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Epoch Survival Log Part 1


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Adventures in the Quarantine Zone

Part  1: Falling

The first thing I remember is falling and the air rushing in my ears.  Dark shapes form unknown land masses from below. The ground races up and I'm going to die. There is no time left for anything except a scream from frightened lungs.  Suddenly the chute opens and the harness bites into my grateful shoulders.  The sudden deceleration is surprising as I wheel in an uncontrolled circle towards the ground. The canopy of trees catches me in leafy fingers and cradles in cracking branches for a few moments and then I'm dropped onto the ground.  I hear  a church bell tolling in the distance.  The wind is moving through the trees. The parachute is still above me caught in the branches. I struggle out of the harness and leave it behind. What the hell is going on here? I have no clue. Not a single memory to console me. Only questions swirl in unconnected thoughts. Did I jump from a plane? Perhaps I was pushed. It also occurs to me that the chute must have opened by accident because I didn't know I was wearing one. The sudden cold bites into me and I feel vulnerable. The area is full of gracefully swaying trees. The bell draws my attention and I decide to walk towards it.  I am hungry and thirsty.  The thinly spaced woodland gives way to an open field that rolls down a slope towards a distant village nestled in the valley. I think I can hear the ocean. Grey clouds are pushed along by a cold wind framing the stars with irregular and shifting shapes. I pull the edges of my jacket closed and jam cold hands into the shallow pockets. This is when I find the red key in my pocket. Strange I have no recollection of this either and can't imagine what it's for. It looks like a vehicle key but the metal is a strange color. Another mystery to solve I guess as I put the key away and keep walking.  The going is easy and I encounter a few rabbits scurrying off at the sight of me. As I imagine catching one with ease and skinning it for dinner. I seem to have lost my memory.  I search for an answer but don't find one and now I'm frustrated. I don't even know my name or a single thing about me.  Everything becomes uncertain except for the current situation. I keep walking and thinking as the village gets a little closer with every step.  Hunger is bothering me and the first thing I'm going to do when I get down there is find something to eat.  I look through all my pockets and find a piece of paper with numbers on it.

I wonder what it means? The wind dies down and for a few moments I can hear the waves. We must be near the ocean. It's too dark to see anything except the approaching lights of the village. Dotted around like so many jewels of promise. Perhaps they won't be friendly to a stranger. Now fear dogs me as well as I worry about the situation, but there is nothing else for it but to keep going.  The wind has changed direction blowing up the valley from the coast.  Without warning the bell stops tolling and the sole voice of the village falls silent.  The lights still offer sanctuary as I scramble over the barbed wire fence at the boundary of the field. The next one has been ploughed but no crop has been sowed. I follow the line down one furrow to reach the other side. Some birds flit passed  unaware or unconcerned with me as they twist after each other in flight, probably a mating pair. But the sudden swish of wings and their haunted cries has startled me. A scarecrow hangs limply in the field dressed in ragged clothes. I draw closer to make my way across the furrows.  I suddenly realise that its breathing and now only a few feet away I can see it moving. Perhaps it only appeared to be a scarecrow in the darkness as his back is turned away from me. 

"Excuse me sir, are you the farmer of this property?"

He doesn't answer me and I wonder what to say next.

"Sorry to bother you but I'm lost and in need  some help."

He doesn't turn or say anything. I begin to think something is wrong. 

"Please sir can you direct me to the police station?"

I look him up and down and see his left hand is missing. The ragged gore of some farming accident has wrenched the tendons from his arm.  I suddenly feel a wave of concern.  Perhaps he's in shock an unable to communicate? 

"Stay there I'm going to run down to the village and get you some help."

He moans and must have lost a lot of blood. In fact I don't see any as he slowly turns to face me.

A strangled gasp of uncertain syllables is issued from a half torn face. Only one eye ball remains. A jolt of shock roots me to the spot as it tries to grab at me.  

'No way! Not a fucking zombie!'


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