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Wicked AI/Mission system


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I have a problem with WAI, the missions are spawning but when we do the missions there is no loot in the crates and there is no message saying mission is completed.


I have tried this and replaced it with DZMS but have been asked to see if I could get it sorted and as admin try to please players where I can


here is the RPT log



 9:55:40 "WAI: [Mission:[Hero] Mayors Mansion]: Starting... [3739.13,7252.38,0]"
 9:55:40 "WAI: Spawned a group of 4 AI (Bandit) at [3739.13,7252.38,0]"
 9:55:41 "WAI: Spawned a group of 4 AI (Bandit) at [3739.13,7252.38,0]"
 9:55:41 "WAI: Spawned a group of 4 AI (Bandit) at [3739.13,7252.38,0]"
 9:55:41 "WAI: Spawned a group of 4 AI (Bandit) at [3739.13,7252.38,0]"
 9:55:41 "WAI: Spawned a group of 1 AI (Bandit) at [3739.13,7252.38,0]"
 9:55:41 "WAI: Spawned in 2 M2StaticMG"
 9:55:42 "<infiSTAR.de> Locality of unit O 1-1-A:1(Bandit1_DZ) transfered to Client."
 9:55:42 "<infiSTAR.de> Locality of unit O 1-1-A:2(TK_INS_Soldier_EP1_DZ) transfered to Client."
 9:55:42 "<infiSTAR.de> Locality of unit O 1-1-A:3(BanditW1_DZ) transfered to Client."
 9:55:42 "<infiSTAR.de> Locality of unit O 1-1-A:4(TK_INS_Soldier_EP1_DZ) transfered to Client."
 9:55:42 "<infiSTAR.de> Locality of unit O 1-1-C:1(BanditW1_DZ) transfered to Client."
 9:55:42 "<infiSTAR.de> Locality of unit O 1-1-C:2(BanditW2_DZ) transfered to Client."
 9:55:42 "<infiSTAR.de> Locality of unit O 1-1-C:3(GUE_Soldier_CO_DZ) transfered to Client."
 9:55:42 "<infiSTAR.de> Locality of unit O 1-1-C:4(BanditW2_DZ) transfered to Client."
 9:55:42 "<infiSTAR.de> Locality of unit O 1-1-D:1(Bandit1_DZ) transfered to Client."
 9:55:42 "<infiSTAR.de> Locality of unit O 1-1-D:2(BanditW1_DZ) transfered to Client."
 9:55:42 "<infiSTAR.de> Locality of unit O 1-1-D:3(GUE_Soldier_Crew_DZ) transfered to Client."
 9:55:42 "<infiSTAR.de> Locality of unit O 1-1-D:4(BanditW2_DZ) transfered to Client."
 9:55:42 "<infiSTAR.de> Locality of unit O 1-1-G:1(GUE_Soldier_2_DZ) transfered to Client."
 9:55:42 "<infiSTAR.de> Locality of unit O 1-1-G:2(GUE_Commander_DZ) transfered to Client."
 9:55:42 "<infiSTAR.de> Locality of unit O 1-1-G:3(GUE_Soldier_2_DZ) transfered to Client."
 9:55:42 "<infiSTAR.de> Locality of unit O 1-1-G:4(GUE_Soldier_Crew_DZ) transfered to Client."
 9:55:42 "<infiSTAR.de> Locality of unit O 1-1-H:1(Functionary1_EP1_DZ) transfered to Client."
 9:55:42 "<infiSTAR.de> Locality of unit O 1-1-I:1(GUE_Soldier_Crew_DZ) transfered to Client."
 9:55:42 "<infiSTAR.de> Locality of unit O 1-1-I:2(GUE_Commander_DZ) transfered to Client."
 9:55:42 Server: Object 3:37 not found (message 85)
 9:55:54 "infiSTAR.de fnc_AdminFirstReq: [1,B 1-1-C:1 ([uKWK] Dave) REMOTE,B 1-1-C:1 ([uKWK] Dave) REMOTE,[3737.82,7248.09,0]]"
 9:55:54 "infiSTAR.de fnc_AdminReqProceed: [1,B 1-1-C:1 ([uKWK] Dave) REMOTE,B 1-1-C:1 ([uKWK] Dave) REMOTE,[3737.82,7248.09,0]]"
 9:55:54 "infiSTAR.de PVAH_WriteLog: B 1-1-C:1 ([uKWK] Dave) REMOTE   Admin [uKWK] Dave(76561198066675316) teleported to   GPS: 037081   WorldSpace: [3737.82,7248.09,0]"
 9:56:40 Warnings in z\addons\dayz_communityassets\models\can_unlabeled_clean_full.p3d:shadow(1000)
 9:57:45 "DZAI Monitor :: Server Uptime: 0:8:53. Active AI Groups: 0."
 9:57:45 "DZAI Monitor :: Static Spawns: 0. Respawn Queue: 0 groups queued."
 9:57:45 "DZAI Monitor :: Dynamic Spawns: 0. Random Spawns: 0. Air Patrols: 0. Land Patrols: 0."
10:00:04 "RUNNING EVENT: crash_spawner on [2015,6,8,11,0]"
10:00:31 "TIME SYNC: Local Time set to [2013,8,3,11,0]"
10:00:58 [DZMS]: Running Minor Mission SM2.
10:02:46 "DZAI Monitor :: Server Uptime: 0:13:54. Active AI Groups: 0."
10:02:46 "DZAI Monitor :: Static Spawns: 0. Respawn Queue: 0 groups queued."
10:02:46 "DZAI Monitor :: Dynamic Spawns: 0. Random Spawns: 0. Air Patrols: 0. Land Patrols: 0."



The other thing which the players have noticed is that there are no humanity gains or loss for killing AI


Forgot to add running Overpoch Cherno.


Any help would be grateful

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Hello I had the same problem. Someone on GTX forums helped me out. 


This is what he said to do and it worked. 


have you changed the settings in the new infistar up date i had the same probs change true to false for the following /* EXPERIMENTAL CU FIX */ _CUF = false; /* true or false */ /* *experimental* - will transfer serverside units (including mission AI) to clientside */ & ,titleText & cutText */ _TCT = false; /* true or false */ /* block titleText & cutText - some A.I. Missions and other mass message scripts needs this set to false */
hope this sorts out your probs




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Hi everyone,

first of all thanks for this great script :) But I've got a problem with the spawning of missions. I have a Overpoch Origins server so that the map is taviana. By default settings of the find_position.sqf the missions always spawn on mountains. So I've configured static positions where missions can spawn but I've got a problem with this. If someone completes a mission there often spawns a new mission exactly at this position although there are many other positions. This is my find_position.sqf:

if(isServer) then {


    private ["_i","_traders","_possiblePositions","_validspot","_position"];

    markerready = false;

    if(use_blacklist) then {

        _possiblePositions = [

            [8421.72, 20052.3, 0],

            [8859.07, 19218.7, 0],

            [10034.7, 18686.6, 0],

            [10623.7, 17509.4, 0],

            [12156.2, 14931.4, 0],

            [12975.7, 13520.5, 0],

            [13383.7, 11971.1, 0],

            [16146.7, 14680.8, 0],

            [13097.6, 19218.2, 0],

            [17001.7, 8532.04, 0],

            [17667.5, 7506.71, 0],

            [16974.9, 6138.25, 0],

            [7947.84, 7757.94, 0],

            [9156.91, 5646.49, 0],

            [8469.61, 2989.28, 0],

            [4446.66, 6406.61, 0],

            [4722.83, 7931.13, 0],

            [7695.86, 6956.98, 0],

            [5873.4,  16301.1, 0]


    } else {

        _possiblePositions = [

            [8421.72, 20052.3, 0],

            [8859.07, 19218.7, 0],

            [10034.7, 18686.6, 0],

            [10623.7, 17509.4, 0],

            [12156.2, 14931.4, 0],

            [12975.7, 13520.5, 0],

            [13383.7, 11971.1, 0],

            [16146.7, 14680.8, 0],

            [13097.6, 19218.2, 0],

            [17001.7, 8532.04, 0],

            [17667.5, 7506.71, 0],

            [16974.9, 6138.25, 0],

            [7947.84, 7757.94, 0],

            [9156.91, 5646.49, 0],

            [8469.61, 2989.28, 0],

            [4446.66, 6406.61, 0],

            [4722.83, 7931.13, 0],

            [7695.86, 6956.98, 0],

            [5873.4,  16301.1, 0]



    _validspot     = false;

    _i             = 1;

    while{!_validspot} do {

        _position     = _possiblePositions call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;

        _i             = _i + 1;

        _validspot    = true;

        if (_position call inDebug) then { if(debug_mode) then {diag_log("WAI: Invalid Position (Debug)");}; _validspot = false; };

        if(_validspot && wai_avoid_water != 0) then {

            if ([_position,wai_avoid_water] call isNearWater) then { if(debug_mode) then {diag_log("WAI: Invalid Position (Water)");}; _validspot = false; };


        if (_validspot && isNil "infiSTAR_LoadStatus1" && wai_avoid_town != 0) then {

            if ([_position,wai_avoid_town] call isNearTown) then {  if(debug_mode) then {diag_log("WAI: Invalid Position (Town)");}; _validspot = false; };

        }; // ELSE infoSTAR is enabled, need to find another method of finding near towns

        if(_validspot && wai_avoid_road != 0) then {

            if ([_position,wai_avoid_road] call isNearRoad) then { if(debug_mode) then {diag_log("WAI: Invalid Position (Road)");}; _validspot = false; };


        if (_validspot && wai_avoid_missions != 0) then {

            if(debug_mode) then { diag_log("WAI DEBUG: FINDPOS: Checking nearby mission markers: " + str(wai_mission_markers)); };


                if (getMarkerColor _x != "" && (_position distance (getMarkerPos _x) < wai_avoid_missions)) exitWith { if(debug_mode) then {diag_log("WAI: Invalid Position (Marker: " + str(_x) + ")");}; _validspot = false; };

            } count wai_mission_markers;


        if (_validspot && wai_avoid_traders != 0) then {

            if(debug_mode) then { diag_log("WAI DEBUG: FINDPOS: Checking nearby trader markers: " + str(trader_markers)); };


                if (getMarkerColor _x != "" && (_position distance (getMarkerPos _x) < wai_avoid_traders)) exitWith { if(debug_mode) then {diag_log("WAI: Invalid Position (Marker: " + str(_x) + ")");}; _validspot = false; };

            } count trader_markers;


        if(_validspot) then {

            if(debug_mode) then { diag_log("Loop complete, valid position " +str(_position) + " in " + str(_i) + " attempts"); };




    _position set [2, 0];



Is there a way to configure that after cleaning a mission runs a timer that no other mission can spawn at this position for 30 minutes for example? I would be very grateful if anyone has a solution for this.

Best regards,




Yes you can make all your missions static.

You just go gather the coordinates where you want to have missions spawn.


Go through each mission and...


Find this:

_position = [getMarkerPos "center",0,5500,10,0,2000,0] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos;

replace it with this:

_positionarray = [[0,0,0]];
_position = _positionarray call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;
Then you put your coordinates you gathered for Taviana or whatever map into the [[0,0,0]] or each mission.
_positionarray = [[5228.624,12690.62,0]];
_position = _positionarray call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;
You can gather coordinates by using the map editor 
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I am a rookie when it comes to this but I am looking at trying to creatye a few missions to see how it goes.


Thanks for the help.

It's very fun I tried to post a tutorial just now...but it was so damn long and dont know how to use spoilers. Rather not annoy anyone...lol If you want to see how far you can take custom missions in WAI hop on my server King of Overpoch. I have about 40 bandit missions that are all static and customized from top to bottom. I'll answer any questions you have and give you a tour of the mission systems in place. Something you have to see for yourself. WAI is the bees knees. You're gonna have a lot of fun creating missions.

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I'm using all static missions.


-Each one spawns in the same spot every time. Which is what i want.

-I put plotpoles down in the map editor and sunk them in the ground so people cannot build at these mission spots.


The only problem I'm having sometimes the missions spawn on top of each other because they are not set to find a random spot. I thought maybe if i made more missions and had a big ass list of them in the the missionCfg.sqf it would be less of a chance they would not spawn on top of each other...sort of works, but there's that rare time it does spawn again.


Does anyone know of a way I can get each mission to only spawn in once per restart?


Would this work? (taken from bank robbery)

and if so where would I put this code. (It's probably not going to work, is it? :P )

// Checks if script is active, thanks Halvhjearne <3
if(isNil "script_in_progress")then{
        script_in_progress = false;

        systemChat "This script is only useable once (untill restart)!";
script_in_progress = true;
// End Checks if Script is active


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Hi caveman,


I'm deeply grateful for your suggestion to solve my problem but I think there is still a chance that a mission can spawn on a spot where a mission is just finished. For example I gather 2 coordinates for the "Ural Attack" mission, it spawns and someone accomplishes the mission. If the same mission spawns again there is a possibility that the mission spawns exactly on the position where the player finished it I think or am I wrong with that? On my server run 4 missions at the same time so I think there is a high probability that this could happen. Maybe I could solve this with your request that each mission only spawn once per restart but I'm still looking for an instruction how to configure that no mission can spawn on a spot for 30 minutes for expample where a mission is just finished by a player but thanks again for your suggestion caveman.

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Hi guys, GREAT mod, I need a little help please.


Been trying for over a month off/on to get the AlienZ (link to mod) into a WAI mission, with no luck.


I've added the @AlienZ folder and the keys and it loads successfully with no problems. I've gotten a crate built into the admin tools menu that successfully spawns the weapons from the mod.


But i can't get a mission (static or random) to load the characters or vehicles (haven't tried a crate yet no point until the characters are right).


This link indicates that it has been successfully done, but the server is passworded with no indication of what it might be, no one is ever logged in to it, and i cant track the owner down to inquire.


I would like to have 4 -5 different missions that run only when the server is night-time.


Any help or ideas pointing me in the right direction would be tremendously appreciated.

note: this is for a dedicated server

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Hi Guys,

I have updated to the latest version of WAI, the missions are working, the flare is going off at the end of the missions but there is no message appearing when the mission starts.

I have changed - */ _CUF = false; & */ _TCT = false;  (in AHconfig.sqf) - back to true, and it is the same as before (no loot spawning, and not finish of mission) so I changed - */ _CUF = false; & */ _TCT = true; and it is the same no message at the start of missions but evrything else is good.

There are no errors in the RPT file and the reason I updated is because they stopped working before and did not know if I have altered something I should not have.



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Hi Guys,

I have updated to the latest version of WAI, the missions are working, the flare is going off at the end of the missions but there is no message appearing when the mission starts.

I have changed - */ _CUF = false; & */ _TCT = false;  (in AHconfig.sqf) - back to true, and it is the same as before (no loot spawning, and not finish of mission) so I changed - */ _CUF = false; & */ _TCT = true; and it is the same no message at the start of missions but evrything else is good.

There are no errors in the RPT file and the reason I updated is because they stopped working before and did not know if I have altered something I should not have.




wai_radio_announce = false; // Setting this to true will announce the missions to those that hold a radio only


Is that set to true in your config?

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Hi Guys,

I have updated to the latest version of WAI, the missions are working, the flare is going off at the end of the missions but there is no message appearing when the mission starts.

I have changed - */ _CUF = false; & */ _TCT = false;  (in AHconfig.sqf) - back to true, and it is the same as before (no loot spawning, and not finish of mission) so I changed - */ _CUF = false; & */ _TCT = true; and it is the same no message at the start of missions but evrything else is good.

There are no errors in the RPT file and the reason I updated is because they stopped working before and did not know if I have altered something I should not have.




Anyone had/got same problem, we are running overpoch with the following mod's -

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Hi guys, GREAT mod, I need a little help please.


Been trying for over a month off/on to get the AlienZ (link to mod) into a WAI mission, with no luck.


I've added the @AlienZ folder and the keys and it loads successfully with no problems. I've gotten a crate built into the admin tools menu that successfully spawns the weapons from the mod.


But i can't get a mission (static or random) to load the characters or vehicles (haven't tried a crate yet no point until the characters are right).


This link indicates that it has been successfully done, but the server is passworded with no indication of what it might be, no one is ever logged in to it, and i cant track the owner down to inquire.


I would like to have 4 -5 different missions that run only when the server is night-time.


Any help or ideas pointing me in the right direction would be tremendously appreciated.

note: this is for a dedicated server



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  • 4 weeks later...

Hey man, love the script, we (Me and my friend who owns the server) was wondering if there was a way to increase the total amount of missions on the map at one given time? I know 2 are possible at the moment and was wondering if 5 coinciding missions was able to be produced? Any help would be greatly appreciated :D

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  • 2 weeks later...




How would i implement all the overwatch weapons  with the epoch ones in WIA 

also in the mission creates ? in DZMS i put my list in but i cant seem to find where to do it in ehre 

also i run napf was wondering since i have a static lsit in DZMS if i could add those in here also .. 



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  • 1 month later...

Hey guys, I need a little help. I install wai and everything is working right. But now the trader menus wont come up in stary sobor. if you zoom in on the face then they show up. I take wai out and everything is back to normal.... Any thoughts?

Could be that the trader in Stary has the same skin as certain AIs.
I've found that when a player equips a skin that a trader has, I can scroll on them to buy stuff.
Does it happen to all the traders in Stary or just one?

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Could be that the trader in Stary has the same skin as certain AIs.I've found that when a player equips a skin that a trader has, I can scroll on them to buy stuff.
Does it happen to all the traders in Stary or just one?

Thanks for the quick reply. It is all the traders in stary. once I zoom into their faces then it works fine till the next log in. I have to do each one. I haven't check every trader on the map, but hero and klen are working fine. I am checking into the skin to see if there is a duplicate. I am using chernarus_17 traders.

I don't see any duplicates. most of the skins in wai have _dz after it. none of my traders have _dz.    

Edited by KAIWIOS
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