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How do you change upkeep costs with the new update?



Is there any way to change the upkeep costs on the new update. Players complain and want me to disable the deterioration but as you all know that leads to way to much clutter. I will not disable the deterioration but i just want to change the costs of it all.


Also is there a way of removing the "cannot build another plot within 45 meters" thing. I'm trying to find a happy medium. Any and all help would be greatly appreciated.

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2 answers to this question

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Have you overwrite fn_selfaction.sqf ?


If yes, search for s_player_maintain_area


Then copy the maintain_area.sqf from the dayz_code.pbo and put it in a folder....example: \custom.

Then change this action to :


s_player_maintain_area = player addAction ["<t color=""#ffffff"">Maintain Area</t>", "custom\maintain_area.sqf", "maintain", 5, false];


Inside that file you'll find the costs.


About the cannot build another plot....its a similar thing....Extract the whole dayz_code.pbo in a folder and use an editor like Notepad++ and search in all the files in that folder for that pharse "cannot build another".

Copy the file to the custom folder and do the same thing....probably you have to add it in the compiles.sqf but overwriting it with a custom one will do the trick.

Inside that file find where that value is set to 45 and change to your liking.

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