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[RELEASE] New Event The Fugitive.


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12:10:59 Error in expression <36,0,0,0.5,0] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos;
_moto setFuel 0;
sleep 2;
deleteVehicle >
12:10:59   Error position: <_moto setFuel 0;
sleep 2;
deleteVehicle >
12:10:59   Error Undefined variable in expression: _moto
12:10:59 File z\addons\dayz_server\modules\event4.sqf, line 110
12:11:01 Error in expression <_moto setFuel 0;
sleep 2;
deleteVehicle _moto;
car = createVehicle ["HMMWV_M1151>
12:11:01   Error position: <_moto;
car = createVehicle ["HMMWV_M1151>
12:11:01   Error Undefined variable in expression: _moto
12:11:01 File z\addons\dayz_server\modules\event4.sqf, line 112
12:11:01 MoveIn: Soldier O 1-1-C:1 already in vehicle O 1-1-C:1

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Ok I'm at work and I'll be off in about 9 hours. I'll have to send them later. I dont know how I could have an error in my script though. I used the most recent one you posted and didnt even edit it or anything. Placed it directly into the file and started the server.

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Dayz Event The Fugitive 
Created by Mig.
You can use, edit, share this script.

private ["_markerRadius","_skins","_fugiWeaponClass","_fugiWeaponAmmo","_numberMagsWeapon","_fugiLuncherClass","_fugiLuncherAmmo","_numberMagsLuncher","_fugiFirstVehicleClass","_fugitiveCoins","_fugiCarModel","_fugitiveMagLoot","_fugitiveWeapLoot","_debug","_waitTime","_startTime","_towns","_randomTowns","_nameTown","_position","_newPos","_allPos","_check","_loop","_getPos","_thePos","_thePos","_monitor","_unit","_eventMarker","_dot","_time","_group","_Pos","_curentTime","_posMoto","_moto","_posCar","_unit2","_m","_aiskin","_unitGroup","_bot","_dot","_wp"];

//----------- CONFIG --------------------------
_markerRadius = 850;                             // radius of the marker
_skins = ["Functionary2","Functionary1","Assistant","Citizen4","Pilot","Rocker3","SchoolTeacher","Villager3"];  // this is a class name of the skin of the fugitive
_fugiWeaponClass = "AK_107_kobra";               // class name fugitive weapon
_fugiWeaponAmmo = "30Rnd_545x39_AK";                // class name of the ammo for the fugitive weapon
_numberMagsWeapon = 4;                           // number magazine for the fugitive weapon 
_fugiLuncherClass = "M136";                      // clssname of the luncher
_fugiLuncherAmmo = "M136";                       // clssname ammo of the luncher
_numberMagsLuncher = 3;                          // number magazines for the luncher
_fugiFirstVehicleClass = "Old_moto_TK_Civ_EP1";  // class name of the first vehicle
_fugitiveCoins = 25000;                          // number  Coin in the fugitive ,if you want a random amount : round(random 20) * 1000; // number between 0 and 20 000
_fugiCarModel = "HMMWV_M1151_M2_CZ_DES_EP1";     // class name of the fugitive car ,make sure have one gunner position
_fugitiveMagLoot = [["ItemWoodFloor",6],["ItemSandbag",7],["workbench_kit",9],["metal_floor_kit",12],["ItemDesertTent",10]];  // loot magazines on the fugitive
_fugitiveWeapLoot = ["ItemEtool","ItemCrowbar","ItemKnife","ItemSledge","ItemCompass","Binocular"];    // loot tools on the fugitive
_debug = false;                                   // activate/deactivate debug markers
_waitTime          = 1200;                       // time end event
//------------END CONFIG ---------------------------

//------------ do not touch after this line------------
uptdateRun = false;
_startTime = floor(time);

east setFriend [west,0];

_towns = nearestLocations [getMarkerPos "center", ["NameVillage","NameCity","NameCityCapital"],5000];
_randomTowns = (_towns select (floor (random (count _towns))));
_nameTown = text _randomTowns;
_position = position _randomTowns;
_newPos = _position findEmptyPosition [0,350];
_allPos = [_newPos];

_check = {
    _position = _this;
    _loop = true;
    while {_loop} do {
        _getPos = selectBestPlaces [[_position,0,1950,0,0,0.5,0] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos,20,"forest",1,1];
		_thePos = ((_getPos select 0) select 0);
		    if ((_thePos distance _x < 600) or (_thePos distance _x >= 1500)) then {_loop = true;}else{_loop = false;
		} forEach _allPos;
	if (_debug) then {
	   _m setMarkerPos _thePos;

_monitor = {
	_unit = _this select 0;
	_eventMarker = _this select 2;
	_dot = _this select 3;
	_time = _this select 4;
	_group = _this select 5;
	_fugiWeaponClass = _this select 6;
	_numberMagsWeapon = _this select 7;
	_fugiWeaponAmmo = _this select 8;
	_fugiLuncherClass = _this select 9;
	_numberMagsLuncher = _this select 10;
	_fugiLuncherAmmo = _this select 11;
	_fugiFirstVehicleClass = _this select 12;
	if (uptdateRun) exitWith {};
	uptdateRun = true;
	while {alive _unit} do {
	    sleep 20;
		_Pos = getPos _unit;
		_curentTime = floor(time);
	    _eventMarker setMarkerPos [(_Pos select 0) + (round random 550),(_pos select 1) + (round random 550),0];
	    _dot setMarkerPos [_Pos select 0,(_pos select 1) + 600,0];
		switch true do {
            case ((_curentTime >= 200) and (_curentTime <= 220)): { // ~3 minutes
				[nil,nil,rTitleText, "Be careful, the fugitive steals a weapon !", "PLAIN",10] call RE;
				_unit addWeapon _fugiWeaponClass;
	            _unit selectWeapon _fugiWeaponClass;
	            for "_a" from 1 to _numberMagsWeapon do {
	                _unit addMagazine _fugiWeaponAmmo;
			case ((_curentTime >= 300) and (_curentTime <= 320)): { // ~5 minutes
				[nil,nil,rTitleText, "The fugitive to find a rocket launcher and ammunition !", "PLAIN",10] call RE;
				_unit addWeapon _fugiLuncherClass;
	            for "_a" from 1 to _numberMagsLuncher do {
	                _unit addMagazine _fugiLuncherAmmo;
			case ((_curentTime >= 420) and (_curentTime <= 440)): {  // ~7 minutes
				[nil,nil,rTitleText, "The fugitive to steal a motorcycle, he will flee !", "PLAIN",10] call RE;
				_posMoto = [getPos _unit,0,35,0,0,0.5,0] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos;
				_moto = createVehicle [_fugiFirstVehicleClass,_posMoto, [],0, "NONE"];
				_moto setDir (getDir _unit);
				dayz_serverObjectMonitor set [count dayz_serverObjectMonitor,_moto];
				_unit moveIndriver _moto;
				_moto setVehicleLock "LOCKED";
			case ((_curentTime >= 600) and (_curentTime <= 620)): {   // ~10 minutes
				[nil,nil,rTitleText, "The fugitive to steal an armed vehicle, find it!", "PLAIN",10] call RE;
				_posCar = [getPos _unit,0,36,0,0,0.5,0] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos;
				_moto setFuel 0;
				sleep 2;
				deleteVehicle _moto;
				car = createVehicle ["HMMWV_M1151_M2_CZ_DES_EP1",_posCar, [],0, "NONE"];
				car setDir (getDir _unit);
				car setVehicleLock "LOCKED";
				car engineOn true;
				dayz_serverObjectMonitor set [count dayz_serverObjectMonitor,car];
				_unit moveIndriver car;
			case ((_curentTime >= 700) and (_curentTime <= 720)): {   // ~11 minutes
				[nil,nil,rTitleText, "The fugitive recruit a gunner for his armed vehicle", "PLAIN",10] call RE;
                _unit2 = _group createUnit ["TK_Soldier_Engineer_EP1",[0,0,0], [],0, "NONE"];
				_unit2 setVariable ["bodyName","Bob",false];
               [_unit2] joinSilent _group;
				_unit2 moveInGunner car;
				_unit2 assignAsGunner car;

if (_debug) then {
    _m = createMarker ["desti",[0,0,0]];
    _m setMarkerText "Destination";
    _m setMarkerShape "ICON";
    _m setMarkerType "dot";
    _m setMarkerColor "ColorBlue";
    _m setMarkerAlpha 1;
    _m setMarkerSize [1,1];

_eventMarker = createMarker [format["fugitive_%1", _startTime], _position];
_eventMarker setMarkerShape "ELLIPSE";
_eventMarker setMarkerColor "ColorBlue";
_eventMarker setMarkerAlpha 0.5;
_eventMarker setMarkerSize [_markerRadius,_markerRadius];

_aiskin = _skins call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;
_curentTime = floor(time);

_unitGroup = createGroup east;
_unit = _unitGroup createUnit [_aiskin, _newPos, [], 10, "PRIVATE"];
[_unit] joinSilent _unitGroup;
_unit setVariable ["bodyName","Stan",false];

if (_fugitiveCoins != 0) then {
    _unit setVariable["cashMoney",_fugitiveCoins,true];

_unit enableAI "TARGET";
_unit enableAI "AUTOTARGET";
_unit enableAI "MOVE";
_unit enableAI "ANIM";
_unit enableAI "FSM";
_unit setCombatMode "RED";
_unitGroup setBehaviour "COMBAT";
removeAllWeapons _unit;
removeAllItems _unit;

if (count _fugitiveMagLoot > 0) then {
	    for "_m" from 1 to (_x select 1) do {
            _unit addMagazine _x select 0;
    } forEach _fugitiveMagLoot;
if (count _fugitiveWeapLoot > 0) then {
         _unit addWeapon _x;
    } forEach _fugitiveWeapLoot;
if (_debug) then {
	_unit spawn {
	    _unit = _this;
	    while {alive _unit} do {
			_bot = createMarker ["bot", getPos _unit];
            _bot setMarkerText "Is Here";
            _bot setMarkerShape "ICON";
            _bot setMarkerType "camp";
            _bot setMarkerColor "ColorRed";
            _bot setMarkerAlpha 1;
            _bot setMarkerSize [1,1];
			sleep 1;
			deleteMarker _bot;

_dot = createMarker [format["dot_%1", _startTime], [_newPos select 0,(_newPos select 1) + 500,0]];
_dot setMarkerText "Fugitive";
_dot setMarkerShape "ICON";
_dot setMarkerType "dot";
_dot setMarkerColor "ColorGreen";
_dot setMarkerAlpha 1;
_dot setMarkerSize [1,1];

[nil,nil,rTitleText,format ["A dangerous bandit  is  escape from the prison of %1, he managed to steal material and the money before disappearing in the nature. catch and kill it before he leaves the country !!",_nameTown], "PLAIN",10] call RE;

while {alive _unit or (_waitTime < (_curentTime - _startTime))} do {
	_Pos = _position call _check;
	_allPos set [count _allPos,_Pos];
    [_unit,_Pos,_eventMarker,_dot,_startTime,_unitGroup,_fugiWeaponClass,_numberMagsWeapon,_fugiWeaponAmmo,_fugiLuncherClass,_numberMagsLuncher,_fugiLuncherAmmo,_fugiFirstVehicleClass] spawn _monitor;
	_wp =_unitGroup addWaypoint [_Pos,10];
	_wp setWaypointType "MOVE";
	waitUntil {(!alive _unit) Or (_unit distance _Pos < 10)};

deleteMarker _eventMarker;
deleteMarker _dot;
uptdateRun = nil;

if (!alive _unit) then {
    [nil,nil,rTitleText,"The fugitive was killed.!!", "PLAIN",10] call RE;
	car = nil;


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So I've only made a few changes to other scripts, uploaded my mission and server PBO again and the fugitive seems to be working fine now. He has a weapon and he shot me.


So the message came about him stealing a launcher and he never obtained it he still only had the AK.

Then the message came saying he stole a motorcycle and then immediately afterwards it said the fugitive was killed. No errors in my RPT about this script and the only thing I can think of is

14:07:03 "HIVE: Vehicle Spawn limit reached!"

Maybe he couldn't spawn it and it deleted it causing it to explode while he was on it? I wasn't watching when it happened.

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yes, these are the values that must be modified.

        if ((timeleft >= 200) and (timeleft <= 225)

		if ((timeleft >= 300) and (timeleft <= 325)
		if ((timeleft >= 420) and (timeleft <= 500)

		if ((timeleft >= 600) and (timeleft <= 660)

		if ((timeleft >= 700) and (timeleft <= 725)


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  • 5 weeks later...

Hi there,

I am using this script on my server and players are very interested in it. Here are a few observations that players have brought to my attention:

1. They hate that they can't take and sell the armored vehicle after they kill the gunner and the fugitive. Is this something that can be added?

2. The green dot in the middle of the mission makes it seem like that is the fugitive's location; but it's not. It's misleading because it moves with the mission circle. Can we put the dot in the middle and keep it there just so players know what it is?

3. After the fugitive gets his armored vehicle and recruits a gunner, they just sit in one place and hide and wait. Is it possible for them to be mobile within the circle?

Overall, I think this is a good concept. With a little bit more work it could be great!

BTW, I think you guys are geniuses for thinking this stuff up!


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9 hours ago, Vladick said:

1. They hate that they can't take and sell the armored vehicle after they kill the gunner and the fugitive. Is this something that can be added?

I'll unlock it so that players can take it
9 hours ago, Vladick said:

2. The green dot in the middle of the mission makes it seem like that is the fugitive's location; but it's not. It's misleading because it moves with the mission circle. Can we put the dot in the middle and keep it there just so players know what it is?

I have deliberately shift the point in the middle of the marker so as not to give the exact position of the fugitive,but that can be changed.

9 hours ago, Vladick said:

3. After the fugitive gets his armored vehicle and recruits a gunner, they just sit in one place and hide and wait. Is it possible for them to be mobile within the circle?

he is supposed to patrol with the vehicle in the given radius, there may be a bug


I will perform tests, if you have suggestions, let me know :wink:

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On 11/24/2018 at 2:36 AM, Mig said:

I'll unlock it so that players can take it

I have deliberately shift the point in the middle of the marker so as not to give the exact position of the fugitive,but that can be changed.

he is supposed to patrol with the vehicle in the given radius, there may be a bug


I will perform tests, if you have suggestions, let me know :wink:

Awesome! Let me know when you have made changes and I will help test it out on my server. Thanks!

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  • 1 year later...

Hi Mig,

Wondering if you have had the chance to update the script to allow players to take and sell the armored vehicle. I see the last commit on Github was Feb. 2019. It would be awesome if there could be a key to the vehicle on the fugitive. But if not, just letting them take it and claim or sell would be awesome.

Also, not the biggest deal but sometimes the armored vehicle spawns hundreds of meters in the air. Don't know if that's something that's fixable or not.


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