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Server Hosting



Sorry to get in to this as I know it's somewhat of a sore subject to some. I'll try to ask my question without breaking any of the forum rules.


As I'm sure many of you who host a server through a provider and not on a dedicated box know, updates are never as enjoyable for you as they are for everyone else in the community. Waiting sometimes weeks before your hosting company finally rolls out the update to your favorite mod can be hell, especially given that the players who frequent your server begin to look elsewhere once they update in DayZCommander and can't join your server anymore since you are still running an earlier version. Thankfully, with Epoch, there have been several updates have been revisions by the dev's before an update is rolled out, which has probably saved people like me lots of frustration of always being 1 revision behind waiting for my host. But nonetheless, and at no fault to the Epoch devs, we are faced with a waiting game every time that there is an update.


My question is more of a survey (and again I apologize if this is not allowed). Having been with 4 server providers in the last 6 months has left me unoptimistic about companies like this, but being a poor grad student means that I'm unable to afford hosting dedicated box, at least with the prices that I have seen. Has anyone had better experience with a certain hosting company or uses a dedicated box host with (fairly) reasonable prices? I won't say who I currently host with, but I'm sure you could take a guess as it's one of, if not the most popular private server host out there, and also one of the companies that takes the longest to roll out any updates because of that.


Again if this is not allowed please feel free to remove this post, or if you don't want to post your hosting company please send me a message instead as I would love to hear from you. It's time to explore other options for me as I've stated above, and I hope you guys could at least point me in the right direction.


Thanks in advance, Gucci


TLDR: I'm looking for feedback trying to find a hosting company that features Epoch and is quick to update their files when a revision is released, and possibly a company with reasonable dedibox pricing.


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To be fair if your wanting all the features available the only way is to go dedicated. Its not that complex and if your looking at hosting multiple servers a great way to start your own community/hub.


Usually the best Servers have a community website, TS and email server so these can all be achieved with a dedicated.

However if your looking for a single server with a control panel your best bet is to look for current Dayz providers and submit a ticket before you buy. (Commonly you can gauge feedback approach by the provider doing this also)


I hope that soon the providers see that this is a fantastic mod and deserves direct attention for applying updates and giving players access to the files they need or at least adding to their panels ways to tweak settings in locked/prohibited files.

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