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Looking for scripter/Freelancer for Arma 2 dayz epoch server


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Hello dearest community!

I’m a guy from Norway with a dedi server for arma 2 dayz epoch, trying to set up a server.


I’m looking for an experienced person that knows arma 2 code and are able to help make my server good with all the scripts I want implemented.

only scripts that are downloadable from the internet, not self made ones.


is there anyone out there willing to work on my server? I will offer a fee for your time, if you help me :)

This will be a non-military server with alot of the old school stuff.

but there will be things like

viritual garage, indestructable cinder, missions, coin system +++.

must be willing to cooperate with my server terms and use discord. Will also provide ingame admin status.


thanks alot,


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