i am building it at X,Y,Z location, when the server restarts the object is not there but about 50-60m away from the original location.

Its the first time i see this with objects....Anyone knows why it is doing that ?


This is my build_list.sqf part of the object.


[[4,2,4,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0,2,0,0], "Land_LHD_elev_R",                [[-19.75,9,-17.5],[0,10,0],0,     true,    true,    false, true, true,    false, false,    true,    true,    false, false]],//Roof door



My guess is that the center of the object is with an offset..Thats why when i rotate the object (i think thats why), it seems its Y axis is way off.

Anyone knows if thats the case, how to fix that ? How i can relocate the center axis ?

Or if anyone knows a big ass platform that works fine, and i can use that instead. ?



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