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[Release] ESSV3 - Enhanced Spawn Selection [Updated for]


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Anyone able to help me here. I followed the instruction but after selecting my spawn point I am placed in the debug plains.

I have this error in my RPT 


 Error position: <dayz_clientPreload and !(isNull _agent)>
  Error Undefined variable in expression: dayz_clientpreload
Error in expression <dayz_clientPreload and !(isNull _agent)>


I get the spawn selection, etc all fine but end up in the debug plains and this comes up in my RPT. Any ideas on how to fix? Thanks in advance!

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  • 2 weeks later...
  On 3/9/2017 at 3:58 PM, JohnnyLube said:

Okay whats going wrong here :-) I have infistar and as an active character when i start the game this comes up. I just esc past the 3 screens to get in game. Which bit have ai buggered up??



ArmA2OA 2017-03-09 15-53-30-14.jpg


Any client RPT errors? I have a vague memory that there is an error that comes up at this point with infistar.

In future, please attach your client RPT as it helps us find out errors faster instead of playing email tag

To find this logfile:

C:\users\<YOUR WINDOWS USERNAME>\AppData\Local\Arma 2 OA\ArmA2OA.RPT


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Getting all the big guns out on this problem tonight :-)

Step 4

PVCDZ_plr_Login2 = [[0,respawn_west_original],_state,_worldspace,_randomSpot,([_randomSpot,_playerID] call spawn_config)];
_clientID = owner _playerObj;
_clientID publicVariableClient "PVCDZ_plr_Login2";
if (dayz_townGenerator) then {
    _clientID publicVariableClient "PVCDZ_plr_plantSpawner";

Step 6

// Precise base building 1.0.5
call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_server\compile\kk_functions.sqf";
#include "spawn_config.sqf"
[] execVM "\a2_infiSTAR\AH.sqf";

Should I drop the #include bit below the infistar entry?

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Very occasionnally getting this error pop up, and players cant respawn, they are just stuck in debug. Actually had it happen to me aswell.

Would it be an issue with the spawn loadouts perhaps? Ive not touched server_playerDied except to add this script and its weird its only very random and occasional.

When it happened to me, and also to another player, the kill message showed twice, and even though theey were "dead", their esp marker still showed on thier body like they werent.

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class_selection = true; //Enable class selection dialog
#define START_ITEMS "HandRoadFlare","ItemBandage",2,"ItemPainkiller","ItemWaterbottle","FoodPistachio"
class_public = [ // These are visible to anyone on the server
    [(localize "str_playerstats_bandit")+" Lvl1","Bandit1_DZ","BanditW1_DZ",[START_ITEMS,"17Rnd_9x19_glock17",2],["G17_DZ"],"",[],[],0,-5000,0,""],
    [(localize "str_playerstats_bandit")+" Lvl2","Bandit1_DZ","BanditW1_DZ",[START_ITEMS,"17Rnd_9x19_glock17",3,"ItemMorphine"],["G17_DZ"],"DZ_Assault_Pack_EP1",[],[],0,-10000,0,""],
    [(localize "str_playerstats_bandit")+" Lvl3","Bandit1_DZ","BanditW1_DZ",[START_ITEMS,"17Rnd_9x19_glock17",4,"ItemMorphine"],["G17_DZ"],"DZ_TK_Assault_Pack_EP1",[],[],0,-15000,0,"MeleeHatchet"],
    ["VIP1",    "Sniper1_DZ","SurvivorW2_DZ",["100Rnd_556x45_BetaCMag",2],["M4SPR"],"DZ_LargeGunBag_EP1",[],[],1,0,5000], //"Crossbow_CCO_DZ"
    ["VIP2",    "Sniper1_DZ","SurvivorW2_DZ",["5Rnd_762x51_M24",4,"30Rnd_556x45_StanagSD",2],["M24_Gh_DZ"],"DZ_LargeGunBag_EP1",[],[],2,0,5000,"M4A1_CCO_SD_MFL_DZ"],
    ["VIP3",    "Sniper1_DZ","SurvivorW2_DZ",    ["20Rnd_762x51_DMR",2,"100Rnd_762x51_M240",2],["DMR_Gh_DZ"], "DZ_LargeGunBag_EP1",    [],[],3,0,5000,"Mk48_Holo_DZ"],
    [(localize "str_playerstats_hero")+" Lvl1",if (class_epoch) then {"Soldier_Sniper_PMC_DZ"} else {"Survivor3_DZ"},"SurvivorW2_DZ",[START_ITEMS,"6Rnd_45ACP",2],["Revolver_DZ"],"",[],[],0,5000,0,""],
    [(localize "str_playerstats_hero")+" Lvl2",if (class_epoch) then {"Soldier_Sniper_PMC_DZ"} else {"Survivor3_DZ"},"SurvivorW2_DZ",[START_ITEMS,"6Rnd_45ACP",3,"ItemMorphine"],["Revolver_DZ"],"DZ_Assault_Pack_EP1",[],[],0,10000,0,""],
    [(localize "str_playerstats_hero")+" Lvl3",if (class_epoch) then {"Soldier_Sniper_PMC_DZ"} else {"Survivor3_DZ"},"SurvivorW2_DZ",[START_ITEMS,"6Rnd_45ACP",4,"ItemMorphine"],["Revolver_DZ"],"DZ_TK_Assault_Pack_EP1",[],[],0,15000,0,"MeleeHatchet"],
    [localize "str_playerstats_survivor","Survivor2_DZ","SurvivorW2_DZ",[START_ITEMS,"8Rnd_9x18_Makarov",2],["Makarov_DZ"],"",[],[],0,0,0]


They dont seem to work correctly like your previous builds. I've tested stock with above code and uid in class_level1 (tested server sided and client sided) and they show in the list but are not blocked. Maybe it has something to do with the block list? Tried adding code but it didnt work :S



_block = switch true do {
    case (_hlevel < 0 && _humanity >= _hlevel): {systemChat format[localize "STR_ESS_HUMANITY_TOO_HIGH",_hlevel]; true};
    case (_hlevel > 0 && _humanity <= _hlevel): {systemChat format[localize "STR_ESS_HUMANITY_TOO_LOW",_hlevel]; true};
    case ((_level == 1) && {!(_puid in _classLevel1)}): {systemChat format ["You need reward level %1 for this class",_level]; true};
    case ((_level == 2) && {!(_puid in _classLevel2)}): {systemChat format ["You need reward level %1 for this class",_level]; true};
    case ((_level == 3) && {!(_puid in _classLevel3)}): {systemChat format ["You need reward level %1 for this class",_level]; true};

    default {false};



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  On 3/13/2017 at 6:09 PM, MG-Maximus said:

They dont seem to work correctly like your previous builds. I've tested stock with above code and uid in class_level1 (tested server sided and client sided) and they show in the list but are not blocked. Maybe it has something to do with the block list? Tried adding code but it didnt work :S




you are in the mission file... you need to edit the server sided file. Ebay moved it to the server so uids and vips arnt shown mission sided.


go in your server pbo and init folder. you should have a spawn_config.sqf there if you followed the instructions.

Thats the file you need to edit for VIP or admin loadouts

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  On 3/13/2017 at 9:02 PM, theduke said:

you are in the mission file... you need to edit the server sided file. Ebay moved it to the server so uids and vips arnt shown mission sided.


go in your server pbo and init folder. you should have a spawn_config.sqf there if you followed the instructions.

Thats the file you need to edit for VIP or admin loadouts


I have done that.. they work but are invisible to all but the person who's uid is in the list - we like them to visible to all players but locked to players not in the uid list.

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  On 3/13/2017 at 9:29 PM, MG-Maximus said:

I have done that.. they work but are invisible to all but the person who's uid is in the list - we like them to visible to all players but locked to players not in the uid list.


dont think is the issue why they arnt showing, but you're sequence is broken it seems

first line should have ,"" after ,5000..if im not mistaken. honestly not sure if it makes a difference lol

  ["VIP1",    "Sniper1_DZ","SurvivorW2_DZ",["100Rnd_556x45_BetaCMag",2],["M4SPR"],"DZ_LargeGunBag_EP1",[],[],1,0,5000], //"Crossbow_CCO_DZ"
    ["VIP2",    "Sniper1_DZ","SurvivorW2_DZ",["5Rnd_762x51_M24",4,"30Rnd_556x45_StanagSD",2],["M24_Gh_DZ"],"DZ_LargeGunBag_EP1",[],[],2,0,5000,"M4A1_CCO_SD_MFL_DZ"],
    ["VIP3",    "Sniper1_DZ","SurvivorW2_DZ",    ["20Rnd_762x51_DMR",2,"100Rnd_762x51_M240",2],["DMR_Gh_DZ"], "DZ_LargeGunBag_EP1",    [],[],3,0,5000,"Mk48_Holo_DZ"],

like so

["VIP1",   "Sniper1_DZ","SurvivorW2_DZ",["100Rnd_556x45_BetaCMag",2],["M4SPR"],"DZ_LargeGunBag_EP1",[],[],1,0,5000,""], //"Crossbow_CCO_DZ"

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  On 3/13/2017 at 9:35 PM, theduke said:

dont think is the issue why they arnt showing, but you're sequence is broken it seems

first line should have ,"" after ,5000..if im not mistaken. honestly not sure if it makes a difference lol

  ["VIP1",    "Sniper1_DZ","SurvivorW2_DZ",["100Rnd_556x45_BetaCMag",2],["M4SPR"],"DZ_LargeGunBag_EP1",[],[],1,0,5000], //"Crossbow_CCO_DZ"
    ["VIP2",    "Sniper1_DZ","SurvivorW2_DZ",["5Rnd_762x51_M24",4,"30Rnd_556x45_StanagSD",2],["M24_Gh_DZ"],"DZ_LargeGunBag_EP1",[],[],2,0,5000,"M4A1_CCO_SD_MFL_DZ"],
    ["VIP3",    "Sniper1_DZ","SurvivorW2_DZ",    ["20Rnd_762x51_DMR",2,"100Rnd_762x51_M240",2],["DMR_Gh_DZ"], "DZ_LargeGunBag_EP1",    [],[],3,0,5000,"Mk48_Holo_DZ"],

like so

["VIP1",   "Sniper1_DZ","SurvivorW2_DZ",["100Rnd_556x45_BetaCMag",2],["M4SPR"],"DZ_LargeGunBag_EP1",[],[],1,0,5000,""], //"Crossbow_CCO_DZ"


Thanks I'll try that

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This Works:

Add in Class pick sqf above _humanity = player getVariable ["humanity",0];


_level = _class select 8;
_puid = getPlayerUID player;
if ((_level == 1) && {!(_puid in class_Level1)}) exitWith {systemChat "This class is for Event Winner only.";_block=true;};
if ((_level == 2) && {!(_puid in class_Level2)}) exitWith {systemChat "This class is for Event Winner only.";_block=true;};
if ((_level == 3) && {!(_puid in class_Level3)}) exitWith {systemChat "This class is for Event Winner only.";_block=true;};


Then the server config add:


class_level1 = [
class_level2 = [
class_level3 = [
publicVariable "class_level1";
publicVariable "class_level2";
publicVariable "class_level3";


Not sure its the best way to do it but maybe ebay wouldnt mind cleaning up when he's free-

also needs something to add the lock sign

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