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What's the best DayZ Epoch arma 2 guide currently?


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Hi all, trying to set up dayz to play with a friend, I haven't played in ages, and I'm super rusty on server setup.

I got as far as having the server up and running and instantly getting kicked for a public variable that I can't find a way around (popsc ( 9bc4649286ca312145ada609ad849d47 - Value Restriction #1 "remExField" = [B 1-1-A:1 (popsc) REMOTE,any,"JIPrequest"])

Anyhow, I checked and was reminded that the base building part is in the epoch version, so I'm hoping for a step by step bulletproof guide to get this darn thing set up on my server so I can get playing already. So far two days and no luck getting it working.

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Sorry, late reply. I’m newer at this myself but if you want a solid refresher I would try JasonTM/WorldWideSorrow on You tube.


Even though the guide is older, there are still solid principles in that and many of his other videos that can help you. It sounds like you have a simple BE filter kicking you from the game. I’d search that error code in the publicvariable scripts and maybe write it out as an exception or change that filter to a 1 for the time being.

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