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Script Restriction #47


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To clarify,

Is it just civilian side during what you mention as "team selection"?

And one step farther can you provide the exact scripts.log entry for this kick to better help you?

Of course that k you for the information on hosting Epoch 0.5, can you please let us know if you are running any custom scripts from your mission file as well, which might in turn be the culprit here. Anyhow, look forward to hearing from ya with this info!

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This link shows all required mods are up, running, loaded. The 2 I haven't bought yet, but doesn't keep me from joining other servers or my previous server like this either, still always worked.

This link is the initial kick.


After the initial kick, get this error on the way out.

Script Log...

Thought I had the right log file........happen to know the directory?


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Yeah your team selection was a red flag which is why is asked my first question about civilian.

Now that second error showing epoch_code both_init.sqf not found, your mission file is incomplete. That error means you are missing epoch mission file code. 

Included in the github download is a base mission for most a3 maps. Find yours and give it another go!


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Ok, installed the "epoch.Chernarus.pbo" into the server directory in the /mpmissions folder.

Tried to join the server, now I get booted for this...


And that 2nd error still shows upon exiting. "epoch _code_init.sqf not found"

And then A3 Launcher shows my BattlEye log as...

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Hey bud as mentioned those pictures tell us that you are loading the server files on your client.

When you as a player load up the game to play, you only load up Epoch from steam workshop. You do not add the epoch server files to your client setup. That is the first hurdle for you to get through as you would not be able to join any epoch server with your client setup this way.

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Ohhhh! Ok. I was treating it like Ark. Whatever files we would put on the server, client side has to match to be able to join. So I had assumed, which is bad on my end. Sorry I failed to hit that in my head a little better!


So if the server states it has the Cups_Terrains_Core and Cups_Terrains_Maps, do those go in Client side?

Basically, it's showing me, there's 4 main folders in the server...

All 4 were pre-built that way by auto-creation when I ordered the server.

Do any of those need to be loaded client side from the launcher? Or just those ones in purple like Jets and what not?


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